Kettl commission report on state aid to counties for human services and justice services: JCLO to review and make recommendations -  AB227
Kettl commission report on state aid to counties for human services and justice services: JCLO to review and make recommendations [Sec. 9132 (1); original bill only]  - SB55
LIRC findings in worker's compensation or UI case: standard by which a court may set aside -  AB397
Notice re ineligibility to vote: court and Corr.Dept requirements created -  AB373
Probation condition re confinement in certain Milwaukee facilities: court may recommend -  AB418
Probation condition re confinement in certain Milwaukee facilities: court may recommend -  SB192
court _ appellateCourt — Appellate
Rules of appellate procedure revised re review of orders denying certain motions, petitions for review, integrated appeal procedures for certain appeals, and postdisposition relief in cases involving commitment of sexually violent persons  - SB490
court _ circuitCourt — Circuit, see Circuit court
court _ clerkCourt — Clerk
Circuit court clerk term of office revised: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR24
Circuit court clerk term of office revised: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR16
Counties allowed to elect or appoint certain county officers; appointment to vacancies revised. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR22
Special prosecution fee eliminated; state's responsibility to fund certain Milwaukee county court clerk positions removed [Sec. 782, 3835, 3836, 4032, 4033, 9309 (3)]  - AB144
Special prosecution fee eliminated; state's responsibility to fund certain Milwaukee county court clerk positions removed [Sec. 782, 3835, 3836, 4032, 4033, 9309 (3); original bill only] - SB55
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR13
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR17
court _ commissionerCourt — Commissioner, see also Family court commissioner
Court commissioner power and duties consolidated in the statutes; circuit court and supplemental court commissioners created -  AB354
Court commissioner training appropriation created [Sec. 927] - AB144
Court commissioner training appropriation created [Sec. 927; S.Sub.Amdt.1: continuing education requirements and fees, 3780q] -  SB55
Court commissioners made executive participating employees under WRS -  SB46
court _ feeCourt — Fee
Assessments, fees, fines, forfeitures, restitution payments, and surcharges collection: additional fee created, credit or debit card payment accepted, and docket of persons who have not paid established -  AB862
Circuit court support fee increased [Sec. 520-522, 9309 (1)]  - JR2 AB1
Consumer protection assessment revisions [Sec. 402, 2422-2427, 3832, 3834, 9304 (1)] - AB144
Consumer protection assessment revisions [Sec. 402, 2422-2427, 3832, 3834, 9304 (1); Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes 3832] -  SB55
Driver improvement surcharge increased [Sec. 3444, 9352 (5)] - AB144
Driver improvement surcharge increased [Sec. 3444, 9352 (5)] - SB55
Driver improvement surcharge increased; portion to go to law enforcement agency -  AB566
Law enforcement training fund created; penalty assessment surcharge to finance [Sec. 765-768, 852, 1067-1087, 1586, 1996, 1997, 2005-2014, 2546-2556, 2858, 2859, 3428-3442, 3445, 3774-3780, 3795-3826, 3831, 3833, 3889, 3904, 3997, 4015-4018, 4047-4056, 9359 (4)] - AB144
Law enforcement training fund created; penalty assessment surcharge to finance [Sec. 765-768, 852, 1067-1087, 1586, 1996, 1997, 2005-2014, 2546-2556, 2858, 2859, 3428-3442, 3445, 3774-3780, 3795-3826, 3831, 3833, 3889, 3904, 3997, 4015-4018, 4047-4056, 9359 (4); S.Sub.Amdt.1: training fund removed, automated fingerprint identification system grants, 770n, p, 852n, 855n, p, 3777n, 9131 (2c), 9201 (6c), (6d), 9211 (2c), 9240 (1c), 9359 (4c), 9431 (1c), deletes 765, 852, 1067-1087, 1586, 2546-2556, 2859, 3428-3442, 3778-3780, 3802-3816, 3831, 3833, 3889, 3904, 3997, 9359 (4)]  - SB55
Plaintiff payment of costs of jailed defendant in certain actions: language requiring payment removed [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3836t, 3871y] - SB55
Special prosecution fee eliminated; state's responsibility to fund certain Milwaukee county court clerk positions removed [Sec. 782, 3835, 3836, 4032, 4033, 9309 (3)]  - AB144
Special prosecution fee eliminated; state's responsibility to fund certain Milwaukee county court clerk positions removed [Sec. 782, 3835, 3836, 4032, 4033, 9309 (3); original bill only] - SB55
court _ municipalCourt — Municipal
BAC testing and breathalyzer refusal hearings: municipal court allowed to hold; transfer to circuit court provision  - AB534
Joint municipal court: notification of creation or abolition requirements revised -  AB826
Joint municipal court: notification of creation or abolition requirements revised -  SB477
Juvenile records: law enforcement and juvenile and municipal court disclosure provisions revised; confidentiality provision - AB621
Motor vehicle operating privilege: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture - SB59
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture  - AB5
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4), 9452 (5)] -  AB144
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4), 9452 (5); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4k), 9452 (5k)] -  SB55
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture  - SB60
Motor vehicle operating privilege of an adult: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture; occupational driver's license provision -  AB271
Municipal court order revision re consecutive or concurrent term of imprisonment -  AB747
Municipal court OWI cases: right to jury trial removed -  AB440
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  AB508
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  SB253
Truancy or habitual truancy dispositional order revisions; municipal court to open juvenile records to certain persons - AB500
court _ procedureCourt — Procedure
Alcohol beverage law violations resulting in a forfeiture: pretrial discovery prohibited -  AB487
Attorney fees and costs re incompetency and guardianship proceedings: payment from ward's estate re power of attorney - SB257
Attorneys representing criminal defendants: power to issue subpoenas -  AB254
Body armor: violent felony offenders prohibited from possessing; exceptions provided -  AB157
Communication with jurors prohibition expanded to include former jurors and juror's family members; intent to harass, annoy, abuse, frighten, threaten, or intimidate and penalty enhancement provisions; court permitted to revoke defendant's release under certain conditions -  SB363
Competency examination ordered by court: releasing report to sheriff or jailer under certain conditions  - AB578
Counterclaims in civil actions: federal rules adopted -  AB198
Crime victim right to make a statement at sentencing or disposition: revision re notice by prosecutor  - SB92
Damages caused by dogs to persons, animals, or property: liability and forfeiture revisions; court order to kill a dog modified - AB462
Depiction of nudity without subject's consent: prohibition against making, possessing, or distributing revised [A.Amdt.1: exhibiting added; A.Amdt.2: civil cause of action added; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] - AB60
Depositions taken by certain persons: prohibitions expanded re contracts with person financially interested in the action - AB126
Depositions taken by certain persons: prohibitions expanded re contracts with person financially interested in the action - SB52
Depository account with financial institution and electronic service providers' subscribers: AG and DA may obtain court order for disclosure of information -  SB363
Discovery procedure in implied consent hearing -  AB216
Discovery procedure in implied consent hearing -  SB95
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision -  AB291
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to S. Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 676r, 2858c-k, 3780c, d, 3828c, k, L, 3829d-p, 3889p, r, 3908g, 3984j, p, 3998c-n, 4002r-v, 4003r, t, 4028c-j, 4031c, e, s, 4034ys, 9359 (12c)] -  SB55
Domestic abuse restraining order and injunction revisions; definition revised -  SB438
Domestic violence laws revised and expanded, includes provisions re caregivers, confidentiality, advocate-victim privilege, and injunctions [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 274m, 514c-s, 519mb-mz, 523c-m, 657b-661b, 874x, 875b, 877g, 9309 (2zy), (2zz)] -  JR2 AB1
Exposing child to harmful material: affirmative defense modified re knowledge of age -  SB26
Expunction of court records of certain dismissed misdemeanor charges: procedure created -  AB258
Grand jury and John Doe proceedings: statewide jurisdiction authorized under certain conditions  - SB363
Homicide cases: plea and verdict of guilty but mentally ill created -  AB569
Jailed debtor re certain civil actions: payment of jail costs revised -  AB308
Jailed debtor re certain civil actions: payment of jail costs revised -  SB142
Marijuana used for medical purposes: medical necessity defense established, definition provided; distributing nonprofit corporations must register with DHFS - AB715
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; exceptions for certain abortions; related activities re promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of prohibited; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court permitted; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated -  AB831
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; related activities re promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of prohibited; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court permitted; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated  - AB546
Organization engaged in abortion-related activities: prohibition on payment of public funds expanded; related activities re promoting, encouraging, or counseling in favor of prohibited; petition for writ of mandamus or prohibition with circuit court permitted; LAB duty specified; authority to provide nondirective information about pregnancy termination eliminated  - SB348
Personal identifying information or document misappropriation outside the state involving a Wisconsin resident: jurisdiction to prosecute in this state -  AB406
Personal information of children: disclosure prohibitions created; injunction provision -  AB195
Privilege for communication shared between victim of abusive conduct and individual working for organization providing free counseling, assistance, or support services  - SB439
Public defender board appropriations increased re trial representation and Conflicts office positions; quarterly reports required - AB536
Public defender board appropriations increased re trial representation and Conflicts office positions; quarterly reports required - SB278
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns, and villages; 1st and 2nd class cities provision; landlord or receiver prohibitions; redemption revised  - AB205
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns, and villages; 1st and 2nd class cities provision; landlord or receiver prohibitions; redemption revised  - SB88
Response to pleading: time period revised; exceptions provided  - AB657