Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt -  AB4
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: exception re certain serious felony convictions and not pardoned; educational agency exempt -  AB521
Family involvement in education projects: State superintendent to award grants -  SB72
School district consolidation and coordination studies and CESA development of education services: grants for [Sec. 553, 554, 2624, 2676] -  AB144
School district consolidation and coordination studies and CESA development of education services: grants for [Sec. 553, 554, 2624, 2676; original bill only]  - SB55
Testing an individual for HIV re significant exposure in perfoming employment duties: authority expanded to schools and CESAs -  SB202
efficiency in state governmentEfficiency in state government, see State agencies
eisenberg, howard bEisenberg, Howard B.
Life and public service - JR2 AR5
Conference committee on AB-49 and SB-110 created -  AJR54
Conference committee on AB-843 and SB-104 created -  SJR63
Election administration law revisions re poll worker qualifications, compensation of election officials, distribution of Elections board publications and district maps, disqualification of candidates re infamous crime, recall elections for local officers, central counting locations, voting in certain homes and facilities, names of municipal candidates and referenda certification, joint municipal courts, and county board of canvassers  - AB826
Election administration law revisions re poll worker qualifications, compensation of election officials, distribution of Elections board publications and district maps, disqualification of candidates re infamous crime, recall elections for local officers, central counting locations, voting in certain homes and facilities, names of municipal candidates and referenda certification, joint municipal courts, and county board of canvassers  - SB477
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration at satellite locations, polling hours, leave for service as election official, and voting by felons and immigrants; Elections board study required re statewide registration; Special legislative committee for the study of multilingual voting needs created - SB110
Election recount revisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 93-t, 9315 (1q)] -  SB55
Elector voting revision re presentation of valid driver's license or ID card, or birth certificate at polling place  - AB12
Lieutenant governor, Office of: nomination of major party candidates revised; declining nomination and filling vacancy provisions -  SB205
Municipal candidate name and referenda certification deadline revised -  AB826
Municipal candidate name and referenda certification deadline revised -  SB477
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics board, and election provisions -  AB682
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics board, DA, and election provisions -  AB801
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics board, DA, and election provisions -  AB843
Polling place hours revised - AB41
Public broadcasting television stations and public access channels required to provide free time for candidates for state office; Elections board duty specified - AB843
Vacancies in certain local elective offices: special election permitted under certain conditions - AB863
elections _ advertisingElections — Advertising
Campaign advertising disclosure requirements revised -  AB811
elections _ ballotsElections — Ballots
Absentee voting provisions modified re nursing or retirement home or CBRF -  AB826
Absentee voting provisions modified re nursing or retirement home or CBRF -  SB477
Absentee voting revisions re certification witness, age, and reasons for being absent -  AB11
Central counting location re electronic voting system: supervision of modified -  AB826
Central counting location re electronic voting system: supervision of modified -  SB477
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration at satellite locations, polling hours, leave for service as election official, and voting by felons and immigrants; Elections board study required re statewide registration; Special legislative committee for the study of multilingual voting needs created - SB110
Election procedure revisions re polling hours and leave for service as an election official; Election board recommendations re voter ID cards, eliminating punch card systems, compensation for election officials, and statewide voter registration - AB49
Punch card voting system elimination: Elections board to study -  AB309
Punch card voting systems eliminated; voting system transitional assistance provided; electronic voting equipment lease and sublease provisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2m-9y, 29p-69s, 76ab, ac, 81m, 87o-87s, 94sm-96m, 906m, n, 1994m, 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x), 9129 (1x), 9415 (2x), (2y)] - SB55
Straight party ticket voting authority eliminated -  AB641
Voter registration: use of corroboration repealed; valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card required; absentee ballot and DOT provisions -  AB259
Write-in candidates: provisions re filing declaration of candidacy and recording of votes -  AB158
elections _ campaign expenseElections — Campaign expense
Campaign contributions prohibited during specified time period [Assembly rule 98] -  AR23
Campaign contributions prohibited prior to passage of the executive budget bill [Assembly rule 98]  - AR22
Campaign contributions reporting required prior to passage of executive budget bill [Assembly rule 98]  - AR17
Campaign depository account balances limited [Assembly rule 98] -  AR11
Campaign expenditure for state or local office: Legislature authorized to set reasonable limits by law. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR6
Campaign finance for county, city, town, or village office: local ordinance authorized, Elections board must certify; local elections boards permitted -  AB421
Campaign finance for county, city, town, or village office: local ordinance authorized, Elections board must certify; local elections boards permitted -  SB194
Campaign finance law revised re office of justice of the supreme court -  AB303
Campaign finance law revised re office of justice of the supreme court -  SB115
Campaign finance law revisions re filing finance reports, mass media activities, disbursement and contribution limitations, legislative campaign committees, and Wisconsin election campaign fund; penalties and nonseverability provisions  - SB104
Campaign finance law revisions re filing reports, disbursement levels and limitations, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, transfer of campaign surpluses for use in campaigns for different office, Wisconsin election campaign fund, enforcement, public broadcasting television stations and public access channels, and official action in return for providing or withholding things of value  - AB843
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and reporting exemptions, timeliness and electronic filing of reports, mass media activities, special reporting by certain registrants, disbursement limitations and independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, residual or excess fund disposition, Wisconsin election campaign fund, and penalty provisions; Elections board, official action in return for providing or withholding things of value, and nonseverability provisions  - AB801
Campaign finance law revisions re reporting requirements, disbursement limitations and individual disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, disposition of residual or excess funds, and the Wisconsin election campaign fund; income and franchise tax deductions and credits modified; Elections board and nonseverability provisions -  AB155
Campaign finance law revisions re reporting requirements, disbursement limitations and individual disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, conduits, disposition of residual or excess funds, and the Wisconsin election campaign fund; income and franchise tax deductions and credits modified; Elections board and nonseverability provisions -  SB62
Campaign finance law revisions; tax credit provision; attorney general directed to seek declaratory judgment re treatment of chap.11, Wis.Stats, is constitutional [Conf.Amdt.2 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 1bc, bf, psb, psc, sb-sw, tu-ude, udh-ugL, 2d, 23p, 25c-x, 52gj, 79t, 170mj-t, 519m, 9115 (2v)-(2y), 9132 (4v), 9215 (3v), 9244 (6v), 9315 (2v), (2w), 9344 (2v), 9415 (1zx)] -  JR2 AB1
Campaign finance law revisons re registration and reporting requirements and exception for nonresident registrants  - AB18
Campaign finance law revisons re registration and reporting requirements and exception for nonresident registrants  - SB2
Election campaign fund designation on individual income tax returns revised -  SB150
Fund-raising social events in Dane county during floorperiods and special and extraordinary sessions addressed [Joint rule 8] - AJR17
Legislative campaign committees eliminated; limit on contributions received by political parties increased  - AB726
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised -  AB184
Political contributions made by individuals or organizations acting as conduits: treatment revised  - AB919
Special order of business for March 8, 2001 established re SB-2  - AR26
Wisconsin election campaign fund moneys used to make false representations prohibited -  AB441
Wisconsin election campaign fund replaced by Clean elections fund -  AB295
Wisconsin election campaign fund replaced by Clean elections fund -  SB137
elections _ contested electionsElections — Contested elections
Election recount revisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 93-t, 9315 (1q)] -  SB55
elections _ observersElections — Observers
Election observer training programs and grants to finance cost of maintenance of the statewide elector registration list [Sec. 6, 7, 907, 909] -  AB144
Election observer training programs and grants to finance cost of maintenance of the statewide elector registration list [Sec. 6, 7, 907, 909; original bill only] - SB55
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Canvasses of elections re offices of president and vice president: withholding results from public inspection until set time - AB38
Chief inspector certification and training [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 72m, 81aa, 83ab, 85m, s, 906j, 9315 (1k)] - SB55
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration at satellite locations, polling hours, leave for service as election official, and voting by felons and immigrants; Elections board study required re statewide registration; Special legislative committee for the study of multilingual voting needs created - SB110
Election official may decline compensation; county board of canvassers membership modified re county clerk  - AB826
Election official may decline compensation; county board of canvassers membership modified re county clerk  - SB477
Election officials: provision re local government employee service [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.SubAmdt.1: Sec. 87f, m, 2615v, 9315 (1y)] -  SB55
Election officials training and certification program: Elections board to make recommendations to Legislature  - AB40
Election procedure revisions re polling hours and leave for service as an election official; Election board recommendations re voter ID cards, eliminating punch card systems, compensation for election officials, and statewide voter registration - AB49
Elections administration revisions; certain pupils may serve as inspectors [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1bg, pc-pr, pt-rx, tc-tr, udf, udg, 274h-L, 280p, 512f]  - JR2 AB1
Elections administration revisions re voter registration and list changes, identification required to vote, and supervision of local election practices [Sec. 1-5, 8-85, 87-97, 906, 908, 992, 1994, 2263, 2264, 2677, 2759, 2801, 3054, 9415 (1)]  - AB144
Elections administration revisions re voter registration and list changes, identification required to vote, and supervision of local election practices [Sec. 1-5, 8-85, 87-97, 906, 908, 992, 1994, 2263, 2264, 2677, 2759, 2801, 3054, 9415 (1); original bill only] -  SB55
Polling place hours revised - AB41
Polling place workers: municipal governing bodies may appoint and use reserve inspectors; residency requirement for certain election officials modified -  AB339