Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 (H.R. 808): Congress urged to enact -  AR36
Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 (H.R. 808): Congress urged to enact -  SR10
Tax incentives: productivity enhancement training, apprenticeship, and education tax credits created; development zone tax credits revised -  AB516
Tax incentives: productivity enhancement training, apprenticeship, and education tax credits created; development zone tax credits revised -  SB249
Technology development grants and commercialization loans re pollution reduction or energy conservation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 504c, m] -  JR2 AB1
Technology zones and agricultural development zones: JCF approval required; tax credit provision  - AB539
Technology zones: Comm.Dept to designate; tax credit eligibility; sunset provided [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2181, 2193, 2195, 2204, 3713, 9344 (22)] -  AB144
Technology zones: Comm.Dept to designate; tax credit eligibility; sunset provided [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2181, 2193, 2195, 2204, 3713, 9344 (22); S.Sub.Amdt.1: partnerships, LLCs and tax options made ineligible, zone designation with JCF approval] -  SB55
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -  AB144
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -  SB55
Venture capital investment limits and conditions set re Investment board; Comm.Dept high-technology business development corporation grant revisions re biotechnology  - SB296
Wetlands water quality standards for site in Trempealeau county: provisions of 1999 WisAct 9 repealed and recreated [declared unconstitutional by Trempealeau county circuit court] -  AB580
Wetlands water quality standards for site in Trempealeau county: provisions of 1999 WisAct 9 repealed and recreated [declared unconstitutional by Trempealeau county circuit court] -  SB290
Wisconsin advanced telecommunications foundation elimination; fund transfers; technology provisions re technical college Internet courses, industrial development and growth, U.S. Learning Innovations, Internet 2, digital mammography machine, advance distributed co-laboratory, geographical education, and other technological advances [for section numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"]  - AB144
Wisconsin advanced telecommunications foundation elimination; fund transfers; technology provisions re technical college Internet courses, industrial development and growth, U.W. Learning Innovations, Internet 2, digital mammography machine, advance distributed co-laboratory, geographical education, and other technological advances [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Telecommunications"] -  SB55
Wisconsin development fund treatment and grants for specific purposes; business planning grant re vodka distillation from potatoes and potato waste [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 438m, 3619w, 3692c, 9110 (10eg), 9410 (2xyf)]  - SB55
industrial development revenue _idr_Industrial development revenue (IDR), see Bonds
Homestead tax credit: maximum property taxes and maximum income indexed for inflation -  AB841
Individual income tax credits indexed for inflation in certain cases -  AB25
Revenue limits for school districts: inflation adjustment eliminated [Sec. 2207, 2790-2795] -  AB144
Revenue limits for school districts: inflation adjustment eliminated [Sec. 2207, 2790-2795; S.Sub.Amdt.1: revenue limit inflation adjustment restored, deletes 2790-2795]  - SB55
Referenda scheduling by local governments revised; Referendum appeal board created -  AB2
AG authority re civil rights actions and inquests [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1996m, 2854m, 4033g-n, 4034b-y]  - SB55
Autopsy for deceased inmates of correctional facilities required [Sec. 4034, 9311 (4)] -  AB144
Autopsy for deceased inmates of correctional facilities required [Sec. 4034, 9311 (4)] -  SB55
Autopsy records: confidentiality provision created -  AB604
Autopsy records: confidentiality provision created -  AB621
insulinInsulin, see Disease
Fraudulent representations and deceptive advertising: exemptions for the insurance and real estate businesses repealed; preapproval of open-end credit plan provisions  - SB396
Insurance law: miscellaneous changes re patients' compensation fund, loss of real property used as a dwelling, temporary license, license renewal, confidentiality of certain personally identifiable information, town mutual, adoption of certain standards, illegal placement of insurance, chiropractic services, premium taxes, extraordinary dividend formula, and interest rate of individual annuity contracts  - AB870
Insurance law: miscellaneous changes re patients' compensation fund, loss of real property used as a dwelling, temporary license, license renewal, confidentiality of certain personally identifiable information, town mutual, adoption of certain standards, illegal placement of insurance, chiropractic services, premium taxes, and extraordinary dividend formula [S.Amdt.3: notice of mediation; S.Amdt.4: notice of right to independent review] -  SB375
Shareholder liability to corporate employees eliminated; insurance corporation provision -  SB119
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, HIRSP, self-insured plan, or the private employer health care coverage program as personal identifier prohibited  - AB621
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, or self-insured plan as personal identifier prohibited  - AB422
Wausau Insurance 90th anniversary and enactment of nation's first constitutional worker's compensation law commemorated - SR5
insurance _ agentInsurance — Agent
Insurance agent required to disclose identifying information from national or statewide database  - AB80
insurance _ commissioner, office ofInsurance — Commissioner, Office of
Badger care program: coverage of health insurance for low-income child care workers -  AB921
Fee amounts may be specified by rule; may charge lesser amount than the maximum [Sec. 2238-2242, 3720-3733, 3736, 3737, 3750, 3751, 3754-3760, 3764-3767] - AB144
Fee amounts may be specified by rule; may charge lesser amount than the maximum [Sec. 2238-2242, 3720-3733, 3736, 3737, 3750, 3751, 3754-3760, 3764-3767; original bill only]  - SB55
Health insurance reform: private employer health care coverage program funding; small employer catastrophic care program and small employer catastrophic reinsurance program created; state employee health care coverage re defined contribution plan; prescription drug rebates and reduced charges; notice by insurer of independent review -  AB876
Insurance law: miscellaneous changes re patients' compensation fund, loss of real property used as a dwelling, temporary license, license renewal, confidentiality of certain personally identifiable information, town mutual, adoption of certain standards, illegal placement of insurance, chiropractic services, premium taxes, extraordinary dividend formula, and interest rate of individual annuity contracts  - AB870
Insurance law: miscellaneous changes re patients' compensation fund, loss of real property used as a dwelling, temporary license, license renewal, confidentiality of certain personally identifiable information, town mutual, adoption of certain standards, illegal placement of insurance, chiropractic services, premium taxes, and extraordinary dividend formula [S.Amdt.3: notice of mediation; S.Amdt.4: notice of right to independent review] -  SB375
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  AB725
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  SB397
OCI annual report may be provided electronically, as well as printed [Sec. 3735] -  AB144
OCI annual report may be provided electronically, as well as printed [Sec. 3735] -  SB55
OCI receipt of moneys for certain services: deposit in appropriation for general program operations [Sec. 462]  - AB144
OCI receipt of moneys for certain services: deposit in appropriation for general program operations [Sec. 462; S.Sub.Amdt.1: modifications to appropriation language for all restructuring revenues, 462c] -  SB55
Uniform claim processing form and employee application [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 336j, 508s, t, 509e, jm, 9127 (1x)] -  JR2 AB1
Acupuncture services: insurers required to cover; collective bargaining provision -  AB79
Badger care and MA income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted - AB272
Badger care eligibility plan and funding [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1836g, r] -  SB55
Badger care funding and eligibility [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 128m, n] - JR2 AB1
Badger care health care program savings: DHFS report to JCF [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (9wo)]  - SB55
Badger care outpatient hospital reimbursement [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 717b, c, d, 9123 (8e), 9423 (15d)]  - SB55
Badger care program: coverage of health insurance for low-income child care workers -  AB921
Badger care program: federal waiver to increase period of time applicant must be without employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (8)] -  AB144
Badger care program: federal waiver to increase period of time applicant must be without employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (8); original bill only]  - SB55
Badger care program: federal waiver to verify applicant access to employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (7)]  - AB144
Badger care program: federal waiver to verify applicant access to employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (7); original bill only] -  SB55
Badger care program funding increased; certain income augmentation moneys lapse to the general fund  - AB36
Badger care program funding increased; certain income augmentation moneys lapse to the general fund [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision; S.Amdt.1: DHFS to submit certain plan to JCF] -  SB18
Children with asthma: grants for case management services re MA or Badger care [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 718s, 3142m]  - SB55
Chiropractic services: provision re overdue insurance claims [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3755g, 3760m, 9327 (1c)] - SB55
Community disability service providers: health insurance supplement for [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 707r, s, 9123 (13q), 9423 (15r)] -  SB55
Contraceptive articles and services: insurance coverage required, exceptions provided -  AB296
Contraceptive articles and services: insurance coverage required, exceptions provided -  SB128
Deductible, coinsurance, or copayment for medical or dental care increased re persons in secured correctional facilities for adults or children -  AB564
Diabetes treatment: health insurance policies required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin  - SB250
Domestic partners of employees and WRS annuitants: health care coverage through GIB provided  - AB720
Domestic partners of employees and WRS annuitants: health care coverage through GIB provided  - SB386
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 161, 2849] -  AB144
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 161, 2849; original bill only] -  SB55
Health insurance claim: time limit for insurer to recover overpayment set -  SB376
Health insurance reform: private employer health care coverage program funding; small employer catastrophic care program and small employer catastrophic reinsurance program created; state employee health care coverage re defined contribution plan; prescription drug rebates and reduced charges; notice by insurer of independent review -  AB876
Hearing aids and testing: health insurance coverage required  - AB130
HIRSP revisions re preexisting condition exclusions, drug expenditures, out-of-pocket limits, and drug copayments and coinsurance [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2850c, d, e-Ld, Le, Lf-w, 9123 (9w), (9x), 9323 (15w)] -  SB55
Local governmental units authorized to pay certain health care premiums for retired officers -  AB612