Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised; insurance coverage for certain outpatient services required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, insurance provisions removed] -  AB206
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist regulations revised; insurance coverage for certain outpatient services required -  SB96
SSN or ID number containing SSN: health care provider or insurer prohibited from using as patient or insured or enrollee number -  AB459
Uniform claim processing form and employee application [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 336j, 508s, t, 509e, jm, 9127 (1x)] -  JR2 AB1
insurance _ miscellaneousInsurance — Miscellaneous
Buildings transported on highways: certain license created; DOT duties specified; liability policy and penalty provisions - AB896
Chiropractic service claim: overdue payment provision revised re WC and certain property and casualty insurance  - AB870
Chiropractic service claim: overdue payment provision revised re WC and certain property and casualty insurance  - SB375
Electrician and electrical contractor licensing required; bonding, liability insurance, Comm.Dept, and proof of compliance provisions -  AB874
Electrician and electrical contractor licensing required; bonding, liability insurance, Comm.Dept, and proof of compliance provisions -  SB470
Foster parent insurance deductible lowered [Sec. 1635, 9323 (5)] -  AB144
Foster parent insurance deductible lowered [Sec. 1635, 9323 (5)] -  SB55
Property insurance policy limit re wholly destroyed property: applicable only to property occupied as primary dwelling - AB434
Property insurance policy limit re wholly destroyed property: applicable only to property occupied as primary dwelling - SB201
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, HIRSP, self-insured plan, or the private employer health care coverage program as personal identifier prohibited  - AB621
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, or self-insured plan as personal identifier prohibited  - AB422
insurance _ motor vehicleInsurance — Motor vehicle
Financial responsibility for motor vehicle operation: assurance and proof of coverage required - AB803
Motor vehicle accidents: revisions re minimum amount of property damage for report, use of privately owned vehicles under contract with governmental unit, and taxicabs  - AB901
Motor vehicle insurance issuance, renewal, or rating plan: use of information from individual's credit report prohibited  - AB774
insurance _ mutualInsurance — Mutual
OCI receipt of moneys for certain services: deposit in appropriation for general program operations [Sec. 462]  - AB144
OCI receipt of moneys for certain services: deposit in appropriation for general program operations [Sec. 462; S.Sub.Amdt.1: modifications to appropriation language for all restructuring revenues, 462c] -  SB55
insurance _ policyInsurance — Policy
Insurance policy cancellation: grounds for required on first page of policy -  AB81
insurance _ stateInsurance — State
Acupuncture services: insurers required to cover; collective bargaining provision -  AB79
Diabetes treatment: health insurance policies required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin  - SB250
Private employer health care coverage program: loan to cover operating costs; small employer insurance rates revised  - AB543
Private employer health care coverage program: payment to reimburse loan to general fund [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 52gm, 57b, 100ic, ix, 508r, 9116 (1v), 9216 (1v)]  - JR2 AB1
Revenue limits for school districts increased re health insurance costs -  SB124
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, HIRSP, self-insured plan, or the private employer health care coverage program as personal identifier prohibited  - AB621
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, or self-insured plan as personal identifier prohibited  - AB422
WRS benefits administration and provisions revised -  AB795
WRS benefits administration and provisions revised -  SB418
insurance companyInsurance company, see Insurance
inter vivo trustInter vivo trust, see Trust fund
DOA cash management re interest payments involving moneys received from the federal government [Sec. 257, 935]  - AB144
DOA cash management re interest payments involving moneys received from the federal government [Sec. 257, 935]  - SB55
Estimated taxes revision re interest on payments -  AB370
Interest income re deposits in financial institutions: individual income tax exemption created -  AB8
Manufacturing property tax refund: municipality may pay in installments; interest provision - AB647
internal revenueInternal revenue, see Income tax
international relationsInternational relations
``Armenian Christianity Day" designated October 13, 2001 -  AJR68
``Armenian Christianity Day" designated October 13 of each year -  AJR72
Child taken to certain foreign countries by parent with joint physical placement: written agreement with other parent required -  AB220
Child taken to certain foreign countries by parent with joint physical placement: written agreement with other parent required -  SB89
Cyprus situation: President Bush's efforts to promote progress toward a solution endorsed -  SR11
Cyprus situation: United Nations Security Council Resolutions and membership in the European Union supported  - AR44
Foreign diplomat involved in moving traffic violation: law enforcement officers to forward copy of uniform traffic citation to federal Department of state - AB241
Foreign diplomat involved in moving traffic violation: law enforcement officers to forward copy of uniform traffic citation to federal Department of state - SB70
Great hunger in Ireland, The: March 17 made a special observance day for schools -  AB209
Great Lakes water diverted and sold: U.S. and Canadian governments urged to prohibit -  SJR36
International and export services, Division of: funding for [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 28n, 29n, 9110 (1z), 9210 (11z), 9410 (1z)] -  JR2 AB1
International liaison services to state agencies: charges for [Sec. 3650-3652] -  AB144
International liaison services to state agencies: charges for [Sec. 3650-3652; S.Sub.Amdt.1: liaison services removed, Division of international and export development eliminated, 169r, 3650m, deletes 3650-3652; Conf.Amdt.1: liaison services and the Division restored, audit required, 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q), deletes 169r, 3650m] - SB55
International terrorism: soliciting, collecting, or providing material support prohibited; DORL authority re charitable organization or fund raiser registration modified  - AB608
Operation Enduring Freedom: U.S. President, Congress, armed forces, and servicemen and servicewomen called into duty commended -  AJR60
Securities broker-dealers and securities agents: exemption from licensing requirements re Canadian broker-dealers  - AB875
Securities broker-dealers and securities agents: exemption from licensing requirements re Canadian broker-dealers  - SB475
Senegal: sister-state relationship with the Cap Vert Region -  AJR47
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting American Red Cross efforts to aid families affected by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks -  AB523
Special distinguishing registration plates supporting American Red Cross efforts to aid families affected by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks -  SB263
State Day of Remembrance proclaimed September 11 of each year -  AJR59
Support for our troups and use of all force necessary to accomplish the goal of ridding the world of the threat of terrorism - SJR44
Terrorism and methods to counter acts of terrorism: LC to study; report required -  AJR62
Terrorism crimes re penalty enhancer, threats, soliciting, supporting, and harboring; penalties for classified felonies; capital punishment for first-degree homicide with intent to terrorize; license to carry concealed weapons  - SB328
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -  AB144
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -  SB55
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: U.S. Senate urged to ratify - AJR99
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AJR44
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AR7
Western hemisphere institute for security cooperation (formerly the School of the Americas): closure urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR28
``Wisconsin Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923": April 24 of each year designated as  - SR14
WRS creditable service for certain federal volunteer programs  - AB68
interstate compactInterstate compact, see also Reciprocity
Adult offender supervision: interstate compact created -  AB481
Emergency management assistance compact appropriations [Sec. 777, 780] -  AB144
Emergency management assistance compact appropriations [Sec. 777, 780] -  SB55
Fire protection service options for town and villages expanded; AG approval for local governmental units to enter into interstate compacts for EMS or fire fighting services removed - AB791
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact membership and commission created -  SB218
interstate relationsInterstate relations, see also Reciprocity