Chippewa Valley Technical College grant for health care education center [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 451, 9110 (2k)] -  SB55
Domestic abuse and sexual assault: victim support training for medical and nursing students; civil actions and criminal sentencing provisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1351za, 1370n, 1379t, 3871x, 4028b]  - SB55
medical examinerMedical examiner, see Coroner
medical examining boardMedical examining board
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities including abortion and assisted suicide; exemption from liability; civil action and examining boards provisions  - AB168
Eye examinations for children entering kindergarten required; forms to be created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2679m, 3504p, 9143 (3c); Conf.Amdt.1: ``and evaluations" added]  - SB55
Health care professional discipline process duties of DORL and report required; MEB membership and authority re summary suspension of credentials and forfeiture for unprofessional conduct revised, reports to National practitioner data bank; therapeutic-related deaths reported on death certificate  - SB139
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB140
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  AB256
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  SB108
medical leaveMedical leave, see Family
medical malpracticeMedical malpractice
Animal chiropractic certification created; prohibition, malpractice liability insurance, and veterinary examining board provisions -  SB401
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities including abortion and assisted suicide; exemption from liability; civil action and examining boards provisions  - AB168
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  AB638
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB193
Medical malpractice claim re state officer, employee, or agent: notice to AG revised -  SB170
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  AB725
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  SB397
Prescription drugs administered to pupils: civil liability immunity expanded to advanced practice nurse prescriber, optometrist, and physician assistant - SB178
Private medical malpractice: limit on recovery of noneconomic damages removed -  SB217
medical practiceMedical practice, see Physician
medical practice, groupMedical practice, Group
Acupuncture services: insurers required to cover; collective bargaining provision -  AB79
Community-based health management services in medically underserved areas or with health professional shortage: 3-year pilot program created; evaluation required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2850x] -  SB55
Contraceptive articles and services: insurance coverage required, exceptions provided -  AB296
Contraceptive articles and services: insurance coverage required, exceptions provided -  SB128
Deductible, coinsurance, or copayment for medical or dental care increased re persons in secured correctional facilities for adults or children -  AB564
Diabetes treatment: health insurance policies required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin  - SB250
HMOs and contracts for provision of MA: adequate access requirements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1787m, mg, 9323 (15k), 9423 (12p)] -  SB55
Management control delegation to a person to the substantial exclusion of the board: prohibition eliminated for HMOs, LSHOs, and PP plans [Sec. 3742-3748, 3752, 3753, 9427 (1)] - AB144
Management control delegation to a person to the substantial exclusion of the board: prohibition eliminated for HMOs, LSHOs, and PP plans [Sec. 3742-3748, 3752, 3753, 9427 (1); original bill only] -  SB55
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: health insurance coverage requirements revised  - SB157
Outpatient services increase in hospital and HMO rates of reimbursement: DHFS plan for distributing moneys; JCF passive review [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (13dd)]  - SB55
Point-of-service plan exceptions re 1999 WisAct 9 removed [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 509c-d]  - JR2 AB1
Preferred provider plan revisions; statutory references to ``managed care plans" changed to ``defined network plans" [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1398wm, y, 3741amc-xmt, 3763f, g] -  SB55
Reproductive health care services notice: defined network plans required to include in each provider directory  - AB885
Smoking cessation treatment and medications: health insurance coverage required -  AB674
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised; insurance coverage for certain outpatient services required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, insurance provisions removed] -  AB206
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist regulations revised; insurance coverage for certain outpatient services required -  SB96
SSN or ID number containing SSN: health care provider or insurer prohibited from using as patient or insured or enrollee number -  AB459
medical serviceMedical service, see also Good Samaritan; Medical assistance; specific medical occupation
Ambulance staffing and operational plans [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 329r-v, 333h] - JR2 AB1
Community health center grants eliminated [Sec. 39, 368, 9423 (2); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - JR2 AB1
Community health centers: study on federal funding for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (3f)] - JR2 AB1
Emergency service department deposit of certain funds [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2003sd, u, ve, we, wg, 2022tf, th] -  SB55
Emergency vehicle or tow truck stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, highway machinery equipment added]  - SB10
Emergency vehicle, tow truck, or highway maintenance equipment stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  AB245
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities including abortion and assisted suicide; exemption from liability; civil action and examining boards provisions  - AB168
Employment discrimination because of temporary absence re volunteer fire fighter, EMT, first responder or ambulance driver prohibited; hardship on employer provision  - AB284
EMS program: funding revision re state medical director [Sec. 2850] -  AB144
EMS program: funding revision re state medical director [Sec. 2850] -  SB55
EMT-paramedic operational plans submitted by ambulance service providers: approval limited - AB524
EMT-paramedic operational plans submitted by ambulance service providers: approval limited - SB267
Facilities and treatment facilities penalties and sanctions, certification, regulation, licensing, approval, and registration revisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment''] - AB144
Facilities and treatment facilities penalties and sanctions, certification, regulation, licensing, approval, and registration revisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment''] - SB55
Fire protection service options for town and villages expanded; AG approval for local governmental units to enter into interstate compacts for EMS or fire fighting services removed - AB791
Health care facility: prohibitions re certain activities and preventing passage to and from; definition provided; civil cause of action created -  AB465
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 161, 2849] -  AB144
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 161, 2849; original bill only] -  SB55
Health care information data purchasers: requirement eliminated re prohibition of rereleasing individual data elements [Sec. 2851, 2852] -  AB144
Health care information data purchasers: requirement eliminated re prohibition of rereleasing individual data elements [Sec. 2851, 2852; original bill only]  - SB55
Health care professional discipline process duties of DORL and report required; MEB membership and authority re summary suspension of credentials and forfeiture for unprofessional conduct revised, reports to National practitioner data bank; therapeutic-related deaths reported on death certificate  - SB139
Health care provider fraud and abuse re MA: DHFS authority expanded [Sec. 709, 1751-1754, 1756-1759, 1761-1764, 1784-1787, 1839, 1840, 1874, 2200, 9323 (1)-(3)]  - AB144
Health care provider fraud and abuse re MA: DHFS authority expanded [Sec. 709, 1751-1754, 1756-1759, 1761-1764, 1784-1787, 1839, 1840, 1874, 2200, 9323 (1)-(3); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions revised and restored, 709j, 1750d-k, L-z, 1786g-k, 1838w, 1840e, 1877p, 2200b, 9123 (15k), 9323 (18k)-(18pn), 9423 (18k)]  - SB55
Health care records admitted as evidence: time limit to serve copies to or notify other parties revised  - SB186
Health care records and X-rays: uniform fees charged for certified duplicates or referrals revised; evidence in court proceedings provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2850bg-bi, 3872x, y, 9123 (14g), 9423 (16f)]  - SB55
Health care records and X-rays: uniform fees charged for certified duplicates or referrals revised; evidence in court proceedings provision -  SB71
Health care records authentication [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3872v, 9309 (7p)]  - SB55
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; employment discrimination provisions -  AB457
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; employment discrimination provisions -  SB211
Inmate health care provisions; Corr.Dept reports specified; medical histories to appear on staff intranet [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3329e, p-u, 9111 (3c) - (3cd)] - SB55
Interstate fire fighting and EMS agreements: attorney general's review revised [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 151n, nb] - JR2 AB1
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB140
Medical information disclosed by insurer without authorization: damages and costs limits set -  SB396
Municipal fire, EMT, and first responder volunteer funds: municipal ordinance permitted re control of funds by certain officials other than treasurer - AB214
Newborn child relinquished by parent to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member: procedures created; anonymity, juvenile court authority, and civil or criminal liability provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, coersion provisions; A.Amdt.1: further revision; S.Amdt.1: notice for TPR provision removed] -  AB54
Newborn child relinquished by parent to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member: procedures created; anonymity, juvenile court authority, and civil or criminal liability provisions -  SB28
Newborn child relinquished to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff: information on new law must be provided to women prior to abortion; DHFS duty specified  - AB450
Nonprofit medical research foundations: property tax exemption revised -  AB778
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  AB725
Nurse-midwifery definition changed; malpractice liability insurance provision -  SB397
Organ transport vehicles made authorized emergency vehicles; certain lights and siren provisions; traffic law exemptions - AB374
Patient health care records: identifying information used to market a service or product to a patient or health care provider prohibited; pharmacy included in confidentiality requirements; civil liability provisions; DA and DOJ authority specified - AB621
Patient health care records: pharmacy included in confidentiality requirements -  SB237
Patient health care records: uniform fees for [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 336f-h, 523p, q, 9123 (4g), 9423 (3f)] - JR2 AB1
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  AB256
Perfusionist licensing requirements and examining council created; exceptions provided -  SB108