Bomb scares or firearm violations involving school premises: motor vehicle operating privilege suspension  - AB171
Bomb scares or firearm violations involving school premises: motor vehicle operating privilege suspension  - SB99
Buildings transported on highways: certain license created; DOT duties specified; liability policy and penalty provisions - AB896
CDL disqualification for railroad crossing violations [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 439e-j, 441m, p, 9352 (1h), 9452 (1ff)] -  JR2 AB1
Cellular or mobile telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited re certain permit and license holders  - AB202
Classified driver license system: disqualifications expanded re railroad crossing violations; employer provisions  - SB464
Driver's license issued to operate a motorcycle: learning permit requirement waived if person successfully completes basic rider instruction course -  AB815
Driver's license or ID card photograph: sunset of DOT authority to release to law enforcement agencies repealed  - AB110
Driver's license photographs used in law enforcement photo lineup or array: restriction on release by DOT eliminated - SB363
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3417-3420, 3423, 3425, 3443, 3937, 3938, 9352 (6), (7), 9452 (8), (9)] -  AB144
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3417-3420, 3423, 3425, 3443, 3937, 3938, 9352 (6), (7), 9452 (8), (9); S.Sub.Amdt.1: revisions re sanctions for repeat OWI offenders, ignition interlock, immobilization, seizure, and operator privileges, 3409f, g, 3415m-3427m, 3443c-m, 3445f-m, 3937j-3938p, 4060gg-hy, 9352 (7kk), 9452 (9kk), deletes all sections except 3425, 9352 (6), 9452 (8)]  - SB55
Motor vehicle operating privilege: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture - SB59
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture  - AB5
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4), 9452 (5)] -  AB144
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4), 9452 (5); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4k), 9452 (5k)] -  SB55
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture  - SB60
Motor vehicle operating privilege of an adult: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture; occupational driver's license provision -  AB271
Occupational drivers' license eligibility for persons committing a second or subsequent OWI or improper refusal [Sec. 3415, 3416, 3421, 3422, 3424, 3426, 3427]  - AB144
Occupational drivers' license eligibility for persons committing a second or subsequent OWI or improper refusal [Sec. 3415, 3416, 3421, 3422, 3424, 3426, 3427; original bill only]  - SB55
Occupational driver's license fee established in certain cases for persons with suspended operating privileges for failure to pay ordinance violation judgment -  AB516
Occupational driver's license fee established in certain cases for persons with suspended operating privileges for failure to pay ordinance violation judgment -  AB556
Occupational driver's license fee established in certain cases for persons with suspended operating privileges for failure to pay ordinance violation judgment -  SB249
Operator's records searches by DOT: fees increased [Sec. 3410-3414, 9452 (2)] -  AB144
Operator's records searches by DOT: fees increased [Sec. 3410-3414, 9452 (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, vehicle extrication training grants, 671h, 2337k, 3410k, 3411k, 3412k, 3413k, 3414k, 9452 (2f), deletes 9452 (2)]  - SB55
OWI cases: assessment and driver safety plan to be completed prior to sentencing; occupational license provision  - AB746
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to other state or federal law enforcement agencies - AB167
School bus operation endorsement re certain older drivers and license canceled for failure to submit annual proof of passing physical exam revised -  SB227
School bus operator qualification revised re felony conviction -  SB229
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  AB242
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  AB410
Thumbprint of operator's license or ID card applicants: DOT required to take; exceptions and confidentiality provisions - AB798
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  AB508
Traffic regulations and ordinance violations: permitting judgments to be paid in installments in poverty cases; operating privilege provision -  SB253
Transportation revisions: single motor vehicle registration plate; certain local examining centers to reopen and DOT prohibited from closing; grants for the CTH ``VK"/Lombardi Avenue project; transportation fund provision  - SB366
Voter registration: use of corroboration repealed; valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card required; absentee ballot and DOT provisions -  AB259
motor vehicle _ drunken drivingMotor vehicle — Drunken driving, see Drunken driving
motor vehicle _ emission standardsMotor vehicle — Emission standards, see Motor vehicle — Regulation
motor vehicle _ equipmentMotor vehicle — Equipment, see also Motorcycle — Equipment
Airbag previously deployed or otherwise nonfunctional: installation of or concealing prohibited  - AB290
Amber strobe light used by certain motor trucks traveling slowly on highways permitted -  AB289
Crossing gate on school buses required -  SB179
Funeral procession: flashing lights on vehicles permitted -  AB906
Green flashing, rotating, or oscillating lamp on certain snowplows permitted; operation on left-hand side of highway under certain conditions allowed -  AB292
Headlamp and other lamps on vehicles: use required when visibility is impaired by fog; forfeiture provided  - AB16
Headlamps and other lamps on vehicles: use required when visibility is impaired by inclement weather; exemption, forfeiture, and rear reflector provisions -  AB485
Headlamps and other required lamps on vehicles: use required whenever vehicle is operated on certain highways  - AB463
Headlamps on vehicles: use required whenever vehicle is operated on highway -  AB363
Headlights and other lamps on vehicles: use required when visibility is impaired by inclement weather; forfeiture provided - AB82
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3417-3420, 3423, 3425, 3443, 3937, 3938, 9352 (6), (7), 9452 (8), (9)] -  AB144
Ignition interlock devices, vehicle immobilization, or vehicle forfeiture: provisions revised re multiple OWI-related offenses; occupational drivers' license provisions [Sec. 3417-3420, 3423, 3425, 3443, 3937, 3938, 9352 (6), (7), 9452 (8), (9); S.Sub.Amdt.1: revisions re sanctions for repeat OWI offenders, ignition interlock, immobilization, seizure, and operator privileges, 3409f, g, 3415m-3427m, 3443c-m, 3445f-m, 3937j-3938p, 4060gg-hy, 9352 (7kk), 9452 (9kk), deletes all sections except 3425, 9352 (6), 9452 (8)]  - SB55
Motor vehicle revisions re certificate of title, ``good faith purchaser," displaying empty weight on certain trucks and trailers, placement of VIN on motorcycle and motor vehicle, and operation of unregistered vehicle (remedial legislation)  - AB609
Motor vehicle safety belt violations: enforcement revised - SB47
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts: transfer of sales and use taxes to transportation fund -  AB490
Motor vehicles used to deliver mail, newspapers, and periodicals: lamp requirements -  AB486
Mudguard requirements on certain vehicles revised re ground clearance; load cover requirements revised re vehicles transporting bulk material, exception provided  - AB78
Organ transport vehicles made authorized emergency vehicles; certain lights and siren provisions; traffic law exemptions - AB374
School bus operated on highway at any time: headlamps, taillamps, and clearance lamps required to be lighted  - AB154
Snowmobile law revisions re trail use stickers, equipment inspection, speed limit, races or derbies, and odometer; DNR testing of noise levels; ATV provision  - AB239
Vehicle headlamp lighting requirements expanded re windshield wiper operation; rear reflector provision  - SB19
Vehicles transporting bulk material on highway: liability for spilling waste or foreign matter; load cover requirements, exception provided; mudguards on vehicles with dump bodies - AB526
Vehicles transporting bulk material on highway: liability for spilling waste or foreign matter; load cover requirements, exception provided; mudguards on vehicles with dump bodies - SB266
motor vehicle _ parkingMotor vehicle — Parking
Nonmoving traffic violations re rented or leased motor vehicles: liability of the lessor revised - SB43
Nonmoving traffic violations re rented or leased motor vehicles: liability of the lessor revised; DOT provision  - AB166
Parking during final exam week re U.W. system and TCS: charging fines for violations prohibited  - AB87
Qualified transportation fringe benefit plan for state employees created [Sec. 1388, 1389, 1396-1398, 1399, 1400]  - AB144
Qualified transportation fringe benefit plan for state employees created [Sec. 1388, 1389, 1396-1398, 1399, 1400]  - SB55
motor vehicle _ publicly_ownedMotor vehicle — Publicly-owned, see also Aviation
Motor vehicle accidents: revisions re minimum amount of property damage for report, use of privately owned vehicles under contract with governmental unit, and taxicabs  - AB901
Motor vehicle registration plates issued to state, county, municipality, or recognized Indian tribe: number and fee revisions - AB701
State agency vehicle fleet procurement requirements revised re fuel economy and safety ratings - SB196
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (3s)]  - SB55
U.W. Madison and DOA vehicle fleet maintenance functions combined [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (5m)]  - JR2 AB1
ATV operation on highway for access to residence, lodging establishment, campground, or trail permitted; age and ordinance provisions -  AB562
Automobile repair business regulation: separate DATCP appropriation eliminated [Sec. 27] -  JR2 AB1
Cellular or mobile telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited; exception provided - AB240
Cellular or mobile telephone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited re certain permit and license holders  - AB202
Driving a vehicle with prohibitive number of people in front seat: law expanded to animals -  AB70
Electric personal assistive mobility device: definition and regulations established; exempt from definition of ``vehicle" and certain motor vehicle laws -  AB782
Electric personal assistive mobility device: definition and regulations established; exempt from definition of ``vehicle" and certain motor vehicle laws -  SB393
Emergency vehicle or tow truck stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, highway machinery equipment added]  - SB10
Emergency vehicle, tow truck, or highway maintenance equipment stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  AB245
Emission level testing for certain vehicles: DOT to determine period of time [Sec. 2605, 2606] - AB144
Emission level testing for certain vehicles: DOT to determine period of time [Sec. 2605, 2606] - SB55