Mourning dove: DNR prohibited from authorizing a hunting season for; referendum required - AB859
Mourning dove (state symbol of peace): DNR prohibited from authorizing a hunting season for - AB190
Mourning dove (state symbol of peace): DNR prohibited from authorizing a hunting season for - SB45
Nonresident sports license fee [Sec. 1190] -  SB55
Public access to body of water for fishing purposes: signage by DNR required [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1038dg]  - SB55
Sighting a firearm in 24-hour period prior to opening of deer season re land owned or leased by the person or immediate family: DNR may not promulgate or enforce rules prohibiting - AB515
natural resources, department of _ recreation and boatingNatural resources, Department of — Recreation and boating
ATV and motorboat safety certificate requirements created -  AB668
ATV and motorboat safety certificate requirements created -  SB336
ATV regulation: DNR annual report to JLAC re impact of increase in conservation warden positions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1066atk] -  SB55
Ballast water regulations created re water from outside the state and aquatic nuisance species; DNR duties; permit and fee provisions -  AB437
Ballast water treatment and management to prevent spread of aquatic nuisance species re vessels operating on Great Lakes: DNR duties specified -  AB598
Campsite fees for state campsites reduced for residents over age 65 - AB456
Concessions in state parks: DNR to review and report on operations [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (4z)]  - SB55
E. coli or other appropriate indicator organism: testing required at public beaches along portions of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior; notification provision - AB873
Perrot State Park bridge study [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (8m)] -  SB55
Pier and boat shelter regulations: current rules voided; DNR required to promulgate new rules - AB602
Recreational boating aids for dredging of Root and Oconto Rivers [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (6g), (7f)]  - SB55
Snowmobile law revisions re trail use stickers, equipment inspection, speed limit, races or derbies, and odometer; DNR testing of noise levels; ATV provision  - AB239
Snowmobile laws: transfer of funds from Indian gaming revenue to DNR for enforcement of -  AB152
Snowmobile program and fee changes; trail use sticker fee increased [Sec. 607, 3460, 3462, 3480, 3483, 3484, 3485] - AB144
Snowmobile program and fee changes; trail use sticker fee increased [Sec. 607, 3460, 3462, 3480, 3483, 3484, 3485] - SB55
Snowmobile rail crossings: procedure and requirement revisions -  AB143
Snowmobile rail crossings: procedure and requirement revisions -  SB58
State trails: DNR to submit to Governor a plan to accomplish the objective of connecting all state trails [Sec. 9137 (5)] - AB144
State trails: DNR to submit to Governor a plan to accomplish the objective of connecting all state trails [Sec. 9137 (5); original bill only] -  SB55
Tourism activities: DNR may not expend moneys appropriated from conservation fund re Tour.Dept [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1066y] -  SB55
Vehicle admission to state parks and recreation areas: annual fees increased; daily fee for out-of-state vehicles raised [Sec. 1150-1153, 9437 (3)] -  AB144
Vehicle admission to state parks and recreation areas: annual fees increased; daily fee for out-of-state vehicles raised [Sec. 1150-1153, 9437 (3); S.Sub.Amdt.1: automated licensing agent transaction fee, resident senior citizen fee increased, 1153c, g, i, L, 1196g, r, 9337 (3cf), (4f), 9437 (2ff)]  - SB55
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  AB144
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  SB55
natural resources boardNatural resources board
DNR Secretary appointment by NRB -  AB56
DNR Secretary appointment by NRB -  SB3
Land purchase or exchange by BCPL; provisions re project land under a hydroelectric project [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1039b, 1088e-r; Conf.Amdt.1: JCF passive review, exception re NRB authority to sell land] -  SB55
Mining on state land under DNR jurisdiction prohibited; NRB prohibited from selling land for mining  - AB915
NRB member qualifications and conflicts of interest; restriction re income derived from persons subject to permits or enforcement orders [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 179q, r, 1038d; Conf.Amdt.1: 1038d renumbered 1038di] -  SB55
naval militiaNaval militia
Wisconsin naval militia created; duties re natural disasters, state emergencies, and domestic disorders [Sec. 775, 996-1023, 1025, 2544, 2545, 3080] -  AB144
Wisconsin naval militia created; duties re natural disasters, state emergencies, and domestic disorders  - AB587
Wisconsin naval militia created; duties re natural disasters, state emergencies, and domestic disorders [Sec. 775, 996-1023, 1025, 2544, 2545, 3080; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB55
Wisconsin naval militia created; duties re natural disasters, state emergencies, and domestic disorders  - SB293
nelson, gaylordNelson, Gaylord
U.W. Madison Institute for environmental studies renamed the Gaylord Nelson institute for environmental studies  - AB779
U.W. Madison Institute for environmental studies renamed the Gaylord Nelson institute for environmental studies  - SB415
nervous disorderNervous disorder, see Mental health
new economy for wisconsin _new_New economy for Wisconsin (NEW), see Industrial development
new lisbon, city ofNew Lisbon, City of, see Juneau county
new _new economy for wisconsin_NEW (New economy for Wisconsin), see Industrial development
new york cityNew York City
Large-case auditors in New York and agents in alcohol and enforcement section: DOR to retain [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9144 (1vv), (1vw)]  - JR2 AB1
State Day of Remembrance proclaimed September 11 of each year -  AJR59
newspaper and magazineNewspaper and magazine
Campaign advertising disclosure requirements revised -  AB811
Campaign finance law revisions re filing finance reports, mass media activities, disbursement and contribution limitations, legislative campaign committees, and Wisconsin election campaign fund; penalties and nonseverability provisions  - SB104
Legal notices: qualifications of newspapers permitted to publish revised -  AB591
Legal work re request for prior restraint of the media: prohibiting Assembly from paying legal fees - AR49
Motor vehicles used to deliver mail, newspapers, and periodicals: lamp requirements -  AB486
Natural resources magazine funding: transfer of forest income aids [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 624m, 9237 (5z)] - SB55
Periodical and reference information databases: State superintendent required to charge school districts a fee for use of [Sec. 563, 2621] -  AB144
Periodical and reference information databases: State superintendent required to charge school districts a fee for use of [Sec. 563, 2621; original bill only] - SB55
Postconsumer waste for newsprint used in newspapers: percentage set -  AB365
newspaper recyclingNewspaper recycling, see Recycling
nexusNexus, see Drugs
nielson, terriNielson, Terri
$10,842.00 contract termination claim -  AB900
nieto, marc ianNieto, Marc Ian
Life and military service - AR30
911 _emergency number system_911 (Emergency number system), see Telephone
nitrogen oxideNitrogen oxide, see Air pollution
nominationNomination, see Elections
nonmarital childNonmarital child, see also Family — Support
Name change of a nonmarital child re paternity action: procedure created -  AB179
Name change of a nonmarital child re paternity action: procedure created [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3793m]  - SB55
Second-chance homes for child who is a custodial parent or expectant mother receiving inadequate care created; juvenile court given placement jurisdiction; DHFS to distribute grants to private agencies [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, cultural competency requirement added, juvenile court jurisdiction removed] -  AB488
nonresidentNonresident, see specific subject
nonstock corporationNonstock corporation, see Corporation
notary publicNotary public
Abortion for unemancipated minor: parental consent law and evidence heard by circuit court revised  - AB812
Notary public fee revision - SB75
Notary public qualifications [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2830g- 2833m, 9345 (1c)] -  SB55