Pharmacy outreach program created in DHFS re pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs  - AB898
Prescription drug assistance program: pharmacies and pharmacists limited in amount they may charge, enrollment conditions and fee, rebate agreements, and DHFS provisions  - AB857
Prescription drug assistance program: pharmacies and pharmacists limited in amount they may charge, enrollment conditions and fee, rebate agreements, and DHFS provisions  - SB482
Prescription drug charges for elderly, blind, or permanently disabled: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DATCP and DHFS duties; reports required  - AB132
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - AB53
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - SB1
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and reports required -  SB204
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract authority; report required  - AB120
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor: giving or offering things of monetary value to practitioners to encourage the issuance of prescriptions prohibited, exceptions provided - AB750
Prescriptions by private providers to veterans: requiring DVA pharmacies to dispense medications re H.R. 1717 (memorial to Congress) -  AJR105
Prescriptions by private providers to veterans: requiring DVA pharmacies to dispense medications re H.R. 1717 (memorial to Congress) -  SJR65
Public health state of emergency authorization provisions created; DHFS to act as public health authority, duties and powers specified; pharmacy, coroner, and medical examiner provisions; reports required -  AB849
Public health state of emergency authorization provisions created; DHFS to act as public health authority, duties and powers specified; pharmacy, coroner, medical examiner, and Laboratory of hygiene board provisions; reports required  - AB850
physical therapistPhysical therapist, see Handicapped
physically disabledPhysically disabled, see Handicapped
Antibiotic drug for treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomonas: physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse may prescribe single-dose to patient for use by another; DHFS provision -  AB698
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children treated with prescription drugs: physicians required to provide certain information; penalties and controlled substance provisions; DHFS and DPI duties specified -  AB672
Battery or simple battery committed against a nurse, physician, or physician assistant: penalties increased  - SB437
HIV test without individual's consent re accident victim: exceptions expanded to include Good Samaritans; coroner, medical examiner, or physician required to take blood sample from corpse -  AB156
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB140
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - AB417
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - SB184
Nurses and physician assistants at certain correctional facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS - SB351
Physician certification requirements for publicly funded abortions expanded; reports required; DHFS duty specified  - AB379
Physician-patient privilege extended to include health care services review organizations -  AB191
Physicians and dentists providing certain public health services given state agency status; removal of physician from immunization program -  SB329
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor: giving or offering things of monetary value to practitioners to encourage the issuance of prescriptions prohibited, exceptions provided - AB750
Prescription drugs administered to pupils: civil liability immunity expanded to advanced practice nurse prescriber, optometrist, and physician assistant - SB178
Professional licensing revisions re continuing education for optometrists, podiatrists, and phyisicians; roster prepared and disciplinary action by the examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and land surveyors; private detective and private security permits; certain outdated references eliminated; ``hearing aid" replaced with ``hearing instrument" (remedial legislation)  - SB432
Volunteer health care provider program expanded to public elementary and secondary schools with DOA approval  - AB890
physician assistantPhysician assistant, see Physician
pierPier, see Port
pierce countyPierce county
Rural health dental clinic created in city of Ladysmith to serve certain counties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 720k, 2850b; Conf.Amdt.1: clinic in city of Menomonie added, 2850bc, deletes 2850b] -  SB55
Rural health dental clinics: funding for [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9123 (1z), 9223 (18z)]  - JR2 AB1
plantsPlants, see also Weeds
Agricultural land conservation or restoration: sales and use tax exemptions created for certain items  - AB118
Industrial hemp: U.W. to research growing and marketing, report required; DATCP duties specified  - AB679
Invasive species council and program created; report required [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 14j, 36fb, 72t-xv, 88pg-r, 9137 (2fxq)] -  JR2 AB1
Livestock or wild deer infection with contagious disease or damage to plant research and development prohibited; intentional actions made a felony [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3871t-w, 3938up, 3951n] -  SB55
Pest abatement authority of DATCP expanded [Sec. 2395] -  AB144
Pest abatement authority of DATCP expanded [Sec. 2395; original bill only] -  SB55
Tangible personal property used exclusively and directly for farming or husbandry activities: sales and use tax exemptions expanded to include -  AB121
Tangible personal property used exclusively and directly for farming or husbandry activities: sales and use tax exemptions expanded to include -  SB65
Wisconsin outdoor wildlife heritage trust fund established - AB649
Wisconsin outdoor wildlife heritage trust fund established [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 589i, 1110m, 1119z]  - SB55
Wisconsin outdoor wildlife heritage trust fund established [S.Amdt.1: use specified] -  SB330
Platting land and recording certified survey maps: general chapter revisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3127b-m] - SB55
platteville, city ofPlatteville, City of, see Grant county
pleasant prairie, village ofPleasant Prairie, Village of, see Kenosha county
pledge of allegiancePledge of allegiance, see Loyalty
Professional licensing revisions re continuing education for optometrists, podiatrists, and phyisicians; roster prepared and disciplinary action by the examining board of architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and land surveyors; private detective and private security permits; certain outdated references eliminated; ``hearing aid" replaced with ``hearing instrument" (remedial legislation)  - SB432
Capitol Police Department members: courtesy and professionalism commended -  AJR71
Capitol Police Department members: public service commended -  SJR67
Child custody interference revised; law enforcement and temporary court order provisions -  AB627
Child runaway: criminal penalties created for harboring without notifying police or child welfare agency  - AB763
Child sexual abuse reporting, referral to law enforcement, coordination of investigation, referral for prosecution, and continuing education [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1651m-v, 9323 (15c)]  - SB55
Collective bargaining dispute settlement procedure for members of certain police departments -  SB42
Concealed weapon prohibitions: retired peace officer exempt -  AB529
County-tribal law enforcement grants to Oneida and Vilas counties; report to OJA [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 859r, s, 890g, h, 9101 (21k), 9401 (3k)]  - SB55
DOJ services re crime victims and witnesses and law enforcement: appropriation applicability expanded [Sec. 769, 774] - AB144
DOJ services re crime victims and witnesses and law enforcement: appropriation applicability expanded [Sec. 769, 774] - SB55
Domestic abuse cases: arrest required re primary physical aggressor; postarrest requirements modified; definition revised to include ``dating relationship" - AB884
Domestic abuse cases: arrest required re primary physical aggressor; postarrest requirements modified; definition revised to include ``dating relationship" - SB494
Driver improvement surcharge increased; portion to go to law enforcement agency -  AB566
Driver's license or ID card photograph: sunset of DOT authority to release to law enforcement agencies repealed  - AB110
Driver's license photographs used in law enforcement photo lineup or array: restriction on release by DOT eliminated - SB363
Electronic surveillance by law enforcement: provisions revised re danger to life, limb, or property; emergency situation; ``roving interception orders"; and providing information, facilities, or technical assistance -  SB363
Emergency service department deposit of certain funds [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2003sd, u, ve, we, wg, 2022tf, th] -  SB55
Emergency vehicle or tow truck stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, highway machinery equipment added]  - SB10
Emergency vehicle, tow truck, or highway maintenance equipment stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  AB245
Firearm intentionally pointed at a law enforcement officer: penalty increased -  AB618
Firearms of law enforcement, U.S. armed forces and reserves, or national guard and machine guns, explosives, or destructive devices: felony penalty for theft of revised  - SB363
Foreign diplomat involved in moving traffic violation: law enforcement officers to forward copy of uniform traffic citation to federal Department of state - AB241
Foreign diplomat involved in moving traffic violation: law enforcement officers to forward copy of uniform traffic citation to federal Department of state - SB70
Handgun sales or purchase, purchaser background checks, and possession by or transfers to younger persons: laws revised; penalties provided -  SB492
Headlamps and other lamps on vehicles: use required when visibility is impaired by inclement weather; exemption, forfeiture, and rear reflector provisions -  AB485
Juvenile records: law enforcement and juvenile and municipal court disclosure provisions revised; confidentiality provision - AB621
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement  - AB424