Pupil survey or questionnaire: instructional material made available, certain personal topics prohibited, and notification and consent provisions -  AB109
Pupils in public and charter schools: terms of address for school employees set and discipline provisions  - AB133
school _ employeeSchool — Employee, see also Teacher and its subheadings
Dispute settlement in local government employment excluding law enforcement and fire fighting: revisions re QEO and weight given to economic conditions; school district professional employee bargaining unit provisions  - SB200
Educational support personnel employee: WRS benefits modified -  AB775
Educational support personnel employee: WRS benefits modified -  SB403
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt -  AB4
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: exception re certain serious felony convictions and not pardoned; educational agency exempt -  AB521
Glucagon administration to pupils: liability exemption created [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2695e, m]  - SB55
Layoff or reassignment of employees upon school district consolidation made prohibited subject of collective bargaining [Sec. 2612, 2678, 9317 (4)] -  AB144
Layoff or reassignment of employees upon school district consolidation made prohibited subject of collective bargaining [Sec. 2612, 2678, 9317 (4); original bill only]  - SB55
Open enrollment program: preference to pupils whose parents or guardians are employees of the nonresident school district; waiting list permitted -  AB607
Open enrollment program: preference to pupils whose parents or guardians are employees of the nonresident school district; waiting list permitted -  SB300
Prescription drugs administered to pupils: civil liability immunity expanded to advanced practice nurse prescriber, optometrist, and physician assistant - SB178
Psychotropic medications for children: school district employees may not recommend; determinations of child abuse or taking into custody based solely on parent's refusal to administer prohibited -  AB739
Pupils in public and charter schools: terms of address for school employees set and discipline provisions  - AB133
Residency requirements for certain employees: local governments prohibited from imposing; provisions for police and firefighters -  AB113
Testing an individual for HIV re significant exposure in perfoming employment duties: authority expanded to schools and CESAs -  SB202
Threat to cause bodily harm to social worker, juvenile intake worker, school employee, or their family members: misdemeanor crime created -  AB445
school _ financeSchool — Finance, see also School — State aid
Allowable revenue limit for certain school districts increased  - AB451
Charter schools established by certain Milwaukee entities: eligibility for TEACH funding [Sec. 565, 567, 568, 1415, 1416, 1422-1424, 1426, 1431, 1435] -  AB144
Charter schools established by certain Milwaukee entities: eligibility for TEACH funding [Sec. 565, 567, 568, 1415, 1416, 1422-1424, 1426, 1431, 1435; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, deletes 1423; Conf.Amdt.1: museum added]  - SB55
Educational technology block grants: school districts required to report on use of [Sec. 1427, 9349 (1)]  - AB144
Educational technology block grants: school districts required to report on use of [Sec. 1427, 9349 (1); original bill only] - SB55
Expanded flexibility school district designation; requirements re pupil proficiency in certain reading tests, grade assessments, and high school graduation examination; revenue allocation and annual plan requirements [Sec. 556, 557, 2613, 2721, 2763, 9317 (5)] -  AB144
Expanded flexibility school district designation; requirements re pupil proficiency in certain reading tests, grade assessments, and high school graduation examination; revenue allocation and annual plan requirements [Sec. 556, 557, 2613, 2721, 2763, 9317 (5); original bill only] -  SB55
Family involvement in education projects: State superintendent to award grants -  SB72
Federal aid to school districts: State superintendent to distribute the maximum amount allowed [Sec. 2620]  - AB144
Federal aid to school districts: State superintendent to distribute the maximum amount allowed [Sec. 2620; S.Sub.Amdt.1: State superintendent to develop plan for distribution of federal aid, JCF to approve, 9140 (6c), deletes 2620; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  SB55
Intradistrict pupil transfer program: revenue limit adjustment [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2798g]  - SB55
Kindergarten pupils: counting 4-year-olds re revenue limit [Conf.Amdt.1 to S. Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2749m, 2761d, g, 2764m, 2788m, 2798L, 9140 (10f), 9340 (8h)]  - SB55
Open enrollment program state aid adjustments and tuition payments by parents [Sec. 2743, 9340 (10), (11)]  - AB144
Open enrollment program state aid adjustments and tuition payments by parents [Sec. 2743, 9340 (10), (11); original bill only] - SB55
Periodical and reference information databases: State superintendent required to charge school districts a fee for use of [Sec. 563, 2621] -  AB144
Periodical and reference information databases: State superintendent required to charge school districts a fee for use of [Sec. 563, 2621; original bill only] - SB55
Racine Unified School District: annual grant for computer training purposes [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 571t, 1426m, 2983m] -  SB55
Revenue cap review board created re school district revenue limits -  AB535
Revenue ceiling for school districts increased [Sec. 2789] - AB144
Revenue ceiling for school districts increased [Sec. 2789] - SB55
Revenue limit agreement validation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4034z] -  SB55
Revenue limit calculation re summer enrollment: percentage reduced [Sec. 2786-2788] -  AB144
Revenue limit calculation re summer enrollment: percentage reduced [Sec. 2786-2788; original bill only]  - SB55
Revenue limits for school districts and two-thirds funding requirement eliminated; general school aid appropriation increased -  AB189
Revenue limits for school districts and two-thirds funding requirement eliminated; general school aid appropriation increased -  SB73
Revenue limits for school districts: carry over of unused revenue-limit authority [Sec. 2797, 2798, 9340 (8)]  - AB144
Revenue limits for school districts: carry over of unused revenue-limit authority [Sec. 2797, 2798, 9340 (8)]  - SB55
Revenue limits for school districts: increase for school lunch or breakfast program; annual report requirement re pupil nutrition - SB4
Revenue limits for school districts increased certain amount re adoption of resolution by school board  - AB347
Revenue limits for school districts increased certain amount re adoption of resolution by school board  - SB153
Revenue limits for school districts increased re certain handicapped education costs -  SB280
Revenue limits for school districts increased re cost of heating buildings -  SB261
Revenue limits for school districts increased re health insurance costs -  SB124
Revenue limits for school districts increased re pupil participation in statewide tournaments and competitions  - AB594
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school security measures -  AB268
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school security measures -  SB120
Revenue limits for school districts increased re teaching professional staff to use digital and distance-learning technology - SB243
Revenue limits for school districts increased re unanticipated expenditures -  AB127
Revenue limits for school districts increased to pay certain general obligation debt service and special assessments for public improvements -  AB77
Revenue limits for school districts: inflation adjustment eliminated [Sec. 2207, 2790-2795] -  AB144
Revenue limits for school districts: inflation adjustment eliminated [Sec. 2207, 2790-2795; S.Sub.Amdt.1: revenue limit inflation adjustment restored, deletes 2790-2795]  - SB55
Revenue limits for school districts: penalty for exceeding [Sec. 2799] -  AB144
Revenue limits for school districts: penalty for exceeding [Sec. 2799] -  SB55
School aid formula: secondary cost ceiling revisions [Sec. 2766, 2767] -  AB144
School aid formula: secondary cost ceiling revisions [Sec. 2766, 2767; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2204m, 2765z, deletes 2766, 2767] -  SB55
School district bond or promissory note: additional authority to issue under certain conditions; revenue limit provision  - AB288
School district consolidation and coordination studies and CESA development of education services: grants for [Sec. 553, 554, 2624, 2676] -  AB144
School district consolidation and coordination studies and CESA development of education services: grants for [Sec. 553, 554, 2624, 2676; original bill only]  - SB55
School district referenda scheduling [Sec. 1092, 1094, 1095, 2027, 2056, 2755-2758, 2796, 9340 (9)]  - AB144
School district referenda scheduling [Sec. 1092, 1094, 1095, 2027, 2056, 2755-2758, 2796, 9340 (9); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB55
School financing: JLC to study [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9140 (10k)] -  SB55
School performance grants and advisory committe created; compensation and fringe benefit exemption [Sec. 555, 2648, 2694, 2695, 9140 (5)] -  AB144
School performance grants and advisory committe created; compensation and fringe benefit exemption [Sec. 555, 2648, 2694, 2695, 9140 (5); original bill only]  - SB55
Summer school enrollment for revenue limit calculation revised - SB254
school _ health programSchool — Health program
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  - AB829
Contraceptive prescription drug or device: school-based medical service prohibited from dispensing, prescribing, or administering to a pupil; funding provisions  - AB653
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State superintendent duty specified -  AB92
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State superintendent duty specified -  SB25
Health examinations of pupils: school board may require; notification and written consent provisions  - AB96
High school physical education credit for participation in extracurricular sports -  AB706
Human growth and development programs: school board to include anti-bullying behavior and peer mediation instruction - SB269
Human growth and development programs: school board to include early childhood brain research and development instruction -  SB270
Human growth and development programs: school board to provide instruction in male, female, parental, and marriage responsibility -  AB125
Locker room access: written policies re certain schools and professional athletic teams required - AB353
Locker room access: written policies re certain schools and professional athletic teams required - AB459
Locker room access: written policies re certain schools and professional athletic teams required - AB621
Milwaukee school athletes: grant for community programs for drug prevention [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1557v] - SB55