Prescription drug charges for elderly, blind, or permanently disabled: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DATCP and DHFS duties; reports required  - AB132
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - AB53
Prescription drug charges for elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract and federal waiver provisions; report required  - SB1
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: income guidelines; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and reports required -  SB204
Prescription drug charges for low-income elderly: MA income eligibility revised; assistance program income guidelines for pharmacies; rebate agreements with drug manufacturers; DHFS duties and contract authority; report required  - AB120
School bus operation endorsement re certain older drivers and license canceled for failure to submit annual proof of passing physical exam revised -  SB227
Utility public benefits fees exemption created re residents of certain elderly or low-income rental housing; DOA duties specified; nonmunicipal utility provision  - AB438
WHEDA bonds or notes: individual and corporate income tax re multifamily and elderly housing projects created; cultural and architectural landmark exemption repealed  - AB734
sentences and penaltiesSentences and penalties, see also Forfeiture
Bills containing penalty provisions: exemption from fiscal estimate requirements removed [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 96w] -  SB55
Bills with amendment for appropriation of money, providing for revenue, or relating to taxation referred to JCF; fiscal estimate exemption for bills with penalty provisions removed  - SB172
Bodily substances thrown at another person by a juvenile while in a secured facility: mandatory minimum sentence set  - AB620
Bodily substances thrown at another person by a juvenile while in a secured facility: mandatory minimum sentence set  - SB352
Burglary of dwelling, certain boats, or motor home: maximum prison term revised -  AB355
Computer crime penalties increased - AB178
Controlled substance possession and certain other crimes: probation and treatment revisions; drug use intervention services; treatment of persons violating parole or extended supervision; study and reports required; federal grant provision - SB496
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for first-degree homicide with intent to terrorize - SB328
Escape while detained for probation, parole, or extended supervision violation prohibited; juvenile dispositional order and aftercare supervision provision - AB851
Medical parole or medical extended supervision: Corr.Dept may permit [Sec. 3328, 3356, 3358, 3362, 3366, 4012]  - AB144
Medical parole or medical extended supervision: Corr.Dept may permit [Sec. 3328, 3356, 3358, 3362, 3366, 4012; original bill only] -  SB55
Methamphetamine and related controlled substance analog: drug paraphernalia possession penalty increased re residence of person under age 18 -  AB661
OWI-related conviction with previous similar convictions: minimum term of imprisonment increased  - AB683
Probation, parole, or extended supervision agents with duty to locate absconders: concealed weapon provisions; Corr.Dept requirements specified -  AB203
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created - AB3
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"] - JR2 AB1
Sentencing and penalty revisions re extended supervision, bifurcated sentences, structure of felony sentences, current and consecutive sentences, penalties for criminal attempts, and misdemeanor offenses [Sec. 3331, 3332, 3354, 3355, 3357, 3359-3361, 3363, 3364, 3367, 3368-3377, 3378-3385, 3390, 3873, 3930-3933, 3998, 4000-4002, 4004-4011, 4013, 4019-4028, 9359 (6), (7), 9459 (3)]  - AB144
Sentencing and penalty revisions re extended supervision, bifurcated sentences, structure of felony sentences, current and consecutive sentences, penalties for criminal attempts, and misdemeanor offenses [Sec. 3331, 3332, 3354, 3355, 3357, 3359-3361, 3363, 3364, 3367, 3368-3377, 3378-3385, 3390, 3873, 3930-3933, 3998, 4000-4002, 4004-4011, 4013, 4019-4028, 9359 (6), (7), 9459 (3); deleted by Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB55
Serious sex offender fleeing to this state to avoid prosecution in another jurisdiction: penalty and penalty enhancer created - AB640
Terrorism crimes re penalty enhancer, threats, soliciting, supporting, and harboring; penalties for classified felonies; capital punishment for first-degree homicide with intent to terrorize; license to carry concealed weapons  - SB328
Terrorism penalty enhancer expanded re certain felonies; criminal damage to property provision - SB363
Traffic offenses: penalty enhancer for committing 3 or more specific types within a single course of conduct  - AB141
sentencing commissionSentencing commission
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created - AB3
Sentence and penalty revisions re new felony classes, murder, carjacking, certain misdemeanor and minimum penalty provisions, mandatory consecutive sentences, penalty enhancers, bifurcated sentences, extended supervision, and life imprisonment; Sentencing commission recreated; Joint review committee on criminal penalties created [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Corrections, Department of"] - JR2 AB1
service corporationService corporation, see Corporation
service of process and papersService of process and papers, see also Subpoena; Summons
Health care records admitted as evidence: time limit to serve copies to or notify other parties revised  - SB186
service stationService station, see Gasoline
sex crimesSex crimes
Child sex offenders: additional restrictions on place of residence created -  AB738
Child sex offenders: additional restrictions on place of residence created -  SB383
Child sex offenders: antiandrogen treatment program eliminated [Sec. 37, 374, 383, 430, 1152-1156, 9111 (1), 9411 (1); original bill only] -  JR2 AB1
Child sex offenders: prohibition on working or volunteering with children expanded re 2nd degree sexual assault  - AB482
Computer used with intent to commit sex offense against a child: crime created -  AB719
Computerized communication system use to facilitate a child sex crime: crime created [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 149f, 338t, 378p, 379v, 531b, 559v, 566d, f, 582p, 886f, 904m, n, 910v, 1108d, 1131m, 1134f, 1138k, n]  - JR2 AB1
Computerized communication systems including the Internet: threatening a child and transmitting personal information of a child to induce or encourage certain crimes prohibited  - AB336
Computers used in crimes against children: seizure authorized -  AB495
Crime victim compensation program in DOJ revised -  AB852
Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -  AB144
Crimes related to computers, obscenity, nudity, and pornography: laws revised; provision re harmful material to children; new crime re obscene email [Sec. 3940-3951, 3952-3966, 3967-3984, 9359 (1)] -  SB55
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision -  AB291
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision [Conf.Amdt.1 to S. Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 676r, 2858c-k, 3780c, d, 3828c, k, L, 3829d-p, 3889p, r, 3908g, 3984j, p, 3998c-n, 4002r-v, 4003r, t, 4028c-j, 4031c, e, s, 4034ys, 9359 (12c)] -  SB55
Domestic abuse and sexual assault: victim support training for medical and nursing students; civil actions and criminal sentencing provisions [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1351za, 1370n, 1379t, 3871x, 4028b]  - SB55
Emergency contraception for alleged victims of sexual assault: hospital requirements specified - AB724
Emergency contraception for alleged victims of sexual assault: hospital requirements specified - SB391
Exposing child to harmful material: affirmative defense modified re knowledge of age -  SB26
Lie detector test of sexual assault victims: law enforcement officers and DAs may not require, request, or suggest  - AB484
Looking into a private place or dwelling for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification without consent: prohibitions created; expunging a juvenile delinquency adjudication or conviction provision -  AB714
Looking into a private place or dwelling for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification without consent: prohibitions created; expunging a juvenile delinquency adjudication or conviction provision -  SB371
Patient rights of sexually violent persons [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 29n, 382wd-wf, 1967n, p, 1993j-n, r-u, 3938sg-t, 4034yd, ye] -  SB55
Privilege for communication shared between victim of abusive conduct and individual working for organization providing free counseling, assistance, or support services  - SB439
Rules of appellate procedure revised re review of orders denying certain motions, petitions for review, integrated appeal procedures for certain appeals, and postdisposition relief in cases involving commitment of sexually violent persons  - SB490
Serious sex offender fleeing to this state to avoid prosecution in another jurisdiction: penalty and penalty enhancer created - AB640
Sex offender registry: public access to information revised; local law enforcement and Corr.Dept requirements  - AB452
Sex offender registry reporting requirements: penalties for violations increased -  SB489
Sex offender residence and extended supervision conditions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3329m, 3354g, r, 3357m, 3367g, 3377m, 3385g, r, 3389m-y, 3984m] -  SB55
Sex offenders attending or working at U.W.: notice requirements [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1351zd, 3352p, w, 9311 (7c)] -  SB55
Sexual assault cases with D.N.A. evidence: exception to statute of limitations for certain cases; funding for DA activities re D.N.A. evidence [Sec. 770, 783, 3934-3936, 9359 (5)]  - AB144
Sexual assault cases with D.N.A. evidence: exception to statute of limitations for certain cases; funding for DA activities re D.N.A. evidence [Sec. 770, 783, 3934-3936, 9359 (5); Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 3936c, deletes 3936] -  SB55
Sexual assault law expanded to correctional facilities re persons confined in and officers or individuals providing services to confined persons -  AB359
Sexual assault law revisions re definition of ``intoxicant" and underage victim under the influence of alcohol beverages; U.W. and technical college provision - AB595
Sexual assault to a child: civil action to recover damages expanded to include incest and other specific sexual assaults; time limit extended -  SB22
Sexual assault to a child: civil action to recover damages expanded to include incest and other specific sexual assaults; time limit extended [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3862x, 9309 (5g)] - SB55
Sexually violent persons on supervised release: placement of [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3352r, 4034yg, yt, 9359 (12j)] -  SB55
Sexually violent persons on supervised release: proximity of residential placements limited [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4034ym; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  SB55
State correctional institutions, secured correction facility, Mendota and Winnebago mental health institutes, Wisconsin resource center, and secure mental health unit or facility for sexually violent persons: employees classified as protective occupation participants under WRS - SB169
TPR on grounds of parenthood as a result of sexual assault committed by either parent -  AB574
sex discriminationSex discrimination, see Discrimination
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
sexually transmitted disease _std_Sexually transmitted disease (STD), see Venereal disease
shared revenueShared revenue
County shared revenue payments: spending and mandate requirements -  AB230
County shared revenue payments: uses specified [Sec. 2289, 9359 (10)] -  AB144
County shared revenue payments: uses specified [Sec. 2289, 9359 (10); original bill only] - SB55
Economic growth promotion by restructuring shared revenue and TIF: DOR to study and report to DOA [Sec. 9144 (2)]  - AB144