HikeIt/BikeIt Journey to Promote Mental Health Awareness May 16-27, 2002: Wisconsinites urged to participate and Sister Ann Catherine commended for her openness  - JR2 AR1
skateboard parkSkateboard park, see Park
small businessSmall business, see Business
small claims courtSmall claims court
DATCP law revisions re small claims actions applied to certain forfeiture actions, license expiration for manufacture and distribution of fertilizer, and weather modification (remedial legislation) -  SB320
Small claims revisions re jurisdictional limit, certain attorney fees, garnishment of debtor's income, recovering damages to property, worthless checks, retail theft, and collection agencies allowed to consolidate certain accounts; parental responsibility for damages by child provision; DNR must revoke fish and game approvals paid for with worthless check  - AB820
Small claims revisions re jurisdictional limit, certain attorney fees, garnishment of debtor's income, recovering damages to property, worthless checks, retail theft, and collection agencies allowed to consolidate certain accounts; parental responsibility for damages by child provision; DNR must revoke fish and game approvals paid for with worthless check  - SB446
small loanSmall loan
Payday loan providers: notice requirements created -  AB266
Payday loan providers: requirements and prohibitions created; reports required -  SB84
Payday loan providers: requirements and prohibitions created; reports required -  SB396
smith, charles f., iiiSmith, Charles F., III
Life and public service - SJR33
smokingSmoking, see Tobacco
Antique snowmobile registration revised -  AB660
OWI statutes revised re ATVs, motorboats, and snowmobiles -  AB667
OWI statutes revised re ATVs, motorboats, and snowmobiles -  SB335
Snowmobile enforcement: Indian gaming revenues for [Sec. 608, 887, 3481, 3482] -  AB144
Snowmobile enforcement: Indian gaming revenues for [Sec. 608, 887, 3481, 3482; original bill only]  - SB55
Snowmobile law enforcement: funding source for conservation warden positions revised [A.Amdt.1: county trail aids funding provision] -  AB588
Snowmobile law revisions re trail use stickers, equipment inspection, speed limit, races or derbies, and odometer; DNR testing of noise levels; ATV provision  - AB239
Snowmobile laws: transfer of funds from Indian gaming revenue to DNR for enforcement of -  AB152
Snowmobile program and fee changes; trail use sticker fee increased [Sec. 607, 3460, 3462, 3480, 3483, 3484, 3485] - AB144
Snowmobile program and fee changes; trail use sticker fee increased [Sec. 607, 3460, 3462, 3480, 3483, 3484, 3485] - SB55
Snowmobile rail crossings: procedure and requirement revisions -  AB143
Snowmobile rail crossings: procedure and requirement revisions -  SB58
Snowmobile registration decals: exemption from displaying created -  AB727
Sparta trail overpass [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 607q, s, 9137 (4p), 9152 (4k), 9437 (6k)]  - SB55
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  AB144
Vehicle registration expedited service system revised re computerized and noncomputerized systems; fee provisions [Sec. 591, 596, 606, 609, 624, 1046, 1047-1066, 1262, 1263, 1264-1266, 1267-1304, 1305, 1306, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3461, 3463-3479, 3486-3491] -  SB55
social securitySocial security
Approvals issued by DNR: denial for failure to provide SSN prohibited -  AB76
Approvals issued by DNR: denial for failure to provide SSN prohibited -  SB15
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  AJR32
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  SJR21
Lottery prize with multiple payees: provisions re circuit court order and DOR and DWD duties [Sec. 3714-3718, 9344 (7)]  - AB144
Lottery prize with multiple payees: provisions re circuit court order and DOR and DWD duties [Sec. 3714-3718, 9344 (7); original bill only] -  SB55
Notch Fairness Act of 2001 (H.R. 97) re social security: passage urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR67
Records containing SSN and personal identifiers created after certain date: SSN must be deleted before permitting access; exceptions provided -  AB459
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -  AB405
Social security earnings limit for certain recipients: modification urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR57
Social security earnings limit for certain recipients: modification urged (memorial to Congress) -  SJR41
SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employee pay period forms prohibited  - SB12
SSN or ID number containing SSN: health care provider or insurer prohibited from using as patient or insured or enrollee number -  AB459
SSN used as student ID number: prohibition expanded to private institutions of higher education - AB352
SSN used as student ID number: prohibition expanded to private institutions of higher education - AB459
SSN used as student ID number: prohibition expanded to private institutions of higher education - AB621
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, HIRSP, self-insured plan, or the private employer health care coverage program as personal identifier prohibited  - AB621
SSN used by certain insurer, risk-sharing plan, or self-insured plan as personal identifier prohibited  - AB422
Temporary supplemental benefits created re UI; DWD, Council on unemployment insurance, and social security provisions - AB742
Temporary supplemental benefits created re UI; DWD, Council on unemployment insurance, and social security provisions - SB395
Unique personal identifiers: political subdivision, state governmental entity, and certain businesses required to use in place of SSN -  AB192
soft drinkSoft drink, see Beverage
soik, nile wSoik, Nile W.
Life and public service - SJR49
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation, see also Water — Pollution
Liability exemption for soil contamination originating off the property applies to hazardous substances in sediments [Sec. 3230] -  AB144
Liability exemption for soil contamination originating off the property applies to hazardous substances in sediments [Sec. 3230; original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 3230] -  SB55
Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased [Sec. 972] -  AB144
Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased [Sec. 972] -  SB55
Soil and water resource management program: county grants limited -  SB445
Voluntary party liability exemption re soil contaminated by an off-site discharge [Sec. 3234] - AB144
Voluntary party liability exemption re soil contaminated by an off-site discharge [Sec. 3234; original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored, 3234]  - SB55
Firearms of law enforcement, U.S. armed forces and reserves, or national guard and machine guns, explosives, or destructive devices: felony penalty for theft of revised  - SB363
Military income received while on active duty: individual income tax exemption created; sunset for armed forces member tax credit -  AB413
Military income received while on active duty outside the state: individual income tax exemption created; sunset for armed forces member tax credit -  AB411
Operation Enduring Freedom: U.S. President, Congress, armed forces, and servicemen and servicewomen called into duty commended -  AJR60
Reemployment rights and benefits for armed forces or national guard members re active service under state law and certain federal law -  AB572
Reemployment rights and benefits for armed forces or national guard members re active service under state law and certain federal law -  SB298
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  AB242
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  AB410
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created  - AB243
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1349u, 1380g, 2606m, 3061r, t, 9336 (2w), 9436 (2w)] - SB55
Selective service system: school board must instruct certain pupils on registration requirements  - AB761
Soldiers' and sailors' relief act for active service under state law created -  AB571
Soldiers' and sailors' relief act for active service under state law created -  SB297
STH 27 designated and marked "Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway" -  AB914
STH 27 designated and marked "Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway" -  SB493
Support for our troups and use of all force necessary to accomplish the goal of ridding the world of the threat of terrorism - SJR44
Veterans benefits for armed forces in Operation Enduring Freedom; professional or occupational license renewal revised and withdrawal from college process modified re national guard or armed forces member called into active duty [A.Amdt.2: salary paid to certain public employees added]  - AB558