Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  - AB829
Uniform electronic transactions act enacted [Sec. 261-263, 2829-2841, 3028, 3036, 3037, 3862, 3874-3876, 9101 (5), (6), 9301 (2)] -  AB144
Uniform electronic transactions act enacted [Sec. 261-263, 2829-2841, 3028, 3036, 3037, 3862, 3874-3876, 9101 (5), (6), 9301 (2); original bill only] -  SB55
Uniform electronic transactions act enacted [Sec. 304-315, 358, 523, 525-527, 9159 (1)-(3), 9359 (2); original bill only] - JR2 AB1
Uniform principal and income act and uniform prudent investor act adopted -  SB109
Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act created; certified automation system and certified service provider defined - AB317
Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act created; certified automation system and certified service provider defined - SB152
Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act created; certified automation system and certified system provider defined [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2245dm, 2246p]  - SB55
uniforms for pupilsUniforms for pupils, see School
union grove, village ofUnion Grove, Village of
Robert E. Ellsworth women's center in village of Union Grove renamed -  SB30
united states _ agriculture, department ofUnited States — Agriculture, Department of
Agriculture in the classroom program grants [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 421h, 2390p] - SB55
Food stamp employment and training program: DWD to request federal waiver re areas with high unemployment  - SB91
Recycled lumber research by Forest products laboratory: providing funding (memorial to Congress)  - AJR51
Recycled lumber research by Forest products laboratory: providing funding (memorial to Congress)  - SJR30
united states _ air forceUnited States — Air force
8th Air Force commended and October 8-14, 2002, proclaimed 8th Air Force Week -  AJR92
united states _ armyUnited States — Army
Western hemisphere institute for security cooperation (formerly the School of the Americas): closure urged (memorial to Congress) -  AJR28
Wildfong, Jason: service to the nation and the state commended  - AR27
united states _ congressUnited States — Congress, see also Memorial to Congress; Redistricting
Autism spectrum disorder awareness (H.Con.Res.91): Congress urged to enact -  SR16
Aviation Security Act (S. 1447): former Wisconsin legislators who are now members of Congress urged to enact  - AJR70
Direct election of the U.S. president and vice president: requesting the U.S. Congress to propose an amendment to the federal constitution -  AJR14
Great Lakes water diverted and sold: U.S. and Canadian governments urged to prohibit -  SJR36
Highground Veterans Memorial Park: Congress urged to designate as national park or monument - SJR40
H.R. 40 of the 1st Session of the 107th Congress re commission to study the effects of the institution of slavery and appropriate remedies: Congress urged to pass - AJR56
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  AJR32
Hunting and fishing license applications: federal legislation to remove SSN requirement urged -  SJR21
Lock and dam system on the upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers: Congress urged to fund modernization of  - AR56
Lock and dam system on the upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers: Congress urged to fund modernization of  - SR15
``National Fire Fighters/Police Officers Day": Congress urged to establish September 11 as -  AJR95
National Oral Health Plan supported and Congress urged to take action on The Dental Health Improvement Act (S. 971)  - AJR73
Nuclear weapons: President and Congress urged to initiate action to reduce risk of nuclear holocaust  - AJR107
Operation Enduring Freedom: U.S. President, Congress, armed forces, and servicemen and servicewomen called into duty commended -  AJR60
Permanent annual payment in lieu of taxes to Menominee county and town of Menominee: Congress urged to provide  - AJR65
Physical desecration of the U.S. flag: requesting amendment to federal constitution to prohibit - AJR53
President Bush's tax relief plan: requesting Wisconsin's congressional delegation to urge Congress to pass  - SJR29
President George W. Bush's Economic Security Plan supported and U.S. Senate Majority Leader urged to allow it to receive a vote -  SR12
Puerto Rico political status: U.S. President and Congress urged to enact legislation to define and authorize a plebiscite - AR46
Reuss, Henry S.: life and public service -  AJR93
Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 (H.R. 808): Congress urged to enact -  AR36
Steel Revitalization Act of 2001 (H.R. 808): Congress urged to enact -  SR10
Tax cuts in the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (H.R. 1836): requesting that Congress not delay or rescind -  AR52
UI benefits: U.S. President and Congress urged to support a universal extension of -  AJR66
UI benefits: U.S. President and Congress urged to support a universal extension of -  AR37
UI benefits: U.S. President and Congress urged to support a universal extension of -  SJR47
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: U.S. Senate urged to ratify - AJR99
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AJR44
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AR7
united states _ environmental protection agencyUnited States — Environmental protection agency
Brownfields grant program: recipient may not use to pay EPA or DNR liens, or to pay delinquent real estate taxes [Sec. 3630] - AB144
Brownfields grant program: recipient may not use to pay EPA or DNR liens, or to pay delinquent real estate taxes [Sec. 3630] - SB55
Contaminated property cleanup by DNR and EPA: DNR may acquire interest in property [Sec. 3259]  - AB144
Contaminated property cleanup by DNR and EPA: DNR may acquire interest in property [Sec. 3259]  - SB55
DNR funds received from EPA and FEMA: new appropriation created; uses specified [Sec. 622]  - AB144
DNR funds received from EPA and FEMA: new appropriation created; uses specified [Sec. 622]  - SB55
united states _ federal emergency management agencyUnited States — Federal emergency management agency
DNR funds received from EPA and FEMA: new appropriation created; uses specified [Sec. 622]  - AB144
DNR funds received from EPA and FEMA: new appropriation created; uses specified [Sec. 622]  - SB55
united states _ health and human services, department ofUnited States — Health and human services, Department of
Badger care program: federal waiver to increase period of time applicant must be without employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (8)] -  AB144
Badger care program: federal waiver to increase period of time applicant must be without employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (8); original bill only]  - SB55
Badger care program: federal waiver to verify applicant access to employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (7)]  - AB144
Badger care program: federal waiver to verify applicant access to employer-subsidized health care [Sec. 9123 (7); original bill only] -  SB55
Controlled substance possession and certain other crimes: probation and treatment revisions; drug use intervention services; treatment of persons violating parole or extended supervision; study and reports required; federal grant provision - SB496
Developmental disabilities waiting list evaluation and report by JLC; MA federal waiver re brain injury; DHFS plan for services to developmentally disabled; written plans of care for personal care services [Conf.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 174g, h, 1508rg-rp, 1509g, h, 1750km, 9123 (16r)-(16rs)]  - SB55
Disabled persons under age 24: DHFS to request waiver of federal MA laws [Sec. 9123 (3)] -  AB144
Disabled persons under age 24: DHFS to request waiver of federal MA laws [Sec. 9123 (3); original bill only]  - SB55
Prescription drug assistance program created; DOA, DHFS, and other states to develop multistate purchasing group; contract with private entity for bulk purchase and mail order delivery; to promote using the state's Internet site; federal waiver provision [Sec. 283, 284, 712, 1793-1796, 1823]  - AB144
Prescription drug assistance program created; DOA, DHFS, and other states to develop multistate purchasing group; contract with private entity for bulk purchase and mail order delivery; to promote using the state's Internet site; federal waiver provision [Sec. 283, 284, 712, 1793-1796, 1823; original bill only] - SB55
Relative appointment as guardian of a child: long-term kinship care eligibility expanded; foster parent provision; federal waiver [for section numbers, see entry under ``Children"] - AB144
Relative appointment as guardian of a child: long-term kinship care eligibility expanded; foster parent provision; federal waiver [for section numbers, see entry under ``Children"] - SB55
united states _ interior departmentUnited States — Interior department
American Indian or tribe trust request re land: notification to and public meeting by political subdivision required  - AB185
united states _ internal revenue serviceUnited States — Internal revenue service
Volunteer income tax assistance program: DOR to work with IRS and U.W. Extension [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2205m, 9144 (2x)] -  SB55
united states _ navyUnited States — Navy
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AJR44
U.S.S. Liberty, attack on: Congress urged to investigate -  AR7
united states _ presidentUnited States — President, see also Presidential electors
Actions against the environment by President George W. Bush opposed -  SJR32
Canvasses of elections re offices of president and vice president: withholding results from public inspection until set time - AB38
Cyprus situation: President Bush's efforts to promote progress toward a solution endorsed -  SR11
Great Lakes water diverted and sold: U.S. and Canadian governments urged to prohibit -  SJR36