Validating act, 84.14
See also Local, under this head
Construction and repair, 81.38 (6)
Water pollution in connection with maintenance, exemption, interdepartmental coordination, 29.601 (5), 30.12 (4)
Weight bearing requirements, 86.14
Weight limits, 349.16 (1) (b)
brokers BROKERS
Business opportunity, Ch. 452
Commercial paper, warranties by broker, 403.417 (4)
Commodities, statements of transactions, 100.12
Investment securities, see Commercial Code—6. Investment Securities
Lien for advances, 779.45
Real estate, generally, Ch. 452
For detailed analysis, see Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
Commission, agency contracts, 240.10
Security ownership by incompetents and spendthrifts, 880.76
Security ownership by minors act, 880.75
Transfers to minors act, 880.61 to 880.72
brucellosis BRUCELLOSIS
brule river BRULE RIVER
Dams on, 31.30
Littering restrictions, enforcement, 30.73 (3)
Uses, prohibitions, exceptions, penalty, 30.73
budget, state BUDGET, STATE
building codes BUILDING CODES
building commission BUILDING COMMISSION
Agricultural lands belonging to university, sale or lease, approve, 36.33 (3)
Appropriation, 20.866, 20.867
Bond counsel services, to be furnished by justice department, 165.25 (4)
Building program, 13.48
Execution, 20.924
Building projects, limitation, 13.484
Capital improvement fund interest earnings, appropriation, 20.867 (4)
Condemnation, 32.02 (1)
Consultant for housing and economic development authority, 234.18 (3)
Employment security buildings and equipment, 108.162
Financial services, procurement of, 18.10 (12)
Higher education bonds, 18.81 to 18.852
Funding of projects, 84.59 (6)
Surplus land inventory, report from transportation dept., 84.09 (8)
Homeownership mortgage loans, bond or note issue, consult, 234.60
Housing for state departments and agencies, 13.488
Land use planning activities, 1.13
Lands, acquire and lease to nonstock, nonprofit corporations, 13.482
Lease or sublease state lands and buildings, 13.488
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Operating note redemption fund, 18.75
Operating notes:
Agreements to maintain an accounting, 16.004 (9)
Authorizing resolution, 18.73 (1)
Limit on amount, 18.725
Proceeds, application of, 18.74
Purposes, authorization, 18.72
Sale, 18.73 (2)
Parking structure funding, Milwaukee county, 13.485
Public building corporation, may organize, 13.482
Public debt, contracting of, supervision, 18.03
Revenue obligations, powers and duties, 18.51 to 18.63
State fair park:
Coordination of activities with park board and administration dept., 42.106
Development of new facilities, procedures, 13.488 (7)
State office building, completion, 13.486
Surplus state land, submit inventory to, 23.15 (5)
University of Wis. system, gifts of real property to, approval required, 13.48 (2) (b), 36.29 (7)
Veterans' housing loan program, general obligation bonds, issuance to fund, 18.04
building contractors BUILDING CONTRACTORS
building contracts BUILDING CONTRACTS
buildings BUILDINGS
buildings_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Boilers and mechanical devices, 101.17
Community-based residential facilities, building requirements, develop, 101.127
Construction contracts, see Construction Contracts; Contractors
Controlled substances, prohibited uses, 961.42
Definitions, 101.01
Electrical construction regulation:
Commerce department, powers and duties, 101.82, 101.84
Compliance with rules, 101.88
Definitions, 101.80
Municipal authority, 62.17, 101.86, 101.865
Penalties under the law, 101.88