Patient confidentiality, 153.50
Release of data, 153.45
Independent review board request reviews, 153.67
Provision of special information, user fees, 153.65
Report to governor and legislature, 153.10
Uncompensated health care services report, 153.20
Confidentiality and rules violations:
Civil liability, 153.85
Criminal liability, 153.90
Consumer guide, 153.21
Rule making, 153.75
Independent review board, 153.76
health care institutions HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS
health care liability HEALTH CARE LIABILITY
health care records HEALTH CARE RECORDS
health clubs HEALTH CLUBS
health maintenance organizations HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS
health officers HEALTH OFFICERS
hearing and speech examining board HEARING AND SPEECH EXAMINING BOARD
Generally, Ch. 459
Creation, members, 15.405 (6m)
Licenses, fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Delinquent support and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Rulemaking, 459.12
Testing equipment, may purchase and maintain, 459.11
hearing impaired HEARING IMPAIRED
hearing instrument specialists HEARING INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS
Calibration of audiometric equipment, 459.085
Disciplinary grounds, 459.10
Examinations, 459.06
Exemptions from law, 459.14
Injunctions, 459.105
Juveniles, medical exam required before being fitted, 459.035
Continuing education requirements, 459.095
Issuance, 459.05
Renewal, 459.09
Required to sell and fit hearing aids, 459.02
Suspension, revocation, denial, 459.10
Notice provisions, 459.08
Penalties for violation of law, 459.13
Receipts to buyers required, 459.03
Rules, 459.12
Seller's guarantee of hearing aid, 459.04
Temporary trainee permits, 459.07
hearsay evidence HEARSAY EVIDENCE
Generally, Ch. 908
For detailed analysis, see Evidence
heirs HEIRS
high schools HIGH SCHOOLS
higher education bonds HIGHER EDUCATION BONDS
Generally, 18.81 to 18.852
higher educational agencies and compact for education HIGHER EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES AND COMPACT FOR EDUCATION
Generally, Ch. 39
higher educational aids board HIGHER EDUCATIONAL AIDS BOARD
highways HIGHWAYS
Generally, Chs. 80 to 86
Abutting owners, rights in, 80.47
Access, deprivation prohibited, 86.07 (2a)
Duty to report, 346.70
Failure to report, 344.08
Hit and run, 346.67
Resulting duties, 346.67, 346.68, 346.69
Forbidden where, 86.191
Signs regulated, 84.30
Aids, see County aid, Federal aid or State aids, under this head
All-terrain vehicles, operation on or near, 23.33 (4)
Alteration, see Laying, altering and discontinuing, under this head
Appropriation, VIII, 10; 20.395
Barriers; passing, penalty, 86.06
Beautifying and protecting, 80.01 (3), 84.07 (1)
Establishment, 84.60
Marking, uniform system, 84.02 (4) (f)
Planning, promotion and development of, 85.023
Billboards on, regulations, 84.30