Generally, Ch. 893
For detailed analysis, see Statutes of Limitation
limited liability companies LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES
Actions by and against:
Generally, 183.1101
Criminal judgments against, 973.17
Articles of organization, presumption, 891.20
Existence, presumption, 891.31
Notice of meeting, affidavit, presumption, 891.21
Member or manager's lack of authority to sue, effect, 183.1102
Private property of member or manager, exempt, 895.36
State actions, production of documents, testimony, immunity of agents and employees, 885.25
Antitrust violations, revocation of authority, 133.12
Capital contributions, 183.0501, 183.0502
Construction of chapter 183, 183.1302
Conversion to other business form, 183.1207
Definitions, 183.0102
Dissociation of member, events of dissociation, 183.0802
Dissolution of company:
Agency power of members and managers, 183.0904
Articles of dissolution, 183.0906
Claims against company, 183.0907
Contingent and unknown claims, 183.0908
Enforcing, 183.0909
Distribution of assets, 183.0905
Events of, 183.0901
Judicial dissolution, 183.0902
Winding up, 183.0903
Distributions, nonliquidating:
Allocation of distributions, 183.0602
Collection rights of members, 183.0606
Dissociation by member, 183.0604
Entitlement of member, generally, 183.0601
In kind, 183.0605
Limitations on distribution, 183.0607
Partial redemption, 183.0603
Wrongful distribution, liability, 183.0608
Execution of, 183.0107
Failure to execute; judicial action, 183.1301
Financial institutions department, filing documents:
Confirmation of status, 183.0113
Correcting filed documents, 183.0112
Effective date of document, 183.0111
Fees, 183.0114
Filing requirements, 183.0108
Forms, 183.0109
Secretary's duties, 183.0110
Foreign limited liability companies:
Annual report, 183.0120
Applicable law, 183.1001
Name, 183.1005
Registered office and registered agent, 183.1007
Change, 183.1008
Resignation of registered agent, 183.1009
Amended registration certificate, 183.1006
Application for registration certificate, 183.1004
Consequences of nonregistration, 183.1003
Requirement, 183.1002
Appeal, 183.1022
Grounds for, 183.1020
Procedure and effect, 183.1021
Withdrawal of, 183.1011
Service of process on foreign company, 183.1010
Interstate authority, 183.1305
Members and managers; rights, duties and attributes:
Agency power, 183.0301
Duties, 183.0402
Indemnification, limited liability, 183.0403
Liability to 3rd parties, 183.0304
Management rights, 183.0401
Notice or knowledge of member or manager, effect on company, 183.0303
Parties to actions against companies, 183.0305
Representations and admissions of, 183.0302
Voting, 183.0404
Generally, 183.1201
Approval, 183.1202
Articles, 183.1204
Effects, 183.1205
Objection by member, 183.1206
Plan, 183.1203
Names, 183.0103
Registration and reservation, 183.0104
Articles, 183.0202