Spring primary ballot, 5.58
Storm water drainage, 200.11 (7)
Tax exemption, 70.11 (2)
Tax levy authorized, 200.13 (2)
Temporary borrowing, 200.13 (4)
Temporary loan, 67.12 (1)
Annual report, 200.27 (9)
Audits, 200.27 (7), (8)
Bidding requirements, 200.47
Bonds and notes, 200.55
Boundary, 200.29 (1)
Capital budget, 200.53
Appointment, 200.23
Term, salary, 200.25
Duties, 200.31
General powers, 200.35
Officers, meetings, records, audits, 200.27
Compliance schedules, judicial review, 200.61
Condemnation, 200.43
Connections to system, 200.37
Construction and operation of systems, 200.35
Contract sewerage service, 200.39
Contracts, 200.47
Conveyances, 200.43
Corporate status, 200.29 (3)
Debt validation, 200.65
Definitions, 200.21
Diversion of funds, 200.65 (3)
Employees, 200.51
Financial advisors and investment firms, minority, 200.57
Financing, 200.55
Investment firms and financial advisors, minority, 200.57
Local construction, commission approval, 200.63
Local sewers, 200.33
Minority, financial advisors and investment firms, 200.57
Minority business program, 200.49
Name, 200.29 (2)
Noncontractual sewerage service, 200.41
Reapportionment, 200.25 (7)
Rules, 200.45
Service charges, 200.55 (5)
Special orders, 200.45 (2)
Special use permits, 200.45 (3)
Tax levies, 200.55 (6)
User charges, 200.59
microfilming MICROFILMING
Bank records, evidence, 220.285
Business records, evidence, 889.29
Circuit court papers, 59.40 (2)
City, village, town, school or clerk of court records, 19.21 (4)
County records, 228.07
Credit union records, 220.285
Milwaukee county records, Ch. 228
Savings and loan association records, 215.26 (4)
State records, 16.61
midwest interstate low_level radioactive waste commission MIDWEST INTERSTATE LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMMISSION
Created, 14.81
midwest technology development institute MIDWEST TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE
Membership, 36.11 (18)
midwifery MIDWIFERY
See Nurses
migrant workers MIGRANT WORKERS
Students, vocational schools, 38.22 (6)
military service MILITARY SERVICE
military, state MILITARY, STATE
Generally, Ch. 21
Adjutant general:
Appointment, rank, term, 15.31
Auditor of military claims, 21.19 (4)
Cadre force, organize, 21.025 (2) (d)
Camp Williams, grant use to United States, 21.04
Decorations and awards, prescribe, 21.07
Deputies, 15.04 (2)
Emergency government, powers and duties, 166.03 (2)
National guard, calling out, 21.11
National guard unit's property, approve sale, 21.42 (3)
Powers and duties, 21.19
Records and files as evidence, 891.17
Removal, 17.07 (5)
Report of guard officers' convention, printing, 21.21
Reports to governor and legislature, 15.04
Salary, 20.923
State guard, organize, when, 21.025
State service flags, furnish, 21.19 (10)