Solicitations made by prisoners, 134.73 (4)
Threat or promise to influence vote, 103.20
Threshing machine joints, uncovered, 167.18
Ticket refunds, sporting or entertainment events, 100.173
Timber theft, 26.05 (3)
Time, illegal use in business place, 175.09
Time checks not properly payable, 103.45
Time-share ownership, 707.57
Tobacco products retailer license, 134.65
Tobacco products tax violations, 139.85
Toilets, penalty for charging fee, 146.085
Trademark, see Marks, under this head
Traffic officer, fleeing from, 346.17 (3), 346.175
Transportation department, false statements to, 345.17
Traps for animals, molesting, 29.331 (5)
Evergreen, illegal cutting, sale, shipment, 134.60
On highway or street, cutting, injuring, 86.03
Trespass to flood control improvements, 87.17
Trust company or bank, use of ``bank" or ``trust" in name, 223.08
Unclaimed property act, 177.34
Unclaimed property in public treasury, failure to give notice, 59.66 (2)
Unemployment insurance offenses, 108.14 (8), 108.24
Unfair trade practices, secret, 133.05
University regents:
Parking rules, violations, 36.11 (8)
Violation of rules to protect people, 36.11 (1) (a)
Used oil fuel, 299.53
Usurper of office, 784.13
Usury, 138.06
Variable rate loans, 138.057
Vehicles, see Motor vehicles, under this head
Veterans' loan application requirements, 45.35 (17)
Veterans' papers, metals, wrongful use, 45.48
Veterinary practice, penalties, 453.05
Vital records, violations, 69.24
Vocational rehabilitation records of persons with disabilities, violation, 47.02 (7)
Wage assignment, employer liable for failure to make, 767.265
Wage payments, claims and collections law, 109.11
Warehouse receipts, failure to keep record, 134.205
Warehouse regulatory law, violations, 99.07
Water pollution discharge elimination law, violations, 283.91
Causing refuse to be in, 29.601 (3)
Mississippi River tank vessels, double hull requirement, 299.62
Open burning on commercial vessels, 299.64
Weapons assessment, 167.31 (5)
Weather modification activities, violations, 93.35 (15)
Weights and measures, illegal, law violations, 98.26
Well drillers, violation of law, 280.97
Compensation for contamination, violation, 281.75 (19)
Pits and mine shafts, capping, filling, Milwaukee county, 167.27
Wild animals, poison baits and explosives, use prohibited, 29.088 (2)
Wild rice conservation, violations, 29.607 (7)
Wills, information, fraudulently suppresses, 856.05 (3)
Wire, electronic or oral communications, interception and disclosure of certain acts, 968.31
Witnesses for contempt, 885.11
Work, preventing pursuit of, 134.03
Workers, seats not provided, 103.16
Worker's compensation:
Employer soliciting contributions, 102.16
Failure to appear or produce materials, 102.17 (3)
Uninsured employers, 102.85
penitentiaries PENITENTIARIES
pensions PENSIONS
Beneficiaries, designation of, exception, 853.18
Cooperatives, officers and employees, 185.36 (2)
Estate taxes, revenue dept. notification, 72.34
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (j)
Income tax withheld, 71.64
Insurance agents, 628.78
Joint survey committee, 13.50
Milwaukee officers and employees, 62.63
Mutual savings and loan associations, 215.50 (7)
Offset of benefits for unemployment insurance purposes, 108.05 (7)
Old-age, see Old-Age Assistance
Parents, 49.19
Sheriff, county board may appropriate for, 59.52 (20)
Soldiers and sailors on leave from employment, 45.50, 230.32
perjury PERJURY
Generally, 946.31
Disclosure of assets in actions affecting family being incomplete, 767.27 (1)
Testimony before grand jury, when used, 968.53
Witnesses before first class city civil service commission, 63.20
permit information and regulatory assistance bureau PERMIT INFORMATION AND REGULATORY ASSISTANCE BUREAU