Architects and engineers, law violations, 443.18
Assessment levy, children and juveniles not assessed, exception, 48.37
Fee-splitting, 757.45
Office with officers, 757.22 (5)
Practicing without license or under changed name, 757.30
Automobile, see Motor vehicles, under this head
Auto races at state fair park, muffler open, 42.05
Aviation fuel tax:
Failure to report or pay, 78.68
Law violations, 78.73
Badges, unauthorized wearing, 132.17
Badges and insignia, false use, 132.16
Directors, minutes, false entry, 221.0610
Examination reports, disclosing, 220.06
False statement, 221.1004
Officers and employees taking commissions, 221.0637
Officer's or employee's bond, 224.06 (7)
Stock, transfer, 221.0525
Theft by officers, directors and employees, 221.0636
Banking, unlawful without charter, 224.03
Barbering and cosmetology regulation, 454.16
Barratry, 757.295
Bedding, labeling, 100.2095
Beverage tax:
Law violations, 139.25
Violation of exemption provisions, 139.03 (5)
Bingo laws, 563.73
Blacklisting and coercion of employees, 134.02
Blind-made goods, violations, 47.03 (3)
Board of review records, tampering with, 70.47 (18)
Boathouses, illegal maintenance, 30.121 (7)
Boating regulations, violations, 30.80
Branded containers, unlawful use, 132.07
Breach of promise law abolished, violation, 768.07
Bribery, of agent or employee, 134.05
Bridges, painting on, 86.07
Brule river, uses, violations, 30.73 (4)
Building materials, wrongful use, 779.02 (7)
Burial sites preservation, violations, 157.70 (10)
Cable television:
Right of privacy, 134.43
Subscriber rights, 100.209
Captive wildlife violations, 169.45, 169.46
Cattle, transportation and sale, violations, 134.53
Cemeteries, creating easements, 157.60
Cemetery regulation violations, 157.64
Chauffeurs, graft, 134.06
Chickens, shipping offenses, 134.52
Child abuse, restraining orders and injunctions, violations, 813.122 (11)
Child labor offenses, 103.82
Children and unborn children, abuse or neglect, failure to report, 48.981 (6)
Children in shows, 103.20
Chiropractic law, 446.07
Cigarette tax law violation, 139.44
Cigarettes and tobacco products, restrictions on sale or gift, 134.66
Citizens utility board:
Actions, prohibited acts, 199.105
Corrupt practices and conflicts of interest, 199.14
City planning law violations, 62.23 (8)
Civil service:
First class cities, violations, 63.52
Milwaukee county, violations, 63.17
Violations, 230.43
Coal dock tax, false statements, 70.42
Collection, action to enforce ordinance, 66.0114
Collection agency, law violations, 218.04 (12)
Commercial clamming regulation, violations, 29.971 (1m)
Community-based residential facilities, unlicensed operators, 50.03 (1)
Compulsory school attendance law, 118.15 (5)
Conspiracy to injure reputation or business, 134.01
Consumer credit law, violations, 426.301
Consumer credit transactions, Ch. 425
Variable rate violations, 422.421 (12)
Violation of advertising provision, 423.302
Labor disputes, 103.61
Of court, punitive sanction, 785.04
Of legislature, 13.27
Continuing care contracts, 647.07
Contractor's failure to comply with municipal wage scale, 66.0903 (3)
Controlled-access highway, unlawful use, 83.027 (12), 84.25 (12)
Controlled substances:
Taxation, 139.95
Violations, 961.41 to 961.576
False documents, filing, 185.825
Use of term, 185.94