Guardian ad litem, information to be furnished to, 858.03
Information to persons interested, 858.03
Interest for life of another, when deemed asset, 700.06
Order to file, 858.05
Partnership, survivor to make, 858.11
Persons interested, to receive statement or copy, 858.03
Supplemental, on additional property, 858.17
Generally, Ch. 856
Administration, who may petition, 856.07
Appointment of personal representative delayed, special administrator appointed, 856.27
Attorney for estate, selection, 856.31
Bond of personal representative, 856.25
Contents of petition for administration, 856.09
Copy of will accompany each notice of hearing, 856.11
Creditor of decedent, may petition after 30 days, 856.07 (2)
Delivery of will to court, 856.05
Domiciliary letters, persons entitled to, 856.21
Guardian ad litem, entitled to notice of hearing, 856.11
Information on unfiled will, duty, 856.05 (2)
Jurisdiction, 856.01
Issued to trustee of testamentary trust, 856.29
Persons entitled to, 856.21
Persons not qualified, 856.23
Neglect to deliver will to court, liability, 856.05 (4)
Notice of hearing on petition for administration, 856.11
Penalty, fraudulently suppressing will information, 856.05
Personal representative:
Appointment delayed, special administrator appointed, 856.27
Bond, 856.25
Persons interested, entitled to notice, 856.11
Petition for administration:
Contents, 856.09
Who may, 856.07
Heirship, 856.15, 863.23
Lost or destroyed will, 856.17
Self-proved will, 856.16
Where uncontested, 856.15
Removal of personal representative, 856.23
Safekeeping of will by court, 856.03
Special administrator, appointment, if appointment of personal representative delayed, 856.27
Suppressing or secreting will information, penalty, 856.05 (3)
Testamentary trust, letters of trust issued to trustee, 856.29
Uncontested will, proof, 856.15
Who entitled to notice, 856.11
Who may petition for administration, 856.07
Admission to probate, 856.19
Lost or destroyed, how proved, 856.17
Must be proved, 856.13
None competent in state, other testimony, 856.15 (5)
Uncontested will, 856.15 (1)
Generally, Ch. 857
Accounts, render, 857.03
Alcohol sales, 125.06 (7)
Allowances for expenses and services, 857.05
Allowances to family during administration, 861.31
Appeal from probate court, 879.27
Appointment, delayed, special administrator appointed, 856.27
Corporate fiduciary, selection of attorney, 856.31
For estate and personal representative, fees, 857.05 (3)
Removal for delay, 857.09
Augmented marital property state, procedure for electing, 861.11
Bond, 856.25
Action on, 878.07
Additional or reduction, 878.05
Not required on appeal, 879.27 (5)
Sum paid for allowed as costs, 857.07
Business, continuation by court order, 857.25
Business property by holding spouse, management and control, 857.015
Compensation, 857.05 (2)
Completion of estates to be prompt, 863.33
Compromise of claims permitted, 859.31
Compromise of controversy, 879.59
Contested claims, procedure, 859.33
Corporation, appointment as, 223.10
Corporation or limited liability company, may form, 857.27
Allowances, 857.07
Order to appear, 857.11
Creditors, rights not affected by continuation of business, 857.25 (2)
Appointment of successor, 857.21