Development dept., to encourage and operate ombudsman clearinghouse, 560.03 (9)
Environmental compliance assistance, stationary sources, 285.79
Environmental council, 15.157 (10), 560.11
Statewide purchasing program, encouragement for participation in, 16.75 (4)
Unemployment insurance council, defined, 15.227 (3)
small claims actions SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS
smoke SMOKE
smoke detectors SMOKE DETECTORS
smoking SMOKING
See Tobacco
snowmobiles SNOWMOBILES
social services SOCIAL SERVICES
Generally, Ch. 46
For detailed analysis, see Health and Family Services Department
social workers, marriage _ family therapists and professional counselors SOCIAL WORKERS, MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPISTS AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS
Generally, Ch. 457
Applicability of regulations, 457.02
Certification and licensure:
Continuing education, 457.22
Delinquent support and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Examinations, 457.16
General requirements, 457.06
Issuance, expiration and renewal, 457.20
Marriage and family therapist license, 457.10
Training certificate, 457.11
Professional counselor license, 457.12
Training certificate, 457.13
Professional liability insurance requirement, 457.24
Reciprocal certificates and licenses, 457.15
Reporting requirements, 457.25
Social worker certificate and license, 457.08
Social worker training certificate, 457.09
Temporary certificates, 457.14
Confidentiality, patient privilege, 905.04
Disciplinary proceedings, 457.26
Examining board:
Creation, membership, sections, 15.405 (7c)
Duties, generally, 457.03
Music, dance and art therapists, 440.03 (14)
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Prohibited practices, 457.04
Injunctive relief, 457.28
Reporting requirements, 457.25
Rulemaking authority:
Psychometric testing, 457.033
Psychotherapy, 457.035
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
soft drinks SOFT DRINKS
Alteration of identification marks, 943.37 (2)
Brands, trademarks, recording, 132.11
Container regulation, 134.77
Food processing plants, licensing, fees, 97.29
Licenses, 66.0433
Standards, sampling and analysis, 97.34
soil additives SOIL ADDITIVES
Generally, 94.65
soil and water conservation SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION
Generally, Ch. 92
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection department:
Land and water resource management planning program, 92.10
Powers and duties, 92.05
Aids, state, 92.14
Appropriation, land conservation, 59.70 (20)
Conservation reserve enhancement program participation and expenditures by agriculture dept., 93.70
Construction site erosion control, 101.653
County zoning ordinances, 59.69 (4c)
Public buildings and places of employment, 101.1205
Storm water management zoning, 59.693, 61.354, 62.234
County land conservation committee:
Agencies, state and local, cooperation, 92.13
Creation, 59.70 (19), 92.06
Farmland preservation:
Maps, 91.05 (1)
Notice, 91.13 (2)
Plan, 91.35 (1)
Highway construction, coordination with transportation dept., 85.195
Lake protection and rehabilitation projects, 33.14, 33.16
Land and water resource management planning program, 92.10
Membership, 92.06
Notified of farmland application, 91.13 (2)
Notified of highway changes, 80.05
Plan approved by, 91.13 (8)
Plan required, 91.35 (1)
Powers and duties, 59.70 (20), 92.07
Soil and water conservation standards, duties, 92.105