18.10(5) (5)Registration. The state treasurer shall act as registrar for evidence of indebtedness registrable as to principal or interest or both. No transfer of a registered evidence of indebtedness is valid unless made on the register maintained by the state treasurer for that purpose, and the state shall be entitled to treat the registered owner as the owner of such instrument for all purposes. Payments of principal and interest, when registered as to interest, of registered instruments shall be by check, share draft or other draft to the registered owner at the owner's address as it appears on the register, unless the commission has otherwise provided. Information in the register relating to the owners of evidence of indebtedness is not available for inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1). The commission may make such other provisions respecting registration as it deems necessary or useful. The state treasurer may enter into a contract for the performance of any of his or her functions under this subsection and sub. (7).
18.10(6) (6)Replacement of instruments. If any bond or note becomes mutilated or is destroyed, lost or stolen, the commission shall execute and deliver a new bond or note of like date of issue, maturity date, principal amount and interest rate per year as the bond or note so mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated bond or note or in lieu of and substitution for the bond or note destroyed, lost or stolen, upon filing with the commission evidence satisfactory to the commission that such bond or note has been destroyed, lost or stolen and proof of ownership thereof, and upon furnishing the commission with indemnity satisfactory to it and complying with such other reasonable rules as the commission promulgates and paying such expenses as the commission may incur. The bonds or notes so surrendered to the commission shall be canceled by it.
18.10(7) (7)Record of instruments. The state treasurer or the treasurer's agent shall maintain records containing a full and correct description of each evidence of indebtedness issued, identifying it and showing its date, issue, amount, interest rate, payment dates, payments made, registration, destruction and every other relevant transaction.
18.10(8) (8)Trustees and fiscal agents. The commission may appoint one or more trustees and fiscal agents for each issue of bonds or notes. The state treasurer may be denominated the trustee and the sole fiscal agent or a cofiscal agent for any issue of bonds or notes. Every other such fiscal agent shall be an incorporated bank or trust company authorized by the laws of the United States or of the state in which it is located to do a banking or trust company business. The commission shall periodically require competitive proposals, under procedures established by the commission, for fiscal agent services and, in so doing, shall consult the state treasurer. There may be deposited with a trustee, in a special account administered as provided in this chapter, moneys to be used only for the purposes expressly provided in a resolution authorizing the issuance of debt or an agreement between the commission and the trustee. There may be deposited with a fiscal agent, in a special account for such purpose only, a sum estimated to be sufficient to enable such fiscal agent to pay the principal and interest on public debt which will come due not more than 15 days after the date of such deposit. The commission may make such other provisions respecting trustees and fiscal agents as it deems necessary or useful and may enter into a contract with any trustee or fiscal agent containing such terms, including compensation, and conditions in regard to the trustee or fiscal agent as it deems necessary or useful.
18.10(9) (9)Prepayment. The commission may authorize debt having any provisions for prepayment deemed necessary or useful, including the payment of any premium.
18.10(10) (10)Debt retirement. Interest shall cease to accrue on public debt on the date that such debt becomes due for payment if said payment is made or duly provided for. On that date, that public debt is no longer outstanding. If any holder of any public debt, including any interest pertaining to public debt and any premium, fails to present that public debt for payment, the unpaid unclaimed moneys provided for the payment of that public debt shall be administered under ch. 177.
18.10(11) (11)Cancellation of instruments. Unless otherwise directed by the commission, every evidence of indebtedness and interest coupon paid or otherwise retired shall forthwith be marked "canceled" and shall be delivered by the state treasurer or fiscal agent accepting the surrender thereof, through the state treasurer to the state auditor who shall destroy them and shall forthwith deliver to the state treasurer a certificate to that effect.
18.10(12) (12)Procurement of services. The commission may enter into a contract with any firm or individual engaged in financial services for the performance of any of its duties under this chapter, using selection and procurement procedures established by the commission. That contract is not subject to s. 16.705 or 16.75.
18.12 18.12 Pledge of full faith. The full faith, credit and taxing power of this state are irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal, interest and premium due, if any, on all public debt. There is irrevocably appropriated through s. 20.866, as a first charge upon all revenues of this state, a sum sufficient for the payment of the installments of principal, interest and premium due, if any, on all public debt as the same falls due.
18.13 18.13 Suits against the state.
18.13(1) (1)In general. This section and ss. 18.14 and 18.15 shall govern all civil claims, suits, proceedings and actions respecting public debt notwithstanding any contrary provision of the statutes.
18.13(2) (2)To recover a debt. If the state fails to pay any public debt in accordance with its terms, an action to compel such payment may be commenced against the state in accordance with s. 801.02. The plaintiff shall serve an authenticated copy of the summons and complaint on the attorney general by leaving the copies at the attorney general's office in the capitol with an assistant or clerk. The place of trial of such an action shall be as provided in s. 801.50.
18.13(3) (3)Judgment. Sections 16.53 and 775.01 shall not apply to such claims for payment of a public debt. If there is final judgment against the state in such action, it shall be paid as provided in s. 775.04 together with interest thereon at the rate of 10% per year from the date such payment was judged to have been due until the date of payment of such judgment.
18.13 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 575, 749 (1975); 1975 c. 218; 1979 c. 32 s. 92 (5); 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (13); 1983 a. 228 s. 16; 1983 a. 410; 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27.
18.14 18.14 Validation of debt.
18.14(1)(1) Notwithstanding any defects, irregularities, lack of power or failure to comply with any statute or any act of the commission, all public debt contracted or attempted to be contracted after December 7, 1969 is declared to be valid and entitled to the pledge made by s. 18.12; all instruments given after December 7, 1969 to evidence such debt are declared to be binding, legal, valid, enforceable and incontestable in accordance with their terms; and all proceedings taken and certifications and determinations made after December 7, 1969 to authorize, issue, sell, execute, deliver or enter into such debt or such instruments are validated, ratified, approved and confirmed.
18.14(2) (2) A determination, legislative, judicial or administrative, for any reason, that the state may not spend the proceeds of contracted public debt, or that it has spent such proceeds for a purpose other than the stated purpose for which such public debt was contracted or for a purpose for which the state may not spend money, shall not affect the validity of such public debt nor the evidence of indebtedness therefor.
18.14 History History: 1973 c. 90 s. 555m (2).
18.15 18.15 Diversion of funds, liability of officers for. Any public officer or public employee, as defined in s. 939.22 (30), and the surety on the official bond of the officer or employee, or any other person participating in any direct or indirect impairment of the capital improvement fund or bond security and redemption fund, shall be liable in an action brought by the attorney general in the name of the state, or by any taxpayer of the state, or by the holder of any evidence of indebtedness payable in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, out of such fund, to restore to such fund all diversions therefrom.
18.15 History History: 1991 a. 316.
18.16 18.16 Minority financial advisers and investment firms.
18.16(1)(1) In this section, "minority financial adviser" and "minority investment firm" mean a financial adviser and investment firm, respectively, certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036 (2).
18.16(2) (2) Except as provided under sub. (7), in contracting public debt by competitive sale, the commission shall ensure that at least 6% of total public indebtedness contracted in each fiscal year is underwritten by minority investment firms.
18.16(3) (3) Except as provided under sub. (7), in contracting public debt by negotiated sale, the commission shall ensure that at least 6% of total public indebtedness contracted in each fiscal year is underwritten by minority investment firms.
18.16(4) (4) Except as provided under sub. (7), in contracting public debt by competitive sale or negotiated sale, the commission shall ensure that at least 6% of the total moneys expended in each fiscal year for the services of financial advisers are expended for the services of minority financial advisers.
18.16(5) (5) Except as provided under s. 18.06 (9) and sub. (7), an individual underwriter or syndicate of underwriters shall ensure that each bid or proposal, submitted by that individual or syndicate in a competitive or negotiated sale of public debt, provides for a portion of sales to minority investment firms.
18.16(6) (6) The commission shall annually report to the department of administration the total amount of public indebtedness contracted with the underwriting services of minority investment firms and the total amount of moneys expended for the services of minority financial advisers during the preceding fiscal year.
18.16(7) (7) The requirements of any of subs. (2) to (5) do not apply to a contracting of public debt, if the secretary of administration submits a report in writing to the joint committee on finance specifying the building commission's reasons for not complying with the requirements of any of subs. (2) to (5) for that contracting of public debt.
18.16 History History: 1987 a. 27; 1989 a. 366; 1991 a. 32; 1995 a. 27 s. 9116 (5).
18.17 18.17 Full authority. This chapter shall constitute full authority for the accomplishment of all acts authorized in this chapter to be done. No other law restricting the carrying out of such acts shall be construed as applying to proceedings had or acts done pursuant to this chapter.
subch. II of ch. 18 SUBCHAPTER II
18.51 18.51 Provisions applicable. The following sections apply to this subchapter, except that all references to "public debt" or "debt" shall be read to refer to a "revenue obligation" and all references to "evidences of indebtedness" shall be read to refer to "evidences of revenue obligation": ss. 18.02, 18.03, 18.06 (8), 18.07, 18.10 (1), (2), (4) to (9) and (11) and 18.17.
18.51 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1991 a. 39; 1999 a. 9.
18.52 18.52 Definitions. In this subchapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
18.52(1) (1) "Authorizing resolution" means any resolution adopted by the commission under this subchapter which authorizes the contracting of a revenue obligation.
18.52(2) (2) "Commission" means the building commission.
18.52(2m) (2m) "Enterprise obligation" means every undertaking by the state to repay a certain amount of borrowed money that is all of the following:
18.52(2m)(a) (a) Created for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring, leasing, constructing, extending, expanding, adding to, improving, conducting, controlling, operating or managing a revenue-producing enterprise or program.
18.52(2m)(b) (b) Payable from and secured by the property or income or both of the enterprise or program.
18.52(2m)(c) (c) Not public debt under s. 18.01 (4).
18.52(3) (3) "Evidence of revenue obligation" means a written promise to pay a revenue obligation.
18.52(4) (4) "Public debt" means every voluntary, unconditional undertaking by the state to repay a certain amount of borrowed money:
18.52(4)(a) (a) Out of the state treasury, except a loan or advance by any state agency or fund to any other state agency or fund; or
18.52(4)(b) (b) For which any existing asset of the state is pledged, except the pledge of an outstanding evidence of indebtedness without recourse.
18.52(5) (5) "Revenue obligation" means an enterprise obligation or a special fund obligation. A revenue obligation may be both an enterprise obligation and a special fund obligation.
18.52(6) (6) "Revenue-producing enterprise" or "program" means every state enterprise or program deemed by the legislature to be likely to produce sufficient net income to pay when due the principal and interest of revenue obligations to be issued in connection therewith.
18.52(7) (7) "Special fund obligation" means every undertaking by the state to repay a certain amount of borrowed money that is all of the following:
18.52(7)(a) (a) Payable from a special fund consisting of fees, penalties or excise taxes.
18.52(7)(b) (b) Not public debt under s. 18.01 (4).
18.52(8) (8) "Special fund program" means a state program or purpose with respect to which the legislature has determined that financing with special fund obligations is appropriate and will serve a public purpose.
18.53 18.53 Purposes of revenue obligations and amounts.
18.53(1)(1) The commission may authorize money to be borrowed and evidences of revenue obligation to be issued therefor in an amount sufficient to fund or refund, as provided in s. 18.60, the whole or any part of:
18.53(1)(a) (a) Any revenue obligation issued under this subchapter.
18.53(1)(b) (b) Any public debt or indebtedness described in s. 18.04.
18.53(2) (2) The commission may authorize money to be borrowed and evidences of revenue obligation to be issued therefor, in an amount sufficient, as provided in s. 18.59:
18.53(2)(a) (a) To anticipate the sale of revenue-obligation bonds.
18.53(2)(b) (b) To renew the whole or any part of any revenue-bond anticipation notes then outstanding.
18.53(3) (3) The commission shall authorize money to be borrowed and evidences of revenue obligation to be issued. The requirements for funds shall be established by the state department or agency head carrying out program responsibilities for which the revenue obligations have been authorized by the legislature, but shall not exceed the following:
18.53(3)(a) (a) In the case of enterprise obligations, the amounts specified by the legislature to purchase, acquire, lease, construct, extend, expand, add to, improve, conduct, control, operate or manage such revenue-producing enterprises or programs as are specified by the legislature.
18.53(3)(b) (b) In the case of special fund obligations, the amount specified by the legislature for such expenditures to be paid from special fund obligations.
18.53(4) (4) Each purpose specified in sub. (3) shall include the expenses of issuance of the revenue obligations.
18.53 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1999 a. 9.
18.54 18.54 Limitations on revenue obligations.
18.54(1) (1) The amount of evidences of revenue obligation issued or outstanding for the purposes specified in s. 18.53 (1) and (2) are subject only to the limits provided in this subchapter.
18.54(2) (2) The amount of evidences of revenue obligation issued or outstanding for purposes specified by the legislature under s. 18.53 (3) are subject only to the limits provided in the legislation which authorizes that revenue obligation. No refunding obligation is subject to any limitation specified by that legislation.
18.54 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1987 a. 27.
18.55 18.55 Procedures.
18.55(1)(1)Authorizing resolution. No money may be borrowed under this subchapter nor any evidence of revenue obligation issued by the state except pursuant to an authorizing resolution. Each authorizing resolution shall state each purpose of the revenue obligation it authorizes, which need not be more specific but shall not be more general than those purposes provided in or pursuant to law, and the maximum principal amount of revenue obligations authorized for each such purpose.
18.55(2) (2)Bond anticipation notes. Revenue-obligation bond anticipation notes may be sold at public or private sale or, in the case of renewal notes, exchanged privately for and in payment and discharge of any of the outstanding notes being renewed, as provided in the authorizing resolution.
18.55(3) (3)Revenue obligations. Revenue obligations may be sold at either public or private sale. The commission may provide in the authorizing resolution for refunding obligations that they be exchanged privately in payment and discharge of any of the outstanding bonds or notes being refunded. All revenue obligations sold at public sale shall be noticed as provided in the authorizing resolution. Any or all bids received at public sale may be rejected.
18.55(4) (4)No minimum issuance price. Revenue obligation bonds may be sold at any price or percentage of par value.
18.55(5) (5)Exercise of authority. Money may be borrowed and evidences of revenue obligation issued therefor pursuant to one or more authorizing resolutions, unless otherwise provided in the resolution or in this subchapter, at any time and from time to time, for any combination of purposes, in any specific amounts, at any rates of interest, for any term, payable at any intervals, at any place, in any manner and having any other terms or conditions deemed necessary or useful. Revenue obligation bonds may bear interest at variable or fixed rates, bear no interest or bear interest payable only at maturity or upon redemption prior to maturity. Unless sooner exercised or unless a shorter period is provided in the resolution, every authorizing resolution, except as provided in s. 18.59 (1), shall expire one year after the date of its adoption.
18.55 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1985 a. 29; 1987 a. 69; 1989 a. 31, 46; 1999 a. 9.
18.56 18.56 Revenue obligations. The commission may authorize, for any of the purposes described in s. 18.53 (3), the issuance of revenue obligations. The revenue obligations shall mature at any time not exceeding 50 years from the date thereof as the commission shall determine. The revenue obligations shall be payable only out of the redemption fund provided under s. 18.561 (5) or 18.562 (3) and each revenue obligation shall contain on its face a statement to that effect. A revenue obligation may contain a provision authorizing redemption, in whole or in part, at stipulated prices, at the option of the commission and shall provide the method of redeeming the revenue obligations.
18.56 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1979 c. 34, 155; 1989 a. 31, 46; 1999 a. 9.
18.56 Annotation A federal provision subjecting interest on unregistered state and local bonds to federal income tax does not violate the 10th amendment or the intergovernmental tax immunity doctrine. South Carolina v. Baker, 485 U.S. 505 (1988).
18.561 18.561 Enterprise obligations.
18.561(1) (1)Payment with revenue obligations. The state and a contracting party may provide, in any contract for purchasing or acquiring a revenue-producing enterprise or program, that payment shall be made in revenue obligations.
18.561(2) (2)Security interests of owners of enterprise obligations. There is a mortgage lien upon or security interest in the income and property of each revenue-producing enterprise or program for the benefit of the owners of the related enterprise obligations. No physical delivery, recordation or other action is required to perfect the security interest. The income and property of the revenue-producing enterprise or program shall remain subject to the lien until provision for payment in full of the principal and interest of the enterprise obligations has been made, as provided in the authorizing resolution. Any owner of such enterprise obligations may either at law or in equity protect and enforce the lien and compel performance of all duties required by this section. If there is any default in the payment of the principal or interest of any of such enterprise obligations, any court having jurisdiction of the action may appoint a receiver to administer the revenue-producing enterprise or program on behalf of the state and the owners of the enterprise obligations, with power to charge and collect rates sufficient to provide for the payment of the operating expenses and also to pay any enterprise obligations outstanding against the revenue-producing enterprise or program, and to apply the income and revenues thereof in conformity with this subchapter and the authorizing resolution, or the court may declare the whole amount of the enterprise obligations due and payable, if such relief is requested, and may order and direct the sale of the revenue-producing enterprise or program. Under any sale so ordered, the purchaser shall be vested with an indeterminate permit to maintain and operate the revenue-producing enterprise or program. The legislature may provide for additions, extensions and improvements to a revenue-producing enterprise or program to be financed by additional issues of enterprise obligations as provided by this section. Such additional issues of enterprise obligations shall be subordinate to all prior related issues of enterprise obligations which may have been made under this section, unless the legislature, in the statute authorizing the initial issue of enterprise obligations, permits the issue of additional enterprise obligations on a parity therewith.
18.561(3) (3)Dedication of revenues. As accurately as possible in advance, the commission and the state department or agency carrying out program responsibilities for which enterprise obligations are to be issued shall determine, and the commission shall fix in the authorizing resolution for such enterprise obligations: the proportion of the revenues of the revenue-producing enterprise or program which shall be necessary for the reasonable and proper operation and maintenance thereof; the proportion of the revenues which shall be set aside as a proper and adequate replacement and reserve fund; and the proportion of the revenues which shall be set aside and applied to the payment of the principal and interest of the enterprise obligations, and shall provide that the revenues be set aside in separate funds. At any time after one year's operation, the state department or agency and the commission may recompute the proportion of the revenues which shall be assignable under this subsection based upon the experience of operation or upon the basis of further financing.
18.561(4) (4)Replacement and reserve fund. The proportion set aside to the replacement and reserve fund shall be available and shall be used, whenever necessary, to restore any deficiency in the redemption fund for the payment of the principal and interest due on enterprise obligations and for the creation and maintenance of any reserves established by the authorizing resolution to secure such payments. At any time when the redemption fund is sufficient for said purposes, moneys in the replacement and reserve fund may, subject to available appropriations, be expended either in the revenue-producing enterprise or program or in new acquisitions, constructions, extensions, additions, expansions or improvements. Any accumulations of the replacement and reserve fund may be invested as provided in this subchapter, and if invested, the income from the investment shall be carried in the replacement and reserve fund.
18.561(5) (5)Redemption fund. The proportion which shall be set aside for the payment of the principal and interest on the enterprise obligations shall from month to month as they accrue and are received, be set apart and paid into a separate fund in the treasury or in an account maintained by a trustee appointed for that purpose in the authorizing resolution to be identified as "the ... redemption fund". Each redemption fund shall be expended, and all moneys from time to time on hand therein are irrevocably appropriated, in sums sufficient, only for the payment of principal and interest on the enterprise obligations giving rise to it and premium, if any, due upon redemption of any such obligations, and for other obligations that are secured by the property or income, or both, of the enterprise or program. Moneys in the redemption funds may be commingled only for the purpose of investment with other public funds, but they shall be invested only in investment instruments permitted in s. 25.17 (3) (dr). All such investments shall be the exclusive property of the fund and all earnings on or income from such investments shall be credited to the fund.
18.561(6) (6)Redemption fund surplus. If any surplus is accumulated in any of the redemption funds, subject to any contract rights vested in owners of enterprise obligations secured thereby, it shall be paid over to the treasury.
18.561(7) (7)Payment for services. The reasonable cost and value of any service rendered to the state by a revenue-producing enterprise or program shall be charged against the state and shall be paid for by it in periodic installments, subject to available appropriations.
18.561(8) (8)Rates for services. The rates for all services rendered by a revenue-producing enterprise or program to the state or to other consumers, shall be reasonable and just, taking into account and consideration the value of the services, the cost of maintaining and operating the same, the proper and necessary allowance for depreciation replacement and reserve, and a sufficient and adequate return upon the capital invested.
18.561(9) (9)Authorizing resolution. The commission may provide in the authorizing resolution for enterprise obligations or by subsequent action all things necessary to carry into effect this section. Any authorizing resolution shall constitute a contract with the owners of any enterprise obligations issued pursuant to the resolution. Any authorizing resolution may contain such provisions or covenants, without limiting the generality of the power to adopt the resolution, as are deemed necessary or desirable for the security of the owners of enterprise obligations or the marketability of the enterprise obligations.
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