24.355 24.355 Limitation of actions. All claims under s. 24.34 or 24.35 shall become barred, unless application therefor be made within 5 years from the time of such payment, or, in cases where the state never had title, from the time when the invalidity of the title of the state was established.
24.36 24.36 Lost certificates and patents. Whenever any duplicate certificate of sale shall have been lost or destroyed before the patent shall issue, or whenever any patent shall have been lost or destroyed the board, upon satisfactory proof of the fact by affidavit to be filed with it, may issue a certified copy of the original certificate of sale or of the record in its office of such patent, or a quitclaim deed in place of such patent, to the person entitled thereto, which shall have the same force and effect as the original duplicate certificate or patent. Its certificate to such copy and quitclaim deed shall recite the loss or destruction of the original.
24.37 24.37 Ejectment. If any person shall hold or continue in possession of any public lands without written permission from the board, or contrary to the conditions or covenants of any lease or written agreement, or after such lands have been forfeited to the state, that person shall be liable to an action by the state or any purchaser from the state for an unlawful detainer or other proper action to recover possession of such lands with damages for the detention of the same.
24.37 History History: 1991 a. 316.
24.38 24.38 Boundaries. The lines, boundaries and descriptions of the swamp lands as exhibited by the plats and field notes of the United States survey are adopted and shall be deemed conclusively to be the true lines, boundaries and descriptions thereof.
24.39 24.39 Leases, etc.
24.39(1)(1) The board of commissioners of public lands may grant leases of parts or parcels of any public lands except state park lands and state forest lands; grant easements, leases to enter upon any of said lands to flow the same or to prospect for and to dig and remove therefrom ore, minerals and other deposits, and sell therefrom such timber as the board shall find necessary to prevent future loss or damage. All sales of standing live timber shall be on a selective cutting basis in line with federal forest practices. Such easements, leases, licenses and sales shall be made only for a full and fair consideration paid or to be paid to the state, the amount and terms whereof shall be fixed by said board, and such easements, leases, licenses and sales shall conform to the requirements, so far as applicable, prescribed by ch. 26 for the exercise by the department of natural resources of similar powers affecting state park lands and state forest lands.
24.39(2) (2) In negotiating for such leases, licenses or sales, and in exercising the other powers conferred by this section the board of commissioners of public lands shall, so far as it finds it desirable and practicable, request and make proper use of such services and information as the department of natural resources may be able to furnish.
24.39(3) (3) All moneys received by the board from the leasing of land under the U.S. flood control act of 1954 and subsequent amendments thereto, shall be paid into the general fund of the state within one week and are appropriated therefrom to the board to be paid to the county clerk of the county in which the leased land is located for the benefit of the general fund of such county within 30 days of its receipt by the board.
24.39(4) (4)
24.39(4)(a)(a) Subject to pars. (c) and (d) the board of commissioners of public lands may:
24.39(4)(a)1. 1. Lease to riparian owners rights to the beds of lakes and rights to fill in beds of lakes or navigable streams, held by the state in trust for the public, when the purpose of the lease is for the improvement of navigation or for the improvement or construction of harbor facilities as defined in s. 30.01; and
24.39(4)(a)2. 2. Lease such rights to municipalities as defined in s. 30.01 and in locations where the municipality is the riparian owner, when the purpose of the lease is for the improvement or provision of recreational facilities related to navigation for public use.
24.39(4)(b) (b) All revenues from such leases shall be paid into the general fund.
24.39(4)(c) (c) No leases under par. (a) may be executed without a prior finding of the department of natural resources under s. 30.11 (5) that any proposed physical change in the area contemplated as the result of the execution of any term lease is consistent with the public interest in the navigable waters involved.
24.39(4)(d) (d) This subsection applies only to Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers, the Fox River from Green Bay upstream to the point where it meets the Wolf River, and to the segments of all other bodies of water in which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides and maintains commercial navigation channels.
24.39(4)(e) (e) Such lease shall be for a term not to exceed 50 years, and shall include therein any and all conditions and terms the board of commissioners of public lands believes to be necessary in the public interest. A lessee or the lessee's heirs, successors or assigns of a lease which has reached the end of its term shall have first opportunity to contract with the board of commissioners of public lands for a new lease.
24.39(4)(f) (f) A municipality may sublease rights leased to it under par. (a) 1. or 2. to corporations or private persons. A municipality may also make physical improvements on and above the bottoms to which rights were leased from the board of commissioners of public lands and may sublease these improvements to corporations or private persons. Any subleases under this paragraph shall be consistent with this subsection and with whatever standards or restrictions the department of natural resources, acting under s. 30.11 (5), may have found at the time of execution of the original lease by the board of commissioners of public lands to the municipality.
24.39(4)(g) (g) The lease may be terminated for nonuse or for a nonconforming use any time after 5 years from date of issue, or such shorter period of time as may be specified in the lease. It may also be terminated for any other ground recognized at law for termination of a lease.
24.39(4)(h) (h) All rights to submerged lands and rights above submerged lands ceded, granted, or leased to municipalities, or other persons by acts of the state that were effective prior to October 10, 1961, shall not be affected by this subsection or by s. 30.11 (5).
24.39(4)(i) (i) All leases entered into by the board of commissioners of public lands under this subsection and s. 30.11 shall be deemed to be subject to this section and any other applicable laws of this state or of the United States.
24.39 History History: 1981 c. 390; 1991 a. 316; 2001 a. 103.
24.40 24.40 Easements; annexation.
24.40(1) (1) Every board, commission, department and agency of the state having real estate belonging to the state under its control may grant easements in said property for public utility service through, over, along or to said property, including without limitation by enumeration the necessary poles, wires, structures, lines, conduits, pipes or pipe lines for heat, light, water, gas, sewer, power, telecommunications, telegraph and transmission of messages.
24.40(2) (2) Every such board, commission, department and agency may petition or join in a petition for and on behalf of the state as the owner of such property to annex or detach the same or any part or parts thereof to or from an adjoining municipality.
24.40 History History: 1985 a. 297 s. 76.
24.51 24.51 Constitutional board. The board created by article X, section 7, of the constitution may be styled in any law or any action or proceeding in court as "The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands".
24.51 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.51; 1983 a. 192.
24.52 24.52 Jurisdiction. Together with the power and duty of selling the school and university lands and investing the funds arising therefrom, prescribed for the board by article X, section 7, of the constitution, it is invested with power to dispose of all other public lands and all interests in lands held by the state for sale, and with such further powers as may be necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise the functions and perform the duties imposed upon it by law.
24.52 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.52; 1983 a. 192.
24.53 24.53 Investigate land claims; deduct expenses. The board of commissioners of public lands shall investigate the rights of the state to school lands, normal school lands, university lands and agricultural college lands. The expenses incurred in making these investigations and taking necessary steps to protect common school lands, normal school lands, university lands and agricultural college lands and timber on those lands, as well as the expense of necessary surveys, records, appraisals and sales, upon the approval of the board, shall be deducted from the gross receipts of the fund to which the proceeds from the sale of the land or timber will be added.
24.53 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.53.
24.54 24.54 Records; copies as evidence.
24.54(1) (1) The department of administration shall provide an office for the board. The board shall conveniently arrange and preserve in that office all records, books, reports, surveys, maps, field notes, plats and other papers pertaining to the public lands owned by the state, including all public lands that have been or shall be received from the United States or any officer of the United States. The board may perfect the records, books, reports, surveys, maps, field notes, plats and other papers when incomplete, and cause copies of those documents to be made when from injury, loss, use or accident it shall become necessary. Any copy, when certified to be a correct copy by the executive secretary of the board under the executive secretary's signature and the official seal of the office to have been made for any of the causes specified in this subsection, shall have the same force and effect in all courts and places as the original. Any copy from the original records, books, reports, surveys, maps, field notes, plats or other papers, or from any record or paper required by law to be kept in the office, or any copy from a certified copy of one of those documents, when certified by the executive secretary of the board or any member of the board of commissioners of public lands under the official seal of the board, shall be received in evidence with the same effect as the original.
24.54(2) (2) All records, books and files kept by the board shall at all business hours be open, under proper regulations made by it, to the inspection of any person, free of charge. The board also may in like manner make, perfect, and complete proper records, books, reports and other papers pertaining to the lands of which the state has been or is trustee for the United States.
24.54 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; 1979 c. 176; Stats. 1979 s. 24.54; 1989 a. 31; 1993 a. 16.
24.55 24.55 Executive secretary; deputy; staff; appointments; duties; oath. The board shall appoint an executive secretary outside the classified service. The executive secretary shall appoint a deputy who shall, during the absence of the executive secretary, have all of the authority given by law to the executive secretary. The executive secretary and deputy shall take and file the official oath.
24.55 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.55; 1993 a. 16.
24.56 24.56 Not to buy lands. The board, and all persons employed by it or about any of its respective offices, are prohibited from purchasing any of the public lands, directly or indirectly, either in their own name or in the name of any other person in trust for them or either of them; and for every tract or parcel of land purchased in violation hereof each such person offending shall forfeit not more than $250.
24.56 History History: 1975 c. 365; 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.56; 1993 a. 16.
24.57 24.57 Report of board. The board shall include in any report submitted under s. 15.07 (6) a report of its official proceedings for the period since the proceedings reported in the most recent report, showing the quantity of land sold or leased and the amount received therefor, the amount of interest moneys accrued or received and a specific account of the several investments made by them, stating in all cases of loans, the name of each borrower, the sum borrowed and a description of the property mortgaged. The report also shall include such other matters as it thinks proper to communicate or as the legislature requires.
24.57 History History: 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.57; 1983 a. 27.
24.58 24.58 Appraisers. The board may select employees of the department to appraise lands or perform other services in field and forest. The board shall reimburse the department under a contract with the department for the performance of public land management services.
24.58 History History: 1975 c. 94; 1979 c. 34 s. 699g; Stats. 1979 s. 24.58; 1993 a. 16.
subch. II of ch. 24 SUBCHAPTER II
24.60 24.60 Definitions. In this subchapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
24.60(1) (1) "Consortium" means an association of 2 or more of any of the following entities for the purpose of implementing, expanding or participating in a distance education or educational technology project:
24.60(1)(a) (a) A school district.
24.60(1)(b) (b) A technical college district.
24.60(1)(c) (c) A county, if the county acts on behalf of a county library board that has adopted a resolution under s. 24.66 (3m).
24.60(1)(d) (d) A city, village or town, if the city, village or town acts on behalf of a municipal library board that has adopted a resolution under s. 24.66 (3m).
24.60(1g) (1g) "Distance education" means instruction that takes place, regardless of the location of a teacher or student, by means of telecommunications or other means of communication, including cable, instructional television fixed service, microwave, radio, satellite, computer, telephone or television.
24.60(1r) (1r) "Educational technology" means technology used in the education or training of any person or in the administration of an elementary or secondary school or a public library.
24.60(1v) (1v) Federated public library system means a federated public library system whose territory lies within 2 or more counties.
24.60(2) (2) "Municipality" means a town, village, city, county, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, town sanitary district created under s. 60.71, metropolitan sewerage district created under s. 200.05 or 200.23, joint sewerage system created under s. 281.43 (4), school district or technical college district.
24.60(3) (3) "School district" has the meaning designated under s. 115.01 (3).
24.60(4) (4) "State trust fund loan" means a loan authorized under s. 24.61 (3).
24.60(5) (5) "Trust funds" means the common school fund, the normal school fund, the university fund and the agricultural college fund.
24.61 24.61 Authorized investments and loans.
24.61(1) (1)Investments and loans; separate accounts. The board shall loan or invest moneys belonging to the trust funds as those moneys accumulate in the treasury. The board shall keep a separate account of all investments and loans from each fund.
24.61(2) (2)Investments.
24.61(2)(a)(a) Authorized investments. The board may invest moneys belonging to the trust funds in the purchase of any of the following:
24.61(2)(a)1. 1. Bonds or notes of the United States.
24.61(2)(a)2. 2. Securities issued under the provisions of the federal farm loan act of July 17, 1916, (12 USC 641, et seq.) or the farm credit act of 1971 (P.L. 92-181).
24.61(2)(a)3. 3. Bonds of this state.
24.61(2)(a)4. 4. Bonds issued pursuant to law by any town, village, city, county or school district of this state.
24.61(2)(a)5. 5. Bonds issued by a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229.
24.61(2)(a)6. 6. Bonds of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
24.61(2)(a)7. 7. Bonds issued by a local professional baseball park district created under subch. III of ch. 229.
24.61(2)(a)8. 8. Bonds issued by a local professional football stadium district created under subch. IV of ch. 229.
24.61(2)(a)9. 9. Bonds issued by a local cultural arts district under subch. V of ch. 229.
24.61(2)(b) (b) Deposited with state treasurer. All bonds, notes and other securities so purchased shall be deposited with the state treasurer.
24.61(3) (3)Loans.
24.61(3)(a)(a) Authorized loans. The board may loan moneys under its control or belonging to the trust funds to:
24.61(3)(a)1. 1. A school district by whatever name designated, to be used for any of the following:
24.61(3)(a)1.a. a. The operation and maintenance of schools.
24.61(3)(a)1.b. b. Erecting and remodeling school buildings and teacherages.
24.61(3)(a)1.c. c. Purchasing teacherages, teacherage sites, schoolhouse sites, bus garage sites, transportation vehicles, bus garages, school equipment and school playgrounds.
24.61(3)(a)1.d. d. Refunding any indebtedness incurred for a lawful purpose within constitutional limitations.
24.61(3)(a)1.e. e. The purpose authorized by s. 67.04.
24.61(3)(a)1.f. f. Any purpose otherwise authorized by law.
24.61(3)(a)2. 2. A town, village, city or county as provided under s. 67.04 or otherwise authorized by law.
24.61(3)(a)3. 3. A technical college district as provided under s. 67.04 or otherwise authorized by law.
24.61(3)(a)4. 4. A public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district for the purposes of the exercise of its powers under s. 33.22.
24.61(3)(a)5. 5. A town sanitary district created under s. 60.71 for the purposes for which the district may issue its bonds under s. 60.78.
24.61(3)(a)6. 6. A metropolitan sewerage district created under s. 200.05, as provided under s. 67.04 or otherwise authorized by law.
24.61(3)(a)7. 7. A metropolitan sewerage system created under s. 200.23, as provided under s. 67.04 or otherwise authorized by law.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?