252.01 Definitions.
252.02 Powers and duties of department.
252.03 Duties of local health officers.
252.04 Immunization program.
252.041 Compulsory vaccination during a state of emergency.
252.05 Reports of cases.
252.06 Isolation and quarantine.
252.07 Tuberculosis.
252.10 Public health dispensaries.
252.11 Sexually transmitted disease.
252.12 HIV and related infections, including hepatitis C virus infections; services and prevention.
252.13 Blood tests for HIV.
252.14 Discrimination related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
252.15 Restrictions on use of a test for HIV.
252.16 Health insurance premium subsidies.
252.17 Medical leave premium subsidies.
252.18 Handling foods.
252.19 Communicable diseases; suspected cases; protection of public.
252.21 Communicable diseases; schools; duties of teachers, parents, officers.
252.23 Regulation of tattooists.
252.24 Regulation of body piercing and body-piercing establishments.
252.241 Denial, nonrenewal and revocation of license based on tax delinquency.
252.245 Agent status for local health departments.
252.25 Violation of law relating to health.
Ch. 252 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See definitions in s. 250.01.
252.01 252.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
252.01(1g) (1g) "First responder" means a person who, as a condition of employment or as a member of an organization that provides emergency medical care before hospitalization, provides emergency medical care to a sick, disabled or injured individual before the arrival of an ambulance, but who does not provide transportation for a patient.
252.01(1m) (1m) "HIV" means any strain of human immunodeficiency virus, which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
252.01(2) (2) "HIV infection" means the pathological state produced by a human body in response to the presence of HIV.
252.01(3) (3) "Municipality" means any city, village or town.
252.01(4) (4) "Peace officer" has the meaning given in s. 939.22 (22).
252.01(6) (6) "State epidemiologist" means the individual appointed by the state health officer under s. 250.02 (1) as the state epidemiologist for acute and communicable diseases.
252.01(7) (7) "State patrol officer" means an officer of the state traffic patrol under s. 110.07 (1) (a).
252.01(8) (8) "Validated test result" means a result of a test for the presence of HIV, antigen or nonantigenic products of HIV or an antibody to HIV that meets the validation requirements determined to be necessary by the state epidemiologist.
252.01 History History: 1993 a. 27 ss. 281, 283, 320, 338, 339, 341; 1993 a. 252.
252.02 252.02 Powers and duties of department.
252.02(1) (1) The department may establish systems of disease surveillance and inspection to ascertain the presence of any communicable disease. Any agent of the department may, with a special inspection warrant issued under s. 66.0119, enter any building, vessel or conveyance to inspect the same and remove therefrom any person affected by a communicable disease. For this purpose, the agent may require the person in charge of the vessel or conveyance, other than a railway car, to stop the same at any place and may require the conductor of any railway train to stop the train at any station or upon any sidetrack, for such time as may be necessary.
252.02(2) (2) In an emergency, the department may provide those sick with a communicable disease with medical aid and temporary hospital accommodation.
252.02(3) (3) The department may close schools and forbid public gatherings in schools, churches, and other places to control outbreaks and epidemics.
252.02(4) (4) The department may promulgate and enforce rules or issue orders for guarding against the introduction of any communicable disease into the state, for the control and suppression of communicable diseases, for the quarantine and disinfection of persons, localities and things infected or suspected of being infected by a communicable disease and for the sanitary care of jails, state prisons, mental health institutions, schools, hotels and public buildings and connected premises. Any rule or order may be made applicable to the whole or any specified part of the state, or to any vessel or other conveyance. The department may issue orders for any city, village or county by service upon the local health officer. Rules that are promulgated and orders that are issued under this subsection supersede conflicting or less stringent local regulations, orders or ordinances.
252.02(5) (5) If any public officer or employee or any person in charge of any building, vessel, conveyance, jail, state prison, mental health institution or school fails to comply with a rule promulgated or order issued under sub. (4), the department may appoint an agent to execute its rules or orders. Expenses that an agent incurs shall be paid by the unit of government that employs the person or of which the public officer is a member. If the building, vessel, conveyance, mental health institution or school is privately owned the state shall pay the expenses that the agent incurs.
252.02(6) (6) The department may authorize and implement all emergency measures necessary to control communicable diseases.
252.02(7) (7) The department shall promulgate rules that specify medical conditions treatable by prescriptions or nonprescription drug products for which pharmacists and pharmacies must report under s. 440.142 (1).
252.02 History History: 1981 c. 291; 1993 a. 27 s. 284; Stats. 1993 s. 252.02; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2001 a. 109.
252.02 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HFS 145, Wis. adm. code.
252.03 252.03 Duties of local health officers.
252.03(1) (1) Every local health officer, upon the appearance of any communicable disease in his or her territory, shall immediately investigate all the circumstances and make a full report to the appropriate governing body and also to the department. The local health officer shall promptly take all measures necessary to prevent, suppress and control communicable diseases, and shall report to the appropriate governing body the progress of the communicable diseases and the measures used against them, as needed to keep the appropriate governing body fully informed, or at such intervals as the secretary may direct. The local health officer may inspect schools and other public buildings within his or her jurisdiction as needed to determine whether the buildings are kept in a sanitary condition.
252.03(2) (2) Local health officers may do what is reasonable and necessary for the prevention and suppression of disease; may forbid public gatherings when deemed necessary to control outbreaks or epidemics and shall advise the department of measures taken.
252.03(3) (3) If the local authorities fail to enforce the communicable disease statutes and rules, the department shall take charge, and expenses thus incurred shall be paid by the county or municipality.
252.03(4) (4) No person may interfere with the investigation under this chapter of any place or its occupants by local health officers or their assistants.
252.03 History History: 1981 c. 291; 1993 a. 27 s. 285; Stats. 1993 s. 252.03.
252.04 252.04 Immunization program.
252.04(1) (1) The department shall carry out a statewide immunization program to eliminate mumps, measles, rubella (German measles), diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis and other diseases that the department specifies by rule, and to protect against tetanus. Any person who immunizes an individual under this section shall maintain records identifying the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine used, the date of immunization and the name and title of the person who immunized the individual. These records shall be available to the individual or, if the individual is a minor, to his or her parent, guardian or legal custodian upon request.
252.04(2) (2) Any student admitted to any elementary, middle, junior or senior high school or into any day care center or nursery school shall, within 30 school days, present written evidence to the school, day care center or nursery school of having completed the first immunization for each vaccine required for the student's grade and being on schedule for the remainder of the basic and recall (booster) immunization series for mumps, measles, rubella (German measles), diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, tetanus and other diseases that the department specifies by rule or shall present a written waiver under sub. (3).
252.04(3) (3) The immunization requirement is waived if the student, if an adult, or the student's parent, guardian or legal custodian submits a written statement to the school, day care center or nursery school objecting to the immunization for reasons of health, religion or personal conviction. At the time any school, day care center or nursery school notifies a student, parent, guardian or legal custodian of the immunization requirements, it shall inform the person in writing of the person's right to a waiver under this subsection.
252.04(4) (4) The student, if an adult, or the student's parent, guardian or legal custodian shall keep the school, day care center or nursery school informed of the student's compliance with the immunization schedule.
252.04(5) (5)
252.04(5)(a)(a) By the 15th and the 25th school day after the student is admitted to a school, day care center or nursery school, the school, day care center or nursery school shall notify in writing any adult student or the parent, guardian or legal custodian of any minor student who has not met the immunization or waiver requirements of this section. The notices shall cite the terms of those requirements and shall state that court action and forfeiture penalty could result due to noncompliance. The notices shall also explain the reasons for the immunization requirements and include information on how and where to obtain the required immunizations.
252.04(5)(b)1.1. A school, day care center or nursery school may exclude from the school, day care center or nursery school any student who fails to satisfy the requirements of sub. (2).
252.04(5)(b)2. 2. Beginning on July 1, 1993, if the department determines that fewer than 98% of the students in a day care center, nursery school or school district who are subject to the requirements of sub. (2) have complied with sub. (2), the day care center or nursery school shall exclude any child who fails to satisfy the requirements of sub. (2) and the school district shall exclude any student enrolled in grades kindergarten to 6 who fails to satisfy the requirements of sub. (2).
252.04(5)(b)3. 3. Beginning on July 1, 1995, if the department determines that fewer than 99% of the students in a day care center, nursery school or school district who are subject to the requirements of sub. (2) have complied with sub. (2), the day care center or nursery school shall exclude any child who fails to satisfy the requirements of sub. (2) and the school district shall exclude any student enrolled in grades kindergarten to 6 who fails to satisfy the requirements of sub. (2).
252.04(5)(b)4. 4. No student may be excluded from public school under this paragraph for more than 10 consecutive school days unless, prior to the 11th consecutive school day of exclusion, the school board provides the student and the student's parent, guardian or legal custodian with an additional notice, a hearing and the opportunity to appeal the exclusion, as provided under s. 120.13 (1) (c) 3.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?