98.01 Definitions.
98.02 Systems of weights and measures; special units.
98.03 State standards; specifications and tolerances.
98.04 Municipalities.
98.05 Enforcement authority; measurement center laboratory.
98.06 Method of sale of commodities.
98.07 Declaration of quantity.
98.08 Price refunds; price information.
98.12 Sale of ice cream and similar frozen products.
98.13 Milk or cream tests; samples; patrons' statement.
98.14 Standardization of Babcock pipettes.
98.145 Licensing of milk and cream testers.
98.146 Licensing milk weighers and samplers.
98.15 False testing.
98.16 Licensing of vehicle scale operators.
98.18 Installing and servicing weights and measures.
98.21 Sale of bread.
98.22 Bulk deliveries sold in terms of weight and delivered by vehicle.
98.225 Deliveries of certain liquid fuels.
98.245 Liquefied petroleum gas sales.
98.246 Petroleum product sales.
98.25 Vehicle scales: annual testing.
98.26 Prohibited acts; penalty; injunction.
Ch. 98 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See definitions in s. 93.01.
98.01 98.01 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
98.01(1) (1) "Incorrect" as applied to weights and measures and commodities includes any failure to comply with the requirements of this chapter or rules issued thereunder.
98.01(2) (2) "Inspector" means a state inspector of weights and measures.
98.01(3) (3) "Municipality" means a city or village.
98.01(4) (4) "Sealer" and "deputy sealer" means a sealer of weights and measures and deputy sealer of weights and measures of a municipality, respectively.
98.01(5) (5) "Sell", "sale" and "sold" include barter or exchange, and any offering or exposing for sale or possession with intent to sell.
98.01(6) (6) "Weight" means net weight when used in reference to a commodity.
98.01(7) (7) "Weights and measures" means weights and measures of every kind, instruments and devices for weighing and measuring, and any appliances and accessories used with any or all such instruments and devices, except meters for the measurement of electricity, gas (natural and manufactured) or water when the same are operated in a public utility system.
98.01 History History: 1983 a. 189.
98.02 98.02 Systems of weights and measures; special units.
98.02(1)(1) The system of weights and measures in customary use in the United States or the metric system of weights and measures shall be the only systems used for commercial purposes in this state. The definitions of basic units of weight and measure, the tables of weight and measure, and weights and measures equivalents, published by the national institute of standards and technology, shall govern weighing and measuring equipment and transactions in this state.
98.02(2) (2) The term "barrel", when used in connection with fermented malt beverages, means a unit of 31 gallons. The term "ton" means a unit of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois weight. The term "cord", when used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, means the amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet when the wood is ranked and well stowed.
98.02 History History: 1981 c. 79; 1989 a. 165.
98.03 98.03 State standards; specifications and tolerances.
98.03(1)(1) Weights and measures obtained by the state as standards and certified for use as such by the national institute of standards and technology shall be the state standards of weight and measure. They shall be in the custody of the department and shall be used only for verification of other standards.
98.03(2) (2) The department may issue rules governing the construction, installation and use of commercial weights and measures and prescribing tolerances therefor. The specifications, tolerances and regulations for commercial weighing and measuring devices issued by the national institute of standards and technology shall apply in this state except as modified by such rules.
98.03 History History: 1989 a. 165.
98.03 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 92, Wis. adm. code.
98.04 98.04 Municipalities.
98.04(1)(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), a municipality having a population of more than 5,000, according to the most recent population estimate made by the department of administration under s. 16.96, shall enforce the provisions of this chapter within its jurisdiction. For this purpose, a municipality shall establish a municipal department of weights and measures. Each municipal department of weights and measures shall have such number of qualified sealers or inspectors as will ensure compliance with this chapter. Municipal sealers or inspectors shall have the same authority as sealers or inspectors of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The selection of municipal sealers or inspectors shall be from a list of applicants whose qualifications have been certified by the state or local civil service agency under the rules of the agency. The municipality shall procure and keep at all times a complete set of standards of weight and measure conforming to the state standards and shall submit the standards for certification at regular intervals as required by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The municipality shall keep a complete record of its work and annually shall file a report thereof with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The municipality may enact ordinances that regulate weights and measures and that are not in conflict with this chapter or the rules of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The municipality may assess fees that do not exceed the actual cost of its weights and measures program.
98.04(2) (2) A municipality that is required to establish a department of weights and measures under sub. (1) may contract with the department of agriculture, trade, and consumer protection to enforce the provisions of this chapter within the municipality's jurisdiction instead of establishing its own department if the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection agrees to enter into such a contract. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may charge the municipality fees sufficient to cover the department's costs under the contract. A municipality may recover an amount not to exceed the cost of these fees by assessing fees on the persons who receive services under the weights and measures program.
98.04 History History: 1983 a. 230; 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9.
98.05 98.05 Enforcement authority; measurement center laboratory.
98.05(1)(1) There is hereby conferred upon sealers and inspectors of weights and measures, police power; such sealers and inspectors shall be provided with suitable badges or insignia of authority and in the exercise of their functions shall exhibit the same, upon demand, to any person questioning their powers, and they are hereby empowered and authorized to make arrests, with or without formal warrant, of any persons violating any statute relating to weights and measures.
98.05(2) (2) Sealers or inspectors may enter and go into or upon any structure or premises, and may stop any person or vehicle for the purpose of enforcing this chapter. They shall inspect and test any weights and measures or commodities which are sold or used commercially as often as necessary to secure compliance with this chapter, and may seize as evidence, or reject and mark or tag as "rejected" those which are incorrect. A representative sample may be used as the basis to determine whether any lot is incorrect.
98.05(3) (3) Weights and measures and commodities that have been rejected may be confiscated and destroyed by a sealer or inspector if not corrected within 30 days or such longer period as the sealer or inspector may authorize, or if used or disposed of without the sealer's or inspector's written authorization.
98.05(4) (4) Sealers or inspectors may seal or mark with appropriate devices such weights and measures as are found upon inspection and test to be in conformance with this chapter.
98.05(5) (5) The department shall:
98.05(5)(a) (a) Establish and maintain a measurement center laboratory for the testing and calibration of weights and measures; and
98.05(5)(b) (b) Fix and collect charges sufficient to cover the cost for the testing and calibration done in the measurement center laboratory.
98.05 History History: 1993 a. 16, 492.
98.06 98.06 Method of sale of commodities.
98.06(1) (1) Commodities in liquid form shall be sold by liquid measure and commodities not in liquid form shall be sold by weight but liquid commodities may be sold by weight and commodities not in liquid form may be sold by count or measure if such methods are in general use and give accurate information as to the quantity of commodity sold.
98.06(2) (2)
98.06(2)(a)(a) Berries and small fruits may be sold by measure only if in containers having capacities of one-half dry pint, one dry pint or one dry quart.
98.06(2)(b) (b) If a commodity is packaged in an aerosol container, it shall be sold by weight including the propellant.
98.06(3) (3) This section shall not apply to commodities sold in compliance with a state or federal law which prescribes another method of sale, or to commodities sold for immediate consumption on the premises where sold.
98.06 History History: 1999 a. 83.
98.06 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 91, Wis. adm. code.
98.07 98.07 Declaration of quantity.
98.07(1) (1) No commodity which is marked, tagged or labeled, or for which a sign is displayed, with a selling price, shall be sold unless the weight, measure or count of the commodity is conspicuously declared on the commodity or its tag, label or sign, but a declaration of count is not required if the selling price is for a single unit, or a set or combination of commodities customarily sold to and understood by consumers as a single unit, or if the commodity is packaged prior to sale and the package contains 6 units or less which can be easily counted without opening the package.
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