980.04(5) (5) If the person named in the petition claims or appears to be indigent, the court shall, prior to the probable cause hearing under sub. (2), refer the person to the authority for indigency determinations under s. 977.07 (1) and, if applicable, the appointment of counsel.
980.04 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1995 a. 77; 1999 a. 9.
980.04 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HFS 99, Wis. adm. code.
980.04 Annotation The rules of evidence apply to probable cause hearings under ch. 980. The exceptions to the rules for preliminary examinations also apply. Although s. 907.03 allows an expert to base an opinion on hearsay, an expert's opinion based solely on hearsay cannot constitute probable cause. State v. Watson, 227 Wis. 2d 167, 595 N.W.2d 403 (1999).
980.04 Annotation In sub. (2), "in custody" means in custody pursuant to ch. 980 and does not apply to custody under a previously imposed sentence. State v. Brissette, 230 Wis. 2d 82, 601 N.W.2d 678 (Ct. App. 1999).
980.04 Annotation Chapter 980 provides its own procedures for commencing actions, and, as such, chs. 801 and 802 are inapplicable to the commencement of ch. 980 actions. State v. Wolfe, 2001 WI App 136, 246 Wis. 2d 233, 631 N.W.2d 240.
980.04 Annotation The 72-hour time limit in sub. (2) is directory rather than mandatory. However, the individual's due process rights prevent the state from indefinitely delaying the probable cause hearing when the subject of the petition is in custody awaiting the hearing and has made a request for judicial substitution. State v. Beyer, 2001 WI App 184, 247 Wis. 2d 1, 632 N.W.2d 872.
980.04 Annotation Sub. (3) is not a rule regarding the admissibility of expert testimony. It provides the procedure for determining probable cause to believe a person is a sexually violent offender. The general rule for determining the qualification of an expert applies. State v. Sprosty, 2001 WI App 231, 248 Wis. 2d 480, 636 N.W.2d 213.
980.05 980.05 Trial.
980.05(1)(1) A trial to determine whether the person who is the subject of a petition under s. 980.02 is a sexually violent person shall commence no later than 45 days after the date of the probable cause hearing under s. 980.04. The court may grant a continuance of the trial date for good cause upon its own motion, the motion of any party or the stipulation of the parties.
980.05(1m) (1m) At the trial to determine whether the person who is the subject of a petition under s. 980.02 is a sexually violent person, all rules of evidence in criminal actions apply. All constitutional rights available to a defendant in a criminal proceeding are available to the person.
980.05(2) (2) The person who is the subject of the petition, the person's attorney, the department of justice or the district attorney may request that a trial under this section be to a jury of 12. A request for a jury trial under this subsection shall be made within 10 days after the probable cause hearing under s. 980.04. If no request is made, the trial shall be to the court. The person, the person's attorney or the district attorney or department of justice, whichever is applicable, may withdraw his, her or its request for a jury trial if the 2 persons who did not make the request consent to the withdrawal.
980.05(3) (3)
980.05(3)(a)(a) At a trial on a petition under this chapter, the petitioner has the burden of proving the allegations in the petition beyond a reasonable doubt.
980.05(3)(b) (b) If the state alleges that the sexually violent offense or act that forms the basis for the petition was an act that was sexually motivated as provided in s. 980.01 (6) (b), the state is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the alleged sexually violent act was sexually motivated.
980.05(4) (4) Evidence that the person who is the subject of a petition under s. 980.02 was convicted for or committed sexually violent offenses before committing the offense or act on which the petition is based is not sufficient to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the person has a mental disorder.
980.05(5) (5) If the court or jury determines that the person who is the subject of a petition under s. 980.02 is a sexually violent person, the court shall enter a judgment on that finding and shall commit the person as provided under s. 980.06. If the court or jury is not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the person is a sexually violent person, the court shall dismiss the petition and direct that the person be released unless he or she is under some other lawful restriction.
980.05 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1999 a. 9.
980.05 Annotation Sub. (1m) extends the rule protecting prearrest silence under the right against self-incrimination to the refusal of a commitment subject to participate in a formal evaluation prior to the filing of the commitment petition. State v. Zanelli, 212 Wis. 2d 358, 569 N.W.2d 301(Ct. App. 1997).
980.05 Annotation Sub. (1m) does not require a sworn petition. There is no constitutional right to a sworn complaint in a criminal case. State v. Zanelli, 212 Wis. 2d 358, 569 N.W.2d 301 (Ct. App. 1997).
980.05 Annotation This section does not confine expert testimony to any specific standard nor mandate the type or character of relevant evidence that the state may choose to meet its burden of proof. State v. Zanelli, 223 Wis. 2d 545, 589 N.W.2d 687 (Ct. App. 1998).
980.05 Annotation The standard of review for commitments under ch. 980 is the standard applicable to the review of criminal cases--whether the evidence could have led the trier of fact to find beyond a reasonable doubt that the person subject to commitment is a sexually violent person. State v. Curiel, 227 Wis. 2d 389, 597 N.W.2d (1999).
980.05 Annotation Sub. (1m) provides a respondent with a statutory right to be competent at trial. The procedure to effect that right should adhere to ss. 971.13 and 971.14. State v. Smith, 229 Wis. 2d 720, 600 N.W.2d 258 (Ct. App. 1999).
980.05 Annotation The right to a jury trial under ch. 980 is governed by sub. (2) rather than case law governing the right to a jury trial in criminal proceedings. State v. Bernstein, 231 Wis. 2d 392, 605 N.W.2d 555 (1999).
980.05 Annotation The sub. (2) requirement that the 2 persons who did not request the withdrawal of a request for a jury trial consent to the withdrawal does not require a personal statement from the person subject to the commitment proceeding. Consent may be granted by defense counsel. State v. Bernstein, 231 Wis. 2d 392, 605 N.W.2d 555 (1999).
980.05 Annotation To the extent that s. 938.35 (1) prohibits the admission of delinquency adjudications in ch. 980 proceedings, it is repealed by implication. State v. Matthew A.B. 231 Wis. 2d 688, 605 N.W.2d 598 (Ct. App. 1999)
980.05 Annotation Sub. (2) does not require that a respondent be advised by the court that a jury verdict must be unanimous in order for the withdrawal of a request for a jury trial to be valid. State v. Denman, 2001 WI App 96, 243 Wis. 2d 14, 626 N.W.2d 296.
980.05 Annotation Chapter 980 respondents are afforded the same constitutional protections as criminal defendants. Although the doctrine of issue preclusion may generally apply in ch. 980 cases, application of the doctrine may be fundamentally unfair. When new evidence of victim recantation was offered at the ch. 980 trail, the defendant had a due process interest in gaining admission of the evidence to ensure accurate expert opinions on his mental disorder and future dangerousness when the experts' opinions presented were based heavily on the fact that the defendants committed the underlying crime. State v. Sorenson, 2002 WI 78, 254 Wis. 2d 54, 646 N.W.2d 354.
980.05 Annotation A sexually violent person committed under ch. 980 preserves the right to appeal, as a matter of right, by filing postverdict motions within 20 days of the commitment order. State v. Treadway, 2002 WI App 195, ___Wis. 2d. ___, 651 N.W.2d 334.
980.05 Annotation A parole and probation agent who had been employed full-time in a specialized sex-offender unit for 3 years during which he had supervised hundreds of sex offenders was prepared by both training and experience to assess a sex offender, and was qualified to render an opinion on whether he would reoffend. That the agent did not provide the nexus to any mental disorder did not render his testimony inadmissible. State v. Treadway, 2002 WI App 195, ___Wis. 2d. ___, 651 N.W.2d 334.
980.06 980.06 Commitment. If a court or jury determines that the person who is the subject of a petition under s. 980.02 is a sexually violent person, the court shall order the person to be committed to the custody of the department for control, care and treatment until such time as the person is no longer a sexually violent person. A commitment order under this section shall specify that the person be placed in institutional care.
980.06 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1995 a. 276; 1997 a. 27, 275, 284; 1999 a. 9.
980.06 Annotation In the event that there is a failure to develop an appropriate treatment program, the remedy is to obtain appropriate treatment and not supervised release. State v. Seibert, 220 Wis. 2d 308, 582 N.W.2d 745 (Ct. App. 1998).
980.06 Annotation Chapter 980 and s. 51.61 provide the statutory basis for a court to issue an involuntary medication order for individuals who suffer from a chronic mental illness and are committed pursuant to ch. 980. State v. Anthony D.B. 2000 WI 94, 237 Wis. 2d 1, 614 N.W.2d 435.
980.06 Annotation The incremental infringement by s. 980.06 on the liberty interests of those who have a sexually violent, predatory past and are currently suffering from a mental disorder that makes them dangerous sexual predators does not violate constitutional guarantees of due process. State v. Ransdell, 2001 WI App 202, 247 Wis. 2d 613, 634 N.W.2d 871.
980.06 Annotation Although ch. 51 is more "lenient" with those who are subject to its provisions than is ch. 980, the significant differences between the degree of danger posed by each of the two classes of persons subject to commitment under the two chapters, as well as the differences in what must be proven in order to commit under each, does not result in a violation of equal protection. State v. Williams, 2001 WI App 263, 249 Wis. 2d 1, 637 N.W.2d 791.
980.06 Annotation Chapter 980, as amended, is not a punitive criminal statute. Because whether a statute is punitive is a threshold question for both double jeopardy and ex post facto analysis, neither of those clauses is violated by ch. 980. State v. Rachel, 2002 WI 81, 254 Wis. 2d 215, 646 N.W.2d 375.
980.06 Annotation The mere limitation of a committed person's access to supervised release does not impose a restraint to the point that it violates due process. As amended, ch. 980 serves the legitimate and compelling state interests of providing treatment to the dangerously mentally ill and protecting the public from the dangerously mentally ill. The statute and is narrowly tailored to meet those interest, and, as such, it does not violate substantive due process. State v. Rachel, 2002 WI 81, 254 Wis. 2d 215, 646 N.W.2d 375.
980.06 Annotation Commitment under ch. 980 does not require a separate factual finding that an individual's mental disorder involves serious difficulty for the person in controlling his or her behavior. Proof that the person's mental disorder predisposes the individual to engage in acts of sexual violence and establishes a substantial probability that the person will again commit those acts necessarily and implicitly includes proof that the person's mental disorder involves serious difficulty in controlling his or her behavior. State v. Laxton, 2002 WI 82, 254 Wis. 2d 185, 647 N.W.2d 784.
980.063 980.063 Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis requirements.
980.063(1)(a)(a) If a person is found to be a sexually violent person under this chapter, the court shall require the person to provide a biological specimen to the state crime laboratories for deoxyribonucleic acid analysis.
980.063(1)(b) (b) The results from deoxyribonucleic acid analysis of a specimen under par. (a) may be used only as authorized under s. 165.77 (3). The state crime laboratories shall destroy any such specimen in accordance with s. 165.77 (3).
980.063(2) (2) The department of justice shall promulgate rules providing for procedures for defendants to provide specimens under sub. (1) and for the transportation of those specimens to the state crime laboratories for analysis under s. 165.77.
980.063 History History: 1995 a. 440.
980.065 980.065 Institutional care for sexually violent persons.
980.065(1m)(1m) The department shall place a person committed under s. 980.06 at the secure mental health facility established under s. 46.055, the Wisconsin resource center established under s. 46.056 or a secure mental health unit or facility provided by the department of corrections under sub. (2).
980.065(1r) (1r) Notwithstanding sub. (1m), the department may place a female person committed under s. 980.06 at Mendota Mental Health Institute, Winnebago Mental Health Institute, or a privately operated residential facility under contract with the department of health and family services.
980.065(2) (2) The department may contract with the department of corrections for the provision of a secure mental health unit or facility for persons committed under s. 980.06. The department shall operate a secure mental health unit or facility provided by the department of corrections under this subsection and shall promulgate rules governing the custody and discipline of persons placed by the department in the secure mental health unit or facility provided by the department of corrections under this subsection.
980.065 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 16.
980.067 980.067 Activities off grounds. The superintendent of the facility at which a person is placed under s. 980.065 may allow the person to leave the grounds of the facility under escort. The department of health and family services shall promulgate rules for the administration of this section.
980.067 History History: 2001 a. 16.
980.07 980.07 Periodic reexamination; report.
980.07(1) (1) If a person has been committed under s. 980.06 and has not been discharged under s. 980.09, the department shall conduct an examination of his or her mental condition within 6 months after an initial commitment under s. 980.06 and again thereafter at least once each 12 months for the purpose of determining whether the person has made sufficient progress for the court to consider whether the person should be placed on supervised release or discharged. At the time of a reexamination under this section, the person who has been committed may retain or seek to have the court appoint an examiner as provided under s. 980.03 (4).
980.07(2) (2) Any examiner conducting an examination under this section shall prepare a written report of the examination no later than 30 days after the date of the examination. The examiner shall place a copy of the report in the person's medical records and shall provide a copy of the report to the court that committed the person under s. 980.06.
980.07(3) (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the court that committed a person under s. 980.06 may order a reexamination of the person at any time during the period in which the person is subject to the commitment order.
980.07 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1999 a. 9.
980.07 Annotation The 6-month period under sub. (1) for the 1st reexamination does not begin to run until the court conducts the dispositional hearing and issues an initial commitment order under s. 980.06 (2). State v. Marberry, 231 Wis. 2d 581, 605 N.W.2d 512 (Ct. App. 1999).
980.07 Annotation As part of an annual review, an involuntary medication order must be reviewed following the same procedure used to obtain the initial order. State v. Anthony D.B. 2000 WI 94, 237 Wis. 2d 1, 614 N.W.2d 435.
980.07 Annotation It is within the committed person's discretion to ask for an independent examination. The trial court does not have discretion to refuse the request. State v. Thiel, 2001 WI App 32, 241 Wis. 2d 465, 626 N.W.2d 26.
980.07 Annotation The 6-month time period in sub. (1) for an initial reexamination is mandatory. When DHFS took nearly two years to provide a reexamination, release was the only appropriate remedy. State ex rel. Marberry v. Macht, 2002 WI App 133, ___ Wis. 2d ___, 648 N.W.2d 522.
980.08 980.08 Petition for supervised release.
980.08(1) (1) Any person who is committed under s. 980.06 may petition the committing court to modify its order by authorizing supervised release if at least 18 months have elapsed since the initial commitment order was entered or at least 6 months have elapsed since the most recent release petition was denied or the most recent order for supervised release was revoked. The director of the facility at which the person is placed may file a petition under this subsection on the person's behalf at any time.
980.08(2) (2) If the person files a timely petition without counsel, the court shall serve a copy of the petition on the district attorney or department of justice, whichever is applicable and, subject to s. 980.03 (2) (a), refer the matter to the authority for indigency determinations under s. 977.07 (1) and appointment of counsel under s. 977.05 (4) (j). If the person petitions through counsel, his or her attorney shall serve the district attorney or department of justice, whichever is applicable.
980.08(3) (3) Within 20 days after receipt of the petition, the court shall appoint one or more examiners having the specialized knowledge determined by the court to be appropriate, who shall examine the person and furnish a written report of the examination to the court within 30 days after appointment. The examiners shall have reasonable access to the person for purposes of examination and to the person's past and present treatment records, as defined in s. 51.30 (1) (b), and patient health care records, as provided under s. 146.82 (2) (c). If any such examiner believes that the person is appropriate for supervised release under the criterion specified in sub. (4), the examiner shall report on the type of treatment and services that the person may need while in the community on supervised release. The county shall pay the costs of an examiner appointed under this subsection as provided under s. 51.20 (18) (a).
980.08(4) (4) The court, without a jury, shall hear the petition within 30 days after the report of the court-appointed examiner is filed with the court, unless the petitioner waives this time limit. Expenses of proceedings under this subsection shall be paid as provided under s. 51.20 (18) (b), (c) and (d). The court shall grant the petition unless the state proves by clear and convincing evidence that the person is still a sexually violent person and that it is still substantially probable that the person will engage in acts of sexual violence if the person is not continued in institutional care. In making a decision under this subsection, the court may consider, without limitation because of enumeration, the nature and circumstances of the behavior that was the basis of the allegation in the petition under s. 980.02 (2) (a), the person's mental history and present mental condition, where the person will live, how the person will support himself or herself and what arrangements are available to ensure that the person has access to and will participate in necessary treatment, including pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen if the person is a serious child sex offender. A decision under this subsection on a petition filed by a person who is a serious child sex offender may not be made based on the fact that the person is a proper subject for pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen or on the fact that the person is willing to participate in pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen.
980.08(5) (5) If the court finds that the person is appropriate for supervised release, the court shall notify the department. The department shall make its best effort to arrange for placement of the person in a residential facility or dwelling that is in the person's county of residence, as determined by the department under s. 980.105. The department and the county department under s. 51.42 in the county of residence of the person shall prepare a plan that identifies the treatment and services, if any, that the person will receive in the community. The plan shall address the person's need, if any, for supervision, counseling, medication, community support services, residential services, vocational services, and alcohol or other drug abuse treatment. In developing a plan for where the person may reside while on supervised release, the department shall consider the proximity of any potential placement to the residence of other persons on supervised release and to the residence of persons who are in the custody of the department of corrections and regarding whom a sex offender notification bulletin has been issued to law enforcement agencies under s. 301.46 (2m) (a) or (am). If the person is a serious child sex offender, the plan shall address the person's need for pharmacological treatment using an antiandrogen or the chemical equivalent of an antiandrogen. The department may contract with a county department, under s. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d., with another public agency or with a private agency to provide the treatment and services identified in the plan. The plan shall specify who will be responsible for providing the treatment and services identified in the plan. The plan shall be presented to the court for its approval within 60 days after the court finding that the person is appropriate for supervised release, unless the department, county department and person to be released request additional time to develop the plan. If the county department of the person's county of residence declines to prepare a plan, the department may arrange for another county to prepare the plan if that county agrees to prepare the plan and if the person will be living in that county. If the department is unable to arrange for another county to prepare a plan, the court shall designate a county department to prepare the plan, order the county department to prepare the plan and place the person on supervised release in that county, except that the court may not so designate the county department in any county where there is a facility in which persons committed to institutional care under this chapter are placed unless that county is also the person's county of residence.
980.08(6m) (6m) An order for supervised release places the person in the custody and control of the department. The department shall arrange for control, care and treatment of the person in the least restrictive manner consistent with the requirements of the person and in accordance with the plan for supervised release approved by the court under sub. (5). A person on supervised release is subject to the conditions set by the court and to the rules of the department. Before a person is placed on supervised release by the court under this section, the court shall so notify the municipal police department and county sheriff for the municipality and county in which the person will be residing. The notification requirement under this subsection does not apply if a municipal police department or county sheriff submits to the court a written statement waiving the right to be notified. If the department alleges that a released person has violated any condition or rule, or that the safety of others requires that supervised release be revoked, he or she may be taken into custody under the rules of the department. The department shall submit a statement showing probable cause of the detention and a petition to revoke the order for supervised release to the committing court and the regional office of the state public defender responsible for handling cases in the county where the committing court is located within 72 hours after the detention, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The court shall hear the petition within 30 days, unless the hearing or time deadline is waived by the detained person. Pending the revocation hearing, the department may detain the person in a jail or in a hospital, center or facility specified by s. 51.15 (2). The state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that any rule or condition of release has been violated, or that the safety of others requires that supervised release be revoked. If the court determines after hearing that any rule or condition of release has been violated, or that the safety of others requires that supervised release be revoked, it may revoke the order for supervised release and order that the released person be placed in an appropriate institution until the person is discharged from the commitment under s. 980.09 or until again placed on supervised release under this section.
980.08 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. HFS 98, Wis. adm. code.
980.08 Annotation Sub. (6m) [formerly s. 980.06 (2) (d)} requires post-hearing notice to the local law enforcement agencies. In re Commitment of Goodson, 199 Wis. 2d 426, 544 N.W.2d 611 (Ct. App. 1996).
980.08 Annotation Whether in a proceeding for an initial ch. 980 commitment or a later petition for supervised release, there is no requirement that the state prove the person is treatable. State v. Seibert, 220 Wis. 2d 308, 582 N.W.2d 745 (Ct. App. 1998).
980.08 Annotation There is no exception under sub. (5) for a court to refuse to order release after it determines under sub. (4) that release is appropriate. If treatment programs are unavailable, the court shall order a county, through DHFS, to prepare a plan and place the person on supervised release in that county The court may order the county to create whatever programs or facilities are necessary to accommodate the supervised release. State v. Sprosty, 227 Wis. 2d 316, 595 N.W.2d 692 (1999).
980.08 Annotation As used in this chapter, "substantial probability" and "substantially probable" both mean much more likely than not. This standard for dangerousness does not violate equal protection nor is the term unconstitutionally vague. State v. Curiel, 227 Wis. 2d 389, 597 N.W.2d 697 (1999).
980.08 Annotation An institutionalized sex offender who agreed to a stipulation providing supervised release, giving up his right to a jury trial on his discharge petition in exchange, had a constitutional right to enforcement of the agreement. State v. Krueger, 2001 WI App 76, 242 Wis. 2d 793, 626 N.W. 2d 83.
980.08 Annotation An indigent sexually violent person is constitutionally entitled to assistance of counsel in bringing a first appeal as of right from a denial of his or her petition for supervised release. State ex rel. Seibert v. Macht, 2001 WI 67, 244 Wis. 2d 378, 627 N.W.2d 881.
980.08 Annotation A person subject to a proceeding to revoke supervised release is entitled to the same due process protections as afforded persons in probation and parole revocation proceedings. Notice of the grounds that are the basis for the revocation must be given. A court can only base a revocation on the grounds of public safety under sub. (6m) when notice has been properly given. State v. VanBronkhorst, 2001 WI App 190, 247 Wis. 2d 247, 633 N.W.2d 236.
980.08 Annotation A sexual assault need not occur and the person's behavior need not be criminal before the court can conclude that there is a substantial probability that a person will reoffend if institutional care is not continued. The relevant inquiry under sub. (4) is whether the behavior indicates a likelihood to reoffend. State v. Sprosty, 2001 WI App 231, 248 Wis. 2d 480, 636 N.W.2d 213.
980.08 Annotation A trial court's decision whether to grant a request for conditional release is subject to a discretionary standard of review of whether the trial court properly exercised its discretion in making its decision. State v. Wenk, 2001 WI App 268, 248 Wis. 2d 714, 637 N.W.2d 417.
980.09 980.09 Petition for discharge; procedure.
980.09(1) (1)Petition with secretary's approval.
980.09(1)(a)(a) If the secretary determines at any time that a person committed under this chapter is no longer a sexually violent person, the secretary shall authorize the person to petition the committing court for discharge. The person shall file the petition with the court and serve a copy upon the department of justice or the district attorney's office that filed the petition under s. 980.02 (1), whichever is applicable. The court, upon receipt of the petition for discharge, shall order a hearing to be held within 45 days after the date of receipt of the petition.
980.09(1)(b) (b) At a hearing under this subsection, the district attorney or the department of justice, whichever filed the original petition, shall represent the state and shall have the right to have the petitioner examined by an expert or professional person of his, her or its choice. The hearing shall be before the court without a jury. The state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner is still a sexually violent person.
980.09(1)(c) (c) If the court is satisfied that the state has not met its burden of proof under par. (b), the petitioner shall be discharged from the custody or supervision of the department. If the court is satisfied that the state has met its burden of proof under par. (b), the court may proceed to determine, using the criterion specified in s. 980.08 (4), whether to modify the petitioner's existing commitment order by authorizing supervised release.
980.09(2) (2)Petition without secretary's approval.
980.09(2)(a)(a) A person may petition the committing court for discharge from custody or supervision without the secretary's approval. At the time of an examination under s. 980.07 (1), the secretary shall provide the committed person with a written notice of the person's right to petition the court for discharge over the secretary's objection. The notice shall contain a waiver of rights. The secretary shall forward the notice and waiver form to the court with the report of the department's examination under s. 980.07. If the person does not affirmatively waive the right to petition, the court shall set a probable cause hearing to determine whether facts exist that warrant a hearing on whether the person is still a sexually violent person. The committed person has a right to have an attorney represent him or her at the probable cause hearing, but the person is not entitled to be present at the probable cause hearing.
980.09(2)(b) (b) If the court determines at the probable cause hearing under par. (a) that probable cause exists to believe that the committed person is no longer a sexually violent person, then the court shall set a hearing on the issue. At a hearing under this paragraph, the committed person is entitled to be present and to the benefit of the protections afforded to the person under s. 980.03. The district attorney or the department of justice, whichever filed the original petition, shall represent the state at a hearing under this paragraph. The hearing under this paragraph shall be to the court. The state has the right to have the committed person evaluated by experts chosen by the state. At the hearing, the state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the committed person is still a sexually violent person.
980.09(2)(c) (c) If the court is satisfied that the state has not met its burden of proof under par. (b), the person shall be discharged from the custody or supervision of the department. If the court is satisfied that the state has met its burden of proof under par. (b), the court may proceed to determine, using the criterion specified in s. 980.08 (4), whether to modify the person's existing commitment order by authorizing supervised release.
980.09 History History: 1993 a. 479; 1999 a. 9.
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