Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain amounts relating to health savings accounts that may be deducted from, or are exempt from, federal income taxes. relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain amounts relating to health savings accounts that may be deducted from, or are exempt from, federal income taxes.
Date / House | Action | Journal |
5/18/2004 Sen. | Introduced by committee on SENATE ORGANIZATION. | |
5/18/2004 Sen. | Read first time and referred to joint committee on Finance | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Public hearing held. | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Executive action taken. | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Report passage recommended by joint committee on Finance, Ayes 11, Noes 4 | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Available for scheduling. | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Placed on calendar 5-19-2004 by committee on Senate Organization. | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Read a second time | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senators Darling and Roessler | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senators Darling and Roessler | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Ordered to a third reading | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Rules suspended | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Read a third time and passed, Ayes 17, Noes 16 | |
5/19/2004 Sen. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Received from Senate | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Read first time | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Rules suspended and taken up | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Laid on the table | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Taken from the table | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Read a second time | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Assembly substitute amendment 1 offered by Representative Wasserman | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Point of order that Assembly substitute amendment 1 not germane well taken | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Decision of the Chair appealed | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Decision of the Chair upheld, Ayes 55, Noes 38 | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Ordered to a third reading | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Rules suspended | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Read a third time and concurred in, Ayes 57, Noes 36 | |
5/19/2004 Asm. | Ordered immediately messaged | |
5/20/2004 Sen. | Received from Assembly concurred in | |
5/26/2004 Sen. | Report correctly enrolled on 5-21-2004 | |
6/2/2004 Sen. | Presented to the Governor on 5-26-2004 | |
6/2/2004 Sen. | Report vetoed by the Governor on 5-27-2004 | |
6/23/2004 Sen. | Fiscal estimate received. | |
12/29/2004 Sen. | Failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 |