Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys -  Act 296
Human service vehicle operator qualifications established; specialized transportation service requirements; criminal history search, school bus endorsement, forfeiture, DOT, DOJ, and county provisions -  Act 297
Hybrid-electric vehicle or vehicle operating on gasohol or alternative fuels: use as state-owned or leased vehicles required when feasible and assembly in U.S. is certified; DOA to encourage use among agencies and residents, report required; definition provided -  Act 311
In-state bank or in-state bank holding company: provisions for acquisition by out-of-state bank -  Act 293
Incorporation of a town into a city or village: procedure revised; Incorporation Review Board created  -  Act 171
Lay witness and expert witness testimony or evidence modifications; sexually violent person commitments provision [vetoed] -  SB-49
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  -  Act 195
Livestock facility siting and expansion: standards, zoning ordinance, conditional use permits, and political subdivision procedure provisions; Livestock Facility Siting Review Board created; DATCP and DOJ duties specified  -  Act 235
Local exposition district taxes: DOR to report on amount collected from retailers -  Act 203
MA contracts with prepaid health care benefits: actuarially sound basis requirement [vetoed] -  SB-484
Managed forest land program revisions: effective date re 2003 WisAct 228 (AB-323) revised [vetoed]  -  AB-908
Manufacturing property assessment fee: DOR will deduct from municipality's shared revenue payment if not received by certain date -  Act 170
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-66] -  JR-29
MERA revisions re permissive subjects of collective bargaining [vetoed] -  AB-598
Military income received while on active duty: individual income tax exemption created re reserve component of the armed forces; armed forces member tax credit eligibility limited -  Act 183
Milk contractors: financial statement requirements revised; releasing security provision -  Act 238
Motor home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle: maximum permissible length and width revised  -  Act 213
Mullins Cheese, Inc.: $17,568.12 claim re milk testing -  Act 232
Municipal aid payment calculation modified -  Act 164
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: prescription drug and diagnostic testing not included in minimum health insurance coverage limits; provider and policy provisions -  Act 178
Nonmetallic mineral processing facility: exemption from air pollution control construction permits [vetoed]  -  AB-516
Off-road utility vehicle: operation on certain roadways permitted; definition, registration, operator's license, rules of the road, and vehicle emission provisions  -  Act 192
Outdoor theater: property tax exemption created; criteria specified -  Act 291
Patient health care records: circumstances under which health care provider may release without consent modified  -  Act 281
Petition, motion, or order to revise judgment or order for legal custody or physical placement: no filing fee required if the parties stipulate to the revision -  Act 165
Private Sewage System Replacement or Rehabilitation Grant Program revised re maximum amount allowed and holding tanks -  Act 169
Public Health Council created; quarantine cost reimbursement; mutual assistance re state of emergency; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability -  Act 186
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: laws revised; DNR provision -  Act 275
Pupil records and law enforcement agency's juvenile records: disclosure and confidentiality provisions modified; interagency agreement permitted -  Act 292
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  -  Act 168
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions -  Act 252
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents -  Act 206
Sexual assault or exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy: actions for damages permitted and time limit to cover the cause of action expanded; time limit to prosecute assault by instructional staff person increased; clergy required to report sexual abuse of a child, exception provided  -  Act 279
``Sexually violent person" definition modified; criteria for supervised release revised; committee to recommend location of a facility to treat sexual predators created, report required -  Act 187
Sighting a firearm in 24-hour period prior to opening of deer season re land owned or leased by the person or immediate family: DNR may not promulgate or enforce rules prohibiting -  Act 244
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision  -  Act 166
Surplus county highway land: county may sell to owner of adjacent land -  Act 212
Technology commercialization grant and loan program and angel investment and early stage seed investment tax credits created; investor networks development provisions; study and report required [partial veto] -  Act 255
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -  Act 210
Tickets to entertainment or sporting event: restricting a local ordinance or resolution or U.W. Board of Regents rule regulating resale of -  Act 191
TID lifespan extended under certain conditions; blighted area and rehabilitation or conservation TID provisions; notification requirement -  Act 194
Towing and storage charges re nonmoving traffic violations: use of vehicle registration suspension or refusal mechanism permitted; reconciliation provision re 2003 WisAct 202 (AB-467) -  Act 201
Traffic violation and registration program funding increased -  Act 202
Traffic violations re railroad crossings: liability imposed on vehicle owner; defense and change of venue provisions  -  Act 209
2003-05 authorized building program: addition of four U.W. System projects; waiver of statutory bidding procedures prohibited -  Act 269
Uhl, (Sgt.) Eugene A., III: life and military service commended [SJR-68] -  JR-31
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re certain recreational fishing facilities  -  Act 246
Upland game birds: regulations for buying, selling, bartering, and trading of nonedible parts established; definition and licensing provisions [vetoed] -  SB-63
Vaccine administration and teaching self-administration technique to a patient: certain persons enrolled in accredited school of pharmacy may perform under supervision of qualified pharmacists -  Act 181
Vehicle protection product warranty: regulations established; insurance provisions of the statutes do not apply; OCI duties -  Act 302
Wisconsin Advantage Jobs Training Program: appropriation created; must use funds to pay debt service on revenue bonds; businesses to match grant totals; Comm.Dept and district board funding revisions (contingent on enactment of SB-384) [vetoed] -  SB-451
Wisconsin Advantage Jobs Training Program created re technical colleges providing certain services or facilites to businesses; tax levy increase prohibited [vetoed]  -  SB-384
Worthless checks totaling certain amount re felony crime: time period in which they are issued revised  -  Act 306
f - F -
County and district fair aids revised [Sec. 1739g] -  Act 33
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions -  Act 252
fair dealershipFair dealership, see Trade practice
falconryFalconry, see Bird
false statementFalse statement, see Fraud
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary  -  Act 289
Community aids to counties re social services to children and families: distribution of certain excess federal fund reduced re county not using centralized unit [Sec. 1096, 1147, 1148] -  Act 33
Family Care eligibility standardized with respect to persons with disabilities [Sec. 1133, 1136-1139, 1141]  -  Act 33
Family Care entitlement for non-MA eligible persons [Sec. 1140] -  Act 33
Huber privileges extended to include counseling, therapy, parenting education program, or meeting with probation, extended supervision, or parole officer -  Act 141
Woodlands School, an independent charter school: attendance eligibility revised -  Act 156
CREP payment to person in arrears of child support prohibited [Sec. 1742, 1743] -  Act 33
Delinquent child support: statute of limitations for an action to collect -  Act 287
Federal child support incentive payments exceeding statutory cap: distribution revised [Sec. 503r, s, 523, 1294-1298, 9459 (4c)] -  Act 33
Joint or sole legal custody of a child: rebuttable presumption created re pattern or serious incident of spousal abuse; guardian ad litem and mediator provisions re domestic violence dynamics training and investigating -  Act 130
Library records of child under age 16: disclosure to custodial parent or guardian upon request -  Act 207
Dairy farm operation expenses: income and franchise tax credits created -  Act 135
farm and farming _ machineryFarm and farming — Machinery
Farm truck tractor operated solely in intrastate transportation of certain materials or equipment exempt from DOT vehicle registration -  Act 237
farm produceFarm produce
Agricultural producer security program revisions -  Act 38
Cranberry designated as the state fruit; Blue Book provision  -  Act 174
farmland preservationFarmland preservation
Farmland preservation claims sunset [Sec.1583p, 1731ec-n] [vetoed] -  SB-44
federal aidFederal aid
Career Youth Development Center in Milwaukee: grant administration transferred from DHFS to OJA; GPR funding replaced with federal funding; clarification re DHFS receipt of penalty assessment match and associated Byrne funding [Sec. 230, 1158, 1159, 9101 (13p)] [9101 (13p) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Children's Safe House Child Care Program in Kenosha County: grant administration transferred from DHFS to OJA; GPR funding replaced with federal funding [Sec. 1164, 1165]  -  Act 33
Community aids funding: federal MA funds included [Sec. 478, 1144] -  Act 33
Community aids program and MA funding revisions; DHFS, community services deficit reduction benefit, and MA trust fund provisions; act is void under certain conditions  -  Act 318
Community aids to counties re social services to children and families: distribution of certain excess federal fund reduced re county not using centralized unit [Sec. 1096, 1147, 1148] -  Act 33