Political subdivision may not prohibit an employee of a political subdivision from being a candidate for elective office; leave of absence and federal Hatch Act provisions  -  Act 79
TIF program: technical and substantive changes; ``mixed-use development" defined; technical modification to the environmental remediation TIF program -  Act 126
Towing service removal of unregistered, abandoned, or illegally parked motor vehicle: law enforcement must inform towing service of the name and last-known address of registered owner and all lienholders; towing service agreement with municipality or county provision -  Act 142
municipality _ annexationMunicipality — Annexation
City or village annexation limitations: territory is in same county, boundary agreement, and payments to town from which land is annexed -  Act 317
Local levy limit exceptions re city or village that annexed territory under certain conditions, levy by 1st class city for school purposes, and adoption of resolution by certain towns; reconciliation provision re SB-44 [vetoed]  -  SB-206
TID expenditure deadline extended for certain city; DOR, boundary, and sunset provisions -  Act 34
Towns authorized to use TIF for limited purposes; restrictions specified; Comm.Dept report required  -  Act 231
municipality _ bondsMunicipality — Bonds, see Bonds — Municipal
municipality _ buildingMunicipality — Building, see Public building
municipality _ claimsMunicipality — Claims
Fireworks permit issued by a municipality: civil liability exemption for certain damages -  Act 298
municipality _ consolidationMunicipality — Consolidation
Multiple municipal health departments among cities or villages in Milwaukee County authorized; city-city local health department authorized -  Act 158
Town consolidating with a contiguous city or village: additional method created -  Act 93
municipality _ councilMunicipality — Council
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; common council may revise the boundaries of certain aldermanic districts; exception for certain counties [vetoed]  -  SB-351
municipality _ courtMunicipality — Court, see Court — Municipal
municipality _ financeMunicipality — Finance
Consolidation incentive program re county and municipal services eliminated [Sec. 1654, 1655, 1667] [1654, 1655 — partial veto] -  Act 33
County or municipality may certify certain non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund -  Act 177
Fees imposed by political subdivisions [ Sec. 1532p] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Fees imposed by political subdivisions: relationship to service for which it is imposed required -  Act 134
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified -  Act 205
Fire dues program: grant eligibility requirements modified; administrative expenses defined by rule  -  Act 219
GPR appropriation to make aid payments to counties and municipalities: spending limit does not apply in 2003-05 fiscal biennium [Sec. 22] -  Act 33
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  Act 28
Joint Committee on State Mandates created; LFB provision [vetoed] -  SB-15
Manufacturing property assessment fee: DOR will deduct from municipality's shared revenue payment if not received by certain date -  Act 170
Municipal aid payment calculation modified -  Act 164
Municipal courts may contract with collection agencies to collect forfeitures, assessments, and surcharges; cost sharing provision with local governments -  Act 140
Payments to counties and municipalities re public utilities revised; shared revenue provision; public utility distribution account established [partial veto]  -  Act 31
State aid distribution to municipalities: JCLO may appoint committee to study [Sec. 9133 (3m)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
municipality _ fire departmentMunicipality — Fire department, see Fire department
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality — Health department, see Public health
municipality _ incorporationMunicipality — Incorporation
Incorporation of a town into a city or village: procedure revised; Incorporation Review Board created  -  Act 171
Incorporation of town surrounded by navigable waters into a village: method created [vetoed] -  AB-85
municipality _ liabilityMunicipality — Liability, see Municipality — Claims
municipality _ officersMunicipality — Officers
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town, and county officers eliminated -  Act 204
municipality _ ordinanceMunicipality — Ordinance
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used [vetoed]  -  AB-858
Livestock facility siting and expansion: standards, zoning ordinance, conditional use permits, and political subdivision procedure provisions; Livestock Facility Siting Review Board created; DATCP and DOJ duties specified  -  Act 235
Municipal cable television system costs modified; telecommunications utility regulations revised; requirements re local ordinance, resolution, or referendum authorizing local government cable television, telecommunications, or broadband facilities -  Act 278
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law [vetoed]  -  AB-633
Tickets to entertainment or sporting event: restricting a local ordinance or resolution or U.W. Board of Regents rule regulating resale of -  Act 191
Town consolidating with a contiguous city or village: additional method created -  Act 93
municipality _ parkMunicipality — Park, see Park
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Comprehensive planning by local governmental units: written notice re changes in allowable use or intensity of use to property owners or leaseholders with nonmetallic mineral resource extraction interests -  Act 307
Comprehensive planning statutes for local governmental units revised re number of programs or actions with which it must be consistent; reiterates a regional planning commission's plan is only advisory -  Act 233
municipality _ public worksMunicipality — Public works, see Public works
municipality _ taxationMunicipality — Taxation, see also Shared revenue
County tax levy for library services: exemption for city, town, village, or school district modified; county board approval required [vetoed] -  AB-431
Local levy limit exceptions re city or village that annexed territory under certain conditions, levy by 1st class city for school purposes, and adoption of resolution by certain towns; reconciliation provision re SB-44 [vetoed]  -  SB-206
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [Sec. 943m, 1532m] [vetoed] -  SB-44
municipality _ water districtsMunicipality — Water districts, see Waterworks
museumMuseum, see also Historical society
TEACH board eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; some responsibilities transferred to DPI; training and technical assistance grants eliminated; sunset for infrastructure assistance grants; debt service, E-rate, and telecommunications access reestimates; annual grant to Racine Unified School District removed; provision re certain public museum retained [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  Act 33
n - N -
Adjutant general, county veterans' service officers, and DVA duties re certain information on U.S. armed forces, including the national guard -  Act 163
Distance learning centers: Adjutant general duties; rent for nonmilitary use permitted [Sec. 561, 739]  -  Act 33
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  Act 184
National guard member of any state who is a Wisconsin resident: eligibility for certain benefits extended to  -  Act 69
National guard tuition reimbursement grants and eligible institutions [Sec. 741-744, 9337 (1x)] -  Act 33
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -  Act 218
Uhl, (Sgt.) Eugene A., III: life and military service commended [SJR-68] -  JR-31
Veteran educational grant program revisions; DVA allowed to acquire property for headquarters and museum; Iraq War definition; benefits to persons who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom -  Act 83
Veterans cemeteries: eligibility for burial expanded -  Act 58
natural gasNatural gas, see Public utility
natural resourceNatural resource
CREP payment to person in arrears of child support prohibited [Sec. 1742, 1743] -  Act 33
Endangered resources funding cap [Sec. 394-396] -  Act 33
Falconry fees: DNR may use for endangered resources program [Sec. 397, 875] -  Act 33
Stewardship land acquisition and development projects: JCF review reinstated re 2003 WisAct 33 veto; Building Commission approval provision [vetoed] -  SB-252
Stewardship program debt service payment; reduction in stewardship bonding authority; funds obligated re land acquisition for Peshtigo River State Forest [Sec. 412, 413, 680r, 801c-t, 802g-n, 804f-k] [802m — partial veto; 680r, 801c-t, 802g-L, n, 804f-k — vetoed] -  Act 33
natural resources, department of _ administrationNatural resources, Department of — Administration
Aids in lieu of taxes: calculation of and payment from conservation fund [Sec. 404n-r, 1536bm, c] [1536bm, c — vetoed] -  Act 33
Appropriation revisions -  Act 1
Aquatic invasive species management: grants from conservation fund; includes education and inspection at boat landings [Sec. 406c, 804n] -  Act 33
Asbestos inspection fees increased; DNR may charge for laboratory testing [Sec. 401, 2473, 2474]  -  Act 33