USH 14 portion designated and marked ``Ronald Reagan Highway" [vetoed] -  SB-40
real estateReal estate, see Real property
real estate agent or appraiserReal estate agent or appraiser, see Real property — Agent
real propertyReal property, see also Land; Mortgage; Public land
Tax delinquent real property: sale procedure modified -  Act 123
Tax warrant re lien on property: duration specified -  Act 288
real property _ agentReal property — Agent
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [vetoed]  -  AB-733
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  -  Act 168
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [vetoed]  -  AB-733
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  -  Act 168
Town highways (chap.81) and laying highways (chap.80): modernized and recodified -  Act 214
Discover Wisconsin Productions: funding provided for a nature-based television series featuring the outdoors of Wisconsin [Sec. 803m] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs [Sec. 1272g] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions -  Act 252
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -  Act 210
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -  Act 248
recreation vehicleRecreation vehicle, see also Snowmobile
Aggravated burglary modified re dwellings, certain boats, and motor homes -  Act 189
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level lowered; ATV, boat, and snowmobile operation included; court costs and fees for first violation provision; DOT to purge driving records of first violation under certain conditions except CDL holders  -  Act 30
ATV law revisions re registration fees, nonresident trail pass, operation of by minors, penalties for OWI, noise restrictions, and certain funding -  Act 251
Motor home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle: maximum permissible length and width revised  -  Act 213
Protective headgear use or nonuse by operators and passengers of motorcycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles: introduction of evidence in certain civil actions prohibited, exceptions and recovery for damages provisions -  Act 148
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -  Act 97
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision  -  Act 166
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -  Act 210
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -  Act 248
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: subsidies set; clean water revenue bonding authority revised [Sec. 680t, 2466-2469] [2466 — partial veto; 680t — vetoed] -  Act 33
Oil filters and other oil-absorbent materials disposal: Comm. Dept to convene a committee to study and establish percentage goals for recycling -  Act 96
Postconsumer waste for newsprint used in newspapers: percentage revised -  Act 106
Recycling tipping fee: exemption for PCB contaminated sediments removed from navigable waters [Sec. 2475e]  -  Act 33
RMDB and related grant program repealed; additional lapse from repayments to Wisconsin development fund, rural economic development program, and community based economic development program; DNR to make statutory awards re certain business-to-business peer exchange and materials exchange programs; recycling fund transfers to general fund [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]  -  Act 33
Tobacco Control Board, recycling fund, utility public benefits fund, and universal service fund: appropriation revisions -  Act 1
recycling market development boardRecycling market development board
RMDB and related grant program repealed; additional lapse from repayments to Wisconsin development fund, rural economic development program, and community based economic development program; DNR to make statutory awards re certain business-to-business peer exchange and materials exchange programs; recycling fund transfers to general fund [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]  -  Act 33
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; common council may revise the boundaries of certain aldermanic districts; exception for certain counties [vetoed]  -  SB-351
County board of supervisors in populous county: decrease in number permitted; redistricting plan in period between decennial redistricting plans allowed -  Act 32
County board of supervisors: decrease in number permitted; redistricting requirements; intradecade redistricting plan enactment by petition and referendum permitted; common council may revise the boundaries of certain aldermanic districts; exception for certain counties [vetoed]  -  SB-351
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [Sec. 943m, 1532m] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Municipal cable television system costs modified; telecommunications utility regulations revised; requirements re local ordinance, resolution, or referendum authorizing local government cable television, telecommunications, or broadband facilities -  Act 278
Town consolidating with a contiguous city or village: additional method created -  Act 93
reformulated gasolineReformulated gasoline, see Gasoline
regional planningRegional planning
Comprehensive planning statutes for local governmental units revised re number of programs or actions with which it must be consistent; reiterates a regional planning commission's plan is only advisory -  Act 233
County development plan affecting a town: town board approval required; exception for shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances [vetoed] -  AB-551
register of deedsRegister of deeds
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents -  Act 206
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-10] -  JR-12
regulation and licensing, department ofRegulation and licensing, Department of, see also Medical examining board; Trades and occupations; specific occupation
Appropriation revisions -  Act 1
Appropriations from certain agencies lapsed to general fund [Sec. 9260 (1)] [partial veto] -  Act 33
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  -  Act 150
Boxing contests (amateur and professional): DORL authority revised -  Act 285
Criminal investigation of certain professional credential applicants: DORL may investigate pursuant to certain rules; photographs and fingerprints required for certain credentials; DOJ and FBI provisions -  Act 151
DORL credentialing fees: JLAC requested to evaluate methodologies; may direct LAB to perform evaluation [Sec. 9133 (3f)] -  Act 33
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [vetoed]  -  AB-733
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  -  Act 168
religious societiesReligious societies
Faith-based initiative to create jobs and counsel families impacted by gun violence: DWD to secure federal funds [Sec. 9159 (9d)] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Hemophilia treatment program in DHFS: waiver for religious reasons from requirement re applying to other health care coverage programs first -  Act 198
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  -  Act 195
Sexual assault or exploitation of a child by a member of the clergy: actions for damages permitted and time limit to cover the cause of action expanded; time limit to prosecute assault by instructional staff person increased; clergy required to report sexual abuse of a child, exception provided  -  Act 279
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or U.S. uniformed service ID required; use of corroboration repealed; absentee ballot and DOT provisions; photo requirement exemption re religious tenets [vetoed]  -  AB-111
reorganization of state governmentReorganization of state government
Cash management functions of State Treasurer's office transferred to DOA [Sec. 44-47, 54-69, 165-168, 170, 184-186, 250m, 251m, 269, 277, 437, 471, 472, 573, 648, 649, 692-704, 706, 707, 720, 738, 740, 805-813, 816-828, 830, 843-846, 848, 870, 873, 906-914, 924, 925, 940, 946, 1003, 1033, 1091, 1180, 1188, 1189, 1287, 1289, 1413, 1436, 1447, 1466, 1467-1472b, 1482, 1483, 1485, 1517-1522, 1524, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1535, 1536, 1539, 1541, 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584-1603, 1607, 1621, 1628, 1629-1632, 1634-1644, 1649, 1686, 1687, 1707, 1708, 1725-1727, 1740, 1812-1815, 1841-1854, 1954-1956, 1960, 1998, 2044, 2045, 2056, 2057, 2058, 2092, 2099, 2101-2105, 2114-2119, 2204-2310, 2321-2323, 2341, 2349-2353, 2358, 2361, 2449-2453, 2471, 2482, 2483, 2486, 2575, 2579, 2580-2592, 2605-2608, 2616, 2629, 2632, 2635-2640, 2643-2650, 2665-2671, 2683-2685, 2691, 2693-2707, 2711, 2713-2715, 2728, 2730, 2731, 2744, 2745, 2759-2767, 2800-2804, 9154 (1), 9454 (1)]  -  Act 33
Consumer protection reduction plan in DATCP; consumer protection assessments and telephone solicitation appropriation [Sec. 287p, 291n, 1815d, 1817d, 9104 (3x), 9204 (3x)] [all sections vetoed except 9204 (3x)] -  Act 33
DER eliminated, functions transferred to newly created Office of state employment relations [Sec. 12, 13, 20, 25, 28, 87s, 97d, 101-107, 140, 141d, 164, 169, 171, 174, 201, 279, 619-621, 623-631, 646m, 691, 708-719, 721, 729m, 730, 732, 735, 735m, 930, 931, 936, 1005, 1010, 1015, 1016, 1093, 1142, 1448, 1523, 1558, 1626, 1627, 1987m-1990, 1992e-s, 2060, 2368, 2377, 2384e, m, 2386e-s, 2387e-w, 2389d-2390w, 2391c-2392, 2396, 2404m, 2407b-2409, 2409h-2410, 2412-2417s, 2422g, r, 2427g, r, 2441, 2442, 2489, 2726, 2733, 2798, 9118 (1b), 9160 (4q), 9218 (1q), 9418 (1b)] [97d, 626a, 2390b — partial veto] -  Act 33
Electronic Government, Department of, abolished; functions transferred to DOA [Sec. 4, 9, 31-33, 39, 42, 51, 82, 98, 113-115, 172, 190, 191, 197, 198, 202, 203, 206-208, 212, 213, 215, 216-218, 231-233, 235, 276, 305, 570, 572, 574, 589, 635, 636, 638-640, 643m-645, 731, 750, 751, 753-800, 874, 935, 1706, 2315, 2324, 2347, 2395, 2472, 2672, 9115 (1), 9160 (2x) 9215 (1), 9415 (1)] [778, 9160 (2x) — partial veto] -  Act 33
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]  -  Act 310
Housing functions of DOA: most responsibilities transferred to Comm.Dept; low-income weatherization and energy assistance programs retained [Sec. 5-7, 86, 150-163, 188, 223, 576, 593-604, 804, 1101-1104, 1464, 1500, 1684, 1685, 1705, 1993, 2048, 2318, 2359, 2360, 2369, 2370, 2444-2448, 2619, 2658, 2743, 2777, 9101 (4), 9401 (1)]  -  Act 33
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Division of, merged into Division of Criminal Investigation [Sec. 132, 2398]  -  Act 33
Personnel Commission abolished; appeals functions transferred to WERC; complaints functions transferred to DWD's Division of Equal Rights [Sec. 77, 138, 144-146, 442, 443, 647, 727, 745-749, 1176-1178, 1473-1475, 1835-1837, 1855, 1962, 1963, 2064-2066, 2367, 2373, 2376, 2385, 2388, 2389, 2391, 2418, 2419, 2421, 2422, 2423-2427, 2428-2440, 9139 (1)]  -  Act 33
Savings banks and S&L regulation by DFI: Division of savings banks deleted, duties transferred to Division of banking; Savings bank review and Loan review boards eliminated, Savings institution review board created [Sec. 79, 80, 84, 85, 109-111, 298, 705, 923, 926, 2052-2055, 2133, 2330-2339, 2342-2346, 2348, 2354-2357, 2378-2384, 2397, 2618, 2692, 9120 (2)]  -  Act 33
School financing commission created; report required [Sec. 9141 (2c)] [vetoed] -  SB-44