SB44-SSA1,1035,18 18(a) In this subsection:
SB44-SSA1,1035,20 191. "Department" has the meaning given for "executive branch agency" in
20section 16.70 (4) of the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1035,22 212. "Federal revenues" has the meaning given in section 20.001 (2) (e) of the
SB44-SSA1,1035,24 233. "General purpose revenues" has the meaning given in section 20.001 (2) (a)
24of the statutes.
14. "Program revenues" has the meaning given in section 20.001 (2) (b) or (c) of
2the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1036,43 5. "Program revenues-service" has the meaning given in section 20.001 (2) (c)
4of the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1036,6 56. "Segregated fund revenues" has the meaning given in section 20.001 (2) (d)
6or (da) of the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1036,87 7. "Segregated fund revenues — service" has the meaning given in section
820.001 (2) (da) of the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1036,17 9(b) Notwithstanding section 16.50 (1) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the
10secretary of administration shall require submission of an expenditure estimate
11under section 16.50 (2) of the statutes for each department that proposes to expend
12moneys that are not encumbered on the effective date of this paragraph from any
13revenue source other than federal revenues for printing of any publication during the
142003-05 fiscal biennium that is not required to be printed by the constitution or by
15law. Notwithstanding section 16.50 (2) of the statutes, the secretary shall disapprove
16any such estimate for printing of a publication unless the secretary finds that
17printing of the publication is essential.
SB44-SSA1,1037,9 18(c) Except as provided in paragraph (d), the secretary of administration shall,
19during the fiscal year for which an expenditure estimate is submitted under
20paragraph (b), lapse to the general fund the amount of any estimate disapproved
21under paragraph (b) for expenditure of moneys that are appropriated from any
22appropriation, other than a sum sufficient appropriation, made from general
23purpose revenues. Except as provided in paragraph (d), the secretary shall, during
24the fiscal year for which an expenditure estimate is submitted under paragraph (b),
25transfer to the general fund the amount of any estimate disapproved under

1paragraph (b) for the expenditure of moneys that are appropriated from any
2appropriation, other than a sum sufficient appropriation, made from program
3revenues, program revenues-service, segregated fund revenues, or segregated fund
4revenues — service. The secretary shall reestimate to subtract from the expenditure
5estimate published in the acts of 2003 under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes the
6amount of any estimate disapproved under paragraph (b) for expenditure of moneys
7that are appropriated from any sum sufficient appropriation. The secretary shall
8include any reestimate under this paragraph in his or her submission under section
920.004 (2) of the statutes.
SB44-SSA1,1037,1310 (d) No lapse or transfer shall be made under this subsection from any
11appropriation if the lapse or transfer would violate a condition imposed by the federal
12government on the expenditure of the moneys or if the lapse or transfer would violate
13state law or the federal or state constitution.
SB44-SSA1,1037,17 14(e) If the secretary of administration disapproves an expenditure estimate for
15the printing of any publication under paragraph (b), the department submitting the
16estimate shall post the content of the publication that would have been printed on
17the Internet.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9102 18Section 9102. Nonstatutory provisions; adolescent pregnancy
prevention and pregnancy services board.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9103 19Section 9103. Nonstatutory provisions; aging and long-term care
SB44-SSA1, s. 9104 20Section 9104. Nonstatutory provisions; agriculture, trade and
consumer protection.
SB44-SSA1,1038,14 21(3x) Consumer protection reduction plan. On or before November 1, 2003, the
22department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall submit a plan to the

1joint committee on finance detailing how the department proposes to implement the
2reduction in positions required by this act relating to the department's consumer
3protection activities. The plan shall identify the titles of all of the positions that the
4department proposes to eliminate and the location of those positions. The plan shall
5also specify how the department plans to reduce costs and shall identify the fringe
6benefits, supplies, and property that the department proposes to reduce or eliminate.
7If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department within 14
8working days after the date of the department's submittal of the plan that the
9committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the plan, the plan
10may be implemented as proposed by the department. If, within 14 working days after
11the date of the department's submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify
12the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
13reviewing the proposed plan, the plan may be implemented only upon approval of the
SB44-SSA1,1038,20 15(3z) Household hazardous waste rules. The department of agriculture, trade
16and consumer protection shall administer the household hazardous waste program
17under section 93.57 of the statutes, as affected by this act, using the rules
18promulgated by the department of natural resources under section 299.41, 2001
19stats., until the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection
20promulgates rules for the program.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9105 21Section 9105. Nonstatutory provisions; arts board.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9106 22Section 9106. Nonstatutory provisions; building commission.
1(1) 2003-05 Authorized State Building Program. For the fiscal years beginning
2on July 1, 2003, and ending on June 30, 2005, the Authorized State Building Program
3is as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
1(2) Programs previously authorized. In addition to the projects and financing
2authority enumerated under subsection (1), the building and financing authority
3enumerated under the previous Authorized State Building Program is continued in
4the 2003-05 fiscal biennium.
SB44-SSA1,1053,9 5(3) Loans. During the 2003-05 fiscal biennium, the building commission may
6make loans from general fund supported borrowing or the building trust fund to state
7agencies, as defined in section 20.001 (1) of the statutes, for projects which are to be
8utilized for programs not funded by general purpose revenue and which are
9authorized under subsection (1).
SB44-SSA1,1053,10 10(4) Project contingency funding reserve.
SB44-SSA1,1053,1411 (a) During the 2003-05 fiscal biennium, the building commission may allocate
12moneys from the appropriation under section 20.866 (2) (yg) of the statutes, as
13affected by this act, for contingency expenses in connection with any project in the
14Authorized State Building Program.
SB44-SSA1,1053,1815 (b) During the 2003-2005 fiscal biennium, the building commission may
16allocate moneys from the appropriation under section 20.866 (2) (ym) of the statutes,
17as affected by this act, for capital equipment acquisition in connection with any
18project in the Authorized State Building Program.
SB44-SSA1,1053,23 19(5) Phoenix Sports Center addition. Notwithstanding section 18.04 (1) and
20(2) of the statutes, the building commission shall not authorize public debt to be
21contracted for the purpose of financing construction of the Phoenix Sports Center
22addition at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, as enumerated under subsection
23(1) (g), prior to July 1, 2005.
1(6) Adjustment of totals. In the 2001-03 Authorized State Building Program,
2the appropriate totals are adjusted to reflect the changes made by Sections 2813e,
32813g, and 2813j of this act.
SB44-SSA1,1054,7 4(7) 2001-2003 Authorized state building program deletion. In 2001
5Wisconsin Act 16
, section 9107 (1) (j) 2., under projects financed by program revenue
6supported borrowing, the 2001-03 state building project identified as Exposition hall
7is deleted and the appropriate totals are decreased accordingly.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9107 8Section 9107. Nonstatutory provisions; child abuse and neglect
prevention board.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9108 9Section 9108. Nonstatutory provisions; circuit courts.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9109 10Section 9109. Nonstatutory provisions; commerce.
SB44-SSA1,1054,11 11(1d) Wisconsin development fund grants; plant closings.
SB44-SSA1,1054,12 12(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB44-SSA1,1054,13 131. "Department" means the department of commerce.
SB44-SSA1,1054,14 142. "Secretary" means the secretary of commerce.
SB44-SSA1,1054,18 15(b) Generally. During the period beginning on the effective date of this
16paragraph and ending on June 30, 2004, the department shall make grants from the
17appropriations under section 20.143 (1) (c) and (ie) of the statutes, as affected by this
18act, to persons to whom any of the following applies:
SB44-SSA1,1054,21 191. The person resides, is located, or, if a municipality, has territory in a county
20where, during any 12-month period beginning on or after February 1, 2001, a plant
21closing has eliminated 500 jobs or multiple plant closings have eliminated 1,000 jobs.
SB44-SSA1,1055,2 222. The person resides, is located, or, if a municipality, has territory in a county
23where a plant closed on or after February 1, 2001, and that had an average

1unemployment rate of at least 7.5% during any 12-month period beginning on or
2after February 1, 2001.
SB44-SSA1,1055,4 3(b) Requirements. The department shall make a grant to a person under
4paragraph (b) only if all of the following apply:
SB44-SSA1,1055,6 51. The person submits a plan to the department detailing the proposed use of
6the grant and the secretary approves the plan.
SB44-SSA1,1055,9 72. The person enters into a written agreement with the department that
8specifies the conditions for the use of the proceeds of the grant, including reporting
9and auditing requirements.
SB44-SSA1,1055,11 103. The person agrees in writing to submit to the department the reports
11required under paragraph (d) by the time required under paragraph (d).
SB44-SSA1,1055,14 12(d) Reporting. If a person receives a grant under this subsection, the person
13shall submit to the department, within 6 months after spending the full amount of
14the grant, a report detailing how the grant proceeds were used.
SB44-SSA1,1055,16 15(e) Limit on grants. The aggregate total of grants made under paragraph (b)
16may not exceed $1,000,000.
SB44-SSA1,1055,23 17(1z) Brownfields grants. During fiscal year 2003-04, the department of
18commerce may review applications submitted to the department by October 25,
192002, for grants under section 560.13 of the statutes and may use the criteria under
20that section and rules promulgated by the department under that section to make
21grants of up to a total of $6,250,000 from the appropriation under section 20.143 (1)
22(qm) of the statutes to applicants that would have been eligible for grants in fiscal
23year 2002-03.
SB44-SSA1,1055,25 24(2q) Wisconsin development fund grants; minority business opportunity
1(a) In this subsection:
SB44-SSA1,1056,2 21. "Department" means the department of commerce.
SB44-SSA1,1056,3 32. "Secretary" means the secretary of commerce.
SB44-SSA1,1056,8 4(b) The department shall make a grant of $100,000 in fiscal year 2003-04 and
5a grant of $100,000 in fiscal year 2004-05 to the Wisconsin minority business
6opportunity committee. The grants shall be made from the appropriations under
7section 20.143 (1) (c) and (ie) of the statutes, as affected by this act. The grants shall
8be made only if all of the following apply:
SB44-SSA1,1056,11 91. The Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee submits a plan to
10the department detailing the proposed use of the grants and the secretary approves
11the plan.
SB44-SSA1,1056,1612 2. The Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee submits a
13statement to the department indicating that the grants will match federal funding
14that has or will be provided to the Wisconsin minority business opportunity
15committee for the proposed use indicated in the plan submitted under subdivision
SB44-SSA1,1056,19 173. The Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee enters into a
18written agreement with the department that specifies the conditions for the use of
19the proceeds of the grants, including reporting and auditing requirements.
SB44-SSA1,1056,22 204. The Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee agrees in writing
21to submit to the department the reports required under paragraph (c) by the time
22required under paragraph (c).
SB44-SSA1,1057,2 23(c) If the Wisconsin minority business opportunity committee receives the
24grants under this subsection, it shall submit to the department, within 6 months

1after spending the full amount of each grant, a report detailing how the grant
2proceeds were used.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9110 3Section 9110. Nonstatutory provisions; corrections.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9111 4Section 9111. Nonstatutory provisions; court of appeals.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9112 5Section 9112. Nonstatutory provisions; district attorneys.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9113 6Section 9113. Nonstatutory provisions; educational communications
SB44-SSA1, s. 9114 7Section 9114. Nonstatutory provisions; elections board.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9115 8Section 9115. Nonstatutory provisions; electronic government.
SB44-SSA1,1057,9 9(1) Abolition of department of electronic government.
SB44-SSA1,1057,13 10(a) Assets and liabilities. Except as provided in Section 9215 (1) of this act, on
11the effective date of this paragraph, the assets and liabilities of the department of
12electronic government shall become assets and liabilities of the department of
SB44-SSA1,1057,14 14(b) Positions and employees.
SB44-SSA1,1057,19 151 . On the effective date of this subdivision, all full-time equivalent positions
16in the department of electronic government, except the positions occupied by the
17secretary, the deputy secretary, the executive assistant, and 2 division administrator
18positions determined by the secretary of administration, are transferred to the
19department of administration.
SB44-SSA1,1057,22 202 . All incumbent employees holding positions that are transferred under
21subdivision 1. are transferred on the effective date of this subdivision to the
22department of administration.
SB44-SSA1,1058,4 233. Employees transferred under subdivision 2 . have all of the rights and the
24same status under subch. V of ch. 111 and chapter 230 of the statutes in the

1department of administration that they enjoyed in the department of electronic
2government immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of
3the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained permanent status in class
4is required to serve a probationary period.
SB44-SSA1,1058,7 5(c) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
6tangible personal property, including records, of the department of electronic
7government is transferred to the department of administration.
SB44-SSA1,1058,13 8(d) Contracts. All contracts entered into by the department of electronic
9government that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect
10and are transferred to the department of administration. The department of
11administration shall carry out any contractual obligations under such a contract
12until the contract is modified or rescinded by the department of administration to the
13extent allowed under the contract.
SB44-SSA1,1058,20 14(e) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated by the department of electronic
15government that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect
16until their specified expiration dates or until amended or repealed by the department
17of administration. All orders issued by the department of electronic government that
18are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect until their
19specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded by the department of
SB44-SSA1,1058,25 21(f) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of electronic
22government on the effective date of this paragraph is transferred to the department
23of administration, and all materials submitted to or actions taken by the department
24of electronic government with respect to the pending matter are considered as having
25been submitted to or taken by the department of administration.
1(2) Funding of operations and programs at the department of electronic
Notwithstanding the requirement under section 20.001 (3) (a) of the
3statutes that annual appropriations are expendable only up to the amount shown in
4the schedule and only for the fiscal year for which made, during the period that
5begins on the effective date of this subsection and ends on the 30th day after the
6effective date of this subsection, the annual appropriations to the department of
7electronic government under section 20.530 of the statutes provided for the 2002-03
8fiscal year shall remain in effect until the 30th day after the effective date of this
9subsection, except that the department of electronic government may not expend or
10encumber more than one-twelfth of the amounts appropriated for the 2002-03 fiscal
11year from each appropriation.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9116 12Section 9116. Nonstatutory provisions; employee trust funds.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9117 13Section 9117. Nonstatutory provisions; employment relations
SB44-SSA1, s. 9118 14Section 9118. Nonstatutory provisions; employment relations
SB44-SSA1,1059,15 15(1b) Office of state human resources management.
SB44-SSA1,1059,1816 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, all assets and
17liabilities of the department of employment relations shall become the assets and
18liabilities of the office of state human resources management.
SB44-SSA1,1059,2119 (b) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
20tangible personal property, including records, of the department of employment
21relations is transferred to the office of state human resources management.
SB44-SSA1,1060,422 (c) Contracts. All contracts entered into by the department of employment
23relations that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect and

1are transferred to the office of state human resources management. The office of
2state human resources management shall carry out any obligations under such a
3contract until the contract is modified or rescinded by the office of state human
4resources management to the extent allowed under the contract.
SB44-SSA1,1060,195 (d) Employee transfers and status; position conversion. On the effective date
6of this paragraph, all incumbent employees holding classified positions in the
7department of employment relations are transferred to the office of state human
8resources management. Employees transferred under this paragraph have all of the
9rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
10statutes in the office of state human resources management that they enjoyed in the
11department of employment relations immediately before the transfer.
12Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee so transferred who
13has attained permanent status in class may be required to serve a probationary
14period. Notwithstanding section 16.505 (1) of the statutes, the director of the office
15of state human resources management may, during the 2003-05 fiscal biennium,
16delete one vacant classified position authorized for the office and thereafter create
17one unclassified position in the office for the purpose of employing the executive
18assistant authorized under section 230.08 (2) (ya) of the statutes, as created by this
SB44-SSA1,1061,220 (e) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated by the department of employment
21relations that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect
22until their specified expiration dates or until amended or repealed by the office of
23state human resources management. All orders issued by the department of
24employment relations that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain

1in effect until their specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded by the
2office of state human resources management.
SB44-SSA1,1061,83 (f) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of employment
4relations on the effective date of this paragraph is transferred to the office of state
5human resources management and all materials submitted to or actions taken by the
6department of employment relations with respect to the pending matter are
7considered as having been submitted to or taken by the office of state human
8resources management.
SB44-SSA1,1061,19 9(2) Funding of operations and programs at the department of employment
Notwithstanding the requirement under section 20.001 (3) (a) of the
11statutes that annual appropriations are expendable only up to the amount shown in
12the schedule and only for the fiscal year for which made, during the period that
13begins on the effective date of this subsection and ends on the 30th day after the
14effective date of this subsection, the annual appropriations to the department of
15employment relations under section 20.512 of the statutes provided for the 2002-03
16fiscal year shall remain in effect until the 30th day after the effective date of this
17subsection, except that the department of employment relations may not expend or
18encumber more than one-twelfth of the amounts appropriated for the 2002-03 fiscal
19year from each appropriation.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9119 20Section 9119. Nonstatutory provisions; ethics board.
SB44-SSA1, s. 9120 21Section 9120. Nonstatutory provisions; financial institutions.
SB44-SSA1,1062,322 (1) Limited liability company annual reports. Notwithstanding section
23183.0120 (3) of the statutes, as affected by this act, a domestic limited liability
24company in existence on the effective date of this subsection shall deliver its initial
25annual report under section 183.0120 of the statutes to the department of financial

1institutions during the calendar quarter occurring in 2004 during which the
2anniversary of the effective date of the limited liability company's articles of
3organization under section 183.0111 of the statutes occurs.
SB44-SSA1,1062,4 4(2) Review board transitional provisions.
SB44-SSA1,1062,95 (a) Current members of savings bank review board and savings and loan review
Notwithstanding section 15.07 (1) (c) of the statutes and section 15.185 (3)
7and (4), 2001 stats., the terms of office of all members of the savings bank review
8board and all members of the savings and loan review board terminate on the
9effective date of this paragraph.
SB44-SSA1,1062,1310 (b) Initial members of savings institutions review board. Notwithstanding
11section 15.185 (3) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the terms of office of the
12members initially appointed to the savings institutions review board terminate as