Period ending December 31, 2004

Pursuant to Joint Rule 77 (2), "In the author indexes, the brief description of each proposal shall be shown routinely only under the first and second author, and under the first cosponsor, of each proposal. For additional authors and cosponsors, the proposal shall be listed in the author index by number only."

Table of Contents
Breske, Sen. Roger M. (12th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Brown, Sen. Ronald W. (31st Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Carpenter, Sen. Tim (3rd Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Chvala, Sen. Charles J. (16th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Coggs, Sen. G. Spencer (6th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Cowles, Sen. Robert L. (2nd Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Darling, Sen. Alberta (8th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Decker, Sen. Russell S. (29th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Ellis, Sen. Michael G. (19th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Erpenbach, Sen. Jon (27th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Fitzgerald, Sen. Scott (13th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
George, Sen. Gary R. (6th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Grobschmidt, Sen. Richard A. (7th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Hansen, Sen. David (30th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Harsdorf, Sen. Sheila (10th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Jauch, Sen. Robert (25th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Kanavas, Sen. Ted (33rd Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Kedzie, Sen. Neal J. (11th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Lasee, Sen. Alan J. (1st Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Lassa, Sen. Julie M. (24th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Lazich, Sen. Mary (28th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Leibham, Sen. Joseph K. (9th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Meyer, Sen. Mark (32nd Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Moore, Sen. Gwendolynne S. (4th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Panzer, Sen. Mary E. (20th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Plale, Sen. Jeffrey T. (7th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Reynolds, Sen. Thomas G. (5th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Risser, Sen. Fred (26th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Robson, Sen. Judith (15th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Roessler, Sen. Carol A. (18th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Schultz, Sen. Dale W. (17th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Shibilski, Sen. Kevin (24th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Stepp, Sen. Cathy (21st Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Welch, Sen. Robert T. (14th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Wirch, Sen. Robert W. (22nd Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Zien, Sen. David A. (23rd Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
S12 Breske, Sen. Roger M. (12th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Anderson, (Petty Officer) Michael C.: life and military service commended -  SJR72
Calcium chloride liquid transportation: monthly registration of a motor truck, trailer, or truck tractor permitted  - SB293
Car line company gross earnings tax modified -  SB431
Chiropractic regulation revisions; disciplinary provisions -  SB275
Clark, Dr. Laurel Blair Salton: life and career as NASA astronaut commended -  SJR17
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised - AB396
Coakley, Pat: public service commended upon her retirement from the JLC -  SJR54
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: March proclaimed as -  SJR20
DMA employees re security functions at weapons facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB75
Extraterritorial plat approval revision -  SB88
Harbor Assistance Program: grant eligibility expanded to private facilities under certain conditions  - SB415
``Industrial development project" definition expanded -  SB69
Memorial Day observance by state government agencies modified -  AB78
Motorboat gas tax formula revised; federal CREP payments to counties; funding for county staff re land and water resource management plans -  SB215
Offner, Paul: life and public service -  SJR73
Pharmaceutical Market Access Act or similar legislation and long-term solutions to lower prescription medication prices: action by Congress urged -  SJR46
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: deducting property taxes paid when determining person's annual household income -  SB418
Prosecutor or government attorney electing not to commence a criminal prosecution or civil action in exchange for payments to an organization or agency, excluding restitution, prohibited; similar prohibition re dismissing or amending charges extended - SB241
Right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  SJR8
School district of certain square mileage with declining enrollment: supplemental aid payments to  - AB938
State historic rehabilitation tax credit revisions; supplement to federal historic rehabilitation credit and SHSW provisions - AB309
Surplus county highway land: county may sell to owner of adjacent land -  AB495
Thiry, (Cpl.) Jesse: life and military service commended - SJR70
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - AB888
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - SB461
Towing service removal of unregistered, abandoned, or illegally parked motor vehicle: law enforcement must inform towing service of the name and last-known address of registered owner and all lienholders -  SB392
Transfer of ownership of vehicles: buyer's responsibility to notify DOT and for costs re removal, impoundment, or disposal of an abandoned vehicle -  SB393
Uhl, (Sgt.) Eugene A., III: life and military service commended  - SJR68
U.W. nonresident tuition exemption to certain persons who served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces and are Wisconsin residents for veterans benefits purposes  - SB513
Veteran personal loan program: amount DVA may loan that is secured by a mortgage or guarantor revised  - SB546
Veterans Programs, Council on: membership expanded -  SB405
Witmer, (Specialist) Michelle: life and military service commended -  SJR71
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Breske:
Senate Bills: 24, 26, 84, 86, 108, 114, 116, 118, 160, 170, 172, 195, 202, 203, 214, 234, 235, 239, 245, 271, 272, 273, 274, 278, 279, 280, 283, 289, 290, 326, 332, 363, 386, 395, 402, 413, 423, 427, 434, 441, 453, 505
Senate Joint Resolutions: 7, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, 58, 59, 64
Senate Resolutions: 7, 17, 28, 29
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 30, 31, 38, 40, 42, 47, 61, 64, 67, 74, 76, 77, 80, 103, 106, 151, 155, 209, 231, 232, 235, 252, 255, 269, 279, 284, 311, 323, 326, 329, 336, 344, 356, 362, 369, 372, 413, 418, 436, 437, 471, 476, 489, 490, 492, 493, 494, 496, 498, 507, 508, 517, 518, 534, 536, 548, 549, 552, 553, 559, 570, 588, 591, 592, 595, 604, 609, 610, 614, 615, 620, 651, 673, 679, 707, 711, 743, 751, 758, 759, 760, 771, 773, 786, 791, 794, 801, 803, 804, 805, 806, 810, 858, 896, 918, 929, 944
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 9, 10, 16, 18, 20, 23, 34, 36, 41, 42, 57, 59, 61, 67, 70
S31 Brown, Sen. Ronald W. (31st Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Agricultural credit transactions: documentation requirements -  AB184
Agricultural producer security program revisions -  AB349
Agricultural producer security program revisions -  SB173
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  - SB444
Boland, Raymond G.: service to the state commended and congratulations upon retiring from the DVA  - AJR45
Boland, Raymond G.: service to the state commended and congratulations upon retiring from the DVA  - AJR46
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town, and county officers eliminated -  AB263
Business equipment lease and contract to provide business services: renewal or extension provisions and notification requirements -  SB511
Central Center for the Developmentally Disabled: termination of services, sale or transfer of tangible personal property, sale of real property, and transfer of residents; JCF provision - SB57
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  - AB621
Cigarette fire safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish; sale of uncertified cigarettes prohibited - SB519
County officers (clerk, treasurer, DA, coroner, elected surveyor, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court): terms of office changed to 4-year. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR10
Cranberry designated as the state fruit; Blue Book provision - AB679
Deignan, Alexis ``Lexie": congratulations upon being named Miss American Sweetheart -  SR26
Dental hygienist continuing education requirements created - SB225
DMA changes re certain military staff -  AB20
Employer participating in WRS and covered by MERA: payment of employee required contributions revised  - AB599
Employer participating in WRS and covered by MERA: payment of employee required contributions revised  - SB285
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re pharmacist refusal to dispense drugs used for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia; definition, disciplinary action, and damages provisions -  SB21
Employment discrimination because of military status revised and expanded -  SB282
Fire calls on certain highways: DOT reimbursement to city or village fire department revised - SB222
Fire dues program: grant eligibility requirements modified -  SB410
Fireworks laws revisions re user's permits, displays, wholesalers, and penalties and enforcement; liability and seized property provisions -  AB438
Fireworks use in certain indoor areas prohibited, exception and penalty provisions -  SB104
Highway and bridge names: DOT directed to designate and mark certain routes and bridges -  SB46
Hoyer, (Specialist) Bert: life and military service commended  - SJR69
Income and franchise taxes: Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-121) -  SB421