Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - AB308
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - SB124
Credit card transaction records: person or corporation may not sell information about Wisconsin residents obtained from; DOJ authority specified -  AB83
Credit reporting agency requirements re free written disclosure report requested by customer -  AB102
Credit reporting agency requirements re free written disclosure report requested by customer -  SB39
Crime victim's leave requirements created -  AB269
Day care in provider's home: publication of street address in a directory prohibited unless authorized  - AB452
Demand draft negotiation and collection: regulations created - SB53
Employment agent, temporary help service, employer-paid employment agent, or third-party employer: charging for transportation limited -  SB396
Health benefit purchasing cooperative pilot project authorized; reports required -  SB204
Housing facilities: any county may build, rehabilitate, furnish, and rent to residents of the county; funding provision  - AB872
Local professional baseball park district: sunset on collection of sales and use taxes established - SB203
Local youth apprenticeship grant funding increased; FTE positions for Governor's Work-Based Learning Board increased - SB290
Miller High Life brand: centennial anniversary recognized -  SJR47
Negotiated state employee contracts: cochairs of JCOER requested to convene a meeting to take action on  - AJR14
Negotiated state employee contracts: cochairs of JCOER requested to convene a meeting to take action on  - SJR12
No Child Left Behind Act: state urged not to appropriate funds to implement that would not otherwise have been expended; DPI and State Superintendent provisions  - SR33
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor: giving or offering things of monetary value to practitioners to encourage the issuance of prescriptions prohibited, exceptions provided - AB586
Public debt refunding; MA and Building Commission provisions -  SB480
Railroad employees present in cab of lead locomotive while in motion: number set; exceptions provided  - SB26
Schneider, Donald J.: public service commended upon his retirement as Senate Chief Clerk -  SJR58
SSN used as student ID number: prohibition expanded to private institutions of higher education - AB84
Teachers and librarians at certain secured facilities classified as protective occupation participants under WRS  - AB76
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions -  AB946
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions -  SB475
Tyson Foods: state urged not to procure their products until strike is resolved -  AJR59
Tyson Foods: state urged not to procure their products until strike is resolved -  SJR34
USH 8 between USH 53 and City of Turtle Lake designated and marked ``Donald J. Schneider Highway"  - SB395
USH 51 in city of Madison: improvements to Rieder Road intersection -  SB34
Wisconsin Stroke Alert Day proclaimed May 12, 2004 -  SJR64
WRS creditable military service for maritime service during World War II revised -  SB93
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Erpenbach:
Senate Bills: 11, 31, 71, 99, 130, 170, 177, 181, 196, 209, 232, 235, 240, 249, 267, 278, 300, 301, 310, 319, 326, 363, 366, 367, 388, 397, 402, 405, 418, 434, 441, 452, 458, 460, 493, 496, 512, 518, 542
Senate Joint Resolutions: 7, 8, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 41, 45, 46, 48, 49, 54, 59, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72
Senate Resolutions: 7, 13, 28, 29
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 19, 30, 42, 46, 99, 103, 155, 163, 170, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 278, 288, 318, 345, 351, 375, 403, 405, 418, 447, 451, 453, 489, 510, 515, 531, 547, 548, 554, 620, 622, 632, 639, 673, 700, 705, 712, 751, 757, 771, 773, 810, 845, 859, 869, 896, 910, 929, 934, 935, 936, 986
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 8, 9, 20, 23, 33, 34, 36, 41, 52, 53, 54, 57, 62, 67, 70
S13 Fitzgerald, Sen. Scott (13th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Absconding without paying: prohibitions expanded re gasoline and diesel fuel; driver's license suspension provision  - AB232
Absconding without paying: prohibitions expanded re gasoline and diesel fuel; driver's license suspension provision  - SB86
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Day in Wisconsin proclaimed May 24 of every year -  AJR28
BAC testing and breathalyzer refusal hearings: municipal court allowed to hold; transfer to circuit court provision  - AB273
Beer wholesaler: compensation for termination of distribution rights; Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law provision  - AB904
Beer wholesaler: compensation for termination of distribution rights; Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law provision  - SB489
Bosveld, (PFC) Rachel: life and military service commended - SJR50
Businesses and merchants that show support or give discounts to veterans or members of national guard or U.S. armed forces reserves: DVA and DMA to create and administer a program that encourages and recognizes - AB410
College reenrollment protections modified and extended to include members of the national guard and U.S. armed forces from any state -  AB406
Conditional use permit: zoning entity may not withhold or condition approval for a reason not directly related to the permit - AB493
Conditional use permit: zoning entity may not withhold or condition approval for a reason not directly related to the permit - SB237
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  AB28
County jails: detention of certain persons from Michigan under set conditions allowed -  AB252
County jails: detention of certain persons from Michigan under set conditions allowed -  SB98
County veterans' service officers duties to include members of national guard and U.S. armed forces reserve units  - AB409
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  AB34
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  SB7
Discrimination in housing, public education, public place of accomodation, and granting credit based on military status prohibited -  AB408
Election administration costs financing and establishment of an election administration fund re federal Help America Vote Act - AB123
Election official compensation, recruitment and training program, and certification: Elections Board recommendations required -  AB121
Elevators, escalators, and other conveyances: laws revised re safety code, permits, licensing of contractors, mechanics and inspectors, and local ordinances - AB886
Felon's right to recover personal damages limited -  SB38
Fire dues program: grant eligibility requirements modified -  SB410
``Great Hunger, The" in Ireland: March 17 made a special observance day for schools -  SB526
Human cloning and parthenogenesis prohibited; definitions provided -  SB45
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB53
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  SB23
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit proposal to legislature for approval -  SB41
Indian gaming compacts: prohibitive terms specified; joint resolution provision -  SB62
Indian gaming compacts: WC insurance and UI law requirements for approval -  SB67
Jail prisoner classification system re housing assignments, supervision, services, and programs established  - AB324
Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties eliminated -  SB183
Kenseth, Matt: congratulations on winning the 2003 NASCAR Winston Cup Championship -  AJR61
Letko, Tom: life and public service -  AJR75
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR66
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR63
Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  AB475
Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  SB233
Meningococcal disease: dormitory or residence hall occupation requirements created re proof of vaccination from undergraduate students and information on risks and vaccinations provided by college or university -  SB172
Milk price paid to producers based on specified criteria permitted -  AB430
Moneys derived from employment: withholding of or use by employer or labor organization for political purposes without individual's consent prohibited, penalty provisions  - SB158
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties  - SB279
Motor vehicle accident resulting in great bodily harm or death: penalties for failure to remain at the scene revised  - AB375
Motor vehicle accident resulting in great bodily harm or death: penalties for failure to remain at the scene revised  - SB181
Motor vehicle certificate of title revised re issuance of distinctive and replacement certificates and reference to DOJ checking records for stolen vehicles; special distinguishing registration plates for national guard members expanded to include certain trucks and motor homes -  SB420
Motor vehicle dealer, salesperson, sales finance company, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter operating without a license or failing to report to DOT a change in its place of business: fines changed to forfeitures  - SB419
Motor vehicle safety belt violations: forfeiture increased - SB182
Municipal cable television system provisions re passing on costs to nonsubscribers and maintaining certain records  - AB110
Municipal cable television system provisions re passing on costs to nonsubscribers and maintaining certain records  - SB54
Municipal insurance mutual may provide property insurance; notes and municipal bonds provision  - SB176