Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 2, 13, 19, 30, 33, 42, 46, 51, 52, 76, 83, 90, 91, 95, 103, 155, 165, 207, 229, 262, 269, 279, 295, 318, 328, 332, 333, 345, 351, 391, 403, 416, 418, 438, 439, 441, 447, 451, 456, 461, 464, 470, 477, 489, 490, 499, 500, 510, 515, 529, 533, 536, 559, 565, 590, 606, 616, 620, 644, 649, 700, 707, 724, 751, 755, 757, 760, 771, 773, 786, 857, 859, 887, 929, 950, 952, 977, 979, 981
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 8, 10, 14, 19, 20, 23, 31, 34, 36, 44, 47, 50, 54, 57, 59, 62, 67
S15 Robson, Sen. Judith (15th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Business subsidies awarding and reporting requirements created; LAB, DOA, Comm.Dept, and development and technology zone tax credits provisions  - SB199
Cigarette fire safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish; sale of uncertified cigarettes prohibited - SB519
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available  - AB761
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available  - SB389
``Cover the Uninsured Week" declared March 10-16, 2003 -  AJR26
Credit reporting agency requirements re free written disclosure report requested by customer -  SB39
Diabetes treatment: health insurance required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin, exceptions provided - AB362
Driver's license of persons at least 75 years old: expiration and renewal requirements revised; fee provision  - AB575
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, assessment provision; committee to study wage disparities between men and women and minority group and nonminority group members -  SB130
Health care plan must allow any provider to participate, conditions set; 30-day period when pharmacists elect to participate for at least one year extended to certain other health care professionals -  AB690
Health care provider service rates and insurer health care services reimbursement rates re MA: DHFS to post certain MA information on its website and may post certain information that providers and insurers are required to report  - AB895
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - AB451
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - SB177
Historic preservation and downtown development revisions; federal historic rehabilitation credit and SHSW provisions - AB499
Housing facilities: any county may build, furnish, and rent to residents of the county -  SB333
Invasive nonnative aquatic species: releasing, possessing, controlling, storing, selling, or transporting prohibited; DNR authority specified -  SB413
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB467
Mercury fever thermometer prohibition created re sale, offer for sale, or give away of; exception provided  - AB277
Mercury thermometer prohibition created re sale and give away of; exceptions provided -  AB23
Mercury thermometer prohibition created re sale and give away of; exceptions provided -  SB10
Nursing homes not primarily serving the developmentally disabled: minimum staffing requirements revised re ratios; DHFS reports required; LAB duty specified  - AB192
``On-the-waterfront Program" and council created re revitalization of areas adjacent to lakes or streams  - AB105
Open-end credit plan: certain deceptive advertising practices prohibited and disclosures on billing statements required - AB981
Payday loan providers: requirements and prohibitions created; reports required -  SB345
Person with a disability or animal trainer accompanied by a service animal: laws re access to public accommodations modified - AB332
Pharmaceutical Market Access Act or similar legislation and long-term solutions to lower prescription medication prices: action by Congress urged -  SJR46
Pharmacy Outreach Program created in DHFS re pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs  - AB876
Prison Mortality and Morbidity Board created -  AB152
Schneider, (PFC) Sean: life and military service commended - SJR74
Second-degree intentional homicide or second-degree reckless homicide: time limit for commencing prosecution modified - SB66
Telephone number portability by wireless telecommunications provider required -  AB565
Temporary help agency prohibited from providing temporary employees to replace employees on strike or who are locked out - SB397
Terminating employee 40 years of age or older without just cause prohibited, exceptions provided; DWD and Personnel Commission duties modified -  AB338
Unsolicited electronic mail advertisements: conduct regulated and prohibitions created; DOJ and definition provisions  - AB691
U.S. armed forces, including reserves and national guard: courage, dedication, and service commended; family and friends of members on active duty in the Middle East commended  - SJR25
Volunteer firefighter income exempt from income tax -  AB764
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program, MPCP, independent charter schools, SAGE, and intradistrict transfer aid revisions - SB542
Well withdrawal (high-capacity): DNR required to disapprove or condition its approval to ensure waters of the state will be protected -  AB191
Wisconsin Patient Safety Institute, Inc.: grant program created in DOA; matching funds provision - SB353
Wisconsin state grass designated; Blue Book provision -  AB160
Worthless check violations: use of deferred prosecution agreements revised; DA and collection agency provisions  - AB887
Worthless check violations: use of deferred prosecution agreements revised; DA and collection agency provisions  - SB457
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Robson:
Senate Bills: 8, 12, 32, 53, 56, 99, 115, 155, 157, 163, 164, 170, 175, 187, 196, 207, 225, 232, 241, 243, 249, 278, 310, 363, 395, 418, 441, 452, 475, 480, 489, 493, 514, 516, 518, 543, 544, 549
Senate Joint Resolutions: 17, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 47, 48, 49, 54, 58, 59, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72
Senate Resolutions: 4, 7, 22, 29, 32, 33
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 19, 26, 31, 42, 51, 91, 99, 102, 127, 155, 170, 172, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 257, 265, 279, 293, 318, 343, 363, 364, 380, 384, 386, 405, 416, 418, 477, 500, 531, 534, 542, 592, 653, 654, 683, 724, 771, 845, 872, 896, 904, 921, 929, 934, 935, 936, 937, 946, 950, 979, 986
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 20, 23, 34, 36, 50, 54, 57, 59, 67
S18 Roessler, Sen. Carol A. (18th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  - AB881
Airport development zone program created; loans, bonds, and income and franchise tax provisions  - SB444
Alcohol beverages provided to persons age 18, 19, or 20: felony penalties expanded -  AB72
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level lowered; ATV, boat, and snowmobile operation included -  AB88
American Red Cross Month: March 2003 proclaimed as -  AJR23
Anatomical gift as part of a living will: option created -  SB336
Anderson, (Petty Officer) Michael C.: life and military service commended -  SJR72
Athlete agent regulations created re Uniform Athlete Agents Act  - SB209
Bodily substances thrown at another person by a juvenile while in a secured facility: mandatory minimum sentence set  - SB132
Bosveld, (PFC) Rachel: life and military service commended - AJR57
Bosveld, (PFC) Rachel: life and military service commended - SJR50
Breast-milk collection and storage: income and franchise tax credit for businesses that provide facility for employees - SB263
Brownfields revolving loan program established with funding from the EPA -  SB471
Cancer drug repository program established by DHFS; civil liability immunity provision -  SB452
Caterers: temporary Class ``B" and ``Class B" licenses authorized; provisions for premises where catered events are held - AB371
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  AB798
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  SB399
Child or family support or maintenance order: payee required to report change of employer and any substantial income changes - AB198
Child safety restraint requirements in motor vehicles specified and penalty provisions; Child Safety Restraint System Program created and DOT duties set -  AB724
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - AB250
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - SB156
Child support revisions re use of percentage standard required, disparity in parties' incomes considered, and information included in petitions in actions affecting the family  - SB257
Children's trust fund: income tax check-off procedure created; CANPB grant provision -  SB427
CHIPS proceeding: right to a jury trial eliminated -  AB784
Circuit court allowed to reduce unpaid forfeiture by time served in jail -  AB661
Civil liability immunity for certain transportation programs re transportation for individuals who wish to avoid operating a vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant  - AB707
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: March proclaimed as -  SJR20
Community Services Block Grant reauthorization: President Bush and Wisconsin congressional delegation urged to support - SR4
Computer system or telephone used to invite harassment or sending obscene, lewd, or profane messages prohibited; penalty provided -  AB327
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - AB559
Cremation of human remains, conducting cremations, and disposing of cremated remains: authorization requirements created; DORL duties specified; criminal penalties and civil forfeiture provisions; Crematory Authority Council created - SB274
Day care center for children of employees: income and franchise tax credits for business created - SB264
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for certain first degree homicides; jury and aggravating circumstances provisions -  SB2
Defined network plans: coverage of prosthetic and orthotic devices required -  SB288
Defined network plans submission of quality assurance plan: requirement revised -  SB515