Health savings account option for state employees under certain health plans: GIB required to offer  - SB536
Healthy lifestyles: legislature and executive branch agencies encouraged to focus attention on - SJR65
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment and requirement to provide drugs available under certain plans, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - AB840
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - SB466
Historical registration plates displayed on special interest vehicles permitted; DOT and contribution provisions  - AB427
Historical registration plates displayed on special interest vehicles permitted; DOT and registration renewal provisions - AB282
Hospice nurse authorized to make a pronouncement of death under certain conditions -  AB405
Hospice nurse authorized to make a pronouncement of death under certain conditions -  SB196
Huber privileges extended to include counseling, therapy, parenting education program, or meeting with probation, extended supervision, or parole officer - AB352
Human organ donation from living donor: individual income tax subtract modification for certain expenses created  - AB477
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - AB964
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - SB507
JIPS jurisdiction granted to juvenile court re third alcohol beverage violation -  AB101
Joint or sole legal custody of a child: rebuttable presumption created re pattern or serious incident of spousal abuse; guardian ad litem and mediator provisions re domestic violence dynamics training and investigating - AB279
Kids Safety Month: June declared as - SJR38
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  - SB512
Lieutenant Governor, Office of: nomination of major party candidates revised; declining nomination and filling vacancy provisions -  SB18
Local youth apprenticeship grants increased for health care and technology training -  AB987
Long-term care facility definition expanded to include residential care apartment complexes for purposes of activities by the long-term care ombudsman or designee  - AB644
Long-term care insurance disclosure requirements -  SB269
Looking into a private place or dwelling for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification without consent: prohibitions created; expunging a juvenile delinquency adjudication or conviction and sex offender registration provisions  - SB14
Major highway projects: TPC may not approve without final environmental impact statement or assessment; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; certain DOT report to TPC and certain management system change; TPC membership increased -  AB893
Major highway projects: TPC may not approve without final environmental impact statement or assessment; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; certain DOT report to TPC and certain management system change; TPC membership increased -  SB478
Manufactured housing regulations revised re manufacturers, home installations, fees, and titling; rehabilitation and recycling grant program; Manufactured Housing Code Council created; manufactured home ``park" changed to ``community" - AB897
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB226
Medicare system reform legislation and a funding method that dispenses benefits regardless of geography: Wisconsin congressional delegation urged to work to enact  - SR7
Mental illness treatment, transfer, discharge, and access to records: distinction between a minor under age 14 or 14 years old or older eliminated re informed consent  - SB387
Methamphetamine and related controlled substance analog: drug paraphernalia possession penalties increased re residence of person under age 18 and presence of child age 16 or younger - AB212
Metropolitan service district creation authorized -  AB510
Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage for adult sponsors of minors applying for driver's licenses: insurers required to offer - AB491
Motor vehicle or property insurance issuance, renewal, or rating plan: use individual's credit report information prohibited - AB278
Multiple municipal local health departments permitted in Winnebago County -  AB664
Municipal court actions: filing fee increased -  AB819
Nursing home administrator examination requirements revised; reciprocal license and exemption provisions  - AB16
Outdoor advertising signs: removal of nonconforming signs without compensation permitted if maintenance exceeds replacement costs -  SB239
OWI penalty for sixth or greater offense: court may order or request licensing agencies to limit, deny, suspend, withhold, restrict, or refuse to grant, issue, or renew professional licenses - AB239
Patients compensation fund: purpose and integrity definitions and name changed to injured patients and families compensation fund -  SB238
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in certain boats -  AB297
Pet dealers, pet breeders, animal shelters, and kennels: license requirements created; DATCP duties specified; criminal penalties and dog license fee provisions  - AB536
Petition, motion, or order to revise judgment or order for legal custody or physical placement: no filing fee required if the parties stipulate to the revision - AB526
Physical therapist assistants: allowable practices specified -  AB864
Physical therapist assistants: allowable practices specified -  SB470
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day proclaimed October 15, 2003 -  AJR33
Prescription drug or device: label to include retail price -  AB891
Prescription drug price disparity re international trade: Congress and the administration urged to address through a program for safe importation or negotiated trade agreements  - SR31
Private school: refundable individual income tax credit created re claimants with dependent children enrolled in  - AB816
Probationary license or instruction permit re motor vehicle or motorcycle: penalites increased for violating operating restrictions -  AB831
Pupil records and law enforcement agency's juvenile records: disclosure and confidentiality provisions modified; interagency agreement permitted -  AB709
Railroad crossing yield sign: penalty for failure of motor vehicle operator to yield under certain conditions; railroad companies to install and maintain; DOT provision  - SB354
Revenue sharing agreement: county may enter into with another county, a municipality, or a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band -  AB901
Room tax revenue use by destination marketing organization or tourism committee: requirements created  - SB505
St. David's Day celebrated March 1, 2003 -  AJR7
St. David's Day celebrated March 1, 2004 -  AJR64
Sales tax exemption re clothing, computers, and school supplies during certain four day period created  - AB975
School building, facilities, or grounds construction or enlargement: DOT to review site plan upon request and other duties specified -  AB369
Secretary of State and State Treasurer offices deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR65
Senior court program for adult offenders created -  AB137
Sex offender registry: police chief, sheriff, or Corr.Dept may provide information concerning a registrant who is a child - AB550
Sexual activity between correctional officers or certain individuals and persons serving a sentence or on probation, parole, or extended supervision prohibited; penalties provided  - SB32
Smoking in immediate vicinity of the state capitol: prohibition revised -  AB441
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - AB343
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - SB163
Specialized medical vehicle: MA-certified provider requirements revised re wheelchair accomodations  - AB549
Stalking law revisions; electronic monitoring provision -  AB738
State Senators and Representatives: 2005-06 salaries set -  AB150
Statewide automated child welfare information system: entering and accessing confidential information permitted for certain agencies -  SB487
Stolen motor vehicle registration plate: displaying, possessing, selling, or offering to sell prohibited; affirmative defense may be raised -  AB280
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -  AB782
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -  SB391
Substance abuse treatment programs for criminal offenders: grant program created for counties that provide; report required - AB923
Substance abuse treatment programs for criminal offenders: grant program created for counties that provide; report required - SB518
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  AB568
Tangible personal property damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, or natural disaster: refundable individual income tax credit created re sales and use tax on replacements  - SB449
Tax warrant re lien on property: duration specified -  AB195
Testing an individual for HIV re significant exposure in perfoming employment duties: authority expanded to schools, CESAs, and social workers -  SB230
Trespassing liability exemption for assessor and staff engaged in official business -  AB449
Trial jobs plus demonstration project re W-2; report required - AB921
Trial jobs plus demonstration project re W-2; report required - SB516
Tuberous sclerosis: awareness, early testing, and ongoing screening efforts supported -  SR17
Tuition gift certificates program re U.W. established -  AB950
2003-05 authorized building program: addition of four U.W. System projects -  SB474
Underage drinking: prohibition against adult inaction on property owned by or under control of adult, regardless of coverage by alcohol beverage license or permit  - AB35
U.S., state, MIA/POW, and military services flags and certain accessories: sales and use tax exemptions created  - SB208
U.W. Board of Regents required to vote on all matters by roll call  - AB558
U.W. nonresident tuition exemption to a dependent of an active member of the armed forces re eligibility for Wisconsin veterans benefits -  AB799
U.W. System residence halls and dormitories: smoking prohibition created -  AB207
Veteran personal loan program: amount DVA may loan that is secured by a mortgage or guarantor revised  - SB546
Volunteer health care provider: definition expanded to include dental hygienists; providing dental services to MA recipients authorized -  AB500
Volunteer health care provider: definition expanded to include dental hygienists; providing dental services to MA recipients authorized -  SB243