Indian student assistance grant: maximum amount increased and tribal matching contributions eliminated  - AB422
Indian tribes and bands and state executive branch agencies: Governor encouraged to develop and implement a consultation policy -  AJR40
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; ch. 641 repealed -  AB681
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; ch. 641 repealed -  SB316
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB320
Interest rate applicable in court actions changed -  AB456
Interest rate applicable in court actions changed -  SB231
Intoxicating liquor retailer advertising requirements revised - SB211
Invasive nonnative aquatic species: releasing, possessing, controlling, storing, selling, or transporting prohibited; DNR authority specified -  SB413
Investment Board revisions re annual report on investment goals and long-term investment strategies and contracting with outside investment advisors for certain investments  - AB740
Investment Board revisions re annual report on investment goals and long-term investment strategies and contracting with outside investment advisors for certain investments  - SB380
Laser sighting device used by visually handicapped person while hunting permitted -  SB122
Law enforcement services: city or village may abolish its police department and contract with county sheriff to provide  - AB658
Legislative campaign committee special treatment eliminated; committee contribution limitations modified; certain political party contributions preceeding a primary or election prohibited - AB117
Lewis, Helmar A. ``Pete": life and public service -  SJR11
Lighting systems for commercial buildings: Comm.Dept to regulate; Energy Conservation Code provision  - SB112
Livestock facility siting and expansion: standards, zoning ordinance, conditional use permits, and political subdivision procedure provisions; Livestock Facility Siting Review Board created; DATCP and DOJ duties specified  - AB868
Livestock premises registration created; DATCP duties; confidentiality and contract provisions  - AB812
Livestock transported in certain farm truck or dual purpose farm truck and trailer combinations exempt from motor carrier regulation; DOT provisions -  AB865
Local lodge re fraternal benefit society: meeting frequency requirement modified -  AB329
MA contracts with prepaid health care benefits: actuarially sound basis requirement -  SB484
Manufacturing extension center grants: funding increased; technology-based nonprofit organization provision  - SB460
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB226
Meningococcal disease: dormitory or residence hall occupation requirements created re proof of vaccination from undergraduate students and information on risks and vaccinations provided by college or university -  AB344
Meningococcal disease: dormitory or residence hall occupation requirements created re proof of vaccination from undergraduate students and information on risks and vaccinations provided by college or university -  SB172
Mercury thermometer prohibition created re sale and give away of; exceptions provided -  SB10
Metropolitan sewerage district created by a 1st class city: governance of revised; election and redistricting provisions  - SB352
Military income received by active members of the U.S. armed forces: income tax exemption created; sunset provision  - AB647
Military income received while on active duty: individual income tax exemption created re reserve component of the armed forces -  AB155
Milk contractors: financial statement requirements revised - SB455
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised -  AB610
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties  - SB279
Motor vehicle lease termination protections created for U.S. armed forces members called to active service  - AB407
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course - AB790
MTBE in gasoline prohibited over certain amount; Comm.Dept duties specified -  AB275
MTBE in gasoline prohibited over certain amount; Comm.Dept duties specified -  SB117
Municipal insurance mutual may provide property insurance; notes and municipal bonds provision  - SB176
National guard tuition reimbursement grants: reinstates determination of the amounts prior to 2003 WisAct 33  - SB283
Newborn umbilical cord blood: provisions for donation of created -  AB786
Nonmetallic mining reclamation requirements: exemption for creating a pond or wetland -  AB411
Nonmetallic mining reclamation requirements: exemption for creating a pond or wetland -  SB198
Nonprofit corporation board members: meetings and settling issues via electronic communications or ballot permitted - SB485
Patients compensation fund: purpose and integrity definitions and name changed to injured patients and families compensation fund -  AB487
Patients compensation fund: purpose and integrity definitions and name changed to injured patients and families compensation fund -  SB238
Pawnbroker, secondhand article dealer, and secondhand jewelry dealer: regulations revised -  AB797
Payday loan providers: additional notice requirements created -  AB665
Payday loan providers: additional notice requirements created -  SB338
Pension payments: individual income tax exemption for certain amount created -  SB453
Political contributions accepted by certain elective state officials and committees prohibited during specified period re biennial budget; exceptions and penalty provisions  - SB337
Postconsumer waste for newsprint used in newspapers: percentage revised -  AB187
POW/MIA flag: DOT required to fly at rest areas along interstate highways -  AB802
Railroad employees present in cab of lead locomotive while in motion: number set; exceptions provided  - AB103
Railroad employees present in cab of lead locomotive while in motion: number set; exceptions provided  - SB26
Real property purchased with stewardship money: DNR required to create a mapping tool on its website; public access to the land and signage requirements  - SB394
Recoverable amount by a liquidator from a reinsurer of a ceding insurer clarified -  AB311
Recoverable amount by a liquidator from a reinsurer of a ceding insurer clarified -  SB116
Recreational mobile homes: personal property tax exemption revised -  AB127
Rental company may recover costs of the loss of the use of a private passenger vehicle under certain conditions  - AB714
Sauk City Day in Wisconsin proclaimed March 30, 2004, on its 150th anniversary -  SJR51
Savings bank and S/L alternative examination provisions revised -  AB739
Savings bank and S/L alternative examination provisions revised -  SB381
School and school district performance report distribution revised and required comparison eliminated; Internet provision - SB107
School bus loading and unloading of passengers: use of warning lights revised; child with physical disability provision - AB180
Sieker, Alan and Marlene: $12,600.00 livestock loss claim - SB327
Small Business Regulatory Review Board created for review of certain administrative rules; JLC, Internet, and immunity provisions -  SB100
Solar energy and wind energy systems installation and use: exemption re prohibition on imposing restrictions for local governmental units in the Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway created -  SB334
Solid waste used in public works projects: immunity from liability under certain conditions; DNR duty specified  - SB29
Special distinguishing registration plate re Purple Heart Medal: registration plate decal displaying ``combat wounded veteran" provided to recipients of -  SB109
Special distinguishing registration plates for certain groups that are military in nature created; fee provision  - AB194
Specific information signs along highways may display the word ``attraction" -  AB870
Specific information signs along highways may display the word ``attraction"; outdoor advertising sign restriction exception re private directional signs for facilities providing amusement, cultural, or leisure activities  - SB525
Speech therapy services eligible for special education aid -  SB210
State-chartered bank, savings bank, S/L, or credit union: deceptive or misleading use of name or similar name prohibited - AB673
State-chartered bank, savings bank, S/L, or credit union: deceptive or misleading use of name or similar name prohibited - SB326
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  SB30
State-owned real property: state agency requirements re notice of proposed sales created -  AB517
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -  SB391
Supreme court justices appointed by Governor: Senate confirmation required and restriction on holding another office of public trust. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR16
Surveys, landmarks, and monuments: laws governing modified -  SB464
Taiwan: hard work of the people commended -  SR2
Telecommunications cooperative: retained earnings include patronage capital -  AB515
TID creation by counties in which no cities or villages are located authorized; approval of all town boards required - SB461
Trauma Advisory Council termination eliminated -  SB115
Tuberous sclerosis: awareness, early testing, and ongoing screening efforts supported -  SR17
Two-vehicle combination over certain length used to transport livestock: exemption from permit requirement re operating on a highway -  AB695
Two-vehicle combination over certain length used to transport livestock: exemption from permit requirement re operating on a highway -  SB417
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re certain recreational fishing facilities  - AB286
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - AB857
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - SB492