33. Federal Homeland Security Funding
Sections 286 [as it relates to s. 20.465 (3) (mg)], 562m, 2111g and 2111j
Sections 286 [as it relates to s. 20.465 (3) (mg)], 562m and 2111j create a federal continuing appropriation under the Department of Military Affairs' emergency management services program and establish oversight responsibility for the receipt and expenditure of funds for homeland security programs to be administered by the department. Section 2111g requires the department's Division of Emergency Management to apply for contracts, and receive and expend federal funds related to homeland security. The section enumerates, as a statutory duty of the Adjutant General, the administration of federal homeland security funds and also requires the Adjutant General to notify the Joint Committee on Finance of proposed expenditures.
I am vetoing these provisions because I have designated the Office of Justice Assistance as the state-administering agency for federal homeland security-related grant programs. By deleting these provisions, the office remains the designated agency to administer the federal homeland security funds. The office is better equipped to oversee homeland security grants because it is experienced in administering a variety of federal and state, criminal justice, and law enforcement grant programs.
The office will closely coordinate homeland security programs with the Department of Military Affairs' Division of Emergency Management. The office will focus on grants administration while the Department of Military Affairs will focus on carrying out emergency management duties of the Adjutant General and administering state and local government responses to natural and man-made disasters, including the threat of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. The Adjutant General continues to be the principal assistant to the Governor for emergency management activities.
34. Base Budget Reductions
Section 9140 (1z)
This section directs the State Public Defender to report monthly to the Joint Committee on Finance regarding the expenses, obligations and current balance in the private bar and investigator reimbursement appropriation.
I am vetoing this section to remove this requirement because it is excessive. Existing statutory requirements are adequate in the direction they give the State Public Defender to provide quarterly reports to the Department of Administration and the Joint Committee on Finance. Under s. 977.085, the State Public Defender reports every quarter on private bar and staff case loads, reimbursement and recoupment revenue, current fiscal year and projected expenditures, and plans to improve reimbursement and recoupment procedures. The State Public Defender also periodically addresses projections that indicate that appropriation moneys will be expended prior to the end of the current fiscal year. Any necessary changes to the State Public Defenders' GPR expenditure authority can be approved by the Joint Committee on Finance under the s. 13.10 process.
1. Discretionary Compensation Adjustment Reductions
Section 9160 (2f)
S319 This provision creates a requirement that the Department of Administration secretary determine the annualized value of the discretionary compensation adjustments, including the associated fringe benefits costs, awarded in fiscal year 2001-02 to nonrepresented classified employees and reduce each associated appropriation by an amount equal to 27 percent of the determined annualized amount.
I object to and am partially vetoing this provision because the required method of apportioning the reduction does not offer the appropriate level of flexibility required in the current fiscal environment. Every appropriation that had such adjustments would have to be reduced under this provision. This is unnecessary, since other appropriations may be used to meet the reduction and lapse requirements. As implemented by the Department of Administration, the effect of this partial veto will be to require the same annual lapse and transfer amounts to the general fund as were intended in the budget bill: $520,000 GPR-lapse, $130,900 FED-lapse, $400,000 PR-lapse, $80,000 SEG-lapse and $480,000 in GPR departmental revenues. Through this veto, the Department of Administration secretary may apportion these reductions in alternate ways.
2. Attorney Positions
Section 9101 (9x)
This provision requires the Department of Administration secretary to ensure that on January 2, 2004, not less than 31.0 FTE vacant and, if necessary, filled attorney positions are eliminated from state agencies.
I am partially vetoing this provision to remove the exclusive focus on attorney positions because it is too limiting. I am also partially vetoing this provision to direct the position reductions on vacant positions because I object to unnecessarily eliminating filled positions. As a result of this veto, the reduction in 31.0 FTE positions can be made from any vacant position identified by the secretary.
While my veto removes the focus of this reduction on attorney positions, I remain concerned about the numbers and organization of attorneys in the state work force. My consolidation proposal, which was rejected by the Legislature, would have streamlined the provision of legal services by transferring attorneys in executive branch agencies to the Department of Administration. This proposal would have resulted in a leaner and more efficient legal services organization. Attorney positions will be among the first that the Department of Administration secretary examines when implementing the 31.0 FTE position reduction by the prescribed deadline. However, I want to be able to make reductions that deliver the greatest efficiencies. In order to preserve this option, I exercise my partial veto authority.
3. State Agency Appropriation Lapses to the General Fund
Section 9260 (1)
This provision presents the amounts of program revenue cash balances that are directed to be lapsed to the general fund by certain state agencies. These lapses include a requirement for the Department of Commerce to lapse an amount equal to $2,400,000 over the biennium from repayments of Recycling Market Development Board loans or certain financial assistance appropriations to the general fund. The provision also includes a means for the Department of Commerce to propose alternate lapse plans to the secretary of the Department of Administration, who may approve or modify the alternate plans and submit those plans to the Joint Committee on Finance for 14-day passive approval.
I am partially vetoing this provision to give agencies greater flexibility in proposing and implementing alternate lapse plans. I object to the limitations placed on state agencies by the Legislature in implementing the many reductions and lapses in this budget. The effect of my veto will remove the Joint Committee on Finance from the review process, so that the Department of Administration may give final approval to alternate lapse allocation plans. As this veto removes the requirement relating to the Recycling Market Development Board loan repayments, I am also requesting that the Department of Commerce ensure that the maximum amount of loan repayments are collected to offset any potential fiscal effect of this veto.
4. Local Revenue Sharing Board
Sections 286 [as it relates to s. 20.505 (8) (k)], 615m, 615r and 1531m
This provision requires the creation of a four-member board in each city and county in which a gaming facility is located. Each board would be required to: (1) determine annually the costs of each political subdivision for providing public safety (fire, police and emergency medical) services to casinos and certify the total amounts to the Department of Administration; (2) create a methodology for each political subdivision to determine casino-related public safety costs; (3) enter into a cooperative agreement with public safety entities to determine an apportionment formula for distributing payments of tribal gaming revenues; and (4) set up an account at a local financial institution for the deposit of all tribal gaming revenues received from the state or tribes.
S320 Additionally, the provision creates a new program revenue sum sufficient appropriation from tribal gaming receipts under the Department of Administration, capped at $225,300 annually, to pay local boards the amounts of public safety services costs certified to the department, but only if these costs are not payable directly to local governments pursuant to tribal compacts.
The provision further exempts first-class cities or counties with a population of at least 500,000 from these requirements.
I am vetoing this provision in its entirety because it creates a new, and unnecessary, layer of government to deal with matters that existing governmental structures and processes can already address. In addition, this provision offers questionable relief to local units of government and would likely prove to be insufficient to accomplish the intent of the language. The fiscal effect of this veto is to increase GPR-earned by $225,300 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $225,300 in fiscal year 2004-05.
5. Interest Component in Risk Management General Fund Supplements
Section 222m
This section requires the Department of Administration to lapse to the general fund from available program revenue balances of the State Risk Management Program equal to any payments that may need to be made, plus interest, from the GPR sum sufficient risk management appropriation.
I am partially vetoing this section to remove the interest component of the repayment requirement because it is unnecessary. Lapses from program revenue balances equal to the payments will be sufficient to ensure the general fund is adequately reimbursed.
6. Public Benefits: Limitation on the Public Service Commission
Section 2317m
This section would prohibit the Public Service Commission from requiring: (a) utilities to perform additional energy conservation or efficiency programs or (b) ratepayers to pay additional funds due to transfers from the public benefits fund.
I am vetoing this section because it may have the effect of restricting the commission in carrying out its overall energy conservation program responsibilities. The commission is required to seek additional energy conservation or efficiency programs as part of approving utility projects. Because Wisconsin is experiencing a construction period for electrical generating facilities, the Public Service Commission needs all available tools to ensure that projects meet the public interest.
7. Required Report on Gaming Expenditures
Section 9101 (12d)
This provision requires the Department of Administration, no later than September 1, 2004, to submit a report to the Joint Committee on Finance regarding supplies and services expenditures incurred relating to the expanded responsibilities of the Office of Indian Gaming.
I am vetoing this provision because it is unnecessary. This information is available at any time.
8. State Government Management Systems and Web Site
Sections 215m, 230d, 230h, 230p, 230t, 9101 (4k), 9101 (14p) and 9401 (2k)
These provisions direct the Department of Administration secretary to solicit sealed proposals for developing several statewide Web-based information systems and to submit reports on these to legislative standing committees by July 1, 2004; require state agencies to submit to the department, for its approval, expenditure estimates for the costs of all printed publications that are not required by state constitution or law; and subject the development and maintenance of geographic information systems to approval by the Land Information Board. A related provision authorizes the department to implement an enterprisewide reporting, data warehousing and data analysis system.
I object to this requirement because its cumbersome nature will actually make state government less efficient. The requirements to pursue enterprise level Internet-based systems are well meaning and consistent with the department's goals in implementing state government technology. However, the complexity of the task and the magnitude of effort necessary to comply with the provisions within the arbitrary timeframe allotted are beyond the capacity available to the department and state agencies to accomplish in a manner that produces a less costly and more efficient system.
The requirement to individually review and approve agencies' printed publications not required by law is also inefficient, and I object to it. Finally, I object to the Land Information Board approval requirements as nonfiscal policy included in the budget. I am, therefore, vetoing all of these provisions. I am not vetoing a related provision concerning an enterprisewide reporting, data warehousing and data analysis system. This provision will enable the department to develop a more cost-effective information system.
9. Computer Services Rate Setting by Rule
Section 778 [as it relates to promulgation of service rate methodology by rule]
S321 This provision requires the Department of Administration to follow the administrative rule procedure to set and promulgate methodologies and fees for computer services to agencies. I object to this requirement because it is burdensome and inefficient. I am, therefore, partially vetoing this provision to preserve the current methodology.
10. Transfer or Lapse of Information Technology Funds
Section 9160 (2x)
This provision requires the Department of Administration secretary to transfer or lapse to the general fund $20,000,000 in each fiscal year of the 2003-05 biennium from appropriations, other than sum sufficient, in executive branch agencies. The amounts must be taken from budget allocations for information technology projects that would have begun in the fiscal biennium.
I object to this provision because it is both unfair and unworkable. Information technology projects in agencies are a principal means by which expected efficiencies in state government will be realized to help agencies carry on under significant state operations reductions. Agencies that are investing significant base resources in projects to improve efficiency of service delivery would be penalized the most.
I am partially vetoing this provision to accomplish the following: (a) broaden the application to all state agencies and all appropriations; (b) make the lapses or transfers an aggregate $40,000,000 biennial obligation, rather than $20,000,000 each fiscal year; and (c) delete all association with information technology projects. The effect of my partial veto will enable the Department of Administration secretary to allocate the required lapses or transfers on a more equitable basis across all sectors of state government operations. In making this apportionment the secretary will, to the full extent possible, take into account economies that have been realized or can be realized through information technology improvements.
11. Required Report on Space Occupancy
Sections 9101 (11q) and 9130 (1q)
These provisions create a requirement that the Department of Administration review the
occupancy of all state-owned and leased space, develop a plan for greater centralization
of the offices into state-owned office buildings and submit the plan to the co-chairs of the
Joint Committee on Finance by January 1, 2004. This report must be submitted prior to
the release of funds budgeted in the committee's supplemental appropriation under
I am vetoing these provisions because they are unnecessary. The Department of
Administration and state agency personnel already are reviewing all space-related
aspects of agency budgets. This planning process is dynamic and ongoing. A required
point-in-time report of this nature is unneeded. The effect of this partial veto will be to
leave the funding level unchanged, but remove the reporting requirement.
12. Tax Appeals Commissioner Hiring Freeze
Section 9145 (1f)
This provision prohibits the Governor from appointing a tax appeals commissioner until after June 30, 2005.
I am vetoing this position freeze because it is an unnecessary infringement on the authority of the executive branch to administer this program.
13. Waste Facility Siting Board Transfer
Sections 92x, 286 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (2) (ei)], 402p, 587p, 2475g and 9101 (8c)
This provision transfers the oversight and appropriation of the Waste Facility Siting Board from the Department of Administration to the Department of Natural Resources and restores the executive director position, with funding. My budget recommendation was to delete staff and associated funding for the board, leaving $32,300 PR annually to meet the incidental costs of board members.
I object to the restoration of the director position because I do not believe the work load justifies it. I also object to the board's transfer to the Department of Natural Resources, because the board is better situated under the Department of Administration where it can continue to serve as a neutral arbiter of waste facility siting decisions.
I am vetoing the transfer of the board's appropriation from the Department of Administration to the Department of Natural Resources. The effect of the veto is to delete the funding and executive director position for the board and to retain the board under the Department of Administration. While it would have been my preference to retain some amount of funding for board member expenses, this was not possible. I request the Department of Administration secretary to examine funding options from existing resources for these costs.
14. Hmong Cultural Center
Sections 26m, 285ag [as it relates to the Hmong Cultural Center], 286 [as it relates to s. 20.867 (3) (bn)], 680, 687p, 690q, 9106 (1) (hm) and 9106 (7k)
S322 These provisions enumerate a Hmong Cultural Center in the city of Milwaukee, located at the corner of National Avenue and 16th Street, and provide $3,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing.
The Building Commission in June of 2001 developed requirements regarding the use of state Building Commission bonding authority for local units of government and private institutions. These requirements set specific guidelines on the use of state borrowing for local government and private projects. The guidelines specify that: (1) the project be in the public interest; (2) it have a statewide basis justifying the benefit of the project; (3) local or other financing alternatives be considered first; (4) it must be submitted and reviewed following the same procedures used for agency requests for funding through the capital budget; (5) the requestor must provide evidence that the purpose and use of the project allows for the use of tax-exempt bonding; (6) the requestor and the Department of Administration consider appropriate language to protect the state's interest in the project if the property is not used for the purposes originally approved by the Building Commission; (7) the commission can modify its original approval provided the proposed change is in the public interest and provided the change is approved by the state's bond counsel; and (8) the requestor agrees to provide a 50 percent or greater match for the project before initial review by the commission and the commission may require appropriate guarantees for this match. Projects that meet the requirements then go through the process of being approved and enumerated by the Building Commission. I am vetoing these provisions because this project does not meet these requirements. I also object to the last minute introduction of these provisions in a late-night budget amendment.
While I am vetoing these provisions, I remain committed to assisting the Hmong community work through the Building Commission processes rather than last minute budget amendments.
15. Municipal Employer-Initiated Change in Health Care Plan Provider
Sections 1966, 1985m, 1985n, 2642m, 9317 (2) and 9317 (3q)