Thursday, October 2, 2003
10:00 A.M.
Ninety-Sixth Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Senator Tim Carpenter.
The Chair, with unanimous consent, asked that the proper entries be made in the journal.
INTRODUCTION, First Reading and
reference of Proposals
Read and referred:
Senate Bill 267
Relating to: the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
By Senators Brown, Jauch, Roessler, Erpenbach, Chvala and Schultz; cosponsored by Representatives M. Lehman, W. Wood, Jeskewitz, Musser, Ainsworth, Olsen, Miller, Van Roy, Bies, J. Lehman, Kaufert, Gielow, Richards, Montgomery, Pettis, Hahn, Krawczyk, Ziegelbauer, McCormick and Schooff.
To committee on Homeland Security, Veterans and Military Affairs and Government Reform.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 36(2)(c) and section 13.52(6), Wisconsin Statutes, the Co-Chairs of the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions shall prepare and submit a report in writing setting forth an opinion on the desirability of Senate Bill 267, relating to the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Administration Act, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation and providing a penalty.
Senate Bill 268
Relating to: an education tax credit for businesses.
By Senators Darling, Leibham, Moore, Schultz, Reynolds, M. Meyer, Stepp, Brown, Roessler and Kanavas; cosponsored by Representatives Jensen, Pettis, Nischke, Suder, Musser, Towns, Krawczyk, McCormick, Van Roy, Bies, Olsen, Hahn, Ott, J. Wood, Gronemus, Hines, Ladwig, Freese, Owens, LeMahieu, Albers, Vrakas and Ward.
To committee on Homeland Security, Veterans and Military Affairs and Government Reform.
Senate Bill 269
Relating to: disclosure requirement for coverage of long-term care.
By Senators Leibham, Roessler, Lassa, Moore and S. Fitzgerald; cosponsored by Representatives Ladwig, Musser, Hahn, Krawczyk, Ott, F. Lasee, Bies, Pettis, Owens, Petrowski, Van Roy, McCormick, Albers, Hines, Gunderson and Nischke.
To committee on Agriculture, Financial Institutions and Insurance.
petitions and communications
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #25
Relating to the Creation of The Governor's Task Force on Energy Efficiency and Renewables
WHEREAS, supplying reliable electric energy at reasonable rates with as little impact on the environment as practicable is a key to fueling Wisconsin's economic development; and
WHEREAS, at a time when Wisconsin needs to build additional generation and transmission facilities, energy conservation and renewable resources are equally important components to a sound energy policy because by increasing electric efficiency and renewable energy sources Wisconsin can reduce the need to build power plants and transmission lines, while reducing emissions and limiting impacts to our air, water and land; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin's energy priority statute lists cost-effective and technically feasible energy efficiency and renewable energy alternatives as the top two priorities guiding Wisconsin's energy policy decisions; and
WHEREAS, Wisconsin has a proud tradition as a national leader in energy conservation and generating electricity from renewable energy sources with programs like time-of-day rates and utility conservation escrows, progressive institutions such as the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation and as one of 16 states with a renewable portfolio standard; and
WHEREAS, efficient use of energy has been proven to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which Wisconsin pays over $6 billion to import into the state each year, and energy efficiency efforts also lower ratepayers' electric and heating bills; and
WHEREAS, the cost of wind power has decreased substantially and Wisconsin is rich in renewable energy fuel sources like biomass, making it the time to develop these renewable resources and other cutting-edge renewable energy technologies.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DOYLE, Governor of the State of Wisconsin by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of this State, and specifically by Wis. Stat. s. 14.019, do hereby:
1. Create the Governor's Task Force on Energy Efficiency and Renewables (the "Task Force"); and
2. Provide that the Task Force shall consist of members who are leaders from the energy sector with experience and expertise in the energy field, appointed by the Governor to serve at the pleasure of the Governor; and
3. Provide that the Governor shall designate one member of the Task Force as chairperson to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the Governor; and
S401 4. Provide that the Task Force shall have the following mission:
To advise the Governor on creative, consensus policy options and practical business initiatives to restore Wisconsin as a leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, relying upon cooperation among the stakeholders in the energy industry with the goal of reducing Wisconsin's dependence on out-of-state energy and helping to save ratepayers money; and
5. Require the Task Force to provide ongoing reports to the Public Service Commission Chairperson; and
6. Direct the Department of Administration, the Public Service Commission, and other state agencies to assist the Task Force with administrative and support services; and
7. Direct the Department of Administration to provide the Task Force with such sums of money as are necessary for travel and operating expenses in accordance with Wis. Stats. s. 20.505(4)(ba); and
8. Provide that the Task Force shall dissolve when the Governor accepts the Task Force's final report.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the City of Madison this thirtieth day of September in the year two thousand and three.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #26
Relating to the Establishment of an Employee Assistance Program
WHEREAS, the economy of this state and nation is vitally dependent upon the health, the stability, and the productivity of its human resources; and
WHEREAS, it is recognized that personal problems and illnesses such as alcohol and other drug abuse and dependency, depression, separation and divorce, work-related stress, and family stress can affect the productivity of our work force, causing economic and human losses in industry and in government; and
WHEREAS, it has been demonstrated both nationally and in Wisconsin that the employer, the employee, the employee's family, and unions, where present, benefit substantially when help is provided as early as possible through a confidential Employee Assistance Program to help employees and their family sort out problems, to identify and assist with referral to appropriate community resources, and to offer programs that encourage wellness; and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin as an employer seeks by its example to encourage all other employers in the state to establish similarly appropriate means designed to maximize and conserve the human and economic resources of our state;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIM DOYLE, Governor of the State of Wisconsin by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of this State, and specifically by Wis. Stat. s. 14.019, do hereby direct that:
An Employee Assistance Program ("EAP") be established and maintained in every department and independent agency in state government, and in every institution in the University of Wisconsin System, under the direction of the Office of State Employment Relations ("the Office"), which shall; and
a. Establish minimum program standards;
b. Identify and recommend agency program adjustments as necessary; and
c. Provide consultation to, and coordinate the provision of training for, statewide EAP personnel;
2. The head of every department, independent agency and institution in the university system, and their officers and employees, shall cooperate with the Office by:
a. Establishing and maintaining an EAP that provides for and ensures:
.The opportunity for self-help to employees who voluntarily seek it;
Assistance to supervisors whose employees' work performance may be impaired by personal problems and illnesses;