Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Ninety-Sixth Regular Session
Senate Journal
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
July 20, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20(2)(a) and (b) I have appointed Senator Kedzie to the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules and removed Senator Welch.
With regards to members of the minority party, appointments are made based on the nominations of that caucus.
Senator Mary Panzer
Senate Majority Leader
State of Wisconsin
July 22, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20(2)(a) and (b) I have appointed Senator Welch to the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules and removed Senator Kedzie.
With regards to members of the minority party, appointments are made based on the nominations of that caucus.
Senator Mary Panzer
Senate Majority Leader
State of Wisconsin
July 26, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 20(2)(a) and (b) I have appointed Senator Risser to the committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy and removed Senator Coggs.
With regards to members of the minority party, appointments are made based on the nominations of that caucus.
Senator Mary Panzer
Senate Majority Leader
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
July 21, 2004
The Honorable, The Legislature:
A narrative report for the Local Appeals for Exemption from State Mandates is enclosed for your review as required by s. 66.0143(2)(c) Wis. Stats.
The Department of Revenue has attached four accompanying reports to address the statutory reporting requirements as identified in s. 66.0143(4) Wis. Stats. These reports are presented as follows: a General Mandate Waiver Criteria (Exhibit I) was prepared for political subdivisions and provided instructions for submitting their mandate waiver requests for processing to the Department of Revenue (DOR) as the state's clearinghouse agency; a Summary Mandate Waiver Report (Exhibit II) that presents an overall number of waivers requested and their relevant disposition as reported by administering state agencies or where no state agency is responsible as determined by DOR; a State Mandate Waiver Listing (Exhibit III) that provides a brief description of each waiver request and statutory reference; and finally, a report providing a Summary of Approved Mandate Waivers and The financial Effects (Exhibit IV) as submitted by a requesting political subdivision for each waiver that was granted.
Michael L. Morgan
Secretary of Revenue
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
July 12, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
As required by s. 252.04(11), Wis. Stats., enclosed is the Wisconsin Immunization Program Report. Please distribute this report to the appropriate standing committees. I wish to call your attention to the progress made in efforts to attain the goals related to immunization that are stated in the Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 Plan and Governor Doyle's Kids First Initiative.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Immunization Survey, Wisconsin ranks tenth in the nation in children completing their primary series of immunizations by two years of age. Wisconsin's coverage level is 80.3% compared to the national level of 74.8%. The success is due in large part to the collaborative efforts of our Wisconsin Immunization Program and public and private health care providers throughout the State. The Immunization Program distributes approximately $12 million in federally funded vaccines per year to the public and private health care providers. In addition, the Immunization Program provides over $1.5 million to local health departments, tribal health centers, and federally-qualified community health centers to implement programs targeted at high-risk families, such as holding immunization clinics on evenings and weekends that enable working parents easy access to immunization services.
S836 The Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) serves as a model immunization registry for the country. The registry is a secure Internet database that records and tracks immunization dates of Wisconsin's children, no matter where the immunization occurred. This is one of only four registries in the nation that has implemented the 12 functional standards established for registries. The registry assists health care providers and parents in keeping children on schedule for the immunizations. This will aid them in locating records for medical appointments or for day care or school entrance where evidence of vaccination is required. Another important registry enhancement, Geographic Information System (GIS) software, will be added this summer to assist the local health departments locate areas of low immunization and be able to plan their immunization clinic sites.
Using existing Medicaid-enrolled children as an indicator for an at-risk population, the Immunization Program and Division of Health Care Financing have collaborated to establish an immunization baseline on these children. Using the WIR as the source of data, the immunization level for series complete among two-year-old Medicaid-enrolled children rose from 41% in 2002 to 65% in 2003.
The education of parents about the importance of immunization is an ongoing process. This effort was augmented in 2004 with the Governor's Hallmark Immunization Greeting Card Initiative. The card, which is co-signed by the Governor and First Lady, is mailed to all parents of newborn children and contains the message encouraging early and complete immunizations of all Wisconsin infants.
We are excited about our collaborative efforts to insure that children are adequately protected against vaccine preventable diseases. I am pleased with the progress Wisconsin is making. Our Department is committed to working with public health and health care organization to do even better in the future. Our kids deserve the absolute best from us all.
Helene Nelson
Referred to committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long Term Care.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Douglas La follette
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
July 27, 2004