Blain, Michael Center for Policy Reform, The
Jentz, Robert Center for Policy Reform, The
Kordenbrock, William R Electronic Data Systems Corp
Kuehn, Ronald W Center for Policy Reform, The
Lamb, Jordan Center for Policy Reform, The
Rosenzweig, Peggy WI Academy of Ophthalmology
Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by organizations that employ lobbyists.
R. Roth Judd
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
September 13, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
In accordance with sec. 1.11(2)(j) Wis. stats., the Department of Health and Family Services reports that it did not conduct any Environmental Assessments of Environmental Impact Statements during the reporting period of July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004.
Helene Nelson
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
September 17, 2004
The Honorable, The Legislature:
We have completed an evaluation of University of Wisconsin (UW) System staffing, as requested by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. In fiscal year (FY) 2002-03, UW System's operating expenditures were $3.3 billion. Approximately one third of that amount- $1.1 billion-was funded with general purpose revenue.
To understand changes in staffing levels, we analyzed payroll data for three years: 1998, 2003, and 2004. From March 1998 to March 2004, the number of employees on UW System's payroll increased by 10.6 percent, so that in March 2004 UW System had 31,971.8 full-time equivalent employees in permanent, project, and limited-term positions. There were declines in the numbers of project and limited-term employees during our review period, but an increasing number of permanent staff. For example, UW System's payroll increased by 89.3 permanent positions from March 2003 to March 2004.
S863 At the request of the Audit Committee, we focused on the number and types of administrative positions. UW System records positions and expenditures with "activity codes" that are used by colleges and universities throughout the United States. However, Institutional Support, the activity code for system-wide management and other administrative costs, does not include all positions with administrative duties. Our analysis of job titles and position descriptions indicates that in March 2004, 8,037.7 positions, or 25.1 percent of all filled positions throughout UW System, performed administrative functions. Administrative expenditures totaled $495.0 million, or 15.0 percent of all UW System expenditures, in FY 2002-03, the latest year for which complete information was available.
Our report contains recommendations for improved reporting and suggests careful review of issues relating to legislative control of UW System positions, the relationship between UW System and the State, and ensuring student access.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by UW System staff. A response from the UW System President follows the appendices.
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
September 14, 2004
The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint Theorin, Carl, of Wausau, as a member of the Auctioneer Board to serve for the term ending July 1, 2008.
Read and referred to committee on Labor, Small Business Development and Consumer Affairs.
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
The committee on Economic Development, Job Creation and Housing reports and recommends:
Relating to construction of public buildings and places of employment.
No action taken.
Relating to fees and the uniform state plumbing code.
No action taken.
Relating to historic and existing buildings.
No action taken.
Relating to the design and construction of swimming pools and fees.
No action taken.
Relating to gas systems.
No action taken.
Cathy Stepp
The committee on Environment and Natural Resources reports and recommends:
Relating to the administration of the forest crop law and the managed forest law.
No action taken.
Relating to private sewage system replacement or rehabilitation grant program.
No action taken.
Neal Kedzie