AB486-engrossed,28,2019 18. A registration of a dealer, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter under
20s. 341.51.
AB486-engrossed,28,2221 19. A registration of a finance company or a financial institution under s.
AB486-engrossed,28,2323 20. A certificate of title under s. 342.18.
AB486-engrossed,28,2424 21. A permit to perform chemical analysis of the breath under s. 343.305 (6).
AB486-engrossed,28,2525 22. A license to conduct a driver school under s. 343.61.
123. A license to act as a driving instructor under s. 343.62.
AB486-engrossed,29,32 24. A permit related to oversize and overweight vehicles and loads under ss.
3348.26 or 348.27.
AB486-engrossed,29,104 (b) Subject to par. (f), the department shall refund any applicable fee paid by
5the applicant for any license, permit, or other approval specified in par. (a) 1. to 5.,
67. to 16., and 21. to 23. if the department fails to provide the applicant with written
7notice, which may be by electronic mail, that the department has approved or
8disapproved the application for the license, permit, or other approval, including the
9specific facts upon which any disapproval is based, before the expiration of the period
10established under par. (a) for the license, permit, or other approval.
AB486-engrossed,30,211 (c) Subject to par. (f), failure by the department to provide the applicant for a
12license, permit, or other approval specified in par. (a) 6. and 17. to 20. with written
13notice, which may be by electronic mail, that the department has approved or
14disapproved the application for the license, permit, or other approval, including the
15specific facts upon which any disapproval is based, before the expiration of the period
16established under par. (a) for the license, permit, or other approval, constitutes
17approval of the application. A license, permit, or other approval approved under this
18paragraph is subject to any terms or conditions specified by statute or rule for the
19license, permit, or other approval and the department may suspend, limit, revoke,
20or withdraw the license, permit, or other approval for substantial failure to comply
21with those terms or conditions. The department may not make the license, permit,
22or other approval subject to any term or condition that is not specified by statute or
23rule. Within 30 days after the expiration of the period established under par. (a) for
24the license, permit, or other approval, the department shall provide the applicant
25with a statement showing that the license, permit, or other approval is approved and

1specifying any terms and conditions that apply to that license, permit, or other
AB486-engrossed,30,53 (d) The department may not disapprove an application for a license, permit, or
4other approval solely because the department is unable to complete its review of the
5application within the period established under par. (a).
AB486-engrossed,30,106 (e) In the rules under par. (a), the department shall specify a method for
7informing applicants of the periods established under par. (a). The department shall
8specify the method that it determines is the most cost-effective method available.
9The department is not required to notify an applicant if the department intends to
10approve or disapprove the application within 14 days after receiving the application.
AB486-engrossed,30,1211 (f) The department may include any of the following in the rules required under
12par. (a):
AB486-engrossed,30,1513 1. Methods for determining the commencement of the period established under
14par. (a) and for determining when the application for a license, permit, or other
15approval is complete.
AB486-engrossed,30,1916 2. Extensions of the period established under par. (a) because the applicant
17makes a material modification to the application if the department notifies the
18applicant in writing of the extension within 30 days after the applicant makes the
19modification. The notification may be by electronic mail.
AB486-engrossed,30,2520 3. Extensions of the period established under par. (a) because information
21needed by the department to complete its review of an application is unknown or
22cannot be determined with certainty when the department receives the application
23if the department notifies the applicant in writing of the need for an extension within
2430 days after the applicant submits the application. The notification may be by
25electronic mail.
13m. Extensions of the period established under par. (a) because the application
2is incomplete if all of the following apply:
AB486-engrossed,31,73 a. The department provides the applicant with written notice, which may be
4by electronic mail, of the need for an extension within 15 days after the applicant
5submits the application and the notice specifically describes the information that
6must be provided to complete the application or the information needed to complete
7the department's review of the application.
AB486-engrossed,31,108 b. The information under subd. 3m. a. is directly related to eligibility for the
9license, permit, or other approval or to terms or conditions of the license, permit, or
10other approval.
AB486-engrossed,31,1311 c. The information under subd. 3m. a. is necessary to determine whether to
12approve the application or is necessary to determine the terms or conditions of the
13license, permit, or other approval.
AB486-engrossed,31,1614 d. The extension is not longer than the number of days from the day on which
15the department provides the notice under subd. 3m. a. to the day on which the
16department receives the information.
AB486-engrossed,31,2017 4. Extensions of the period established under par. (a) if, during the period
18established under par. (a), the department and the applicant jointly agree to a
19different period for acting on an application for a license, permit, or other approval
20than that specified under par. (a).
AB486-engrossed,31,2221 5. Deadlines for the department to complete intermediate steps in the process
22of completing its review of an application.
AB486-engrossed,32,823 6. With respect to any application for a license, permit, or other approval for
24which failure by the department to approve or disapprove the application before the
25expiration of the period established under par. (a) constitutes approval of the

1application under par. (c), extensions of the period established under par. (a) for the
2application by not more than 30 days if, within the period established under par. (a),
3the department finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the activity proposed
4to be conducted under the application would result in substantial harm to human
5health or human safety and that the department cannot adequately review the
6application within the period established under par. (a) and, upon making those
7findings, provides written notice, which may be by electronic mail, to the applicant
8that states with particularity the facts on which those findings are based.
AB486-engrossed, s. 19 9Section 19. 86.196 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB486-engrossed,32,1210 86.196 (2) (c) Provisions for fees to cover costs of sign manufacture, erection and
11maintenance to be collected through a permit system and deadlines for acting on
12permit applications as required under s. 85.16 (3)
AB486-engrossed, s. 20 13Section 20. 93.125 of the statutes is created to read:
AB486-engrossed,32,16 1493.125 Deadlines for action on occupational applications. (1)
15Deadlines. The department, by rule, shall establish periods within which the
16department intends to approve or disapprove an application for any of the following:
AB486-engrossed,32,1717 (a) A food inspector license under s. 93.11.
AB486-engrossed,32,1818 (b) A professional weather modification license under s. 93.35 (4).
AB486-engrossed,32,1919 (c) An individual commercial pesticide applicator license under s. 94.704.
AB486-engrossed,32,2020 (d) A pesticide applicator certification under s. 94.705.
AB486-engrossed,32,2121 (f) A buttermaker or cheesemaker license under s. 97.17.
AB486-engrossed,32,2222 (g) A butter grader or cheese grader license under s. 97.175.
AB486-engrossed,32,2323 (h) A milk producer license under s. 97.22 (2).
AB486-engrossed,32,2424 (i) A grade A dairy farm permit under s. 97.22 (3).
AB486-engrossed,32,2525 (j) A milk and cream tester license under s. 98.145.
1(k) A milk weigher and sampler license under s. 98.146.
AB486-engrossed,33,8 2(2) Failure to meet deadline. (a) Subject to sub. (4), the department shall
3refund fees paid by the applicant for a license or other approval specified in sub. (1)
4if the department fails to provide the applicant with written notice, which may be by
5electronic mail, that the department has approved or disapproved the application for
6the license or other approval, including the specific facts upon which any disapproval
7is based, before the expiration of the period established under sub. (1) for the license
8or other approval.
AB486-engrossed,33,119 (b) The department may not disapprove an application for a license or other
10approval solely because the department is unable to complete its review of the
11application within the period established under sub. (1).
AB486-engrossed,33,17 12(3) Notice of deadline. In the rules under sub. (1), the department shall
13specify a method for informing applicants of the periods established under sub. (1).
14The department shall specify the method that it determines is the most cost-effective
15method available. The department is not required to notify an applicant if the
16department intends to approve or disapprove the application within 14 days after
17receiving the application.
AB486-engrossed,33,20 18(4) Permitted extension of deadline. The department may extend the period
19established under sub. (1) because an application is incomplete if all of the following
AB486-engrossed,33,2321 (a) Within 15 days after receiving the application, the department provides
22written notice, which may be by electronic mail, to the applicant describing
23specifically the information that must be provided to complete the application.
AB486-engrossed,33,2524 (b) The information under par. (a) is directly related to eligibility for the license
25or other approval or to terms or conditions of the license or other approval.
1(c) The information under par. (a) is necessary to determine whether to approve
2the application or is necessary to determine the terms or conditions of the license or
3other approval.
AB486-engrossed,34,64 (d) The extension is not longer than the number of days from the day on which
5the department provides the notice under par. (a) to the day on which the department
6receives the information.
AB486-engrossed, s. 21 7Section 21. 93.13 of the statutes is created to read:
AB486-engrossed,34,10 893.13 Automatic approval of certain applications. (1) Deadlines. The
9department, by rule, shall establish periods within which the department intends to
10approve or disapprove an application for any of the following:
AB486-engrossed,34,1111 (a) A weather modification permit under s. 93.35 (6).
AB486-engrossed,34,1212 (am) A nursery dealer license under s. 94.10 (2).
AB486-engrossed,34,1313 (b) A nursery grower license under s. 94.10 (3).
AB486-engrossed,34,1414 (c) A Christmas tree grower license under s. 94.10 (3g).
AB486-engrossed,34,1515 (cm) A seed labeler's license under s. 94.43.
AB486-engrossed,34,1616 (d) A ginseng grower or dealer registration under s. 94.50 (2).
AB486-engrossed,34,1717 (e) A fertilizer manufacturer or distributor license under s. 94.64 (3).
AB486-engrossed,34,1818 (em) A nonagricultural or special-use fertilizer permit under s. 94.64 (3m).
AB486-engrossed,34,2019 (f) A soil or plant additive manufacturer or distributor license under s. 94.65
AB486-engrossed,34,2121 (g) A soil or plant additive permit under s. 94.65 (3).
AB486-engrossed,34,2222 (gm) A license for the sale or distribution of liming material under s. 94.66 (2).
AB486-engrossed,34,2323 (h) A pesticide manufacturer or labeler license under s. 94.68 (1).
AB486-engrossed,34,2424 (i) A restricted-use pesticide dealer or distributor license under s. 94.685.
AB486-engrossed,34,2525 (im) A veterinary clinic pesticide use and repackaging permit under s. 94.702.
1(j) A commercial pesticide application business license under s. 94.703.
AB486-engrossed,35,22 (k) A commercial feed manufacturer or distributor license under s. 94.72 (5).
AB486-engrossed,35,33 (km) A farm-raised deer registration under s. 95.55.
AB486-engrossed,35,44 (L) A fish farm registration under s. 95.60 (3m).
AB486-engrossed,35,55 (m) An animal market license under s. 95.68 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,66 (mm) An animal dealer license under s. 95.69 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,77 (n) An animal trucker license under s. 95.71 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,88 (p) A license for collecting or processing dead animals under s. 95.72 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,99 (pm) A license for transporting dead animals under s. 95.72 (7).
AB486-engrossed,35,1010 (q) A dairy plant license under s. 97.20 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,1111 (r) A bulk milk tanker license under s. 97.21 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,1212 (rm) A milk distributor license under s. 97.21 (3).
AB486-engrossed,35,1313 (s) A food warehouse license under s. 97.27 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,1414 (t) A food processing plant license under s. 97.29 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,1515 (tm) A retail food establishment license under s. 97.30 (2).
AB486-engrossed,35,1816 (u) A meat or poultry commercial slaughtering or processing license or a meat
17or poultry custom slaughtering or processing registration certificate under s. 97.42
AB486-engrossed,35,1919 (v) A vehicle scale license under s. 98.16.
AB486-engrossed,35,2020 (vm) A weights and measures servicing license under s. 98.18 (1) (a).
AB486-engrossed,35,2121 (w) A liquid petroleum gas meter registration under s. 98.245 (7).
AB486-engrossed,35,2222 (wm) A public warehouse keeper license under s. 99.02 (1).
AB486-engrossed,35,2423 (x) A mobile air conditioner servicing registration certificate under s. 100.45
24(5) (c).
AB486-engrossed,35,2525 (xm) A grain dealer license under s. 126.11.
1(y) A grain warehouse keeper license under s. 126.26.
AB486-engrossed,36,22 (ym) A milk contractor license under s. 126.41.
AB486-engrossed,36,33 (z) A vegetable contractor license under s. 126.56.
AB486-engrossed,36,20 4(2) Failure to meet deadline. (a) Subject to subs. (4) (c) and (d) and (5), failure
5by the department to provide the applicant for a license, permit, or other approval
6specified in sub. (1) with written notice, which may be by electronic mail, that the
7department has approved or disapproved the application for the license, permit, or
8other approval, including the specific facts upon which any disapproval is based,
9before the expiration of the period established under sub. (1) for the license, permit,
10or other approval, constitutes approval of the application. A license, permit, or other
11approval approved under this paragraph is subject to any terms or conditions
12specified by statute or rule for the license, permit, or other approval and the
13department may suspend, limit, revoke, or withdraw the license, permit, or other
14approval for substantial failure to comply with those terms or conditions. The
15department may not make the license, permit, or other approval subject to any term
16or condition that is not specified by statute or rule. Within 30 days after the
17expiration of the period established under sub. (1) for the license, permit, or other
18approval, the department shall provide the applicant with a statement showing that
19the license, permit, or other approval is approved and specifying any terms and
20conditions that apply to that license, permit, or other approval.
AB486-engrossed,36,2321 (b) The department may not disapprove an application for a license, permit, or
22other approval solely because the department is unable to complete its review of the
23application within the period established under sub. (1).
AB486-engrossed,37,4 24(3) Notice of deadline. In the rules under sub. (1), the department shall
25specify a method for informing applicants of the periods established under sub. (1).

1The department shall specify the method that it determines is the most cost-effective
2method available. The department is not required to notify an applicant if the
3department intends to approve or disapprove the application within 14 days after
4receiving the application.