AB898,17,25 16(2) Other changes. Except as provided in sub. (1), a licensee shall notify the
17division of any material change to the information provided in the licensee's original
18application for a license under this chapter or provided in a previous notice of change
19filed by the licensee with the division under this subsection. A licensee shall provide
20the notice required under this subsection within 10 days after the change. The
21licensee shall provide any additional information, data, and records about the
22change to the division within 20 days after the division requests the information,
23data, or records. The division shall determine the cost of investigating and
24processing the change. The licensee shall pay the division's cost within 30 days after
25the division demands payment.
1(3) Division approval of other changes. Any change that is subject to the
2notice requirement under sub. (2) is subject to the approval of the division. In
3reviewing the change, the division shall apply the same criteria as the criteria for
4approval of an original license application.
AB898,18,9 5430.407 Annual report; records. (1) Annual report. On or before March
631 of each year, a licensee shall file a report with the division giving such reasonable
7and relevant information as the division may require concerning the business and
8operations conducted by the licensee. The licensee shall make the report in the form
9prescribed by the division.
AB898,18,14 10(2) Books and records. A licensee shall keep such books and records in the
11licensed location as, in the opinion of the division, will enable the division to enforce
12this chapter. Every licensee shall preserve its records of a rental-purchase
13agreement for at least 2 years after making any final entry with respect to the
14rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,18,17 15430.408 Powers and duties of division; administration. (1) Orders. The
16division may issue any general order or special order in execution of or
17supplementary to this chapter but any such order may not conflict with this chapter.
AB898,19,5 18(2) Investigations and examinations. For the purpose of discovering violations
19of this chapter, the division may investigate or examine the business of a licensee
20transacted under this chapter. The place of business, books of accounts, papers,
21records, safes, and vaults of the licensee shall be open to the division for the purpose
22of an investigation or examination, and the division has authority to examine under
23oath all persons whose testimony is required for an investigation or examination.
24The division shall determine the cost of an investigation or examination. The
25licensee shall pay the cost of an investigation or examination. The licensee shall pay

1the cost of any hearing held for the purpose of this subsection, including witness fees,
2unless the division or a court finds that the licensee has not violated this chapter.
3The licensee shall pay all costs owing under this subsection within 30 days after the
4division demands payment. The state may maintain an action for the recovery of any
5costs owing under this subsection.
AB898,19,9 6(3) Verified complaint; mandatory investigation. If 5 or more persons file a
7verified complaint with the administrator alleging that a rental-purchase company
8has engaged in an act which is subject to action by the administrator, he or she shall
9immediately commence an investigation pursuant to sub. (2).
AB898,19,11 10(4) Rules. The administrator may promulgate rules for the administration of
11this chapter.
AB898,19,14 12(5) Testimonial powers and powers to secure evidence. The division has the
13same power to conduct hearings, take testimony, and secure evidence as is provided
14to the division in ss. 217.17 and 217.18.
AB898,19,18 15(6) Enforcement. The division may investigate this chapter or any lawful
16orders issued under sub. (1) are being violated. The division may report violations
17of this chapter to the attorney general or the district attorney of the proper county
18for prosecution.
AB898,19,1919 Subchapter V
AB898,19,2220 Disclosure, form of writings,
21 prohibited practices, liability
22 waivers, and account receipts
AB898,19,25 23430.501 General requirements of disclosure. (1) Form, location, size, and
24time of disclosure.
The information that is required to be disclosed under s. 430.502
25shall satisfy all of the following:
1(a) The information shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed.
AB898,20,22 (b) The information shall be disclosed in writing.
AB898,20,43 (c) The information shall be disclosed on the face of the rental-purchase
4agreement above the line for the lessee's signature.
AB898,20,55 (d) The information shall be disclosed in not less than 8-point standard type.
AB898,20,76 (e) The information shall be disclosed before the time that the lessee becomes
7legally obligated under the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,20,108 (f) The disclosures required by s. 430.502 (2), (3), (4), and (5) shall be printed
9in at least 10-point boldface type, and shall be grouped together in a box, in the form
10and order prescribed by the division.
AB898,20,14 11(2) Accuracy of disclosure. The information required under s. 430.502 must
12be accurate as of the time that it is disclosed to the lessee. If any information
13subsequently becomes inaccurate as a result of any act, occurrence, or agreement by
14the lessee, the resulting inaccuracy is not a violation of this chapter.
AB898,20,19 15(3) Copy of rental-purchase agreement. The rental-purchase company shall
16provide the lessee with a copy of the completed rental-purchase agreement signed
17by the lessee. If more than one lessee is legally obligated under the same
18rental-purchase agreement, delivery of a copy of the completed rental-purchase
19agreement to one of the lessees shall satisfy this subsection.
AB898,20,23 20(4) Single instrument. In a rental-purchase agreement, the lessee's rental
21payment obligations shall be evidenced by a single instrument, which shall include
22the signature of the rental-purchase company, the signature of the lessee, and the
23date on which the instrument is signed.
1430.502 Required provisions of rental-purchase agreement. A
2rental-purchase company shall include all of the following information, to the extent
3applicable, in every rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,21,7 4(1) Description. A brief description of the rental property, sufficient to identify
5the rental property to the lessee and the rental-purchase company, including any
6identification number, and a statement indicating whether the rental property is
7new or used.
AB898,21,13 8(2) Cash price. The price at which the rental-purchase company would sell the
9rental property to the lessee if the lessee were to pay for the rental property in full
10on the date on which the rental-purchase agreement is executed, along with a
11statement that, if the lessee intends to acquire ownership of the rental property and
12is able to pay for the property in full or is able to obtain credit to finance the purchase,
13the lessee may be able to purchase similar property from a retailer at a lower cost.
AB898,21,16 14(3) Rental payments to acquire ownership. The total number, total dollar
15amount, and timing of all rental payments necessary to acquire ownership of the
16rental property.
AB898,21,23 17(4) Cost of rental services. The difference between the total dollar amount
18of payments necessary to acquire ownership of the rental property disclosed under
19sub. (3), and the cash price of the property disclosed under sub. (2). The
20rental-purchase company shall also include a statement substantially similar to the
21following: "The cost of rental services is the amount you will pay in addition to the
22cash price if you acquire ownership of the rented goods by making all payments
23necessary to acquire ownership."
AB898,21,24 24(5) Rental payment. The rental payment for the rental property.
1(6) Up-front payment. Any payment required of the lessee at the time that the
2agreement is executed or the rental property is delivered, including the initial rental
3payment, any application or processing charge, any delivery fee, and any charge for
4a liability damage waiver or for other optional services agreed to by the lessee.
AB898,22,10 5(7) Other charges and fees to acquire ownership. The dollar amount, both
6itemized and in total, of all taxes, liability damage waiver fees, fees for optional
7services, processing fees, application fees, and delivery charges that the lessee would
8incur if the lessee were to rent the rental property until the lessee acquires
9ownership, assuming that the lessee does not add or decline the liability damage
10waiver or optional services after signing the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,22,18 11(8) Total payments to acquire ownership. The total of all charges to be paid
12by the lessee to acquire ownership of the rental property, which shall consist of the
13total dollar amount of all rental payments disclosed under sub. (3), and the total
14dollar amount of all other charges and fees disclosed under sub. (7), along with a
15statement that this is the amount a lessee will pay to acquire ownership of the rental
16property if the tax rates do not change and if the lessee does not add or decline the
17liability damage waiver or optional services after signing the rental-purchase
AB898,22,21 19(9) Other charges. An itemized description of any other charges or fees that
20the rental-purchase company may charge the lessee that are not otherwise disclosed
21in the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,22,24 22(10) Summary of early-purchase option. A statement summarizing the terms
23of the lessee's options to acquire ownership of the rental property as provided in s.
24430.505 (2).
1(11) Responsibility for theft or damage. A statement that, unless otherwise
2agreed, the lessee is responsible for the fair market value of the rental property,
3determined according to the early-purchase option formula under sub. (10), if the
4rental property is stolen, damaged, or destroyed while in the possession of or subject
5to the control of the lessee. The statement shall indicate that the fair market value
6will be determined as of the date on which the rental property is stolen, damaged,
7or destroyed.
AB898,23,15 8(12) Service and warranty. A statement that during the term of the rental-
9purchase agreement, the rental-purchase company is required to service the rental
10property and maintain it in good working condition, as long as no other person has
11serviced the rental property. In lieu of servicing the rental property, the
12rental-purchase company may, at its option, replace the rental property. The
13rental-purchase company's obligation to provide service is limited to defects in the
14property not caused by improper use or neglect by the lessee or harmful conditions
15outside the control of the rental-purchase company or manufacturer.
AB898,23,18 16(13) Termination at option of lessee. A statement that the lessee may
17terminate the agreement at any time without penalty by voluntarily surrendering
18or returning the rental property in good repair.
AB898,23,20 19(14) Right to reinstate. A brief explanation of the lessee's right to reinstate
20a rental-purchase agreement under s. 430.703.
AB898,24,3 21(15) Rental, not purchase. A statement that the lessee will not own the rental
22property until the lessee has made all payments necessary to acquire ownership or
23has exercised the lessee's early-purchase option. The rental-purchase company
24shall also include a notice reading substantially as follows: "You are renting this
25property. You will not own the property until you make all payments necessary to

1acquire ownership or until you exercise your early-purchase option. If you do not
2make your payments as scheduled or exercise your early-purchase option, the
3rental-purchase company may repossess the property."
AB898,24,7 4(16) Information about rental-purchase company and lessee. The names of
5the rental-purchase company and the lessee, the rental-purchase company's
6business address and telephone number, the lessee's address, and the date on which
7the rental-purchase agreement is executed.
AB898,24,12 8(17) Optional services. Space for a specific, separately signed, affirmative
9written indication of the lessee's desire for any optional service for which a charge
10is assessed. The lessee's request must be obtained after a written disclosure of the
11cost of the optional service is made, and the cost and term of such service must be
12listed at or near the signature space.
AB898,24,14 13430.503 Prohibited provisions of rental-purchase agreements. A
14rental-purchase agreement may not contain any of the following:
AB898,24,15 15(1) Confession. A confession of judgment.
AB898,24,18 16(2) Security. A provision granting the rental-purchase company a security
17interest in any property, except rental property delivered by the rental-purchase
18company under the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,24,23 19(3) Repossession. A provision authorizing a rental-purchase company, or an
20agent of the rental-purchase company, to enter the lessee's premises without the
21lessee's contemporaneous permission, or to commit a breach of the peace in the
22repossession of rental property provided by the rental-purchase company under the
23rental-purchase agreement.
1(4) Waiver. A waiver of a defense or counterclaim, a waiver of any right to
2assert any claim that the lessee may have against the rental-purchase company or
3an agent of the rental-purchase company, or a waiver of any provision of this chapter.
AB898,25,6 4(5) Overpayment. A provision requiring rental payments totaling more than
5the total dollar amount of all rental payments necessary to acquire ownership, as
6disclosed in the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,25,8 7(6) Insurance. A provision requiring the lessee to purchase insurance from the
8rental-purchase company to insure the rental property.
AB898,25,9 9(7) Attorney fees. A provision requiring the lessee to pay any attorney fees.
AB898,25,16 10430.504 Liability waiver. A rental-purchase company may offer a liability
11waiver to the lessee. The terms of the waiver must be provided to the lessee in
12writing, incorporated into the rental-purchase agreement or on a separate
13document. The face of the writing shall clearly disclose that the lessee is not required
14to purchase the waiver. The fee for the waiver may not exceed 10 percent of the rental
15payment due under the rental-purchase agreement. The lessee shall be entitled to
16cancel the waiver at the end of any rental term.
AB898,25,20 17430.505 Lessee's right to acquire ownership. (1) Limits on cost of rental
The total amount charged by the rental-purchase company for the cost of
19rental services in a rental-purchase transaction shall not exceed the cash price of the
AB898,26,2 21(2) Acquisition of ownership. At any time after the initial rental period, a
22lessee may acquire ownership of the property that is the subject of the
23rental-purchase agreement by tendering an amount equal to the original cash price
24of the rented property, minus at least 50 percent of all rental payments made by the

1lessee. A rental-purchase company may also require the lessee to pay any accrued
2unpaid rental payments and fees.
AB898,26,7 3430.506 Unconscionable conduct. The administrator shall promulgate
4rules declaring specific conduct in rental-purchase agreements and the collection of
5accounts and property arising therefrom to be unconscionable and prohibiting the
6use thereof. In promulgating such rules, the administrator shall consider, among
7other things:
AB898,26,9 8(1) That the practice unfairly takes advantage of the lack of knowledge, ability,
9experience, or capacity of lessees.
AB898,26,11 10(2) That those engaging in the practice know of the inability of lessees to receive
11benefits properly anticipated from the goods or services involved.
AB898,26,15 12(3) The fact that the practice may enable rental-purchase companies to take
13advantage of the inability of lessees reasonably to protect their interests by reason
14of physical or mental infirmities, illiteracy, or inability to understand the language
15of the agreement, ignorance or lack of education, or similar factors.
AB898,26,16 16(4) That the terms of the transaction require lessees to waive legal rights.
AB898,26,19 17(5) That the terms of the transaction require lessees to unreasonably
18jeopardize money or property beyond the money or property immediately at issue in
19the transaction.
AB898,26,22 20(6) That the natural effect of the practice is to cause or aid in causing lessees
21to misunderstand the true nature of the transaction or their rights and duties
AB898,26,24 23(7) That the writing purporting to evidence the obligation of the lessees in the
24transaction contains terms or provisions or authorizes practices prohibited by law.
1(8) Definitions of unconscionability in statutes, rules, rulings and decisions of
2legislative, administrative, or judicial bodies.
AB898,27,5 3430.507 Receipts and statements. (1) Receipts. A rental-purchase
4company shall provide a written receipt to the lessee for any payment made by the
5lessee in cash or, upon the request of the lessee, for any other type of payment.
AB898,27,14 6(2) Statement due to lessee. Subject to sub. (4), upon the request of a lessee,
7a rental-purchase company shall provide a written statement to the lessee showing
8the lessee's payment history on each rental-purchase agreement between the lessee
9and the rental-purchase company. A rental-purchase company is not required to
10provide a statement covering any rental-purchase agreement that was terminated
11more than one year prior to the date of the lessee's request. A rental-purchase
12company may provide a single statement covering all rental-purchase agreements
13or separate statements for each rental-purchase agreement, at the rental-purchase
14company's option.
AB898,27,19 15(3) Statement due to other parties. Subject to sub. (4), upon the written
16request of a lessee, made during the term of or no later than one year after the
17termination of a rental-purchase agreement, a rental-purchase company shall
18provide a written statement to any person designated by the lessee, showing the
19lessee's payment history under the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,27,24 20(4) Fee for statement. A lessee or, if appropriate, a lessee's designee, is entitled
21to receive one statement under subs. (2) and (3) without charge once every 12
22months. A rental-purchase company shall provide an additional statement if the
23lessee pays the rental-purchase company's reasonable costs of preparing and
24furnishing the statement.
AB898,27,2525 Subchapter VI
1Advertising, price cards, and
2 referral transactions
AB898,28,6 3430.601 Advertising. (1) Disclosure required. Except as provided under
4sub. (2), if an advertisement for a rental-purchase agreement refers to or states the
5amount of a payment for a specific item of property, the advertisement shall also
6clearly and conspicuously state all of the following:
AB898,28,77 (a) That the transaction advertised is a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,98 (b) The total number and total dollar amount of all rental payments necessary
9to acquire ownership of the property.
AB898,28,1210 (c) That the lessee does not acquire ownership of the property if the lessee fails
11to make all rental payments or other payments necessary to acquire ownership of the
AB898,28,15 13(2) Exception. Subsection (1) does not apply to any in-store display or any
14advertisement that is published in the yellow pages of a telephone directory or in any
15similar directory of businesses.
AB898,28,19 16430.602 Price cards displayed. (1) Price cards generally. Except as
17provided in sub. (2), a card or tag that clearly and conspicuously states all of the
18following shall be displayed on or next to any property displayed or offered by a
19rental-purchase company for rent under a rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,28,2020 (a) The cash price that a lessee would pay to purchase the property.
AB898,28,2121 (b) The amount and timing of the rental payments.
AB898,28,2322 (c) The total number and total amount of all rental payments necessary to
23acquire ownership of the property under a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,2424 (d) The cost of rental services under a rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,28,2525 (e) Whether the property is new or used.
1(2) Exceptions. If property is offered for rent under a rental-purchase
2agreement through a catalog, or if the size of the property is such that displaying a
3card or tag on or next to the property would be impractical, a rental-purchase
4company may make the disclosures required under sub. (1) in a catalog or list, if the
5catalog or list is readily available to prospective lessees.
AB898,29,12 6430.603 Referral transactions. (1) Prohibited referral transactions. No
7rental-purchase company may induce any individual to enter into a rental-purchase
8agreement by giving or offering to give a rebate or discount to the individual in
9consideration of the individual's giving to the rental-purchase company the names
10of prospective lessees if the earning of the rebate or discount is contingent upon the
11occurrence of any event that takes place after the time that the individual enters into
12the rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,29,19 13(2) Authorized referral transactions. After entering into a rental-purchase
14agreement, a rental-purchase company may give or offer to give a rebate or discount
15to a lessee under the rental-purchase agreement in consideration of the lessee's
16giving to the rental-purchase company the names of prospective lessees. A rebate
17or discount under this subsection may be contingent upon the occurrence of any event
18that takes place after the time that the names are given to the rental-purchase
AB898,29,2020 Subchapter VII
AB898,29,2221 Termination, reinstatement,
22 default, and right to cure
AB898,29,24 23430.701 Termination of rental-purchase agreement. The termination
24date of a rental-purchase agreement is the earlier of the following:
1(1) The day specified in the rental-purchase agreement as the day on which
2the rental term ends, unless a different day has been established under the
3rental-purchase agreement.
AB898,30,4 4(2) The date on which the lessee voluntarily surrenders the rental property.
AB898,30,14 5430.702 Late payment, grace period, and late fees. (1) Late fee
If a lessee fails to make any payment when due under a rental-purchase
7agreement or if, at the end of any rental term, the lessee fails to return the rental
8property or to renew the rental-purchase agreement for an additional term, the
9rental-purchase company may require the lessee to pay a late fee. Except as
10provided in sub. (4), this subsection does not apply if the lessee's failure to return
11rental property or failure to renew the rental-purchase agreement at the end of the
12rental term is due to the lessee's exercise of an early-purchase option under the
13rental-purchase agreement or is due to the lessee's making all payments necessary
14to acquire ownership of the rental property.
AB898,30,16 15(2) Grace periods. The following grace periods shall apply to rental payments
16made with respect to a rental-purchase agreement:
AB898,30,1917 (a) For an agreement that is renewed on a weekly basis, no late fee may be
18assessed for a payment that is made within 2 days after the date on which the
19scheduled payment is due.
AB898,30,2220 (b) For an agreement that is renewed for a term that is longer than one week,
21no late fee may be assessed for a payment that is made within 5 days after the date
22on which the scheduled payment is due.