2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
September 10, 2003 - Introduced by Senators S. Fitzgerald, Kedzie, Lassa, Breske
and Welch, cosponsored by Representatives Vrakas, Nischke, Jeskewitz,
Rhoades, M. Lehman, Van Roy, Ladwig, Nass, Taylor, Bies
and McCormick.
Referred to Committee on Judiciary, Corrections and Privacy.
SB245,1,3 1An Act to amend 895.10 (2) (b) 2. b.; and to create 895.12 of the statutes;
2relating to: tobacco settlement agreement enforcement and providing
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, every tobacco product manufacturer selling cigarettes to
consumers is required either to make payments to the state based on the number of
cigarettes sold in the state under the master tobacco settlement agreement or to
place a certain amount of money into an escrow account based on the number of
cigarettes that are sold. Tobacco product manufacturers that place money into an
escrow account are entitled to receive interest on the money. That money may be
released from escrow to pay a judgment on any claim brought against the tobacco
product manufacturer by the state or certain other parties. The money may also be
released to the tobacco product manufacturer if the amount that was placed in
escrow in a particular year was greater than the manufacturer would have had to
pay under the master settlement agreement in that year.
Current law requires tobacco product manufacturers who place money in
escrow to certify annually to the attorney general that the manufacturer has placed
the required amount into an escrow account and has removed money from that
account only as allowed under current law.
This bill requires every tobacco product manufacturer who places money in
escrow to execute a detailed certification showing that the manufacturer is in full
compliance with the requirement to place moneys in escrow based on the number of

cigarettes that are sold. The bill requires the detailed certification to include a list
of the manufacturer's cigarette brand names, updated at least 30 days before any
change in the brand names, the number of cigarettes of each brand sold annually, a
list of any brands of cigarettes that are no longer being sold in the state, and the name
and address of any other manufacturer of the same brand of cigarettes. The
certification must also include a statement that the manufacturer is registered to do
business in this state or has appointed an agent for service of process, the name and
address of the financial institution where the escrow account is located, and the
amount and date of any deposit, withdrawal, or transfer from the escrow account.
The bill further requires the attorney general to make available for public
inspection a directory of all tobacco product manufacturers that have provided
current and accurate certifications. The bill prohibits the inclusion in the directory
of any manufacturer that is not in compliance with the certification requirements
and any manufacturer that has not registered to do business in this state or that has
not provided an agent for the service of process. The bill also prohibits the affixing
of a tax stamp on any cigarettes or the sale of any cigarettes of a tobacco product
manufacturer that is not included in the directory.
The bill requires distributors of cigarettes to report quarterly to the
Department of Revenue (department) the information that the department needs to
determine compliance with the provisions of this bill. The distributors must
maintain and make available to the department invoices and documentation of sales
of all cigarettes produced by tobacco product manufacturers that are required to
establish an escrow account. The department is required to provide this information
to the attorney general. The bill authorizes the attorney general to request
information from the manufacturers to verify their compliance.
The bill authorizes the department to take various punitive actions against any
person that fails to comply with the bill's requirements, including revocation of the
license of a cigarette distributor, seizure of cigarettes, and imposition of forfeitures.
The attorney general is authorized by the bill to seek an injunction to restrain a
violation of the bill's requirements. Under the bill, if a court determines that a person
has violated the provisions of this bill, the court is required to order that any profits,
gains, gross receipts, or other benefits resulting from the violation be paid to the
state. In addition the bill provides that the costs of investigation, witness fees, court
costs, and attorney fees may be recovered in any action brought by the state to
enforce the provisions of this bill.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB245, s. 1 1Section 1. 895.10 (2) (b) 2. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
1895.10 (2) (b) 2. b. To the extent that a tobacco product manufacturer
2establishes that the amount it was required to place into escrow on account of the
3units sold
in a particular year was greater than the state's allocable share of the total
4payments that the manufacturer would have been required to make in that year
5under the master settlement agreement had it been a participating manufacturer,
6as those payments are determined under section IX (i) (2) of the master settlement
7agreement and before any of the adjustments or offsets described in section IX (i) (3)
8of that agreement other than the inflation adjustment
master settlement agreement
9payments, as determined under section IX (i) of that agreement including after the
10final determination of all adjustments, that the manufacturer would have been
11required to make on account of such units sold had it been a participating
, the excess shall be released from escrow and revert to that tobacco
13product manufacturer.
SB245, s. 2 14Section 2. 895.12 of the statutes is created to read:
SB245,3,15 15895.12 Certification under the tobacco settlement agreement.
SB245,3,16 16(1) Definitions. In this section:
SB245,3,2217 (a) "Brand family" means all styles of cigarettes sold under the same trademark
18and differentiated from one another by means of additional modifiers or descriptors,
19including "menthol," "lights," "kings," and "100s," and includes any brand name,
20alone or in conjunction with any other word; trademark; logo; symbol; motto; selling
21message; recognizable pattern of colors; or other indicia of product identification
22identical or similar to, or identifiable with, a previously known brand of cigarettes.
SB245,3,2323 (b) "Cigarette" has the meaning given in s. 895.10 (1) (d).
SB245,3,2424 (c) "Department" means the department of revenue.
1(d) "Distributor" means a person that is authorized to affix tax stamps to
2packages or other containers of cigarettes under subch. II of ch. 139 or any person
3that is required to pay the tax imposed on tobacco products under subch. III of ch.
SB245,4,55 (e) "Master settlement agreement" has the meaning given in s. 895.10 (1) (e).
SB245,4,76 (f) "Nonparticipating manufacturer" means any tobacco product manufacturer
7that is not a participating manufacturer.
SB245,4,98 (g) "Participating manufacturer" has the meaning given in section II (jj) of the
9master settlement agreement.
SB245,4,1010 (h) "Qualified escrow fund" has the meaning given in s. 895.10 (1) (f).
SB245,4,1111 (j) "Tobacco product manufacturer" has the meaning given in s. 895.10 (1) (i).
SB245,4,1212 (k) "Units sold" has the meaning given in s. 895.10 (1) (j).
SB245,4,13 13(2) Certifications; directory; tax stamps.
SB245,4,2014 (a) Certification. 1. Every tobacco product manufacturer whose cigarettes are
15sold in this state, whether directly or through a distributor, retailer, or similar
16intermediary or intermediaries, shall execute and deliver in the manner prescribed
17by the attorney general a certification to the department and attorney general, no
18later than the 30th day of April each year, certifying that as of that date the tobacco
19product manufacturer is either a participating manufacturer or is in full compliance
20with s. 895.10 (2) (b).
SB245,4,2521 2. A participating manufacturer shall include in its certification a list of its
22brand families. The participating manufacturer shall update that list at least 30
23calendar days prior to any addition to or modification of its brand families by
24executing and delivering a supplemental certification to the department and
25attorney general.
13. A nonparticipating manufacturer shall include all of the following in its
SB245,5,43 a. A list of all of its brand families and the number of units sold for each brand
4family that were sold in the state during the preceding calendar year.
SB245,5,65 b. A list of all of its brand families that have been sold in the state at any time
6during the current calendar year.
SB245,5,87 c. A list of any brand families sold in the state during the preceding calendar
8year that are no longer being sold in the state as of the date of such certification.
SB245,5,109 d. The name and address of any other manufacturer of the brand families in
10the preceding or current calendar year.
SB245,5,1411 4. The nonparticipating manufacturer shall update the list under subd. 3. at
12least 30 calendar days before any addition to or modification of its brand families by
13executing and delivering a supplemental certification to the department and
14attorney general.
SB245,5,1515 5. The nonparticipating manufacturer shall further certify all of the following:
SB245,5,1816 a. That the nonparticipating manufacturer is registered to do business in the
17state or has appointed an agent for service of process and provided notice of that
18appointment as required by sub. (3).
SB245,5,2219 b. That the nonparticipating manufacturer has established and continues to
20maintain a qualified escrow fund and has executed a qualified escrow agreement
21that has been reviewed and approved by the attorney general and that governs the
22qualified escrow fund.
SB245,5,2423 c. That the nonparticipating manufacturer is in full compliance with this
24section and s. 895.10.
1d. The name, address, and telephone number of the financial institution where
2the nonparticipating manufacturer has established the qualified escrow fund
3required under s. 895.10 (2) (b).
SB245,6,54 e. The account number of the qualified escrow fund and any subaccount
5number for the state.
SB245,6,86 f. The amount the nonparticipating manufacturer placed into the fund for
7cigarettes sold in the state during the preceding calendar year, the date and amount
8of each deposit, and any evidence or verification as required by the attorney general.
SB245,6,129 g. The amount and date of any withdrawal or transfer of funds the
10nonparticipating manufacturer made at any time from the fund or from any other
11qualified escrow fund into which it ever made escrow payments under s. 895.10 (2)
SB245,6,1713 6. A participating manufacturer may not include a brand family in its
14certification unless the participating manufacturer affirms that the brand family
15constitutes its cigarettes for purposes of calculating its payments under the master
16settlement agreement for the relevant year, in the volume and shares determined
17under the master settlement agreement.
SB245,6,2018 7. A nonparticipating manufacturer may not include a brand family in its
19certification unless it affirms that the brand family constitutes its cigarettes for
20purposes of s. 895.10.
SB245,6,2421 8. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting or otherwise affecting
22the state's right to maintain that a brand family constitutes cigarettes of a different
23tobacco product manufacturer for purposes of calculating payments under the
24master settlement agreement or for purposes of s. 895.10.
19. Tobacco product manufacturers shall maintain all invoices and
2documentation of sales and other such information relied upon for the certification
3under subd. 5. for a period of 5 years, unless otherwise required by law to maintain
4them for a greater period of time.
SB245,7,105 (b) Directory of cigarettes approved for stamping and sale. Not later than the
6first day of the 4th month after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts
7date], the attorney general shall develop and make available for public inspection a
8directory listing all tobacco product manufacturers that have provided current and
9accurate certifications conforming to the requirements of par. (a) and all brand
10families that are listed in the certifications, except as follows:
SB245,7,1511 1. The attorney general shall not include or retain in the directory the name
12or brand families of any nonparticipating manufacturer that has failed to provide the
13required certification or whose certification the attorney general determines is not
14in compliance with par. (a) 3. to 5., unless the attorney general has determined that
15the violation has been cured.
SB245,7,1816 2. Neither a tobacco product manufacturer nor brand family may be included
17or retained in the directory if the attorney general concludes, in the case of a
18nonparticipating manufacturer, that any of the following apply:
SB245,7,2219 a. An escrow payment required under s. 895.10 (2) (b) for any period for any
20brand family, whether or not listed by such nonparticipating manufacturer, has not
21been fully paid into a qualified escrow fund governed by a qualified escrow
22agreement that has been approved by the attorney general.
SB245,7,2523 b. Any outstanding final judgment, including interest on that judgment, for a
24violation of s. 895.10 has not been fully satisfied for the brand family or
13. The attorney general shall update the directory as necessary to correct
2mistakes and to add or remove a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family to
3keep the directory in conformity with the requirements under this paragraph.
SB245,8,64 4. Every distributor shall provide and update as necessary an electronic mail
5address to the attorney general for the purpose of receiving any notifications as may
6be required under this section.
SB245,8,117 (c) Prohibition against stamping or sale of cigarettes not in the directory. It shall
8be unlawful for any person to affix a stamp to a package or other container of
9cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the
10directory or to sell, or offer or possess for sale, in this state cigarettes of a tobacco
11product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory.
SB245,8,23 12(3) Agent for service of process. (a) Requirement for agent for service of
Any nonresident or foreign nonparticipating manufacturer that has not
14registered to do business in this state as a foreign corporation or business entity
15shall, as a condition precedent to having its brand families included or retained in
16the directory under sub. (2) (b), appoint and continually engage the services of an
17agent in this state to act as agent for the service of process on whom all processes,
18and any action or proceeding against it concerning or arising out of the enforcement
19of this section and s. 895.10, may be served in any manner authorized by law. That
20service shall constitute legal and valid service of process on the nonparticipating
21manufacturer. The nonparticipating manufacturer shall provide the name, address,
22phone number, and proof of the appointment and availability of the agent to the
23attorney general.
SB245,9,724 (b) Notification of termination of agent. The nonparticipating manufacturer
25shall provide notice to the department and attorney general 30 calendar days before

1termination of the authority of an agent under par. (a) and shall provide proof to the
2satisfaction of the attorney general of the appointment of a new agent no less than
35 calendar days before the termination of an existing agent appointment. In the
4event an agent terminates an agency appointment, the nonparticipating
5manufacturer shall notify the department and attorney general of that termination
6within 5 calendar days and shall include proof to the satisfaction of the attorney
7general of the appointment of a new agent.
SB245,9,158 (c) Service on secretary of state. Any nonparticipating manufacturer whose
9cigarettes are sold in this state, who has not appointed and engaged an agent as
10required in this subsection, shall be considered to have appointed the secretary of
11state as that agent and may be proceeded against in courts of this state by service
12of process upon the secretary of state provided, however, that the appointment of the
13secretary of state as that agent does not satisfy the condition precedent for having
14the brand families of the nonparticipating manufacturer included or retained in the
15directory under sub. (2) (b).
SB245,9,24 16(4) Reporting of information; escrow installments. (a) Reporting by
Not later than 20 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter,
18and more frequently if so directed by the department, each distributor shall submit
19a report that includes any information that the department requires to facilitate
20compliance with this section, including a list by brand family of the total number of
21cigarettes, or, in the case of roll-your-own tobacco, the equivalent stick count, for
22which the distributor affixed stamps during the previous calendar quarter or
23otherwise paid the tax due for those cigarettes. The distributor shall maintain, and
24make available to the department, all invoices and documentation of sales of all

1nonparticipating manufacturer cigarettes and any other information relied upon in
2reporting to the department for a period of 5 years.
SB245,10,93 (b) Disclosure of information. The department is authorized to disclose to the
4attorney general any information received under this section and requested by the
5attorney general for purposes of determining compliance with and enforcing the
6provisions of this section. The department and attorney general shall share with
7each other the information received under this section, and may share such
8information with other federal, state, or local agencies only for purposes of
9enforcement of this section, s. 895.10, or corresponding laws of other states.