Lie detector test of sexual assault victims: law enforcement officers and DAs may not require, request, or suggest  - SB479
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics Board, DA, and election provisions (deletes changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  - SB12
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics Board, DA, and election provisions (reenacts changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  - AB1
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics Board, DA, and election provisions (reenacts changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  - SB22
Public debt refunding; MA, Building Commission, Public Defender Board, DA, and SHSW provisions  - AB909
Sexually violent person commitment procedure changed; reimbursement for Brown and Milwaukee county prosecutors re certain cases in other counties; committee to recommend location of a transitional facility for supervised release; penalty for escape modified -  AB945
Special prosecution clerks re cases involving unlawful possession or use of firearms: appropriation lapse to general fund [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 563d, 2804d, 9212 (1x)]  - SB44
State prosecutors board created [Sec. 41, 50, 83, 91, 133, 135, 139, 142, 563, 733, 1029, 1529, 1988, 1991, 2046, 2319, 2320, 2400, 2414-2417, 2746, 2779-2797, 2799, 2801, 2805, 9101 (3); original bill only] -  SB44
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR10
Voter registration list audits and investigation of improper registrations revisions -  AB310
Worthless check violations: use of deferred prosecution agreements revised; DA and collection agency provisions  - AB887
Worthless check violations: use of deferred prosecution agreements revised; DA and collection agency provisions  - SB457
Actions affecting the family: judge or circuit court commissioner authority to order educational parenting program attendance revised -  AB368
Actions affecting the family provisions re guardian ad litem compensation, parenting plan, and parent education programs - AB244
Child or family support or maintenance order: payee required to report change of employer and any substantial income changes - AB198
Child support revisions re use of percentage standard required, disparity in parties' incomes considered, and information included in petitions in actions affecting the family  - SB257
Deferred compensation plan: account may be divided re domestic relations order -  AB642
Divorce proceeding: substitution of judge in subsequent proceeding permitted -  AB809
Genetic tests when child's mother or her husband desires to rebut the presumption of paternity: judge or court commissioner may not refuse to order -  AB557
Joint or sole legal custody of a child: rebuttable presumption created re pattern or serious incident of spousal abuse; guardian ad litem and mediator provisions re domestic violence dynamics training and investigating [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB279
Legal custody or periods of physical placement of child: court authorized to make modifications contingent on future events or change in conditions -  AB867
Maintenance in divorce actions: requirements for ordering revised -  AB823
Petition, motion, or order to revise judgment or order for legal custody or physical placement: no filing fee required if the parties stipulate to the revision - AB526
Veteran disability payments: use in determining maintenance prohibited -  AB181
dodge countyDodge county
TID changes re extending time period for certain village in Columbia and Dodge counties -  AB287
Damages caused by dogs to persons, animals, or property: liability and forfeiture revisions; court order to kill a dog modified - AB423
Damages caused by dogs to persons, animals, or property: liability and forfeiture revisions; court order to kill a dog modified - SB229
Dog licensing: certain intergovernmental commission organized to provide animal control services may issue; funding and damages provisions -  SB97
Hound dog training license and trial license: captive animals expanded to include foxes, bobcats, and coyotes [A.Amdt.1: rules provision; S.Amdt.1: commercial hunting and certain competitive events provisions] - AB197
Person with a disability or animal trainer accompanied by a service animal: laws re access to public accommodations modified - AB332
Pet breeder inspection by DATCP permitted; required inspection of shelters, kennels, and dealers eliminated; licensing and definitions revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2120b-bw, 9404 (4)]  - SB44
Pet dealer, pet breeder, animal shelter, and kennel licensing requirements repealed [Sec. 288, 2120, 9404 (4); original bill only] -  SB44
Pet dealers, pet breeders, animal shelters, and kennels: license requirements created; DATCP duties specified; criminal penalties and dog license fee provisions  - AB536
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-197 -  AR38
domestic abuseDomestic abuse, see Sex crimes; Women
domestic partnerDomestic partner, see Marriage
domestic relations orderDomestic relations order, see Divorce
douglas countyDouglas county
Nursing home MA supplemental payment reduced; use of federal medicare program hospital wage index for homes in certain counties eliminated [Sec. 1345, 1363, 1364, 9424 (7); S.Sub.Amdt.1: wage index adjustment for certain counties restored, 1346d, deletes 1345] - SB44
drafting of legislationDrafting of legislation, see Bills, Legislative
Drainage board authority to maintain drains; assessment levy provision -  AB55
drinking waterDrinking water, see Water supply
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Cellular telephone use while operating a motor vehicle under an instruction permit or probationary license prohibited, emergency use provision; driver education course requirements - AB464
Driver education aid eliminated [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 351d, 393m, 1993v, 1998k, 2042c-h, 9441 (1m)]  - SB44
Traffic offenses: penalty enhancer for committing 3 or more specific types within a single course of conduct; driver's education provision -  AB505
drivewayDriveway, see Street
drug abuseDrug abuse, see Drugs
Alcohol beverage license or permit revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew: grounds expanded re controlled substance offense -  AB296
Antibiotic drug for treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomonas: physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse may prescribe as course of therapy to patient for use by another; DHFS provision -  AB11
Antibiotic drug for treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomonas: physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse may prescribe as course of therapy to patient for use by another; DHFS provision -  AB995
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children treated with prescription drugs: physicians required to provide certain information; penalties and controlled substance provisions; DHFS and DPI duties specified -  AB193
Cancer drug repository program established by DHFS; civil liability immunity provision [A.Amdt.1: certain supplies added; A.Amdt.6: civil liability provision modified]  - AB845
Cancer drug repository program established by DHFS; civil liability immunity provision -  SB452
Challenge incarceration program for adult offenders; earned release for graduates of drug abuse correctional program [Sec. 2502-2506, 2508, 2748-2751, 9319 (1), (2)]  - SB44
College student convicted of certain crimes re controlled substances ineligible for a state grant, loan, or work assistance - AB342
Controlled substances: maximum imprisonment for distributing, delivering, possessing, or intent to distribute or deliver increased if child is present -  AB688
Cost sharing and drug copayment under MA and Badger Care; DHFS cost-sharing schedule repealed [Sec. 460, 1373-1376, 1419-1422, 9324 (15), (16), 9424 (9)]  - SB44
Crime victim compensation revisions; DOJ may use illegal drug restitution to fund drug crime investigations [Sec. 557, 560, 2739, 2740, 2742, 2772; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 557, 560, 2742, 2772] -  SB44
Diabetes treatment: health insurance required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin, exceptions provided - AB362
Drug crimes prosecution in Dane County: funding for assistant DA [Sec. 9101 (1)] -  SB44
Drug crimes prosecution in Milwaukee County: funding for assistant DAs [Sec. 9101 (2)] -  SB44
Drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana: ordinances revised in county with population over 500,000  - AB715
Drug paraphernalia possession, manufacture, or delivery by persons 17 years of age or older: county and municipal ordinances prohibiting permitted -  AB850
Drugs for the treatment of cancer: health care plans required to cover -  AB364
Ecstasy: penalties increased for possession of -  AB687
Federal registration number for prescribers of controlled substances: use on a prescription that is not a controlled substance or without prescriber's consent prohibited  - AB560
Federal registration number for prescribers of controlled substances: use on a prescription that is not a controlled substance or without prescriber's consent prohibited  - SB276
Health insurance coverage for the Governor and members of the legislature eliminated until approval of referendum re affordable health care coverage for all residents of this state; moneys not used for coverage to be used to fund prescription assistance for the elderly -  SB482
Health insurance plans and other benefits offered to local government employees: collective bargaining revisions, health insurance plan study, long-term care insurance, interagency task force on bulk purchasing of prescription drugs, solicitation of health insurance bids, and health claims experience  - AB304
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment and requirement to provide drugs available under certain plans, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - AB840
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - SB466