Agricultural production loan guarantees: loan limit revised; annual review by WHEDA required [A.Amdt.1: repayment guarantee revised] -  AB913
Alcohol beverage operator's license: reciprocity among municipalities [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, reciprocity provisions replaced with provisional license revisions]  - AB210
Amoritization ordinance may not be used by county or municipality to remove nonconforming building premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used  - AB858
BAC testing and breathalyzer refusal hearings: municipal court allowed to hold; transfer to circuit court provision  - AB273
Beer wholesaler's license and Class ``A" license transferred together to premises in another municipality in the same county allowed under certain conditions - SB271
Bomb scares or firearm violations involving property owned or leased by the state or political subdivision or school premises: motor vehicle operating privilege suspension  - SB105
Bonding requirements of certain city, village, town, and county officers eliminated -  AB263
Breast cancer research program and grant created and individual income tax checkoff procedure [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants specifically awarded to Medical College of Wisconsin and U.W. Comprehensive Cancer Center, reports required] -  AB351
Business equipment lease and contract to provide business services: renewal or extension provisions and notification requirements -  SB511
Charter schools: U.W. 4-year institutions and 2-year college campuses allowed to establish with Board of Regents approval [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2-year campuses removed, number limited, charter school plan required]  - SB253
City or village annexation limitations re territory must be in same county and boundaries [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re boundary agreement and payments to town from which land is annexed added; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB87
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised - AB396
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary  - AB209
Condominium law revisions - AB254
Corporation law revisions re classes or series of stock; shareholder notices and meetings; committees; mergers, share exchanges, and business combinations; and transfer of property [S.Amdt.1: merger of indirectly wholly owned subsidiary or parent added] -  SB218
County board may establish fee for certain court-related sheriff's service [A.Amdt.1 and S.Amdt.1: fee limited re seized property or eviction] -  AB50
County may request court to vacate platted land under certain conditions -  AB443
County or municipality may certify any non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, judgment and notice provisions] -  AB613
County tax levy for library services: exemption for city, town, village, or school district modified [A.Amdt.1: county board approval required] -  AB431
Cranberry designated as the state fruit; Blue Book provision  - AB679
Creditor claims on unmatured life insurance contract or unmatured annuity revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - SB504
Deer or elk head, antlers, skin, or tail: possession, sale, barter, purchase, or trade of from lawfully killed animal revised - AB424
Delinquent act allegedly committed by an American Indian juvenile while outside the boundaries of the reservation or off-reservation trust land because of certain tribal court order: process for consultation established - AB402
Delinquent child support: statute of limitations for an action to collect -  AB624
Depositions: list of disqualified persons expanded, contracts for court reporting services, and exceptions provided  - AB533
Domestic violence: portion of marriage license fee and increase in domestic abuse assessment to fund services related to - AB341
Donation or sale of state property by DOT without Governor's approval modified -  AB436
Driving skills test to operate ``Class D" vehicles: DOT may contract with third party to administer [A.Amdt.1: LAB audit required] -  AB833
Drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana: ordinances revised in county with population over 500,000  - AB715
Economic development programs available in this state: Comm.Dept to create Web site re information concerning; chambers of commerce provision - AB880
Engineering instruction by U.W. Platteville at U.W. Rock County campus: appropriation for - AB830
Environmental Results Program and Environmental Improvement Program created; DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOJ duties specified [S.Amdt.2: waiver of enforcement record requirements and forfeiture provisions] -  SB61
Estate tax imposed on transfer of property: ``property within the jurisdiction of this state" defined [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, definition removed, nonresident decedent's intangible personal property exception revised]  - AB793
Executive budget process: deadlines revised re Governor's budget message and capital budget; DOA to report on agency budget requests submitted late [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB64
Feeding elk or deer under certain conditions permitted; CWD provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``elk" removed, rules revised; S.Amdt.1: feed restriction, counties changed to municipality; A.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.1: counties provision restored] -  AB519
Fines and forfeitures imposed by circuit court: percentage retained by county increased -  AB666
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified - AB471
Firearm pointed at law enforcement officer and certain emergency personnel and bodily substances thrown or expelled by person in custody or detained by peace officer: prohibitions created [A.Amdt.2: bodily substances provisions revised, in custody or detained condition removed]  - AB206
Fireworks permit issued by a municipality: civil liability exemption for certain damages -  SB75
Fishing tournaments: DNR to establish program to authorize and regulate [A.Amdt.2: bass fishing tournament pilot program added] -  AB623
Flag of the U.S.: penalty created for damage to with intent to cause violence or breach of peace - AB157
Funeral procession: flashing lights on vehicles permitted -  SB398
``Great Hunger, The" in Ireland: March 17 made a special observance day for schools -  SB526
Group health benefit plan definition revised -  AB685
Group health benefit plan definition revised -  SB322
Health care powers of attorney and declarations to physicians executed in another state and in compliance with that state's laws is enforceable in Wisconsin; immunity provision  - AB554
Hearing instrument specialists, audiologists, and speech-language pathologists: regulation and licensing revisions  - AB841
Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys - AB932
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Quantity Committee created and report required -  SB524
Housing facilities: any county may build, rehabilitate, furnish, and rent to residents of the county; funding provision  - AB872
Housing Rehabilitation Program and Homeownership Mortgage Loan Program revisions; WHEDA bonding authority increased; confidentiality provision; appendix report by Comm.Dept -  SB497
Human service vehicle operator qualifications established; sepcialized transportation service requirements re background checks and vehicle operating records; fines, DOT, DOJ, and county provisions [S.Amdt.1: provisions re certain convictions removed, school bus endorsement added; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, operator background information forms, ID cards, and records maintenance provisions removed]  - SB3
Hybrid-electric vehicle or vehicle operating on gasohol or alternative fuels: use as state-owned or leased vehicles required when feasible; DOA to encourage use among agencies and residents, report required; definition provided [A.Amdt.1: certified assembled in U.S. for State lease or purchase]  - SB155
In-state bank or in-state bank holding company: provisions for acquisition by out-of-state bank - AB730
Incorporation of a town into a city or village: procedure revised; Incorporation Review Board created  - SB323
Lay witness and expert witness testimony or evidence modifications [S.Amdt.1: sexually violent person commitments provision] -  SB49
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  - SB512
Livestock facility siting and expansion: standards, zoning ordinance, conditional use permits, and political subdivision procedure provisions; Livestock Facility Siting Review Board created; DATCP and DOJ duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB868
Local exposition district taxes: DOR to report on amount collected from retailers -  AB488
MA contracts with prepaid health care benefits: actuarially sound basis requirement -  SB484
Major highway projects: TPC may not approve without final environmental impact statement or assessment; legislature may not enumerate any project without TPC approval; certain DOT report to TPC and certain management system change; TPC membership increased -  SB478
Managed forest land program revisions: effective date re 2003 WisAct 228 (AB-323) revised -  AB908
Manufacturing property assessment fee: DOR will deduct from municipality's shared revenue payment if not received by certain date -  AB900
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR66
MERA revisions re factors an arbitrator is required to consider, retroactive application of a salary adjustment, and certain contracts with persons who are not municipal employees [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, permissive subjects of collective bargaining addressed, arbitrator and salary adjustment removed] -  AB598
Military income received while on active duty: individual income tax exemption created re reserve component of the armed forces [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, active service definition revised; S.Amdt.1: armed forces member tax credit eligibility limited] -  AB155
Milk contractors: financial statement requirements revised [S.Amdt.1: releasing security provision added]  - SB455
Motor home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle: maximum permissible length and width revised  - AB501
Motor vehicle buyer and wholesaler licensing requirements; motor vehicle auction provisions - SB443
Mullins Cheese, Inc.: $17,568.12 claim re milk testing -  AB485
Municipal aid payment calculation modified -  AB924
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: prescription drug and diagnostic testing not included in minimum health insurance coverage limits; provider and policy provisions -  SB71
Nonmetallic mineral processing facility: exemption from air pollution control construction permits  - AB516
Nonprofit corporation board members: meetings and settling issues via electronic communications or ballot permitted - SB485
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised (reenacts changes made by 2001 WisAct 109) -  AB119
Off-road utility vehicle: operation on certain roadways permitted; definition, registration, operator's license, rules of the road, and vehicle emission provisions  - AB573
One- and two-family dwelling code enforcement re 2003 WisAct 90 (SB-168): smaller municipalities exemption extended - SB523
Outdoor theater: property tax exemption created; criteria specified [A.Amdt.1: property tax applied if property is sold; deleted by S.Amdt.1] -  AB628
Patient health care records: circumstances under which health care provider may release without consent modified  - AB727
Patient health care records: circumstances under which health care provider may release without consent modified  - SB372
Payday loan providers: additional notice requirements created -  SB338
Petition, motion, or order to revise judgment or order for legal custody or physical placement: no filing fee required if the parties stipulate to the revision - AB526
Private Sewage System Replacement or Rehabilitation Grant Program revised re maximum amount allowed and holding tanks -  AB125
Public Health Council created; reimbursement for quarantine costs; intrastate emergency management mutual aid; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability; intentionally making a false threat to release a harmful substance prohibited [for further revisions, see entry under ``Public health"] -  SB120
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: laws revised; DNR provision -  SB440
Pupil records and law enforcement agency's juvenile records: disclosure and confidentiality provisions modified; interagency agreement permitted -  AB709
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  - SB369
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions - SB416
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB591