No Child Left Behind Act: state urged not to appropriate funds to implement that would not otherwise have been expended; DPI and State Superintendent provisions  - SR33
Photograph for driver's license or ID card: DOT authorized to release to other state or federal law enforcement agencies - AB65
Photograph for driver's license or ID card: DOT authorized to release to other state or federal law enforcement agencies - SB33
feeFee, see specific subject
Deer farm: registration certificate or ownership interest may be transferred to immediate family; minimum acreage requirement for hunting modified; fencing requirements for farm-raised white-tail deer -  SB325
Agrichemical management and Agricultural chemical cleanup funds revised; fee and surcharge provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Agriculture"] - SB44
Bulk fertilizer and pesticides: rules concerning storage expanded to include persons who store  - AB380
Vehicle transporting agricultural manure on certain highways without permit while exceeding weight limit allowed  - AB185
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income -  AB413
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income -  SB197
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: option to choose prior to scheduled date in 2003 WisAct 37 re certain net gain of employees -  SB450
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: 2003 WisAct 37 provisions repealed; property and payroll factors reinstated -  AB974
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: 2003 WisAct 37 provisions repealed; property and payroll factors reinstated -  SB532
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - AB857
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - SB492
fifield, town ofFifield, Town of, see Price county
College savings program: DOA may select one or more financial institutions to serve as vendors - AB683
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; exclusive state regulation; DFI duties specified; parity for federally insured depository institutions - SB509
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; ordinance provision and DFI duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ordinance provision removed, exclusive state regulation authority, parity for federally insured depository institutions] -  AB792
Deceptive activities re transactions with financial institutions: prohibitions created -  AB288
Lawsuit against a financial institution by an individual prohibited; exceptions and Wisconsin Consumer Act provision [original bill only] -  AB655
Lawsuit against a financial institution by an individual prohibited; exceptions and Wisconsin Consumer Act provision  - AB731
Lawsuit against a financial institution by an individual prohibited; exceptions and Wisconsin Consumer Act provision  - SB313
Lawsuit against a financial institution by an individual prohibited; exceptions and Wisconsin Consumer Act provision  - SB373
Personal financial information: disclosure by financial institution prohibited without authorization from customer: exceptions provided -  SB309
Vital record copying exception expanded to include funeral director and operator of a funeral establishment [for further revisions, see entry under ``Funeral and funeral director"] - AB326
financial institutions, department ofFinancial institutions, Department of
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  AB486
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  SB246
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; exclusive state regulation; DFI duties specified; parity for federally insured depository institutions - SB509
``Covered loan" re consumer mortgage lenders regulated; ordinance provision and DFI duties specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ordinance provision removed, exclusive state regulation authority, parity for federally insured depository institutions] -  AB792
DFI lapse to general fund delayed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9220 (1k)] -  SB44
High-cost home loan regulations created; DFI authority specified; affirmative defense provision  - AB991
LLCs organized under the laws of this state: annual report required; DFI may administratively dissolve for failure to file [Sec. 2122-2132, 9120 (1)] -  SB44
Payday loan providers: additional notice requirements created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, cancellation, criminal action, and maximum term provisions added; A.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  AB665
Railroads, Office of the commissioner of, eliminated; railroad activities regulation transferred to DOT; certain railroad organization functions transferred to DFI [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government — Attached under s.15.03"]  - SB44
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB591
Venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures: income and franchise tax credits created under certain conditions; study required [for further revisions, see entry under ``Business"] -  SB261
Venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures: income and franchise tax credits created under certain conditions; study required; start-up technology business provision - AB538
financial responsibility of motor vehicle operatorFinancial responsibility of motor vehicle operator, see Insurance — Motor vehicle
Fines and forfeitures imposed by circuit court: percentage retained by county increased -  AB666
Fines and forfeitures imposed by circuit court: percentage retained by county increased; sunset provision  - AB361
Motor vehicle dealer, salesperson, sales finance company, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter operating without a license or failing to report to DOT a change in its place of business: fines changed to forfeitures  - AB777
Motor vehicle dealer, salesperson, sales finance company, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter operating without a license or failing to report to DOT a change in its place of business: fines changed to forfeitures  - SB419
Cigarette fire safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish; sale of uncertified cigarettes prohibited - SB519
Fire Prevention Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day designated in October -  AB31
Tangible personal property damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, or natural disaster: refundable individual income tax credit created re sales and use tax on replacements  - SB449
fire departmentFire department
Combined protective services departments: cities and towns authorized to provide; limitations on villages removed  - AB262
Employment discrimination because of temporary absence re volunteer fire fighter, EMT, first responder, or ambulance driver prohibited; hardship on employer and exemption provisions -  AB43
Employment discrimination because of temporary absence re volunteer fire fighter, EMT, first responder, or ambulance driver prohibited; hardship on employer and exemption provisions -  SB31
Fire calls on certain highways: DOT reimbursement to city or village fire department revised - SB222
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified - AB471
Fire drills: public and private school report to Comm.Dept and local fire department eliminated; requires seven year retention of records -  AB725
Fire dues program: grant eligibility requirements modified [S.Amdt.1: administrative expenses defined by rule]  - SB410
Fire Prevention Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day designated in October -  AB31
Firearm pointed at law enforcement officer and certain emergency personnel and bodily substances thrown or expelled by person in custody or detained by peace officer: prohibitions created [A.Amdt.2: bodily substances provisions revised, in custody or detained condition removed]  - AB206
Fireworks laws revisions re user's permits, displays, wholesalers, and penalties and enforcement; liability and seized property provisions -  AB438
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement  - AB128
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement  - SB48
Litigation expenses for EMS, EMT, first responder, fire fighter, or law enforcement or correctional officers: municipality required to pay, exceptions provided  - SB119
Public Health Council created; reimbursement for quarantine costs; intrastate emergency management mutual aid; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability; intentionally making a false threat to release a harmful substance prohibited [for further revisions, see entry under ``Public health"] -  SB120
Residency requirements for certain employees: local governments prohibited from imposing; police, firefighter, and collective bargaining provisions -  AB189
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re SB-410 -  AR38
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway" [S.Amdt.1: contributions required]  - SB46
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge" [S.Amdt.1: contributions required]  - SB46
Volunteer firefighter and EMT service award program transferred to Comm.Dept [Sec. 48, 96, 149, 200, 205, 585, 586; original bill only] -  SB44
Volunteer firefighter income exempt from income tax -  AB764
firearms and dangerous weaponsFirearms and dangerous weapons
Bomb scares or firearm violations involving property owned or leased by the state or political subdivision or school premises: motor vehicle operating privilege suspension  - SB105
Concealed weapon: procedure to acquire license to carry created, DOJ and penalty provisions; going armed in own home or place of business permitted - AB444
Concealed weapon: procedure to acquire license to carry created, DOJ and penalty provisions; going armed in own home or place of business permitted; reports required [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, ``firearms restrictions records search" changed to ``background checks", mental health adjudication, certain alcohol and drug tests, and implied consent provisions, places of prohibited activity expanded, private employer restrictions added] -  SB214
Concealed weapon prohibition violation with prior conviction: penalty revised -  AB481
Concealed weapon prohibitions: retired peace officer exempt; conditions specified; ID provision  - AB40
Faith-based initiative to create jobs and counsel families impacted by gun violence: DWD to secure federal funds [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9159 (9d)]  - SB44
Firearm pointed at law enforcement officer and certain emergency personnel and bodily substances thrown or expelled by person in custody or detained by peace officer: prohibitions created [A.Amdt.2: bodily substances provisions revised, in custody or detained condition removed]  - AB206
Firearms and ammunition manufacturers, importers, dealers, trade associations, shooting range owners, and sportsmen's clubs: bringing actions against prohibited; civil liability immunity provisions -  AB96
Firearms seller: alarm system for place of business required - AB93