HIRSP administrator selection in request for proposal process - SB466
HIRSP administrator selection in request for proposal process; costs adjustment provision -  AB754
HIRSP changes re use of GPR and payment of operating costs or premium and deductible subsidies [Sec. 452, 453, 465, 857, 858, 2068-2087, 2091; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DHFS to submit requests for proposals for HIRSP administration to JCF, 9124 (10h)] -  SB44
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment and requirement to provide drugs available under certain plans, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - AB840
HIRSP revisions re drug manufacturer or labeler assessment, board duties, chairperson of the board, selection of plan administrator, coverage eligibility, employment verification and data base, and use of certain federal grant moneys  - SB466
HMO increased payments from DHFS: plan re savings resulting from rebates; JCF duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9124 (7c)]  - SB44
HMO provider assessment to be collected by DHFS, deposit in MA trust fund; moneys distributed to HMOs serving MA and Badger Care recipients [Sec. 469, 867, 1312, 1370, 1418, 9324 (14); original bill only] -  SB44
Hospital and ambulatory surgery center data collection [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 214b, 215c, 458r, 2092c-2095rt, 9124 (10k), 9224 (3k), 9424 (11k)] -  SB44
Information provided to women prior to an abortion expanded to include new law re relinquishing newborn child anonymously and with immunity from liability; DHFS duty specified - SB28
MA fee schedule for services: health care providers required to submit by certain date; DHFS to make available on Web site; insurers' rates of reimbursement statement provision  - AB995
MA, nursing home administrator, physicians, prescription drug programs, CIP funding, treatment program insurance coverage, health care plan participation, and treatment records access revisions; DHFS duties specified - AB995
Marijuana-related prosecutions and property seizure actions: medical necessity defense created; DHFS to establish registry for medical users of marijuana; authorizing certain nonprofit marijuana distribution organizations; U.W. Board of Regents study required -  AB892
MEB to make certain information about physicians available to the public; health care providers allowed to correct health care information collected by DHFS -  SB226
Medical residents and fellows exempt from annual health care information assessments -  AB670
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - AB348
Medication for purpose of ending life: certain individuals permitted to make written requests for  - SB169
Milwaukee Police Athletic Fund: grant administration transferred from DHFS to OJA; GPR funding replaced with federal funding [Sec. 1160, 1161] -  SB44
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: health insurance coverage requirements modified; consumer price index provision; report required  - AB839
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: health insurance coverage requirements modified; consumer price index provision; report required  - SB72
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: prescription drug and diagnostic testing not included in minimum health insurance coverage limits; health insurance coverage requirements modified and consumer price index provision; report required -  AB995
Pharmacy Outreach Program created in DHFS re pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs  - AB876
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: eligibility expanded; DHFS directed to negotiate with drug manufacturers for supplemental rebates; cigarette tax increased to fund - SB114
Prescription drug cost controls and drug purchasing agreements [Sec. 1393; S.Sub.Amdt.1: prescription drug prior authorization provisions, DHFS report required, 1392p-t, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w); S.Amdt.121: Mental health medication review committee created, 1392u] -  SB44
Prescription drug rebates: Prescription Drug Assistance Program created; DHFS to create preferred drug lists; manufacturers to report on gifts; HIRSP provision  - AB355
Prescription drug Web site: DHFS must provide and update re 50 most common prescriptions -  AB785
Primary health care program claims [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 458b, 9124 (10c), 9424 (11d)] -  SB44
Public Health Council created; reimbursement for quarantine costs; intrastate emergency management mutual aid; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability; intentionally making a false threat to release a harmful substance prohibited [for further revisions, see entry under ``Public health"] -  SB120
Rural health dental clinics in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie: funding revision [Sec. 2061] - SB44
Tobacco control board eliminated, duties transferred to DHFS [Sec. 10, 112, 348, 387, 479-484, 862, 2456-2464, 9151 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: tobacco control fund and earmarked grants eliminated, strategic plan provision, Tobacco control advisory committee created, 10c, 177g, 470h, 478x, 670m, 837s, 842p, 861x, 863g, 2455t, v, 2459d, x, 2460d, 2461d, r, 2464d, 9124 (5x), 9224 (1x), deletes 10, 479-484, 862, 2460, 2461, 2464] - SB44
Trauma Advisory Council termination eliminated -  AB281
Trauma Advisory Council termination eliminated -  SB115
Tri-county dental clinic in city of Appleton: start-up funding [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 470d, e, 9124 (1f), 9424 (11f)]  - SB44
health and family services, department of _ supportive living and treatmentHealth and family services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment
Autistic children: intensive, in-home services for [S.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 471c, 475f, h, 1100g, 1403d, 9124 (8c); S.Amdt.121: nursing home rate increases and long-term care, 2813r-t] -  SB44
CBRF maximum forfeiture for violations increased; surcharge imposed on nursing homes for each forfeiture violation [Sec. 1465, 1469-1471; original bill only]  - SB44
Cemetery, funeral, and burial expense payments and income maintenance program revisions; DHFS and DWD proposal re transfer of Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support (CARES) system [Sec. 456, 462, 622, 1092, 1105-1108, 1288, 1302, 1303, 1308, 1310, 1313, 1315, 1316, 1377, 1389, 1412, 1450, 1516, 2420, 9124 (1), 9159 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: proposal re transfer of CARES removed, deletes 9124 (1)] -  SB44
Central Center for the Developmentally Disabled: termination of services, sale or transfer of tangible personal property, sale of real property, and transfer of residents; JCF provision - AB145
Central Center for the Developmentally Disabled: termination of services, sale or transfer of tangible personal property, sale of real property, and transfer of residents; JCF provision - SB57
Chronic disease aids program revisions re certain percent of family income, drug copayment, and sliding scale of patient liability [Sec. 1432, 1434, 1435] - SB44
CIP II funding for eligible persons relocated from facilities to the community; delicensure of a nursing home bed not required - AB995
CIP II funding for home and community-based services to an MA-eligible person relocated from a nursing home facility to the community authorized -  AB920
Community aids: basic county and family support program allocations set [Sec. 1145, 1146, 1190]  - SB44
Developmental disabilities services administration and funding, council membership, and waiting list annual report provisions; children's long-term support redesign pilot program  - SB74
DHFS transfer of residents in one state center for the developmentally disabled to another state center: county approval requirement eliminated [Sec. 1495, 1496, 1498, 1499; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, elimination of county approvals removed, 10r, 1496c, 1499b] - SB44
DHFS transfer of residents of a center for the developmentally disabled: guardian approval required; Northern Center for the Developmentally Disabled provision  - AB631
Family Care eligibility standardized with respect to persons with disabilities; DHFS to assess feasibility of expanding [Sec. 1133, 1136-1139, 1141, 9124 (7); S.Sub.Amdt.1: feasibility of expansion removed, deletes 9124 (7)]  - SB44
Family Care entitlement for non-MA eligible persons [Sec. 1140] -  SB44
Food stamp administrative contract costs: funding revised [Sec. 455, 461, 463; S.Sub.Amdt.1: elimination of food stamp retailer fee prohibited, 1450m] -  SB44
General fund balance equal to lapse under MA trust fund [Sec. 280-283, 9101 (8), 9224 (1), (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: MA provision removed, deletes 9101 (8), 9224 (1), (2)]  - SB44
Graduate medical education costs: DHFS to fund re MA program benefits appropriation [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9124 (12q)] -  SB44
Human and social services system funding: DHFS committee to consider goals and develop recommendations on restructure of; report required [Sec. 9124 (9); original bill only]  - SB44
Inpatient health care facility fee revenues: use of funds [Sec. 457] -  SB44
Intensive treatment services at state centers for the developmentally disabled revised [Sec. 448, 1115, 1486-1489, 1491-1494, 1497, 1502, 1503, 9324 (12)] -  SB44
Licensed beds of nursing facilities: assessments expanded [Sec. 866, 1476-1481, 9124 (3), 9324 (4); S.Sub.Amdt.1: waiver request, report on exemption for private-pay residents, 1333d, 9124 (11k)-(11pd), 9424 (7), (11pd)]  - SB44
MA administrative funds claiming and income augmentation activities [Sec. 1154-1157; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 1154d, e, 1156d, 1157b, 9124 (9c), 9224 (2c), 9424 (10c), deletes 1154, 1156] -  SB44
MA benefits and financing and federal funding reports by DHFS [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9124 (10f), (11f)]  - SB44
MA costs re nurse stipends: payment of state share from veterans trust fund [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 465m]  - SB44
MA funds transferred to COP under certain conditions; report revisions -  AB930
MA managed care waiver request [Sec. 9124 (4)] -  SB44
MA recipient services by counties: deficit reduction benefit made inapplicable; return of certain moneys to DHFS [Sec. 1360, 1361, 9124 (8)] -  SB44
MA recipients who receive SSI: DHFS duties re managed care plans [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1312n] - SB44
MA supplemental payments to hospitals and specification for amount of payments to critical access hospitals eliminated [Sec. 1317-1319; S.Sub.Amdt.1: elimination of MA rural hospital supplements removed, deletes 1317, 1319]  - SB44
Medicare acceptance of assignment information program eliminated [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1583g, 2061s, 2521m, 2551h, 2554k, 2574h] -  SB44
Mental health and AODA managed care demonstration projects in up to six counties [Sec. 473, 474, 9124 (2), 9424 (2)] - SB44
Nursing home regulations revised re appeals, forfeitures and assessments, conditional licenses, admissions, and suspension or revocation of licensure -  AB842
Nursing home residents relocation to community-based long-term care [Sec. 467, 1116-1122, 1124-1129, 9424 (3), (4); original bill only] -  SB44
Nursing home surveyor positions reduced [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1466d] -  SB44
Nursing homes not primarily serving the developmentally disabled: minimum staffing requirements revised re ratios; DHFS reports required; LAB duty specified  - AB192
Psychosocial services provided by community-based program eliminated as MA benefit [Sec. 1382, 1403; S.Sub.Amdt.1: service coverage continued, emergency rules provision, 1382c, e, 9124 (10m), deletes 1382, 1403] - SB44
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - AB401
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - SB192
RSVP eliminated [Sec. 1172-1175; S.Sub.Amdt.1: program restored, minimum volunteer age lowered to 55, deletes 1175] - SB44
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - AB343
Special education transition services and vocational opportunities available in counties: DPI, DWD, and DHFS to establish clearinghouse of information; Internet provision  - SB163
State centers for the developmentally disabled: DHFS to create task force to develop a plan regarding  - SB73
State property sale or lease provisions; net proceeds deposited in budget stabilization fund; DHFS authority re Northern Center for the Developmentally Disabled; DOA secretary to review Sec. 26, 209, 447, 861, 1490, 9101 (6); S.Sub.Amdt.1: provision re Northern Center employee or position transfers added, review removed, 1490c, deletes 9101 (6)]  - SB44
Vocational rehabilitation appropriation changes in DWD; use of vending machine proceeds to fund DHFS teaching program for blind and visually impaired eliminated [Sec. 476, 477, 527-532, 1184-1187, 9101 (7), 9159 (8)]  - SB44
health care liabilityHealth care liability, see Medical malpractice
health maintenance organization _hmo_Health maintenance organization (HMO), see Medical practice, Group
hearing instrument specialistHearing instrument specialist, see Trades and occupations
hearings and appeals, division ofHearings and appeals, Division of
Substance abuse treatment as an alternative to prosecution or incarceration for certain alcohol or drug-related offenses; drug treatment as an alternative to revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision; county development of substance abuse treatment programs; funding provision  - SB550
Waste Facility Siting Board: authority to appoint executive director eliminated; Division of Hearings and Appeals to provide staff [Sec. 93, 94, 2401, 2475; original bill only] - SB44
helicopterHelicopter, see Aviation