College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  AB741
College savings program: income tax deduction expanded to include contributions to qualified tuition program (section 529 plan) of any state -  SB346
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction claimed by divorced or legally separated parent allowed and deduction limited for married couple who file separately -  SB217
College tuition and expenses program and college savings program: income tax deduction created for contributions made by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the beneficiary  - AB209
Farm property: computing expense deductions and amortization and depreciation for income and franchise tax purposes revised - AB781
Gambling losses included in calculation of the individual income tax deduction credit -  AB787
Health savings account: individual income tax credit created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, income and franchise tax deductions and penalties re Internal Revenue Code, tax credit removed] -  SB568
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB775
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - AB815
Health savings account: state income and franchise tax deductions re Internal Revenue Code - SB409
Human organ donation from living donor: individual income tax subtract modification for certain expenses created [A.Amdt.1: donation from dependent provision added]  - AB477
Income and franchise taxes: Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-121); individual income tax exemption created re certain pay received by reserve component of the armed forces called to active service -  AB807
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - AB964
Interest on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA and used for information technology purchases by a health facility: individual and corporate income tax exemption created  - SB507
Jury service: individual income tax subtract modification created -  AB171
Long-term care expenses account established and individual income tax exemption authorized - AB138
Medical care insurance paid by certain persons: individual income tax deduction created -  AB290
Pension payments: individual income tax exemption for certain amount created -  SB453
Personal individual income tax exemption revision re persons age 70 or 75 -  SB47
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  AB336
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  SB160
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -  AB167
Social security benefits exempt from individual income tax -  SB367
Unemployment compensation benefits exempt from taxation -  SB301
Volunteer firefighter income exempt from income tax -  AB764
WHEDA bonds or notes: individual and corporate income tax re multifamily and elderly housing projects created; cultural and architectural landmark exemption repealed [A.Amdt.1: repayment to general fund provision] - AB98
WHEFA bonds: individual and corporate income tax exemptions created; educational institution definition expanded to include Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -  AB205
income tax _ rateIncome tax — Rate
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR17
Tax increase in certain cases: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR15
income tax _ refundIncome tax — Refund
County or municipality may certify any non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, judgment and notice provisions] -  AB613
County or municipality may certify any non-property tax-related debt over $20.00 to DOR to collect from debtor's tax refund -  SB540
Delinquent job access loan repayment: setoff against income tax refund provided [Sec. 510, 1225, 1451, 1452, 1454, 1456, 1457, 1459, 1604] -  SB44
Elector approval for certain taxing, spending, and bonding decisions; establishment of emergency fund and budget stabilization fund required; refund re excess revenue provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR55
Elector approval for certain taxing, spending, and bonding decisions; establishment of emergency fund and budget stabilization fund required; refund re excess revenue provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR56
income tax _ returnIncome tax — Return
Breast cancer research program and grant created and individual income tax checkoff procedure [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants specifically awarded to Medical College of Wisconsin and U.W. Comprehensive Cancer Center, reports required] -  AB351
Children's trust fund: income tax check-off procedure created; CANPB grant provision -  SB427
Tax revisions re DOR authority to reduce taxes, liability of spouses filing a joint income tax return, extension to file annual reconciliation report, qualified retirement fund, sales or use tax refunded to or erroneously collected by seller, interest on estate taxes, mailing tax-related document or payment, filing fee for redetermination of earned income tax credit  - AB927
indian gaming and compactsIndian gaming and compacts
American Indian grant funding for veterans; benefits coordinator position provided [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 564d, f, t, v, 610n, q, 846m, 1089m] -  SB44
Compulsive gambling program for African Americans and persons of Southeast Asian origin: grants from Indian gaming receipts [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 492g, 614g, 1857m] -  SB44
Compulsive gambling program for African Americans and persons of Southeast Asian origin: grants from Indian gaming receipts -  SB251
Gaming compact amendments: DOA to report on expenditures re expanded responsibilities of the Office of Indian gaming [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (12d)] - SB44
Gaming revenues and snowmobile aids [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 404c, 604m, 2608m] [604m renumbered 609k]  - SB44
Gaming revenues transfer to conservation fund [Sec. 9238 (3)] - SB44
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit proposal to legislature for approval -  SB41
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision  - AB998
Indian gaming compacts: Governor must submit to JCLO which, if approved, will be introduced as a bill for approval by the legislature; closed session provision  - SB569
Indian gaming compacts: Governor shall meet periodically with JCLO; exemption from open meetings law  - AB703
Indian gaming compacts: prohibitive terms specified; joint resolution provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, agreements between tribe or band and local governments re certain services and reimbursements provision added]  - AB144
Indian gaming compacts: prohibitive terms specified; joint resolution provision -  SB62
Indian gaming compacts: WC insurance and UI law requirements for approval -  SB67
Indian gaming establishment located on off-reservation lands proposal: advisory siting commission created to make recommendations to the Governor -  AB905
Indian gaming revenue funding for Arts board and for grants to American Indian art projects: funding repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 302h, 606k, 1034s, t] -  SB44
Indian gaming revenue use for coaster brook trout activities: funding repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 398m, 609j]  - SB44
Local revenue sharing from Indian gaming compact receipts; local boards to be created [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 615m, r, 1531m] - SB44
Manufacturing extension center grant program repealed; Indian gaming receipts reallocated to conservation fund [Sec. 293, 294, 606, 608, 2624, 2627, 2628; S.Sub.Amdt.1: program restored, funding provision, 292f, 2624d, deletes 2624, 2627] - SB44
Minority health grants from Indian gaming revenue revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2059g] -  SB44
Special order of business for March 12, 2003 established re AB-144 -  AR5
Tribal gaming allocation credit to PR accounts; excess to general fund [Sec. 605, 2633, 2634; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2633m, deletes 2633, 2634] -  SB44
Tribal gaming revenue use for identification of certain American Indian grave sites and publication of regional history: Historical society funding repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 346m, n, 615e, f] - SB44
Wild crane crop damage study re Indian gaming revenues: obsolete appropriation repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 398r, 609m] - SB44
Work-based learning programs: appropriation from Indian gaming receipts to TCS Board increased  - AB773
Alternative schools operating American Indian language and culture education: aid program eliminated [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 351m, 610m, 1998g] -  SB44
Cigarette tax refunds to Indian tribes: percentage reduced [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2057m] -  SB44
County-tribal law enforcement appropriations revised, grant programs consolidated; tribal law enforcement grant program funded out of same appropriation [Sec. 224, 226-229, 558, 559, 590, 591, 611-613, 1527, 2109, 2110, 9132 (1); original bill only] -  SB44
Delinquent act allegedly committed by an American Indian juvenile while outside the boundaries of the reservation or off-reservation trust land because of certain tribal court order: process for consultation established - AB402
Delinquent act allegedly committed by an American Indian juvenile while outside the boundaries of the reservation or off-reservation trust land because of certain tribal court order: process for consultation established - SB193
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent duty specified -  AB357
Indian gaming revenue funding for Arts board and for grants to American Indian art projects: funding repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 302h, 606k, 1034s, t] -  SB44
Indian student assistance grant: maximum amount increased and tribal matching contributions eliminated  - AB422
Indian tribes and bands and state executive branch agencies: Governor encouraged to develop and implement a consultation policy -  AJR40
Municipal revenue sharing agreement: county may enter into with another county, municipality, or federally recognized American Indian tribe or band -  SB458
Native American culture education grant to Beloit College eliminated [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 351g, 610g, 1995h]  - SB44
Public Health Council created; reimbursement for quarantine costs; intrastate emergency management mutual aid; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability; intentionally making a false threat to release a harmful substance prohibited [for further revisions, see entry under ``Public health"] -  SB120
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - AB401
Rehabilitation reviews for persons otherwise not permitted to be employed at, contract with, or reside at certain care facilities: tribal authority to conduct; report and registry revisions - SB192
Revenue sharing agreement: county may enter into with another county, a municipality, or a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band -  AB901
Sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands: state recognition affirmed; state agencies and departments provision -  AJR37
Sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands: state recognition affirmed; state agencies and departments provision -  SJR36
Special counselors for American Indian pupils: grants eliminated [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 351j, 610c, 1995d]  - SB44
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway" [S.Amdt.1: contributions required]  - SB46
Tribal gaming revenue use for identification of certain American Indian grave sites and publication of regional history: Historical society funding repealed [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 346m, n, 615e, f] - SB44
Tribal impact statements required for certain bills; LRB provision -  AB399
Tribal impact statements required for certain bills; LRB provision -  SB190
Wisconsin Tribal-State Council created in DOA -  AB398