Development opportunity zone revision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2628c, 9345 (2f)] -  SB44
Development Zone Program and Enterprise Development Zone Program revisions re tax credits - AB722
Economic development programs available in this state: Comm.Dept to create Web site re information concerning; chambers of commerce provision - AB880
Economic development programs available in this state: Comm.Dept to create Web site re information concerning; chambers of commerce provision - SB501
Economic development programs available in this state: LAB required to study -  AB879
Economic development programs available in this state: LAB required to study -  SB502
Electricity and fuel sold for use in manufacturing tangible property: carry forward of income or franchise tax credit re sales and use taxes modified [A.Amdt.1: allowing refunds for certain development zones and technology zones tax credits added] - AB508
Forest cropland or managed forest land programs: withdrawn land located in the Town of Rome not subject to property tax or withdrawal tax if used for economic development  - SB517
IDB certification, filing, notice, and bidding requirements revised -  AB523
``Industrial development project" definition expanded -  AB151
``Industrial development project" definition expanded -  SB69
Local youth apprenticeship grants increased for health care and technology training -  AB987
Manufacturing Competitiveness Grant Program created and administered by the Manufacturing Competitiveness Board, attached to Comm.Dept; TCS Board provision  - AB712
Manufacturing Competitiveness Grant Program created and administered by the Manufacturing Competitiveness Board, attached to Comm.Dept; TCS Board provision  - SB319
Manufacturing extension center grant program repealed; Indian gaming receipts reallocated to conservation fund [Sec. 293, 294, 606, 608, 2624, 2627, 2628; S.Sub.Amdt.1: program restored, funding provision, 292f, 2624d, deletes 2624, 2627] - SB44
Manufacturing extension center grants funding increased [A.Amdt.1: Wisconsin Development Fund provision]  - AB859
Manufacturing extension center grants: funding increased; technology-based nonprofit organization provision  - SB460
President Bush's 2002 economic growth and tax relief plan: Wisconsin representatives and senators requested to support and vote to enact -  SJR16
Recycling fund transfers to the general fund [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]  - SB44
Renewable resource and tangible personal property that uses a renewable resource: sales tax exemption created; technology development grants or loans for research, development, or commercialization activities related to  - AB873
Renewable resource and tangible personal property that uses a renewable resource: sales tax exemption created; technology development grants or loans for research, development, or commercialization activities related to  - SB500
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-859 -  AR38
Sustainable urban development zone grant program re brownfields repealed [Sec. 408, 2479] - SB44
Tax credit carry forward provisions for businesses extended re certain income and franchise taxes  - AB704
Technology commercialization grant and loan program created - AB705
Technology zone tax credit calculation method revised; certification of business and ``full-time job" provisions [A.Amdt.1: ``full-time job" provision removed]  - AB520
Technology zone tax credit calculation method revised; certification of business and ``full-time job" provisions  - SB248
Technology zone tax credit: partner of a partnership, LLC member, and shareholder of certain corporation may claim  - AB298
Technology zone tax credit: partner of a partnership, LLC member, and shareholder of certain corporation may claim  - AB299
Technology zone tax credit: partner of a partnership, LLC member, and shareholder of certain corporation may claim  - SB174
industrial development revenue bonds _idb_Industrial development revenue bonds (IDB), see Industrial development
information system or technologyInformation system or technology, see Data processing
inheritance taxInheritance tax, see Estate tax
injured patients and families compensation fundInjured patients and families compensation fund, see Medical malpractice
inland lake managementInland lake management, see Lakes
Autopsy record confidentiality; photograph provision -  AB448
insecticideInsecticide, see Pests
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  AB681
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB316
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB320
Insurance policy: insurer may not cancel or refuse to issue or renew on the basis that the person is not insured under another policy issued by the insurer -  SB332
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income -  AB413
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income -  SB197
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: option to choose prior to scheduled date in 2003 WisAct 37 re certain net gain of employees -  SB450
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: 2003 WisAct 37 provisions repealed; property and payroll factors reinstated -  AB974
Single sales factor apportionment of corporate income: 2003 WisAct 37 provisions repealed; property and payroll factors reinstated -  SB532
Unclaimed property re insurance company reorganization, conversion, or transformation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2120n-s, 9154 (2q)] -  SB44
insurance _ agentInsurance — Agent
GIB health care coverage plan purchase by certain individuals permitted under specific conditions, insurance agent provision; PEHCCB must combine one plan with a GIB plan  - AB312
Insurance agent disclosure requirement re applicant's or insured's personally identifying information supplied to or retrieved from national or statewide database  - AB578
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  AB681
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB316
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB320
insurance _ commissioner, office ofInsurance — Commissioner, Office of
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  AB486
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
Appropriations from certain agencies lapsed to general fund [Sec. 9260 (1)] -  SB44
Badger Care program: health insurance coverage for low-income child care workers -  AB965
Defined network plans submission of quality assurance plan: requirement revised -  SB515
Health benefit purchasing cooperative pilot project authorized; reports required -  AB447
Health benefit purchasing cooperative pilot project authorized; reports required [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``defined network plan" references removed] - SB204
Health care provider availability and cost control fund created; funds transferred from patient's compensation fund; MA provision [Sec. 299, 454, 464, 829, 837, 841, 1130, 2652-2657, 9228 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes all sections except 454]  - SB44
Health insurance plans and other benefits offered to local government employees: collective bargaining revisions, health insurance plan study, long-term care insurance, interagency task force on bulk purchasing of prescription drugs, solicitation of health insurance bids, and health claims experience  - AB304
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  AB681
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB316
Insurance law revisions re annuity transaction recommendations to senior customers, insurance security fund, town mutuals, minimum nonforfeiture amount, and committees; OCI provisions; chap.641 repealed -  SB320
OCI repayment of loan to general fund not required [Sec. 632, 669, 1027, 1028, 2642, 9160 (2)] - SB44
Public officer's bond for OCI commissioner and employees: requirement eliminated [Sec. 2641]  - SB44
Self-funded employer groups for providing health care coverage authorized; reports required; exemption from insurance regulation; OCI, LAB, and chamber of commerce provisions - AB814
Vehicle protection product warranty: regulations established; insurance provisions of the statutes do not apply; OCI duties - AB862
Vehicle protection product warranty: regulations established; insurance provisions of the statutes do not apply; OCI duties - SB446
Badger Care and MA program income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted  - AB129
Badger Care and MA program income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted  - AB995
Badger Care income limits: depreciation of farm equipment exempted -  AB166
Badger Care program: health insurance coverage for low-income child care workers -  AB965
Cost sharing and drug copayment under MA and Badger Care; DHFS cost-sharing schedule repealed [Sec. 460, 1373-1376, 1419-1422, 9324 (15), (16), 9424 (9)]  - SB44
County identification of MA applicants and recipients having other health insurance: DHFS incentive payments eliminated [Sec. 1314] -  SB44
``Cover the Uninsured Week" declared March 10-16, 2003 -  AJR26
Diabetes treatment: health insurance required to cover prescription medications in addition to insulin, exceptions provided - AB362
Drugs for the treatment of cancer: health care plans required to cover -  AB364
Extraordinary session (May 2004): revival of AB-290 for further consideration -  AJR88
GIB may permit private sector employers to enroll employees in health care coverage plan offered to state or local government employees; purchasing pool arrangement provision  - AB960
Group health benefit plan definition revised -  AB685
Group health benefit plan definition revised -  SB322