Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  AB475
Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  SB233
Motor vehicle fuel sales exemption re Unfair Sales Act revised -  AB415
Motorboat operation: person 16 years of age or older and born after certain date must complete a boating safety course - AB790
Nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law: report requirements revised (reenacts changes made by 2001 WisAct 109) -  AB119
Out-of-state motor vehicle operator's license surrendered prior to issuance of a Wisconsin license: DOT to destroy the license and report to the issuing jurisdiction  - AB822
Out-of-state motor vehicle operator's license surrendered prior to issuance of a Wisconsin license: DOT to destroy the license and report to the issuing jurisdiction  - SB448
Photograph for driver's license or ID card: DOT authorized to release to other state or federal law enforcement agencies - AB65
Photograph for driver's license or ID card: DOT authorized to release to other state or federal law enforcement agencies - SB33
Prisoners confined in another state: contract may provide that certain laws of that state do not apply [Sec. 2491; original bill only] -  SB44
School bus endorsement and operator of school van or temporary school vehicle: criminal history requirements modified and additional requirements imposed; fees, nonresident operators, penalties, and emergency rule provisions; DOT, DPI, and LC duties specified; studies and reports required  - AB742
School bus endorsement and operator of school van or temporary school vehicle: criminal history requirements modified and additional requirements imposed; fees, nonresident operators, penalties, and emergency rule provisions; DOT, DPI, and LC duties specified; studies and reports required  - SB350
Summons by certain nonresidents permitted -  AB568
Transmission company with the duty to provide electric transmission service in this state: withdrawing from the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and power and duties after; PSC provision -  AB394
Transmission company with the duty to provide electric transmission service in this state: withdrawing from the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and power and duties after; PSC provision -  SB194
Vehicles or combinations transporting loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border re annual or consecutive month permit for oversize or overweight load: area extended to USH 2 in Iron and Ashland counties re certain forest products; appendix report by DOT -  AB794
Vehicles or combinations transporting loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border re annual or consecutive month permit for oversize or overweight load: area extended to USH 2 in Iron and Ashland counties re certain forest products; appendix report by DOT -  SB423
intrastate relationsIntrastate relations, see also Reciprocity
Dog licensing: certain intergovernmental commission organized to provide animal control services may issue; funding and damages provisions -  SB97
Health insurance plans and other benefits offered to local government employees: collective bargaining revisions, health insurance plan study, long-term care insurance, interagency task force on bulk purchasing of prescription drugs, solicitation of health insurance bids, and health claims experience  - AB304
Public Health Council created; reimbursement for quarantine costs; intrastate emergency management mutual aid; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability; intentionally making a false threat to release a harmful substance prohibited [for further revisions, see entry under ``Public health"] -  SB120
Pupil records and law enforcement agency's juvenile records: disclosure and confidentiality provisions modified; interagency agreement permitted -  AB709
State or local governmental body member may not be excluded from a meeting of a subunit of that body  - SB356
Wisconsin Tribal-State Council created in DOA -  AB398
Wisconsin Tribal-State Council created in DOA -  SB189
investment boardInvestment board
Attorney positions in executive branch agencies (other than U.W. System): vacancies deleted; salary and fringe benefits put in general fund; deletions to equal 31.0 positions [S.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (9x); S.Amdt.121: DETF and Investment board also excluded from requirements]  - SB44
BCPL may delegate investment authority to the Investment board [Sec. 646, 814, 816, 818, 820, 831-833, 836, 839, 840; original bill only] -  SB44
Investment Board revisions re annual report on investment goals and long-term investment strategies and contracting with outside investment advisors for certain investments  - AB740
Investment Board revisions re annual report on investment goals and long-term investment strategies and contracting with outside investment advisors for certain investments  - SB380
Special order of business for March 9, 2004 established re AB-857 -  AR37
Special order of business for March 10, 2004 established re AB-857 or SB-492 -  AR38
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - AB857
Uniform Prudent Investor Act replaces the prudent person rule - SB492
Venture capital annuity option created for WRS participants -  AB537
Venture capital annuity option created for WRS participants -  SB260
Wisconsin Family Investment and Retirement Stability Trust Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses - AB875
Wisconsin Family Investment and Retirement Stability Trust Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses - SB528
Wisconsin Voluntary Investment Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses  - AB874
Wisconsin Voluntary Investment Program created and administered by the Investment Board for individuals employed in the private sector by certain businesses  - SB529
investment companyInvestment company, see Trust fund
iron countyIron county
Vehicles or combinations transporting loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border re annual or consecutive month permit for oversize or overweight load: area extended to USH 2 in Iron and Ashland counties re certain forest products; appendix report by DOT -  AB794
Vehicles or combinations transporting loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border re annual or consecutive month permit for oversize or overweight load: area extended to USH 2 in Iron and Ashland counties re certain forest products; appendix report by DOT -  SB423
j - J -
Circuit court allowed to reduce unpaid forfeiture by time served in jail -  AB661
Competency examination ordered by court: releasing report to sheriff, jailer, and certain health care providers  - SB131
County jails: detention of certain persons from border states under set conditions allowed -  AB390
County jails: detention of certain persons from Michigan under set conditions allowed [A.Amdt.1: provision re person sentenced to state prison in Michigan; deleted by S.Amdt.1] - AB252
County jails: detention of certain persons from Michigan under set conditions allowed -  SB98
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - AB451
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: requiring overtime without worker's consent prohibited; definition and employment discrimination provisions  - SB177
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  AB53
Incarceration costs: city, village, or town may seek reimbursement from prisoner -  SB23
Jail prisoner classification system re housing assignments, supervision, services, and programs established  - AB324
Notice re ineligibility to vote: court and Corr.Dept requirements created [S.Amdt.1: resumed eligibility and notice re resumed eligibility added] -  AB120
Prisoner confinement in county jails [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2491g] -  SB44
Probation for second or third OWI-related offense permitted; good-time credit for time served in jail as a condition of probation eliminated -  AB713
Sexual activity between correctional officers or certain individuals and persons serving a sentence or on probation, parole, or extended supervision prohibited; penalties provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``correctional officer" changed to ``correctional staff member"]  - AB51
Sexual activity between correctional officers or certain individuals and persons serving a sentence or on probation, parole, or extended supervision prohibited; penalties provided  - SB32
jerabek, ryan mJerabek, Ryan M.
Life and military service commended -  SJR75
jips _juvenile in need of protection or services_JIPS (Juvenile in need of protection or services), see Juvenile court
joint custodyJoint custody, see Divorce
joint legislative councilJoint legislative council
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - AB250
Child support: calculation method changed, revision order modifications, and child's health care expenses provision; DWD to prepare computer software; JLC to appoint a child support review committee, report required - SB156
Coakley, Pat: public service commended upon her retirement from the JLC -  SJR54
Habermann, Philip S.: life and public service -  SJR31