mandates to state governmentsMandates to state governments, see Federal-state relations
manufactured homeManufactured home, see Housing
manufacturing property taxManufacturing property tax, see Property tax
manureManure, see Fertilizer
maple sugar or syrupMaple sugar or syrup, see Food
Real property purchased with stewardship money: DNR required to create a mapping tool on its website; public access to the land and signage requirements  - SB394
Town official map provisions revised; county development plan and city or village master plan provisions  - AB340
Town official map provisions revised; county development plan and city or village master plan provisions  - SB110
marchant, robert jMarchant, Robert J.
Notification to Assembly and Governor of election as Senate Chief Clerk -  SR25
marijuanaMarijuana, see Drugs
marinaMarina, see Boat
marinette countyMarinette county
Referendum to exceed operating levy rate limit: Marinette County may specify use of generated revenues  - AB45
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges [A.Amdt.1: locations specified, trail conditions; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: locations narrowed] -  AB530
markham, williamMarkham, William
Gallantry in action and the honor of the Silver Star recognized  - SJR44
Gallantry in action and the honor of the Silver Star recognized  - SR16
marquette dental schoolMarquette dental school
Dental education student aid, cap on number of residents receiving aid, and cap on tuition: provisions eliminated [Sec. 314, 994; original bill only] -  SB44
Dental school tuition aid: capitation amount specified; number of eligible students limited; tuition may not exceed certain amount [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 314d] - SB44
marquette universityMarquette University
Crean, Tom: Marquette University men's basketball head coach commended for achievements -  AJR24
Marquette University men's basketball team: 2002-03 season accomplishments and Conference USA championship commended -  SJR28
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created -  AB955
Domestic violence: portion of marriage license fee and increase in domestic abuse assessment to fund services related to - AB341
Guardian of married ward: waiving requirement of annual accounting of ward's estate under certain conditions  - AB834
Guardian of married ward: waiving requirement of annual accounting of ward's estate under certain conditions  - SB469
Marriage as a civil contract between two people of the same or opposite sex permitted; ``husband" and ``wife" changed to ``spouse" -  AB992
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR66
Marriage between one man and one woman only shall be valid or recognized; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR63
Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  AB475
Marriage defined as civil contract between one man and one woman -  SB233
Special orders of business for March 4, 2004 established re AJR-66, AB-516, AB-598, AB-629, AB-836, AB-847, SB-8, SB-272 -  AR35
Spousal impoverishment under the MA program: laws revised [Sec. 1394-1400; original bill only]  - SB44
Underage person at least 18 years of age and accompanied by parent, guardian, or spouse of legal drinking age: possessing, consuming, or being provided alcohol beverages permitted - AB335
maternal and infant careMaternal and infant care
APPPS board, grant program, and services eliminated [Sec. 92, 444, 587, 736, 737, 1179, 1183, 1484, 1715, 2725]  - SB44
Breast-milk collection and storage: income and franchise tax credit for businesses that provide facility for employees - SB263
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  AB798
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -  SB399
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded re health care provider refusal to participate in certain activities; power of attorney for health care instruments and patient declarations; exemption from liability; civil action and examining boards provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, patient declaration provision replaced with ``conscience rights notification"; S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions]  - AB67
``Live birth" and ``born alive" defined; legal status and legal rights provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, ``born alive" removed; A.Amdt.2: ``breathes" defined]  - AB372
``Live birth" and ``born alive" defined; legal status and legal rights provisions -  SB195
Newborn umbilical cord blood: provisions for donation of created -  AB786
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day proclaimed October 15, 2003 -  AJR33
Wrongful birth or wrongful life action: recovery of damages - SB27
mazomanie, town ofMazomanie, Town of, see Dane county
mccool, william cMcCool, William C.
Columbia space shuttle astronauts: lives honored and condolences extended at their deaths - AJR20
medical assistanceMedical assistance
Appropriation revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  JR3 SB1
Badger Care and MA program income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted  - AB129
Badger Care and MA program income limits: depreciation re farm and self-employment income exempted  - AB995
Chronic disease aids program: cost control provisions [Sec. 1423-1426, 1428-1431, 1433, 1437, 9324 (2)]  - SB44
Chronic disease aids program revisions re certain percent of family income, drug copayment, and sliding scale of patient liability [Sec. 1432, 1434, 1435] - SB44
CIP II funding for eligible persons relocated from facilities to the community; delicensure of a nursing home bed not required - AB995
CIP II funding for home and community-based services to an MA-eligible person relocated from a nursing home facility to the community authorized -  AB920
CIP II enhanced rate for persons relocated from nursing homes [Sec. 1123] -  SB44
Community aids funding: federal MA funds included [Sec. 478, 1144] -  SB44
Community aids program and MA funding revisions; DHFS, community services deficit reduction benefit, and MA trust fund provisions; act is void under certain conditions  - AB996
Community aids program and MA funding revisions; DHFS, community services deficit reduction benefit, and MA trust fund provisions; act is void under certain conditions  - SB567
Cost sharing and drug copayment under MA and Badger Care; DHFS cost-sharing schedule repealed [Sec. 460, 1373-1376, 1419-1422, 9324 (15), (16), 9424 (9)]  - SB44
County identification of MA applicants and recipients having other health insurance: DHFS incentive payments eliminated [Sec. 1314] -  SB44
Developmental disabilities services administration and funding, council membership, and waiting list annual report provisions; children's long-term support redesign pilot program  - SB74
DHFS fiscal intermediary for MA: separate unit for processing claims for dental services required  - AB995
Family Care entitlement for non-MA eligible persons [Sec. 1140] -  SB44
Family planning demonstration project re MA: minimum age requirement increased -  AB383
Family planning demonstration project re MA: minimum age requirement increased -  AB634
Family planning demonstration project re MA: minimum age requirement increased -  SB186
Family planning demonstration project re MA: minimum age requirement increased -  SB308
General fund balance equal to lapse under MA trust fund [Sec. 280-283, 9101 (8), 9224 (1), (2); S.Sub.Amdt.1: MA provision removed, deletes 9101 (8), 9224 (1), (2)]  - SB44
Graduate medical education costs: DHFS to fund re MA program benefits appropriation [S.Amdt.121 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9124 (12q)] -  SB44
Guardian for certain CHIPS: requirements modified and monthly subsidized payments provided; TPR, W-2, and MA provisions; DHFS to seek certain waiver  - SB488
Health care provider availability and cost control fund created; funds transferred from patient's compensation fund; MA provision [Sec. 299, 454, 464, 829, 837, 841, 1130, 2652-2657, 9228 (1); S.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes all sections except 454]  - SB44
Health care provider service rates and insurer health care services reimbursement rates re MA: DHFS to post certain MA information on its website and may post certain information that providers and insurers are required to report  - AB895
Health insurance immediate enrollment re Badger Care and MA; waiver provision [Sec. 1414-1417, 2651, 9324 (1)]  - SB44
HMO provider assessment to be collected by DHFS, deposit in MA trust fund; moneys distributed to HMOs serving MA and Badger Care recipients [Sec. 469, 867, 1312, 1370, 1418, 9324 (14); original bill only] -  SB44
Hospital reimbursement or payment for allowable MA services or commodities: DHFS required to develop, implement, and update methods for -  SB530